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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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“Well you see, there’s this girl, and she’s loud, forthright, no-nonsense type of girl, she speaks her mind, she stands out in the crowd and she couldn’t give a damn what anyone else thinks of her. But she’s also amazingly beautiful, incredibly kind, funny, intelligent and loyal. She’s the type of girl who guys dream about meeting, the type of girl who they would do anything for, the type of girl who takes your breath away, the type of girl who can make you smile when no one else can. And she happens to be my girl.”

I'm off to buy me an Aden :wub:

that was great :D

update soon :)

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Here's the next chappy :)

Thanks again for the lovey comment :D

Chapter 39.

The next day Belle and Aden awoke mid-afternoon after having spent most of the night up, to the sound of the ocean stirring peacefully outside.

Belle sat up slightly as she gathered her bearings, looking down at Aden who was still half asleep, his arms wrapped around her waist. As Belle attempted to move Aden held her back.

“Where are you going?” he asked sleepily as he pulled her back down next to him.

“Umm, to get dressed, we can go down to the beach and check out the sites, we’re in the Gold Coast!!” Belle explained, excitedly.

“There is a beach in Summer Bay…”he noted, still half asleep.

“Aden, we didn’t drive halfway up the country to spend the entire week in the hotel room!” she replied, releasing herself from Aden’s clutches.

“I thought that’s what you wanted, alone time” he retorted as he attempted to pull her back, but to no avail.

“Fine then, you can stay here, for some alone time, and I’m going to go out and see the place for myself” she replied as she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom.

Aden groaned, realizing she meant business, he dragged himself out of bed and followed her into the bathroom.

“Ah, do you mind? I’m about to have a shower!” Belle said in frustrated tone.

“Oh please, It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked before” he replied as he grabbed a toothbrush, squirting a glob of toothpaste on it,”and besides, you look good naked” he added grinning at her as he started to brush his teeth.

Belle rolled her eyes as she got into the shower, slamming the door shut behind her. Not wanting to upset her anymore, Aden decided to let Belle have run of the bathroom so he wandered down to the lobby to see what there was to do.

When Belle was fully dresses and ready to go, she left the bathroom to be greeted with an empty hotel room.

“Aden?” she called out as she checked to see if he was on the balcony. “Aden this is not funny, where are you?!”

Realising that he was gone, Belle sighed. Perhaps she shouldn’t have been too snappy with him, after all he had gone to all this trouble to do something special for her and opened up to her about more of his past, and she had blown it by being her usual impatient hot tempered self. Grabbing her phone, she rang him, but was frustrated to hear it ringing from the bedside table, he hadn’t taken his phone. Hoping he hadn’t wandered too far, Belle grabbed her bag and camera and headed down to the lobby in search of him.

When Belle reached the lobby she spotted Aden near the entrance, chatting up a pretty blonde girl, and even from the distance that stood between them, Belle could tell that she was flirting with him quite openly and Aden was enjoying the attention. Belle had never been in a situation where Aden had taken interest in someone else while they were together, so she was quite stunned by this as she approached them.

“Aden, what are you doing?” she asked him, glaring slightly.

“Oh so this is your girlfriend” the blonde said before Aden could reply, “she’s … cute”

Belle gave her a look which made the girl want to reevaluate her initial assessment.

“Ahh, this is Jess, a friendly local, she was just telling me what’s worth checking out in town, she offered to show us around” Aden explained, half amused and half frightened by Belle’s jealously.

“That’s very generous of you but we were planning on spending time together, just the two of us” Belle hinted as she turned to Aden looking less than impressed.

“I hope you’re feeling better” Jess chimed in, directed at Belle.

“Sorry?” Belle asked.

“Aden here was just telling me that you were in a bit of a foul one earlier…” she continued.

“I’m feeling much better thank you” Belle replied coolly, trying to keep a civil tongue.

Aden opened his mouth to speak, but Belle interrupted him, “Well it was nice to meet you Jess” she stated as she waved goodbye, her expression blunt and unwelcoming.

“You didn’t have to be so rude” Aden commented as Jess wondered off, looking back at Aden admiringly.

Belle raised her eyebrows, “Where do you get off telling complete strangers that I’m in a bad mood? And for the record, I wasn’t in a bad mood, you were just being a jerk” she said.

“You’re jealous” Aden commented, “Belle-“

“I’m not jealous Aden, I’m angry!” she interrupted him.

