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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Thanks you guys for all your lovely comments!! Ive been really slack lately with updates, so I'll try and write another tonight if I have the time :)

This one is just a short, fluffy filler chapter, hope you like it :D

Chapter 45.

It was now quite late as Aden and Belle finally make it back to Irene’s after their roadside rendezvous. They were exhausted from their long journey home from the Gold Coast, Aden in desperate need for some shut eye.

“Finally!! About time Girly!!” Irene exclaimed as Belle walked through the door, closely followed by a weary Aden.

“Good Lord Aden! You look like the living dead, you should have some dinner and then straight to bed, the both of you!” Irene continued.

Aden gave a slight chuckle over Irene of all people fussing over him, but didn’t have the energy to argue. He followed Belle to the kitchen table as sat down as Irene served them some dinner.

“How are Geoff and Nicole?” Belle asked.

“Nicole is doing fine, a bit of phenomena, but she’s on the mend, still in hospital, Roman’s with her, and Geoff is doing alright too, bit of a nasty gash on his leg but apart from that, he seems fighting fit” Irene explained as she poured them some water.

“That’s great” Belle replied.

“Thanks Irene” Aden chimed as he took a sip.

Irene smiled genuinely at him, which was no longer the forceful, fake smile she used to pull with Aden, and Belle noticed this and smiled to herself.

“So how was the trip? I see you haven’t left Belle in the middle of nowhere to fend for herself, so I guess you’re one up of Drew!” Irene added to Aden.

Belle and Aden exchanged glances, grinning at each other.

“Yeah, it was a lot of fun, it’s beautiful up there” Belle said finally.

“Is there something I should know about?” Irene asked suspiciously, noticing the looks between the two of them.

“Nope, nothing” Belle replied, as she took a bite of her dinner. “Mmmm, this is good!”

After finishing their meals, and thanking Irene, the two tired travelers made their way to Belle’s room.

“I am so tired” Aden groaned as he collapsed on Belle’s bed.

“Not so fast Mr, I thought you were sleeping at your place tonight” Belle reminded him, as she rummaged through her draws looking for some pajamas.

“You can’t be serious, I thought we made up?”

“Yeah we did”

“So, what’s the problem?” Aden asked.

“The problem is that Nicole is in hospital, and Roman will probably use all the support he can get, anyway, you haven’t really spent much time up there.” Belle continued.

“You heard Irene, they are still at the hospital, anyway I’m half dead, I won’t be any use like this! Let’s just go to sleep and we’ll go over tomorrow and see how things are” Aden suggested as he kicked off his shoes and crawled further into her bed.

Belle smiled, “Okay fine, but you need to change or have a shower before I’m sleeping next to you”

“Uhh, you just want to see me naked, don’t you” Aden replied, grinning at her, “I don’t blame you though...” he continued.

Belle glared at him, “Shower now!” Belle demanded, throwing a change of clothes at him, “and no, I’m not coming with you” she added.

Aden sleepily made his way to the bathroom, rolling his eyes at Belle’s expression.

Later that night, both Aden and Belle were snuggled up in bed after a long and eventful trip.

“So, how did you like our first trip together?” Aden asked Belle as he pressed his head against hers.

“Well in true Aden and Belle style, we managed to keep it pretty interesting” Belle started and Aden grinned.

“We sure did” he replied.

“But with a few exceptions, it was the best road trip ever” Belle finished as she kissed the side of Aden’s face.

“Mmmm, I reckon” Aden commented, “My favourite part was the last stop off we make before home, your idea of course”

Belle grinned, blushing slightly. “Haven’t you heard, I’m full of good ideas?”

“Hmmm, of course you are, I mean you are dating me, if that’s not a good idea I don’t know what is”

“Just dating? I thought we were a bit more than that” Belle commented looking up at him.

“We are, I mean we might not have the most stable relationship, but stable’s boring” Aden began, “what we’ve got, it’s worth every little bit of fighting, petty arguments, drunken rampages, ex-boyfriends and psycho stalkers that comes our way”

Belle smiled, “Yeah, you’re right, it is” as she leaning in expectantly, waiting for him to kiss her.

Aden looked at her and thought for a second. He pulled up his left arm and examined the ring that he wore in his index finger, taking it off.

“Here” he said as he took her hand, placing it in her palm, “take this, it’s not an engagement ring or anything, but it’s like a piece of me, that you can wear, like a promise ring”

Belle smiled again, “And what are you promising me Aden Jefferies?” she asked.

“That I’ll always love you, no matter what” he said.

Belle slipped the ring onto her finger, admiring it. “I love it” she whispered.

“But not as much as you love me, right?” Aden asked grinning.

“Of course not, I’m all yours”

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