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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Thanks everyone for commenting, they mean a lot :D

Here's the next chapter :)

Chapter 46.

After a long day at school, Aden headed towards Belle’s place, he hadn’t really spent much time with her the last couple of weeks because he was helping out Roman at the Diner with Nicole still under the weather and in need of a carer. Belle wouldn’t be home from work for another half hour so Aden set up camp in her room, waiting for her. He noticed she had a new picture of the two of them from their trip propped up against her lamp on her bedside table, picking it up and grinning.

He was lost in thought, when he noticed something sticking out of the rubbish bin. He cautiously moved closer to see if it was what he thought it was and his suspicions were confirmed, a pregnancy test box. He opened the box carefully and to his horror found a positive sign on the pregnancy test.

“Ohhhh crap”

Aden ran is fingers through his hair, unsure what to do.

Belle entered her room about two hours after Aden has arrived, throwing a pile of folders on her desk and collapsing on her bed next to Aden, who was sitting propped up against the bed head.

“I’m soooo tired!!” Belle exclaimed as snuggled up to Aden.

“How come you’re so late?” Aden asked her.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t think you were coming over till later, I had some errands to run…”

“And what would they be?” Aden asked curiously, unsure how to bring the pregnancy test up.

“Nothing, just uuhhh, girl stuff” Belle replied smiling at Aden as she sighed.

“What’s going on?” Aden asked, leaning back so he could look at her properly.

“Uhh, nothing, why would you think something’s going on?” Belle asked.

“Because you are acting weird, really weird” Aden replied.

“I’m just tired Aden, is that such a crime?” she replied defensively.

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to snap at me” Aden shot back.

“Okay, you want to tell me what’s going on with you?” Belle asked suspiciously.

“Look Belle, you can tell me, whatever it is, I’m here for you” Aden said.

“What are you on about?” Belle asked more confused than annoyed.

Aden hesitated, looking at her nervously.

“Aden” Belle started, “just tell me”

“Okay, why didn’t you tell me?” Aden asked.

“Tell you what exactly?!?” Belle exclaimed, annoyed at how vague Aden was being.

“That you’re pregnant! I saw the pregnancy test in the bin” Aden replied. “Didn’t you think that I should have been there when you took it, that you should have told me that you thought you were pregnant, do you not trust me at all?”

Belle’s face fell, as look of realization crossed her face.

“Yeah, about that” Belle began.

“I’m…I’m not pregnant”

“What, you mean, but it was positive…”

“Yeah, you’re right, but it’s not me whose pregnant” Belle replied.

“You’re not pregnant? You sure?”

“Yes I’m sure Aden, why would I try and hide something like that from you?”

“I don’t know” Aden replied, “So we are definitely not having a baby?”

“Yes!! I’m sure, I’m not pregnant for the six-hundredth time!” Belle exclaimed.

“Okay, so who is?” Aden asked, relieved he wasn’t going to be a father.

“It’s not really my place to say” Belle responded.

“Belle” Aden began.

“No, I’m sorry Aden, I gave her my word I wouldn’t say anything, just please let it go” Belle maintained, not wanting to break her promise.

Aden shrugged, “You can trust me you know, who would I go gossiping to?”

“I’m sorry” Belle apologized, “Can I make it up to you?” she asked, leaning over him.

“I suppose I could be convinced” Aden replied suggestively, leaning in and kissing her.

Earlier that day…

It was late morning when Belle finally dragged herself out of bed, she had the morning off work and was determined to make the most of the extra sleep. Aden was at school and had been spending time helping Roman around the house with Nicole still recuperating from her ordeal. It had been a couple of weeks since Geoff and Nicole’s abduction and Belle and Aden’s road trip, which had been relatively uneventful, up until now.

As Belle poured herself a glass of orange juice an unexpected visitor arrived at the back door, knocking timidly, Nicole entered the house.

“I..uh…I need your help” she blurted out, shaking nervously.

“Nicole? Are you okay?” Belle asked curiously, unsure why Nicole was at her doorstep.

“I didn’t know who else to go to, and we’ll Aden’s been great but I can’t really talk to him about this and I haven’t really got any other friends to talk to and well, there’s you” she said as she took a seat after Belle had gestured for her to sit down.

