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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Sorry it took so long, I wanted to get it right and I hope I did. Let me know what ya think :)

Thanks again for commenting :D

Chapter 42.

It was now dark, and even though the lights from the city and the tall hotel buildings lit up the streets and there were a lot of people milling around, Aden could shake the feeling that something dreadful could have happened to Belle. If anything happened to her it would have been his fault, he thought. His phone battery had died earlier and he had no contact with her since they met on the beach.

Belle drinking herself into a state was out of character, well Aden knew she didn’t make a habit of it, so he knew she must have been upset over what he has said to her. Furious with himself for letting thing get so out of hand, he raced across the streets calling Belle’s name.

“Belle?!! Belle!! Where are you?” he called out desperately.

Belle was wandering aimlessly along the footpath on the main shopping street, given up on finding Aden she dragged her feet, trying to grasp her bearings and find her way back to the hotel.

He head was throbbing and she stumbled as she tried to gain her balance.

“You look a little lost love” said a grizzly voice behind her.

Belle turned around to be greeted by an elderly homeless man, who looked like he had accumulated several years of filth on his clothing, sitting down next to a cardboard sign. The alcohol in her bloodstream overrode any fear she may have felt as she approached the man.

“A pretty little thing like you shouldn’t be out here on your own this time of night, someone might get the wrong idea and try something…”he continued.

Belle shrugged this off as she slumped onto the ground in front of him, taking a keen interest. “I used to be homeless once, when I was looking for my mother, well that was a complete waste of time wasn’t it!!” she exclaimed, “anyway, whenever some creep tried something I just used to kick them where it hurts” she continued.

In a sudden movement he grabbed her arm, Belle jumped up, stumbling as she pushed him back. “Get off me!!” she screamed as she quickly ran further down the road, looking back to see if he was following.

A look of relief spread across Belle’s face as she watched him retreat back into his corner, still frightened she looked around desperately to find the hotel as she ran off into the darkness.

It was now late and Aden was beginning to panic, where was she? he thought. She couldn’t have just disappeared. As he scratched his head furiously trying to decipher where Belle would go, he noticed someone walking along the beach in the distance, with a skirt bellowing in the wind. That had to be her, he though as he sped up to meet her.

“Belle!!” he called out, racing towards her.

She turned around quickly staggering back in fear, after realizing it was Aden she relaxed.

“Aden” she said softly as she approached him cautiously, “do you, do you still hate me?” she asked openly.

“I don’t, I’ve never” he began as he stepped forwards to catch her before she had a chance to hit the floor.

“Heyy, you are okay?” he asked as he held her up, noticing that she had grazed her knee and elbow.

“Does it look like I’m okay?” she asked as she struggled to stand up on her own.

“I have been looking for you everywhere and you couldn’t even call me to let me know you were okay?!?!” Belle continued.

“I know, I’m sorry” he began.

“You’re, you’re sorry??!!? Do you have any idea how worried I have been!??” She exclaimed with what little energy she had left.

“I was on my way to find you to apologize and I got lost, the battery on my phone died” Aden explained.

Belle uninterested in his excuses tried to walk away, but Aden held onto her.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight, come on let’s get you back to the hotel and cleaned up” he directed as he steered her towards the footpath. Grudgingly Belle held onto him as they slowly made their way back to the hotel.

It had been a long and emotional day, both Aden and Belle were exhausted by the time they made it back to their hotel room. Aden helped Belle into the bathroom, where he poured her a glass of water, holding it up to her mouth.

“I’m not retarded Aden, I’m drunk, I can hold a glass you know” she said pointedly as she took the glass from him and sank onto the bench behind her.

Aden smiled weakly, “Of course you can”

He grabbed a hand towel and rinsed it, and he sat next to Belle, pulling her leg up onto his lap examine her knee, which was blood stained and dirty.

“Ouch!!” she yelped as he began to wipe away the blood, jerking her leg back.

“Well if you hold still this won’t be so hard!” he replied, half amused by how immature Belle was when she was drunk.

“I’m sorry” she apologized sadly, becoming upset.

Aden reached over and grabbed her hand, holding it firmly, “Belle, look at me, it’s going to be okay, I’m here now, just try to relax” he encouraged her as he rubbed her back.

