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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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I'm so sorry for this being so late! I know I said Thursday :lol:

This chapter is basically a filler, so its nothing special, but I hope you like it :)

Let me know what ya think :D

Chapter 44.

It was a bright sunny morning and Aden and Belle woke to the sound of the beach stirring in the distance and the occasional crow of a seagull.

“You feeling better today?” Aden asked as he pulled her closer, kissing her neck.

“Mmmmm, yeah heaps better thank you” she replied, returning his kiss.

She sat up slightly turning towards him as she leant on her elbow as she watched him closely, “You know Aden, if you ever feel like slowing down and just talk about things, it’s completely fine, I don’t want you to feel pressured all the time, I don’t expect anything of you” she said.

Aden gave her a knowing smile, “Yeah, I know”

“Good, because it’s going to take more than a couple of months for you to sort out all your intimacy issues, and if you ever feel uncomfortable, you have to tell me” Belle continued.

“I will, I just…I feel comfortable with you because I trust you, and being with you lets me show you how much I care about you, how much I love you” Aden replied.

Belle smiled, as she kissed him again. “Yeah, I know, I just don’t want you to compromise yourself for my sake, I already know how you feel, and I know we’ve been sleeping together quite a bit lately, but if you feel like slowing down, you can tell me, I won’t be offended.”

Aden contemplated what Belle was saying. “Well I guess the same goes for you too,” he replied, “if you feel like it’s too much, because this isn’t just about me, we’re in this together, right?”

“Of course we are” Belle replied, smiling.

“Well since we’re on the topic, I think I could handle a little more this morning…” Aden began as he kissing her neck.

“Ah, I think you’re forgetting something” Belle said, trying to resist him, gently pushing him away.

“What’s that?” Aden asked.

“We have to head back today, we should probably get going soon so we don’t have to drive through the night.” Belle explained as she sat up, stretching out her arms.

Aden groaned not wanting to leave, “We? You mean I have to drive” he began.

“Well I can drive if you like” Belle offered.

“Ahh, I don’t think so, I’ve seen your driving” Aden quipped back.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means we should spare the poor people of Queensland from your ‘driving skills’, we wouldn’t want to add traffic disaster to your list would we?” Aden teased as he ducked from the pillow Belle flung in response.

Belle raised her eyebrows, clearly not amused.

“The golden rule Aden, never insult a women’s driving!”

“Ohhhhhh, so that’s what they call it, ‘women’s driving’, interesting…” Aden said, grinning cheekily.

“Seriously though, there are rules? You never told me that” Aden said pointedly.

“Well actually it’s generally called common sense, but seeing as common sense in not very common in the male population, then I guess some rules would be appropriate” Belle stated as she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.

Aden, remembering what happened last time he provoked her, didn’t want to send her over the edge this time and decided to give her some space, hunching over to get a couple minutes more sleep until the bathroom was free.

The last of their bags were packed in the car, and Belle and Aden got into the car, clicking their seatbelts on, they began their journey home. Belle had hardly spoken two words since Aden’s remark about her driving skills, and Aden found this highly amusing and played along with her little game.

“You know someone should write a book, “How to figure out how women’s brains work”” He commented, trying to stir up a conversation as they made the turn off onto the highway.

“There would be no point, because you wouldn’t understand it anyway” Belle snapped back comically.

“Ooooo Ouch!” Aden responded as he laughed, keeping his eyes on the road.

Belle rolled her eyes. “I don’t get you” Belle began, “One minute you’re this sweet sensitive guy, and then the next you’re a smarmy self confident jerk”

Aden grinned at her, “You love it, it’s all part of the package honey, you better get used to it!”

“You’re an idiot” Belle replied, but couldn’t help but smile, Aden noticed this and returned the smile.

“Okay then, tell me about these ‘rules’ that a good boyfriend must adhere to” Aden began, trying to steer the conversation towards something more productive.

Belle laughed, shaking her head. “You’re actually being serious?” she asked.

“Yeah, go on then Miss Perfect” Aden replied expectedly.

“I hope that’s not sarcasm in your voice” Belle responded as she raised her eyebrows.

“Of course not, you are perfect, all the time, in every way” Aden replied, grinning at her.

Belle smiled, “Okay that would have to be the cheesiest thing you have ever said to me!”

“What? Well its true isn’t it? Can you blame a guy for telling his woman how great she is?”

