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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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So here, finally a chapter! I can't guarantee its any good but here it is. It was going to be a bit of drama, but it ended up being mostly fluff, but there should be some drama coming up :D

Let me know what ya think, I really appreciate the comments :D

Chapter 48.

It had been a week since Belle had come down with the chicken pox, and under Irene’s strict instructions, she was confined to bed-rest to fully recover. Irene knew better than anyone else, that Belle always tried to downplay any kind of sickness she had, even if she was suffering, just to prove that she wasn’t needy or dependent on anyone.

“Here ya go darl” Irene said softly as she placed a tray, with her dinner on her bedside table.

“Irene, can’t I just eat at the dinner table with everyone else?” Belle pleaded as she sat up slightly.

“Sorry love, but you know that Geoff and Annie haven’t had the chicken pox yet, and with exams coming up, neither of them can afford any time of sick, I know it’s not fair, but as soon as your spots are no longer contagious you can have the run of the house, but until then, you need to rest!”

Belle groaned, “Well can’t they go stay somewhere else, I was here first!” Belle pointed out, fast becoming irritated.

Irene smiled, shaking her, “Eat up love, you need you’re strength” she said simply as she exited Belle’s room.

Just as Irene had left, there was a gently knock on the door and Aden entered quietly, checking to see whether or not Belle was asleep.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked as he sat on the end of her bed, stretching out his legs.

“Like a prisoner, Irene still won’t let me out of my room!” Belle explained glumly.

Aden gave a sympathetic smile. “You know she’s just looking out for you, you need to rest or you are going to get sicker” Aden pointed out.

“No, she’s more concerned about Annie and Geoff’s stupid exams and worried about them getting sick too, that my sanity” Belle retorted.

“Your sanity? Babe, you lost that ages ago” Aden teased.

Belle shot his a dirty look. “Did you come here to torture me, because you’re doing a pretty good job of it”

“No actually, I’m on a study break and I thought I’d come and cheer you up” he replied, grinning.

“Well you’re doing a pretty poor job of it” she snapped back.

“Hmmmm, well what could I do that would cheer you up?” he asked.

“You could break me out of this prison” Belle suggested.

“Sorry, no deal, I’m under strict instructions to make sure you don’t do over do it” Aden replied.

“Since when did you ever follow instructions, especially Irene’s?”

“Because she will skin me alive if she finds out if I put you in any kind of danger, and for the record, I like my skin, and I happen to know you like it too” he added.

“Well could we just go outside for a little while, just on the veranda, for some fresh air?” Belle pleaded, doing her best sad puppy dogs eyes she could.

“Don’t look at me like that” Aden warned, “here, I’ll open the window, there you go, fresh air” he replied as he got up and pulled the window up to allow the cool evening breeze circulate Belle’s room.

“Still not the same” she commented as she slumped back against her bed head, arms crossed defensively.

“You know what, I’m not eating, not till someone lets me out of this room, hunger strike” she threatened as she pushed her dinner tray to the other side of her bedside table.

Aden sighed, she was already thin enough as it was, not eating would make her even more weak and fragile, and he had notice that she had lost weight over the past few weeks. “I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not making any promises” he said as he got up, “But you have to eat your dinner first” he said pointedly.

Aden entered the kitchen and sat at the dining table, Irene who was washing up turned to face him. Geoff and Annie were watching TV and eating dessert as Ollie played on the floor with a toy giraffe.

“Belle giving you a hard time?” she asked, grinning slightly.

“She’s going on a hunger strike” Aden stated as he rolled his eyes, unsure what to do about his headstrong girlfriend.

“What the flippin’ heck for?” Irene asked confused staring in the direction of Belle’s room.

“She wants to get out of the house for some, ‘fresh air’, she seems pretty depressed cooped up in her room all day” Aden added.

“She’s sick, and her wandering around town at night time in the cold is not going to do her any good! She barely has the energy to get up to go to the bathroom, anyway this whole act isn’t about wanting fresh air, it’s about proving she doesn’t rely on anyone, she bound to her independence that girl!” Irene stated, defending her position to keep Belle safe at home.

“You know what she’s like, once she gets an idea into her head, she’s hell bent on seeing it through” Aden replied.

Irene stared at Aden for a second and laughed, “She’s got you wrapped around her little finger hasn’t she?!! You shouldn’t let her walk all over you, a little bit of tough love won’t hurt her” Irene said as she finished drying the last of the dishes, stacking them neatly on the beach.

Aden noticed that she was struggling to lift them up to place them in the cupboard so he got and did it for her.

Irene smiled, thanking him.

“So, what are we going to do about the hunger strike?” Aden asked as he leant against the counter.

About half an hour later Aden returned, and opened her wardrobe and picked up a jacket, gesturing to Belle to put it on.

“Okay, you’ve got five minutes on the veranda, you’re not leaving the house, I’ve sent Annie, Geoff and Ollie upstairs so it’s all clear”

Belle grinned victoriously as she slipped a pair of flats on her feet and pulled the coat on, allowing Aden to hold her hand as she was a little light headed from her medicine.

“I knew you’d fold, pushover” she commented as they made their way onto the back porch.

“Are you cold?” Aden asked, noticing she was shivering slightly.

“No, I’m just getting used to being outside, it’s been like a week and a half” she replied.

Aden studied her expression as they sat down at the table.

“Would you stop worrying, I’m not dying here, it’s the chickenpox! Everyone gets them!” she exclaimed, “You are taking this overprotective boyfriend thing way to serious”

“Well I’m sorry for caring” Aden snapped back.

Belle sighed, “I’m sorry, it’s just so frustrating, I hate being sick!”

“I know you do, we all know you do” Aden replied grinning.

“So how’s Nicole doing?” Belle asked.

“Yeah, actually she’s doing alright, she opened up about it to me and I got her to come clean to Roman, initially he was disappointed but he’s cool with it now, now that Nicole knows she’s got the support she needs, I think she’ll be okay” Aden explained.

“She wanted to thank you in person for your help, but considering your current state, she’s been advised to stay clear of you” Aden added.

“Yeah, of course” Belle replied, yawning, “I’m just glad she’s got the help she needs, thanks to you anyway”

“Hmmm, yeah I didn’t really do much, she still hasn’t told me who the father is, she wants to tell him first…anyway, we should get you inside, you’re five minutes is up”

Belle groaned as Aden stood up and held out his hand expectantly, she reluctantly took it as he helped her up and back into the house.



“Thank you” she whispered softly as he crawled back into bed, beginning to feel exhausted again.

Aden smiled, “You’re welcome”

“You wanna stay here with me tonight?” She offered sleepily, gesturing the space on the bed beside her.

Aden sighed, giving in, “Yeah, alright” he said as he took of his shoes and lay down next to her.

“You shouldn’t scratch them, they’ll only feel more itchy” her told her, noticing the soft scratch marks on her arms.

“I can’t help it, they’re itchy…” she replied groggily.

Aden wrapped his arms around her protectively, kissing her forehead.

“Try not to think about it”

“Mmmmm” she responded and seconds later she had drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Aden smiled, brushing the hair out of her face. He hated seeing her like this, so sick and defenseless, but on the upside, it was kinda nice to see a more vulnerable side to her, a side that needed him. Irene was right, Belle was probably the most head strong and independent person he knew, and for the most part, doesn’t rely on anyone else, not even him. He smiled sadly to himself, realizing that he actually needed her more than she needed him.

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