“I was just finding out what there is to do in this place, she was just being helpful. Anyway it was you who said you wanted to get out of the hotel and do something.” Aden pointed out defensively.

“Yeah, I bet she was being helpful, did you actually think that I would enjoy having a tour of this place by a ditzy blonde you have to hots for?” Belle retorted.

“Belle, I think you are overacting” Aden began.

“She called me ‘cute’” Belle exclaimed.

“Well you are cute” Aden replied, trying to get her onside.

“It’s not funny Aden” Belle replied.

“Okay okay, I’m sorry Belle, you know that I would never look at other girls like that, I seriously was just trying to find something fun to do, and she came up to me, not the other way around, you’re the only one I’m into” Aden apologized.

Belle sighed, ”I was out of line earlier, I shouldn’t have snapped at you”

“Apology accepted” Aden replied.

“It was more of an observation than an apology.” Belle commented as Aden scoffed.

“You’re not very good at the apology thing” Aden remarked.

“Well that’s because I don’t have a lot to be sorry for” Belle replied.

“Look, seeing as I’m already dressed, I’m going to head down to the beach, I wanted to take some seascape shots before the tide comes in, you go upstairs and shower and clean yourself up.” Belle directed.

“I am clean” Aden replied, pretending to offended.

“Aden you haven’t showered since yesterday morning,” Belle reminded him.

“Fine, I’ll meet you down there, don’t wander too far by yourself.” Aden said as he kissed her. “Be careful”

Belle grabbed her camera out of her bag as she headed down to the beach unaware that from a distance she was being watched.

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<_< you had me worried there for a minute with Jess, then i though you fixed it but nooo you had to leave it there didn't you <_<. hmph.

update soon?? i want to know who's watching Belle!

“I am clean” Aden replied, pretending to offended.

“Aden you haven’t showered since yesterday morning,” Belle reminded him.

love that,

boys definition of clean: no visible clumps of mud...

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I was kinda on a roll, procrustinating from doing an assignment, so I wrote another chapter :D

Chapter 40.

Belle had taken several shots of the beach, and happy with her photos she scanned up and down the beach to see if Aden was there. She was wondering why he was taking so long, but not wanting to nag him, or seem like a clingy girlfriend, she refrained from calling him.

However there was someone in the crowd that she recognized and was staring directly at her. Shocked, Belle stepped back. Tall, dark haired and shirtless Drew approached her, grinning.

“Hiya stranger” he greeted her, kissing her on the cheek leaving Belle looking quite taken aback.

“Drew, what are you doing here?” she asked still in shock.

“I could ask you the same thing, moreover, what are you doing here with Aden?” he added.

“You saw us?” she asked.

“Yeah, come on Taylor, out of all the guys you could have, Jefferies is your pick?”

“Yeah, he is” she replied confidently, “you still haven’t answered my question”

“Oh right, compulsory family holiday, Dad and Amanda wanted to get out here before the baby comes”

“Right” Belle replied slightly hurt that she wasn’t included, not that she would have gone, but it wouldn’t hurt Amanda to even try and include her in the family, Belle thought.

Drew reading Belle’s mind, gave her a sympathetic look, “I think she wanted to invite you, but didn’t have the guts to, not after her last visit to see you, she didn’t say anything about it, but she was really upset when she got back”

Belle gave him a skeptical look.

“Look, I know she hasn’t been a great mother to you, but for what it’s worth she does love you, she just doesn’t know how to express it” Drew explained.

“That is such a cop out” Belle commented,” look I’m happy for her, that she’s got her life sorted and everything, but I don’t really want anything to do with her, we are just too different”

Drew laughed at this, “You two are more alike than you think… you both have fiery tempers, you’re both as stubborn as each other, and when you get something in your head you refuse to see reason-“

“Yeah ok, I get the picture, we are both horrible people…” Belle retorted as she slumped down on the sand, Drew taking this as his invitation to join her.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, that’s one of the things I loved about you most, you’re passionate about things, violently so sometimes.” Drew commented, grinning.

Belle laughed, relieved that there was no longer any tension between them, also relieved that any feelings she had for him we long gone, he was more of a friend now than a boyfriend she thought.

“So you and Aden yeah?” Drew asked, “How did that happen?”

Belle grinned, “Trust me I was just as surprised as you are, who would have thought this time last year that I would be dating Aden Jefferies and you would be living in the city with Peter and Amanda”

Aden quickly had a shower and got dressed and as he headed out of the lobby onto the beach, he was in such a rush that he almost bumped into a pregnant lady.

