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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next chapter a bit of fluff...but be prepared for a bit of drama coming in the next few chapters :D

Chapter 47.

“That was…”

“The worst movie ever!!” Aden finished.

“Yeah” Belle murmured in agreement, yawning.

It was a late Saturday night and the two had decided to go on a spontaneous trip to the movies in Yabbie Creek.

“Mine or yours?” Aden asked, as he unlocked the car and got in, Belle following suit.

“Ahh, how about yours?” Belle suggested, “We hardly ever stay at yours…”

“Yeah, okay” Aden replied, confused why Belle wanted to stay at his place when he knew she usually preferred sleeping in her own bed.

“So, how’s Nicole going, is she back to her usual self?” Belle asked casually.

“Uhh, yeah I guess so, why the sudden interest?” Aden asked, then a look of realization crossed his face.

“It’s Nicole” he stated.

‘What?” Belle asked.

“Nicole, is she, is she the one that’s pregnant?” Aden asked curiously. He had been trying to guess who the pregnancy test belonged to but Belle had adamantly refused to tell him, keeping her promise.

“No” Belle shot back, trying hard to shake of his suspicions.

“You are lying” Aden replied, his statement confirmed by the expression on Belle’s face, “You’re a terrible liar!”

“You can’t tell anyone, she wants to keep it quiet, just until she lets the father know” Belle exclaimed quietly.

“Who’s the father?” Aden asked.

“I’m not telling you!! You’re not even supposed to know she’s pregnant, especially you, Nicole doesn’t want Roman to find out, well not yet anyway”

“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed” Aden promised. “Does she know what she’s going to do?”

“I don’t know, she’s pretty upset at the moment, I’m the only one that knows and we’re not exactly that close…” Belle explained.

“Well I could talk to her” Aden suggested.

“That would involve you knowing she is pregnant, which you don’t!” Belle reminded him, “I think you should wait for her to come to you. I think she just needs some space right now, so she can figure out what she really wants without others telling her what she should do, you know”

“Hmmm, yeah alright” Aden replied.

“Hey are you feeling okay, you look a little pale” Aden asked Belle, glancing sideways at her.

“Oh jee, thanks Aden” Belle replied.

“No, I’m serious, you look…sick, are you feeling alright?” he asked concerned.

“I’m fine, I’m just tired” Belle muttered as she dug around her bag looking for her phone.

“You’ve been tired an awful lot recently…”Aden pointed out.

“Your point?” Belle asked looking up at him.

“I’m just saying…” Aden began.

“You know what, maybe I should go home, seeing as I’m apparently sick” Belle began.

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea,” Aden began, not letting her bait him, “you should get some rest, and we can hang out tomorrow instead.”

Belle scoffed, “Yeah, whatever” as Aden turned the car around and headed towards Irene’s.

As Aden pulled up the driveway, Belle grabbed her bag and jacket, glancing sideways at Aden.

“Do you want me to come inside?” he asked.

“No, don’t worry about it, I’ll see you tomorrow” she said hurriedly as she kissed him quickly and exited the car.

Aden sighed, “Belle!” he called out.

“Forget it Aden, goodnight, bye!” she called back as she waved and headed towards the door.

Irene and Annie were in the kitchen drying the dishes as Belle entered the house.

“Early night love?” Irene asked, surprised that Belle was in so early on a Saturday night.

“Good lord Girly!! You look as pale as a ghost! You feeling okay?” Irene asked as she approached her, rubbing her shoulder affectionately.

“Funny, Aden said the exact same thing, and I bit his head off…” Belle murmured as she collapsed on the couch.

Irene crouched in front of her “What’s the matter love?” she asked again as she placed the back of her hand on her forehead.

“I’ve just been tired, it’s nothing” Belle assured her.

“I don’t think it’s nothing, you’re starting to burn up” Irene stated as she ordered Annie to get a glass of water and aspirin.

“I have to go talk to Aden” Belle decided getting up and grabbing her bag.