“Woman? I’m your woman?” Belle questioned.

“Well you’re hardly just a girl, well after last night you can’t possibly-“

“Okay, okay, we don’t need a blow by blow, I get your point” Belle replied as she grinned to herself.

“So these rules…”Aden began.

Belle contemplated what Aden was asking and sighed, “You know what, since when have either or us played by the rules?” she began.

“Good point” Aden added, as he let her continue.

“Let’s just… make it up as we go” she finished.

Aden smiled, “That sounds like a plan. We make a pretty good team, don’t we?”

“That we do” Belle replied smiling.

At that minute her phone started buzzing, she flicked it open to see who was calling.

“Irene” she told Aden as she answered it, “Hey Irene, what going on? We are just on our way back, should be there by dinner. No, we haven’t heard anything from them, is everything alright?”

“Oh… that’s terrible!! Yeah of course, call me back if you hear anything okay? I’m sure they will be fine. Yeah okay, see you tonight, bye”

Aden gave her a questioning look.

“Nicole and Geoff have been missing for days, no one can find them” Belle told him.

“They probably ran off together for a little while, this is Nicole we are talking about, I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about” Aden assured her.

“Yeah, but Geoff wouldn’t just disappear like that, not without telling Annie, she’s worried sick and so is Irene and Roman. Irene said that one of Roman’s military buddies brother was hanging around town, asking weird questions about Roman and Nicole, seemed to think that Roman was responsible for his brother’s death, and now Nicole is missing, and Geoff too” Belle explained.

“Well there is no point worrying about it until we know anything for sure, It’s not like we can do anything from here” Aden replied, concern growing in his voice, although he tried his best not to show it.

Most of the time he couldn’t stand Nicole and her diva-like act, but it was kind of comforting to have someone around who resembled a sister, it made him feel more normal and despite how annoying Nicole may be, he couldn’t imagine what it would be like without her. And Aden knew how much Geoff and Annie meant to Belle, they were like her family and she would be devastated if anything had happened to them.

“Yeah, you’re right, by the time we get home, hopefully they will have already been found safe and sound.” Belle replied.

“I didn’t realize you cared that much about Nicole, you’re not exactly her biggest fan.” Aden began.

“Well we’re not best friends, but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to her, I’m not a complete monster” Belle retorted as she slipped her phone back into her bag.

Aden smiled, “I’m glad to hear it”

“Which part? The not being a monster part, or the not wanting bad things to happen part?” Belle asked curiously.

“The monster part of course, I mean how freaky would it be if I woke up one morning next to something that resembles a monster?!!” Aden teased grinning.

Belle however, did not find this amusing at all, instead shooting the dirtiest possible look at Aden.

“Oh well that’s easily fixed, you can just sleep in your own bed from now on, then you won’t have to wake up next to anyone!” Belle exclaimed.

“Aww, come on I was only kidding!!” Aden replied defensively.

“Okay just because we said we have no rules doesn’t mean you can talk to me like I’m some kind of a freak!” Belle snapped back.

“Hey, hey I never said that!! I was just-“

“Aden just shut up and drive!”

The rest of the journey was relatively uneventful. Irene called to inform them the Nicole and Geoff had been rescued from a murderous Eliot, and neither Belle nor Aden attempted anything further than small talk. It was now nightfall and they were a few minutes out of Summer Bay, on the last stretch home.

“Why do you think we fight so much?” Belle asked Aden, after he had snapped at her for telling him how to drive properly.

“We fight, we argue, and there’s sparks, it’s our chemistry” Aden observed thoughtfully.

“You really think so?” Belle asked as she watched him carefully.

“Yeah, I do. And besides, if we didn’t fight so much, we wouldn’t get to kiss and make up so often” Aden pointed out, “and that’s the fun part” he finished, grinning at her.

Belle laughed and nodded her head slightly.

“Belle, you know I joke around a bit, but that will never change the way I feel about you, the way I look at you, you’re like a breath of fresh air, I would never change anything about you” Aden told her.





“Stop the car” she said, looking across at him.

A look of confusion crossed his face, but he obliged to her request, pulling over onto the curb.

She bit her lip as she unbuckled her seat belt and leaned over towards him, kissing him passionately.

He kissed her back, but then pulled back.

“Belle, what are you doing?”



“Shut up” she replied as she kissed him again, this time he did not pull away.

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