Apologizing he had to do a double take to realize who it was.


“Aden? What are you doing here, is Belle ok?” Amanda asked, rubbing her belly.

“Yeah, she’s fine, we drove up here for the week…what are you doing here?” He asked.

“Oh, we are just on a family holiday, Peter and I thought it might be nice to spend some time with just Ryan and Drew before the baby comes and takes all our attention”

Aden scoffed, “Nice to see you included Belle in your little family holiday” he muttered.

“I wanted to invite her along, but I didn’t think she would come!” Amanda defended.

“Well I have to go, I’m meeting Belle down at the beach” he said as he excused himself.

“Oh, if you see Drew and Ryan down there can you tell them to come back to the hotel for lunch?” she asked, “And ask Belle if she would like to join us, the both of you”

“Yeah, I’ll ask her” Aden replied bluntly as he headed down to the beach, looking around for Belle.

Walking further down the beach he spotted Belle, her mulicoloured dress stood out in the crowd, however she was not alone. Walking closer, he spotted Drew seated next to her, laughing and chatting away, as if they were never broken up. Aden’s heart sank, a feeling of betrayal overwhelmed him. Naturally his first instinct was to confront the guy from moving in on his girlfriend, but he knew he would end up doing something he would regret, and plus this wasn’t any other guy this was Drew. They had history, two years of history, and Aden has only been with Belle a couple of months. After hesitating for a second, watching the both of them, Aden realized that Belle had completely forgotten about him, and with that thought he turned around and walked away.

“Where is he?!?” Belle exclaimed in an exasperated voice as she dialed his number again.

It had now been an hour since Belle was waiting for Aden with Drew.

“Maybe he saw us together and got the wrong idea” Drew suggested.

“If that was true, you would have a black eye by now” Belle commented, “Aden wouldn’t just walk away, he wouldn’t just leave me waiting like this”

“Maybe you miss-judged him, I mean how well do you really know the guy?” Drew began.

“I know him, better than anyone else” Belle replied.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Drew asked, intrigued.

“Nothing, I trust him, completely” Belle explained,” he would never do anything to hurt me, he’s different than any other guy I’ve known”

“Ouch!” Drew commented, feigning offence.

Belle rolled her eyes, ”Well, I’m going to go look for him, it was, it was nice catching up” she finally said.

“Take care of yourself Taylor, I’ll see you round” Drew said as he went off in the other direction.

As Belle was walking along the beach, texting away on her phone, she spotted Aden further up the beach walking in her direction, dragging his feet in the sand, he looked upset.

A feeling of guilt overwhelmed her, maybe Drew was right, he did see them together, she thought.

“Aden!! Aden wait up” she called as she sped up to meet him.

Aden looked up and spotted her walking towards him and he looked away.

“Aden, where have you been?!?! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” she exclaimed.

“I could ask you the same thing” he snapped back.

“Aden, if this is about Drew, it’s not what you think!” she explained.

“We just bumped into each other, he waited with me while I was waiting for you!” she continued.

“Well I did come to meet you, but you and Drew seemed to cozy to disturb, so I left the two of you in peace.” He replied, still not looking at her.

“We were just talking!” Belle defended, “he came up to me!”

“Do you have any idea how I felt when I saw you two together, it was only a couple hours ago you were giving me grief about talking to a random girl for like two seconds, and I come down to the beach to find you with your ex, laughing and carrying on like you were still a together, like I didn’t even exist” Aden said angrily.

“That’s not true” Belle replied, tears forming in her eyes.

“We were just talking, about Amanda and you actually” she continued.

“What, were you having a good laugh were you?” Aden snapped.

“Aden, why are you making this so hard? You know that’s not true, Drew is more like a brother to me, well technically he is a brother to me” Belle explained, trying to calm Aden down.

“A brother who you’ve slept with?” Aden asked viciously.

“Why are you talking to me like this?” she asked softly as a tear rolled down her face.

“You know last night, I was telling you how much you meant to me, how you were to only girl I’ve been this close to, the only girl I wanted to be with, but now I realize you’ve done this before, more than once… right now I can’t even look at you” he finished, “I’m going for a walk, I’ll see you later” he said as he walked away, leaving Belle devastated.

