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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Sorry it took so long, I know I said an hour. But here it is :)

Chapter 43.

Both happy to be on the same page again and their relationship stronger than ever, Belle and Aden were enjoying each other’s company in their hotel suite, Aden keeping Belle entertained as she nursed her hangover.

“So you have to eat something, or you are just going to waste away, what will Irene say if I let you starve?” Aden asked as he lay across the bed in front of bed, trying to tempt her with a sandwich.

“Urrgh, I still don’t think I can eat anything” Belle replied as she pushed the sandwich away, nauseated by the smell of food.

“Okay, when was the last time you ate something?” he asked.

“Breakfast, yesterday” she replied.

“You haven’t eaten anything in 24 hours?!? No wonder you got so trashed!” Aden exclaimed, grinning in amusement.

“Well I spent most of yesterday looking for you, so I didn’t really have time to stop and eat” she retorted, wiping the smile of Aden’s face.

“Okay, so If you’re not going to have any lunch, you have to have some dinner, we’ll go out, some place nice, your pick” Aden offered, “What do you feel like eating later on?”

“Well if you’re paying, something expensive” Belle replied grinning.

“You’re on” Aden agreed as he took a bite of Belle’s sandwich.

“I’m kidding Aden, I don’t really care where we go, or how much it costs, as long as they have food that won’t make me wanna hurl” Belle said as she stretched her legs out across the bed.

“Well, I kinda owe you, I broke my promise, so if you want to go to a fancy restaurant, I’ll take you”

“What promise?” Belle asked confused.

“That I wouldn’t leave you alone, that I would take care of you” Aden replied, looking disappointed in himself.

“Well I wasn’t exactly alone, was I?” Belle started, ”Look we don’t have to do this again, I think we’ve had enough deep and meaningful conversations for a lifetime, and we are both here now and there is no major harm done, let’s just enjoy the time we have left here before we have to head back home. We don’t need to get heavy.”

“Okay” Aden agreed smiling, “but we can still do dinner right?”

“Yeah, sure” Belle replied, ”anywhere is fine, nothing too fancy though, I didn’t bring anything nice to wear and plus they hardly give you anything to eat at those gourmet restaurants, that’s why they have so many courses, each one is like a spoonful!”

Aden laughed, “Yeah, you’re right, but I’m not taking you to a pub either, for obvious reasons”

“You don’t have to worry about that, I won’t be drinking for quite a while…” Belle assured him.

“How’s your leg and elbow feel?” He asked casually.

“They’re fine, a bit sore, but nothing life threatening” Belle replied as Aden watched her carefully.

“I forgot to thank you, for you know, looking after me last night, you were really sweet” Belle said, slightly embarrassed.

“It’s the least I could do, anyway, you’re kinda cute when you’re drunk” Aden replied cheekily.

Belle laughed, shaking her head. “Well don’t count on seeing that again anytime soon, that was a one time show” she concluded.

“Yeah, I would hope so” Aden replied.

A serious look crossed Belle’s face as she pretended to readjust the positioning of her sore leg.

Aden, noting this, crawled across the bed, until he was next to her, “Hey, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad” he comforted her.

Belle looked across at him, unsure whether to speak what was on her mind.”It’s just… with everything that happened with your dad and his drinking, what I did, I should’ve known better…”

“Hey, you are nothing like my father” he assured her as he put his arm around her waist. “Anyway, what happened to forgetting about all this and just having some fun?”

“Well, what did you have in mind?” she asked, looking up at him.

He leant down and kissed her and after several minutes, Belle rolled over until she was on top of him.

“Belle, what are you doing?” Aden asked as he came up for air.

“Don’t you want to?” she asked.

“Yeah, but you’re injured” he pointed out as she continued to kiss his neck.

“Just be gentle then” she suggested as she kissed him again.

“Hurry up Aden!” Belle urged his as he was getting dressed to go to dinner. “I’m starving here!”

“Just relax, I’ll be two seconds” her told her as he pulled a pair of socks on, and put on his shoes.

“If you had eaten some lunch you wouldn’t be so hungry now” he told her.

“Well I never got a chance to eat it because you did!” she retorted.

“You were just letting it go to waste, someone had to eat it” he fired back.

“Okay, are we really going to argue about a sandwich, can’t you see your girlfriend is starving here?” she asked as she picked up her bag from the bedside table, tapping her foot impatiently.

Aden grinned, “Okay I’m ready let’s go”

“Finally!” She exclaimed as they headed out the door towards the elevator and down to the lobby.

“You look good by the way” Aden commented as he reached out and grabbed her hand.

“Just good?” Belle asked, pretending to be offended, “for someone who downed 8 martini’s in the space of an hour the night before, I look fabulous”

Aden grinned, “I see my modesty is rubbing off on you”

Belle rolled her eyes, “Well if I’m not careful, I might end up being a female version of you!”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing” Aden replied as they reached the entrance of the lobby.

Belle ignored this, “So where are we going?” she asked him.

“There’s this nice place on the corner down the road, looks reasonably good, is that okay?” he asked.

“If they have food that’s edible I don’t really care Aden!” she responded.

“Okay then, that’s settled” he said as he placed his hand on her back, guiding her.

They entered the restaurant hand in hand, which looked reasonably modest. A waiter approached them.

“A table for you and your wife sir?” he asked in a very professional manner.

Belle grinned at Aden, and the stunned look on his face.

“Ahhh, yeah thanks a table for two would be great” Aden replied as they both followed the waiter onto the floor.

