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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Aww, thanks for all the comments, its great to get nice feedback, makes me wanna wirte more! :D

Here's the next chapter, its only short, but the one after will be longer, hope you like it :)

Chapter 38.

It was becoming quite dark, as Aden and Belle continued on their road trip, Belle was fast asleep, he head tilted back on the side of the head rest. Aden noticing she looked uncomfortable, with one hand lifted her head back onto the head rest, managing not to wake her.

As Aden pulled into the car park, Belle began to stir, rubbing her eyes.

“Where are we?” she asked sleepily, “That was more than half an hour”

“Yeah I know, I lied.” Aden replied grinning.

Belle opened her mouth to protest, but Aden stopped her.

“Shhhhh” Aden replied, ‘I’ll be right back, stay here” he told her as he got out of the car and locked the door.

After several minutes Aden was back, holding what looked like a set of keycards. He went around Belle’s side of the car and opened the door for her.

“Come on sleeping beauty, let go” he directed as he grabbed their bags from the car.

They entered the lobby of what looked like a fancy hotel.

“You brought me to a hotel?” she asked, slightly bemused.

“Not just a hotel, a holiday resort on the Gold Coast” he pointed, out the window and sure enough, even thought it was dark, the dark blue ocean was still visible.

“We are in the Gold Coast?” she asked visibly confused.

“Well, generally when you drive on the highway towards the Gold Coast, that’s where you end up” he explained.

“But on the map it-“

“I hate to break it to you, but your map reading skills suck” Aden remarked.

“But I-“

“What you were looking at was a map of Sydney, we left Sydney hours ago, we have been driving all day, 10 hours to be exact, you didn’t think we would still be in New South Wales?” Aden asked, slightly amused by Belle’s lack of coordination.


“A bit more comfortable than a tent or an abandoned barn?” he asked.

“Ah yeah, you are unbelievable!” she exclaimed.

“It’s been known to happen… come on I’ve already checked in, let go check out our joint” he said as he pointed towards the elevator.

As they entered their room Aden set down their bags on the coffee table as Belle drew the curtains, to check out the view.

“Wow, look at that view!” Belle exclaimed now fully awake, looking at the beach from the balcony.

“This is incredible! I can’t believe we are actually here, you drove all the way to the Gold Coast!!” Belle said, unable to contain her excitement.

“Well, if we’re going to go on a holiday, it might as well be in style, besides, after being stuck in an old shed for an entire day, I thought it might be nice to stay somewhere a little more comfortable, away from everybody.” Aden exclaimed as he put his arms around Belle’s waist.

“Thank you, so much” Belle said as she kissed him.

“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble though” she reminded him.

“I know, but I wanted too” he replied, kissing her back and pulling her back inside the room.

“And plus, we used to go on camping trips out in the bush with Dad, Sean and Justin when I was younger, and they weren’t exactly happy memories” he told her.

“Why what happened?” Belle asked, concerned as they sat down on the bed.

“Oh, nothing like that, Dad and Sean didn’t get along and were always fighting, not just the usual parent child fights, they were violent, this one time Sean completely rearranged Dad’s face…”Aden lamented.

“I’m so sorry Aden, I can’t imagine what it must have been like for you, having to deal with all that stuff when you were just a little kid” Belle began.

“It’s okay, that chapter of my life is over now” he said as he lay across the bed.

“And the next chapter?” Belle asked.

“The next chapter is pretty amazing” he replied as he pulled Belle closer to him.

“Go on” she insisted as she snuggled up to him.

“Well you see, there’s this girl, and she’s loud, forthright, no-nonsense type of girl, she speaks her mind, she stands out in the crowd and she couldn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks of her. But she’s also amazingly beautiful, incredibly kind, funny, intelligent and loyal. She’s the type of girl who guys dream about meeting, the type of girl who they would do anything for, the type of girl who takes your breath away, the type of girl who can make you smile when no one else can. And she happens to be my girl.”

Belle was unable to contain her smile, as she climbed on top of him.

“Who is this girl?” She asked.

Aden cupped her cheeks, “well, she’s lying on top of me” he whispered, pulling her in for a kiss.

“I take your breath away?” she asked.

“Yeah, you-“

“Shhhhh” Belle said as she pressed his lips shut, “don’t tell me, show me” she whispered as she rolled over onto her back pulling him up.

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“Well you see, there’s this girl, and she’s loud, forthright, no-nonsense type of girl, she speaks her mind, she stands out in the crowd and she couldn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks of her. But she’s also amazingly beautiful, incredibly kind, funny, intelligent and loyal. She’s the type of girl who guys dream about meeting, the type of girl who they would do anything for, the type of girl who takes your breath away, the type of girl who can make you smile when no one else can. And she happens to be my girl.”

Belle was unable to contain her smile, as she climbed on top of him.

“Who is this girl?” She asked.

Aden cupped her cheeks, “well, she’s lying on top of me” he whispered, pulling her in for a kiss.

“I take your breath away?” she asked.

“Yeah, you-“

“Shhhhh” Belle said as she pressed his lips shut, “don’t tell me, show me” she whispered as she rolled over onto her back pulling him up.

I..... awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :wub:


I just..... so awwwwwwwwwwwww :wub:

update soon

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