He gently dabbed the towel, cleaning her knee as he held onto her leg firmly.

“Now, let’s have a look at the elbow” he continued.

She held it up for him obediently, watching him carefully as he cleaned the cut.

“So, do you want to tell me how this happened?” he asked.

“Well, I had one drink, then another, and another, and several more…I think” she began.

Aden smiled, “No, I meant, how did scrape your leg and arm?”

“Oh, I was running, trying to get away from the crazy homeless guy with no teeth and I fell over” Belle explained.

“What happened, did he hurt you?!?” Aden exclaimed.

“No, he just grabbed my arm and I told him where to go, I can take care of myself, thank you very much!”

“Obviously” Aden retorted.

Belle rolled her eyes.

“I think I’m gonna throw up” she announced as she looked at Aden.

Aden helped her up and held her hair back as she leaned over the toilet.

“Just let it all out, you’ll feel much better” Aden said as he continued to rub her back.

“Speaking from experience are we?” she asked as she fought the urge to throw up.

“I guess so” Aden replied.

“Nope, false alarm” she slumped back, leaning against Aden, turning slightly to look at him.

“I’m sorry, I’m such a mess, messy girlfriend who messes everything up” she apologized mumbling.

“Forget about it, we’ve both had a tough day, how about we get some sleep and we can talk in the morning” he asked.

“Yeah, okay” she replied softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Aden picked her up and carried her to the bed, laying her down gently and lying down next to her, cradling her in his arms.

The next morning Belle woke up with a pounding headache and found Aden lying next to her, watching her sleep.

“My head feels like it’s about to explode” she said as she sat up slightly.

“Well that’s generally what happens when you drink your body weight in alcohol” Aden noted pointedly.

Belle rolled her eyes, “Please don’t start I feel bad enough as it is” she said as she rubbed her head.

Aden leant over to the bedside table and handed Belle a glass of water and two aspirin, and a bottle of lemon mineral water. “Best hangover cure there is” he said, “I snuck out to the shops while you were passed out, uh I mean sleeping”

Belle let out a small laugh, “Thank you” she said softly as she accepted the bottle mineral water.

She leant over and gently brushed this side of his face with her hand, but then quickly withdrew it. Aden, noting her hesitation reached out and held onto her hand.

“Belle, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you like that and just disappear, it wasn’t fair” he explained, “I just want things to go back to the way they were, before this mess happened” Aden went on as he affectionately brushed the hair out of her face.

“I don’t think we can” Belle replied stiffly as she took a sip of the mineral water.

Aden opened his mouth to protest, but Belle stopped him.

“Wait, let me finish, I need to get this out” she began, “We could forget about this and pretend it never happened, but it won’t change anything if that’s how you really feel about me”

“But I don’t feel that way, I was just angry and acting like a jerk “Aden protested.

“Aden, I’m not trying to make you feel bad, what you said, that I’ve done this before, more than once, it’s true, we both know that” she said, “But if you think that what we have is more special for you than it is for me you’re wrong”

“I’ve been with other guys before, physically, intimately, but with you it’s different” Belle explained to Aden.

“I’m the type of girl, when I see something I want I go for it without hesitating, I just put my boots on and go, but then, after Drew, I became so sick and tired of jumping into things head first and ending up the loser”

“Belle-“ Aden began.

“Please, let me finish” Belle interrupted him.

“With you, it was different, I got to know you first, who you are, what you like for breakfast and your taste in music, your infuriating little habits, what makes you tick” she went on, “and I fell in love with you, before anything else, I was in love with you”

Aden listened to her intently, tears forming in his eyes.

“And our first time together, your first time, for me, it felt like my first time, you make me feel things, emotions that I’ve never felt before. I meant what I said, that I’d never felt this way about anyone before.”

“Belle” Aden whispered.

“I have a past, and I’m not going to apologize for it, but I have a future too, and if that’s what you want, I want it with you, only you” she finished, taking a deep breath.

Aden leaned forwards, cupping her cheeks, “I love you Belle” he whispered as he pressed his forehead against hers, then lifted her chin gently as he kissed her.

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