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So I couldn't just leave it there, made me sad reading it lol, I hope this makes it a little better :)

Chapter 41.

After spending the rest of the afternoon searching for Aden, Belle retreated back to the hotel as she knew he would eventually turn up there and it was getting dark, after quickly checking to see if he was in their suite, she slumped down at the bar in the lobby as she watched the entrance, hoping Aden would come sooner rather than later. She looked at her phone, still no message from Aden, she must have left about a dozen messages in his message bank. Realizing what he needed was some space, she stopped calling, even though she was worried sick about him.

Even though she was hurt by what he had said to her, it was all true. She was a lot more experienced than him when it comes to relationships and although she wasn’t going to apologize for her past, she couldn’t help from feeling so guilty and disgusted in herself.

The bar attendant looked at Belle sympathetically, “You look like you could do with a drink, darl” she said as she moved along the counter, “what will it be, first one’s on the house” she offered as she smiled brightly at her.

Belle gave a weak smile, looking up at the girl with unnatural looking reddish hair and a kind face, she reminded her of a younger Irene. “I’ll have a martini thanks” Belle replied as she turned quickly to see if it was Aden coming through the door, but it was just a crowd of Japanese tourists.

“Let me guess boy troubles” the bar attendant asked her.

“Yeah, you could say that” Belle replied sadly.

“You tell me your horror story, and I’ll tell you all of mine” she said to Belle, trying to make conversation.

“The names Izzy, you are?”


“That’s cute” Izzy commented, but quickly regretted this after seeing the reaction on Belle’s face.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you” she apologized.

“No, it’s not you, I’ve just has a tough day” Belle replied.

“What’s his name?” she asked Belle.

“Aden, Aden Jefferies” Belle responded, smiling slightly as she skulled her drink.

“Here, I’ll get you another drink while you tell me all about your Aden” Izzy offered kindly as she replaced Belle’s drink.

It was now almost 9 and Aden had still been missing since that afternoon and Belle had downed several martini’s by that stage. Swaying slightly she ordered another drink, there were now several other guests at the bar, and Izzy was too busy to notice that Belle was already drunk.

“Ah, honey I think you’ve had enough” she said as she noticed Belle was giggling uncontrollably at the slice of lime that she dropped down her top.

“Just one more, please, one more Izzy, you are my new favourite person, with unbelievably awesome hair” Belle added excitedly.

“Alright, one more and then I’m making you a coffee to sober up, we don’t want your lover boy to come back here to find you off your face” Izzy said as she replaced Belle’s drink and started to make a coffee.

“You know what?!?! I shouldn’t be sitting here waiting for him, I should be out there looking for him, I’m the one who screwed up, royally screwed up the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” Belle said as she attempted to get off the bar stool and go outside.

“Oh, no you don’t darl, you are in no state to be wandering out there this time of night by yourself” Izzy declared as she grabbed Belle’s arm to keep her from running off. “Now you stay here and I will go and get you your coffee, do not move missy” Izzy directed her. Izzy finished making the coffee, only to turn around see that Belle was long gone, and the door was swinging behind her.

Aden was making his way back to the hotel, having got lost in the city and spent the rest of the day trying to find his way back, too upset and angry at himself to bother to ask for directions.

He couldn’t believe how incredible harsh he had been with Belle and could imagine how horrible she felt right about now. It took him a while to realize that she had not set out to hurt him, and was probably just being polite with Drew. He couldn’t stop thinking about the look on her face, so shattered and so hurt, he never wanted to see her like that again. He would understand if she never wanted to talk to him again. Not wanting to apologise over the phone, he finally made it onto the last stretch, seeing the tall hotel building from afar, hoping she would still be there.

As he entered the lobby he made his way quickly to the elevator, slamming the button several times. As he waited, he noticed a yellow bag, covered in badges sitting on the bar across the lobby, recognizing that it was Belle’s he made his way over.

“The girl who’s bag this is, Belle Taylor, do you know where is she?” he asked the bar attendant.

Izzy let out a sigh of relief, “About time mister!! You must be Aden, look you just missed her, she just went out looking for you, you better hurry”

“Why what’s wrong?” he asked her, not interested how she knew who he was.

“Well, she’s had a few to drink and well, not exactly in the best form, if you get my drift…and for the record, she feels terrible about what happened this afternoon, spent the entire day looking for you, anyway you better go and find her”

And with that Aden hurried out the door, determined to find Belle safe and take her home.

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