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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Aww, thanks everyone! I didn't actually like that chapter, but I'm glad you did :D

I probably wont be able to update till the weekend cause I have assignments to do :( But if I do have time I'll try and post something, but it will only be fluff cause I want to save the drama till I have time to write it properly and not rush it. :)

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Aww, thanks everyone! I didn't actually like that chapter, but I'm glad you did :D

I probably wont be able to update till the weekend cause I have assignments to do :( But if I do have time I'll try and post something, but it will only be fluff cause I want to save the drama till I have time to write it properly and not rush it. :)

That's fine by me. :) Any fluff is better than no fluff. :)

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Thanks for all the comments :D

Here's the next chapter :) lol I can't believe this is almost 50 chapters!!

Chapter 49.

It has been two weeks since Belle had come down with the chickenpox, the spots on her arms and legs were beginning to fade, and Irene had finally let up, allowing her to go back to work at the photography shop, provided she took it easy. Judging by the way Aden was constantly looking after her and checking up on her, she assumed that Irene had warned him to keep tabs on her to make sure that she wasn’t pushing it too hard.

“Hey, Gorgeous” Aden greeted Belle as he approached her outdoor table at the Surf Club.

“Hey, yourself” she replied, as she shut the lid to her laptop, slipping it into her bag.

“Do you wanna go inside?” he asked casually.

Belle smiled, “Nope, it’s nice out here don’t you think” she replied, gesturing for him to sit.

Aden sighed, giving in he sat down, watching her closely.

“Okay, so this has to stop” Belle finally said.

“What?” Aden asked, genuinely dumbfounded.

“You and Irene acting like I’m about to explode any minute”

“Well do you feel like you’re about to explode?” he asked in all seriousness, leaning closer to study her expression.

“ I’m not a baby and I don’t need a babysitter, I need a boyfriend, if you can’t be that, then just go” Belle replied testily.

“So you admit, that you need me?” Aden asked, now grinning.

“That’s not what I said” Belle pointed out.

“You said you needed a boyfriend”

“Yeah, but right now you’re acting like a neurotic old woman, not a boyfriend” Belle snapped back.

“Okay, so what is the expected behavior of a boyfriend?” he asked curiously as he began to fiddle with a lock of her hair.

“If you can’t figure that out yourself, then I can’t help you…” Belle retorted as brushed his hand away from her face.

Aden rolled his eyes, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry”

“Look, I know I’ve been a bit full on recently, but it’s only because I care about you, when I saw you the other day, you were so sick…you really scared me”

Belle sighed, “But I’m all better now” she pointed out.

Aden raised his eyebrows.

“Okay, so maybe not back to my usual self, but I’m almost there, and wrapping me in cotton wool is not going to help me!”

“Alright, alright I get you” Aden said, giving in, “I’m sorry for caring…”

“Aden, it’s really sweet that you’re worried about me, it is, but you don’t have to, I’m okay, really.”

Aden smiled weakly, “Okay then”

After a few minutes of awkward silences, Aden broke the silence. “Hey, I have to go, sorry I promised Roman to help him out with some things….uhh I’ll call you later” he said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

“Yeah, alright…are you okay?” Belle asked, slightly concerned by his distant expression.

“Yeah, I’m fine, I’ll see you later” Aden finished, leaving her there dumbfounded by what had just happened.

Belle watched him walk away, suspecting that something was bothering him, unsure if she had said anything to upset him, she let him go on his way.

The next morning, Belle awoke in her bed, very much alone. It was the first time in weeks that Aden hadn’t stayed the night. She was unsure whether she had upset him, or he had simply decided to give her some space and not smother her with worry. Either way, he hadn’t called or messaged her, which led her to believe he was in fact upset with her. Not wanting to be needy she opted not to call him.

“Mornin’ love” Irene called out as Belle entered the kitchen.

“Morning, hey is Aden working this morning?” Belle asked, yawning.

“Ahh, no love, didn’t he tell you, he’s cutting back his shifts, you remember his exams start this week, right?” Irene replied.

“Ohh yeah, I completely forgot!!” Belle replied, “No wonder he’s been acting weird, he must be so stressed out”

“Hmmmm” Irene replied, “Look, I’m off, did you want a lift to work?” she offered.

“Ahh, no thanks, I don’t start till 10, thank anyway, have a good day” Belle replied as she poured herself some cereal.

“Okay girly, see you this arvo, have a good one!” Irene exclaimed as she hurried out the door.

As Belle ate her breakfast quietly, she could think about was Aden. How could she forget something as important as his exams?!?! He never mentioned them to her, but she still should have remembered, she realized that she has been completely neglecting Aden the past few weeks, attacking him for looking after her. All he did was care about her, and all she did was constantly bite his head off.

“Hey! Aden!” Belle called out as she approached him. It was late afternoon and she had just gotten off work, he was sitting on the top of the log barrier, watching the ocean, completely lost in thought.

“Aden!” she repeated after she failed to get a response, now standing next to him.

“Oh, hey sorry, I was miles away” He replied, smiling briefly.

“How about a game of pool, at the Surf Club?” she offered, grabbing is hand and gently tugging.

“Ahhh, I’d love to, but I kinda need to study, have my first exam tomorrow” he said, jumping down of the barrier.

“Well, I can help you if you like, English was my best subject, once upon a time” she offered, grinning.

“Nah, its fine I’m sure you have better things to do” he replied.

“Aden, I don’t mind, I want to help”

“Look I said I was fine okay, you don’t want my charity and I don’t want yours either…I have to go, I’ll see you later, okay, I just really need to study right now” he finished as he took off.

Belle sighed, leaning against the log barrier, unsure how to make it up to him. He was always doing nice things for her, getting her special gifts, taking her on nice trips and looking after her when she was sick, he treated her like a queen, and yet Belle couldn’t remember the last time she had done something for him. Raked with guilt, she decided to do something special for him, to prove how much she cared about him. An idea crossed her mind, and a cunning smile crossed her face, knowing he would love it, she took off to organize his surprise.

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