“What’s going on Nicole?” Belle asked concerned.

“I think I’m pregnant” Nicole said in a hushed voice.

“Oh…ahh, how?” Belle asked, “I didn’t realize you were seeing anyone”

“Well I’m not, I wasn’t, it kinda happened spontaneously, on the island…”she said, leaving Belle to connect the dots.

“Geoff? You and Geoff?” Belle asked, surprised by this revelation.

“Yeah, I know he doesn’t believe in premarital whatever, but for me it was really special and beautiful, I really like him, but I’m so scared Belle! What if I’m pregnant, I can’t have a baby, I’m only seventeen!!” She cried out.

“It’s okay, being pregnant isn’t the worst thing in the world, believe me… ummm, have you taken the test?” Belle asked as she tried to comfort Nicole.

“No, I have one with me, but I haven’t taken it yet…”

“Well, the sooner we do the test, the sooner we will find out,” Belle concluded.

Later than night Belle and Aden were snuggled up in her bed, enjoying spending time together, which they hadn’t had much of recently.

“I can’t believe you thought I was pregnant, and didn’t tell you!” Belle exclaimed.

“Well what was I suppose to think, I didn’t know you were running help sessions for unwanted pregnancies!” Aden retorted.

“You were really freaked out weren’t you?” Belle asked as she patted his shoulder affectionately.

“Well how did you expect me to react?” Aden replied.

“I don’t know, what would you do if I really was?” Belle asked curiously.

“I have no idea, I, I uh, being a parent is something that I’ve never really considered, I don’t think I could do it, I wouldn’t be any good” Aden replied, “You would be an amazing mother though…”

“Okay where is this coming from, who told you that you’d be a useless parent?” Belle asked, concerned.

“No one, no one has too, I already know that. I haven’t exactly got the best of role models, I have no idea how to be a father, my dad was completely useless, my grandfather…the Jefferies men haven’t really got a good track record when it comes to parenting” Aden explained, a pained expression in his face.

“You’re joking right? Your father, grandfather, whoever has no influence on whether or not you can be a good father!! I mean look at my mother, and grandmother, they take dysfunctional families to a whole new level! Between us, we’ve got pretty messed up families, but that doesn’t mean we have to be too” Belle exclaimed.

“Aden, we are nowhere near being ready for children or anything else like that, but I happen to know that you would be an incredible parent, not in spite of what you’ve got as a family, but because of it. You would never let you child go through what you had got suffer, you would protect your kids, because you know better!”

“You really think so?” Aden asked softly.

“Yeah, I do” Belle whispered back.

“And if I was going to have a baby with anyone, I want it to be with you. I didn’t know what love really felt like, until I met you” she added.


“Really” Belle replied, blinking back tears.

Aden smiled as kissed the top of Belle’s head, which was now lying on his shoulder.

“I just thought of the perfect name, for our kid” Aden said, looking down at Belle.

“Adelle, half Aden half Belle” he continued.

Belle laughed, “You are such an idiot”

“What’s wrong with it?” Aden asked, pretending to be offended.

“Now that honey, is called child abuse, you don’t name your kids after you and especially not a combination of their parent’s names!”

“Okay, then what would you name our baby?” Aden asked.

“Hmmmm, I don’t know, I’d have to see it first, then I’ll know, you know” Belle replied.

“Yeah” Aden agreed, “Let’s just hope he or she doesn’t inherit your habit of burning down houses!”

“That was one time!”

Aden laughed.

“Or your arrogance” Belle added.

“Okay, I happen to know that you find my arrogance a turn on”

“Really?” Belle asked raising her eyebrows.

“Well you’re still here aren’t you?”


“Yeah right, I knew you wanted me since I started working at the Diner” Aden continued.

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, I could see it in your eyes, the way they followed me around when I moved”

“Okay, now you’re making me sound like a desperate love sick puppy!”

“Well, I wouldn’t say desperate, but you were definitely into me, like a love sick puppy”

Belle laughed, which continued on to a smile, “You had me at hello”

Aden returned the smile, kissing her gently.

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I'm actually glad that she's not pregnant [yet!] and that it's Nicole. That was some great interaction with the two of them.

Can't wait for more. Oh, and calling the kid Adelle is not total abuse... though it is a bit.


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