As they sat down, Belle was still smiling. “You didn’t correct him, I’m not your wife” she pointed out.

Aden let out a laugh, “Well if you’ve got it, may as well flaunt it” he said cockily.

Belle raised her eyebrows. “Trophy wife, huh?”

“Okay, two can play this game, hand me your ring” she requested as she held her hand out.

“What? Why?” Aden asked.

“Oh, well if I’m going to be your wife for the night, you could at least give me a wedding ring! Now hand it over” Belle demanded.

Aden reluctantly took of the ring that he sported on his index finger and placed it in Belle’s out stretched hand. She placed it on her wedding ring finger and admired it, grinning. Aden scoffed.

The waiter came back with menu’s, handing them one each.

“Thank you” Belle said as she looked across at Aden, who began flicking through it already, ignoring the waiter. She kicked him under the table, ”I’m sorry, my husband apparently left his manners at home!” she told the waiter.

“Any drinks for the two of you? Champagne? Wine?” he offered.

“No thanks, my wife here is off the booze, well that’s what she tells me anyway” Aden replied.

Belle shot Aden a dirty look as the waiter left. “Okay, that was uncalled for!”

“Sweetheart, you’re the one who wanted to play this little game!” He protested, holding up his hands defensively.

“Fine, let’s just order” Belle said as she began flicking through her menu.

When the waiter came back to take their orders, Belle ordered several dishes.

“I’ll have the chicken special, the creamy pumpkin soup and hmmm the Greek Salad looks good too oh and we’ll have some garlic bread as well, honey, what are you having?”

Aden continued to look at Belle with an incredulous expression as the waiter took his order and left.

“A bit hungry are we?” Aden asked, “There is no way you are going to finish all that!”

“Uhh, I’m pretty sure I can, seeing as you starved me for the whole day!”

“Babe, as hungry as you may be, you will never finish all of that, I guarantee it”

“Wanna bet?” Belle replied.

“Okay, if you finish everything you’ve ordered, I’ll…I’ll go skinny dipping in the beach, after dinner”

“You are so on!” Belle exclaimed excitedly.

Aden watched on in amazement as Belle finished the last of her meal, wiping her mouth with her napkin, a wide grin across her face.

“Get ready to strip” she teased.

“Wait, we haven’t had dessert yet, you have to finish that too, or no deal” Aden stated, trying desperately to find a way to get out of his bet.

“Okay, dessert it is, they you are getting naked on the beach, damn I knew I should have brought my camera!!” Belle replied, grinning furiously.

Aden scoffed.

The waiter came around again, with the dessert menu’s.

Aden flicked through it briefly, ”What’s your biggest, most mouth watering, indulgent dessert you have on the menu?” he asked casually.

Belle shot Aden another dirty look, knowing he was trying to get out of his bet by playing dirty.

“That would be the ‘Death by Chocolate Mudcake’, why special occasion? Anniversary perhaps?” asked the waiter.

“Well actually we are newlyweds” Belle replied grinning at Aden who just rolled his eyes.

“How lovely” replied the waiter, “You here on your honeymoon?”

“As a matter of fact we are!” Belle continued. “Everything has been so perfect, hasn’t it honey?”

“I proposed” she continued, “Well seeing as I am the one who wears the pants in this relationship, I thought it was appropriate” she finished as she grinned triumphantly at Aden.

‘We’ll have two of those mudcakes thanks” Aden interrupted, signaling to the waiter that that was his que to leave.

“Are you trying to humiliate me?” Aden asked leaning across the table.

“Oh lighten up Aden, I’m just having a bit of fun!” Belle replied.

Aden rolled his eyes.

Belle just laughed but then realized that he wasn’t really enjoying this, “look if you don’t want to go skinny dipping, you don’t have to, I’m sure you can make it up to me some other way” she replied suggestively.

Aden smiled, “Well I can’t really leave my wife disappointed can I? I can definitely think of something I could do to make it up to you” Aden replied, pleased he was no longer required to bathe naked in the freezing waters at this time of night.

As their desserts came, Belle was struggling to finish hers, Aden reached over with his fork and took the last few bites.

“Hey, I was going to eat that!” she exclaimed.

“No, you weren’t, any more and I think you would explode, no human can eat that amount of food and still stand!” Aden replied.

“Are you calling me fat?” Belle asked raising her eyebrows.

“Belle, it’s physically impossible to put the words fat and Belle in a sentence” he assured her.

Belle smiled, “You’re such a smooth talker, I don’t know why I fell for you”

“Charisma, it was definitely my irresistible charisma, you couldn’t stay away” Aden replied, “come on I’ll go pay and let’s get out of here, this place is cramping my style”

Belle laughed as she took his hand.

As they thanked their waiter for their meal and paid, Aden and Belle walked hand in hand back towards the hotel.

“Thank you” Belle began, “I really enjoyed that” she said as she handed Aden back his ring.

“So how did it feel to be Mrs. Jefferies for a night?” Aden asked as he put his arm around her.

Belle sighed, “It was…great, but the night’s not over yet” she reminded him.

“Mmmmm” he replied as he looked down at her, “Maybe one day, in the future, far away distant future you’ll get to be Mrs Jefferies again” he told her.

Belle looked up at him biting her bottom lip, “What are you saying?” she asked.

“I’m saying, one day, in the future, distant future, when we’re both ready, I would be honored to have you as my wife” Aden replied.

Belle grinned as she leant in and kissed him. “Me too”

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