“I don’t think so girly, you’re staying right here!!” Irene exclaimed. “You can call Aden if you want to speak to him”

“I don’t want to talk to him over the phone, I need to see him, to apologize for being such a cow earlier.” She explained.

“Do you really think wearing yourself out is a good idea, you’re already burning it at both ends by working at the photography shop during the day and covering shifts at the Diner in the evenings” Irene said sternly. “You can go and see him tomorrow, but right now you are going straight to bed, it’s not like the two of you haven’t had your fair share of fights, I’m sure he’ll understand”

Belle groaned as Irene marched her to her room.

Belle didn’t sleep well that night, she kept tossing and turning and waking up in sweats. By this time she acknowledged to herself that she was in fact sick. This felt different to any kind of flu or fever she had had before. Deciding she would feel better in the morning she turned over, determined to fall asleep again.

It was late afternoon when Aden came to check up on Belle, having had to cover for Roman that morning at the Diner. He knocked gently on her door only to find her still asleep in the clothes she was wearing the night before. His amusement was quickly turned into concern when he noticed soft scratch marks on her arms and the beginnings of little red spots.

“Irene!!” He called out, sticking his head out the door, “Quick! I think there is something wrong with Belle!!” he said in a hushed voice, trying not to wake her.

Irene quickly entered Belle’s room and examined her as Belle began to stir.

Irene smiled, “Congratulations girly, you’ve got the chickenpox!” she exclaimed, slightly relieved that it wasn’t anything more serious, but still concerned none the less.

Belle groaned, “Perfect, just perfect, this is exactly what I need!”

Aden sat down on the bed next to her, “You’ve never had the chickenpox before?” he asked as she brushed the hair out of her face.

“Nope, you?”

“Yeah, when I was really little, me and my brothers all got it at the same time” he replied.

“You lie back down and I’ll get you something to drink, I’ll get Rachel to pop round and have a look at you, until then you take it easy girly! I’m calling your work to let them know you won’t be in for a couple of weeks” Irene decided.

“Irene, a couple of weeks?? I can’t miss two weeks!!” Belle argued.

“Tough girly, I’m not letting you out of this house until you are all better, I will not have you work yourself into the ground for no good reason!!” Irene exclaimed.

Don't worry, I'll keep her entertained" Aden added grinning as Irene left.

Belle groaned as she slumped back down across her bed, looking over at Aden who was lying down next to her.

“I’m sorry about last night, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that” she apologized as she held onto his hand.

“It’s fine Belle, it’s not your fault, you’re like…diseased” Aden teased.

Belle laughed with what energy she had left, “Funny, you’re a funny guy”

“How about I run you a bath, and you can get out of these clothes and freshen up, it’ll make you feel better, and make the spots less itchy” Aden offered.

“You just want to see me naked don’t you?” Belle quipped back.

“Oh yeah, there is nothing I find sexier than the chickenpox” Aden replied teasingly, but quickly wiped the grin of his face when he met Belle’s dangerous expression.

“I’ll go and get the bath sorted” he said quickly before Belle had a chance to bite back.

After Rachel had popped round and given her some Aloe Vera cream for her spots and Belle had had her bath, Belle was getting dressed as Aden came in carrying a tray of what looked like an assortment of sandwiches.

“Planning on feeding an army, are we?” she asked as she rubbed some Aloe Vera on her arms and shoulders.

“You need to eat” Aden pointed out as he set the tray down on her desk.

Belle rolled her eyes, “I’m not hungry”

“You haven’t eaten anything since last night, you barely ate and dinner last night” he continued.

“What part of I’m not hungry, can you not understand?”

“Would you stop being so stubborn, just for a second and see that I’m only trying to help you! You are sick, and you are not well enough to look after yourself, you are only going to make this more difficult for yourself, chicken pox is not a pleasant thing to have”

Belle sighed, “I’m sorry” she whispered.

Aden sat down behind her and comforted her, taking the tube of Aloe Vera from her hand.

“It’s okay, here let me help you” he motioned as he gently rubbed the Aloe Vera on her back.

“I just hate being like this, you know, completely useless” she began.

Aden smiled, “You’re not useless, you’re stubborn and forthright, but you’re definitely not useless”

Belle giggled, “Hey, that’s my line, you can’t use my line” she said softly as she leant into him.

He smiled, “I guess we’re both the same” he told her as he held her up.

Aden helped her pull her top on and then she lay back down, drifting back to sleep in his arms.

Belle woke up several hours later to find Aden missing and her window slightly ajar. She smiled to herself, it had been a while since her had climbed through her window.

Starting to feel slightly hungry she reached over and grabbed a sandwich. Feeling even more hungry she ate a couple more from the tray.

“A bit hungry are we?” Aden asked from behind her, climbing through her window.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m coming to visit my incredibly spotty… but always beautiful girlfriend” he replied, grinning.

“Have I told you recently how much of an idiot you are?” she asked, eyebrows raised.

Aden smiled, “I love it when you get all feisty, only you can be half dead and still manage to bite my head off, now that’s talent”

Belle rolled her eyes, “How about you do us both a favour and just-“

“If I go” Aden interrupted, “I won’t be able to give you your surprise” he said, holding up a rectangular package.

“What is it?” she asked wearily, eyeing the package suspiciously.

Aden sat down next to her.

“It’s a little get well present, when I had the chicken pox, mum gave us all presents, to keep our minds off the spots”

“How can I keep my mind of the spots when you keep reminding me of them?” Belle asked.

“I know, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t tease you” Aden began rubbing her back gently.

“What did your mum give you?” she asked, her smile indicating all was forgiven.

“A box of chocolates and a little toy footy, I still have it” he replied smiling slightly.

“You remember” she asked.

“Yeah, I only have a few memories of her, but what I do have, you know…”

“Mean a lot to you” Belle finished for him, “from what you’ve told me, she sounds like an amazing women”

“She was, I wish you could have met her, she would have loved you” Aden said softy.

Belle smiled, she noticed the look on his face, it always was different when he talked about his mother, he didn’t very often, but when he did, it was like she saw a glimmer of a different person, one with only happy childhood memories.

“Here” he said, passing the package to her.

She took if from his hands and gently unwrapped it, and an intricate looking photo frame fell into her hands. It was silver, with moonstones around the edges and little white sparkly stones which caught the light.

“Aden, it’s beautiful, thank you…where did you find this?”

“I got it a while ago, I was waiting for a special occasion to give it to you. I was in this store, you know, umm…this little antique place.”

“What were you doing in an antique store?”

“I don’t know exactly…”

Belle laughed as she leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you I love it” she said as she lay back down.

Aden reached over to the photo that he was looking at the week before from their road trip on her bedside table.

“Here” he handed her the photo, “What do you think?”

“It’s perfect” she said as she slipped the photo in and admired it.

“We pretty good, don’t we?”

“I reckon, seeing as we are both ridiculously good looking, we’re probably the hottest couple in town” Aden added as he lay next to her.

“Sometimes I don’t know who you’re more into, yourself or me” Belle said laughing.

“Definitely you”

“Minus the spots?” Belle asked.

“Spots or no spots, babe you’re stuck with me”


I apologise for the length, I didn't realise it was so long! I hope it wasn't too boring :D

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aw poor Belle chicken pox is not nice but she has Aden looking after her and thats enough to make anyone feel better how sweet is that guy???

No dont be sorry that its long its brilliant adelle fluff!!!

No not drama just fluff or a little bit of drama then lots of fluff to make up for it!!!

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I absolutely love the fluff that you have written in this story. It just makes me all fuzzy inside, and when Adelle is all sad at the moment on the TV, these kind of fanfictions make me happy.

Please continue. I will keep reading. Although the drama does sound bad, I'm sure the Adelleness will be there.


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chickenpox were hell <_< i have some very painful memories..

“I reckon, seeing as we are both ridiculously good looking, we’re probably the hottest couple in town” Aden added as he lay next to her.

zoolander anyone?? :lol:

great update :D

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