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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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So here is chapter 50!! I can't believe it, thanks to all the people who keep commenting, that makes me wanna write more :D

Chapter 50.

It was a pleasant summer day, yet Aden had spent most of the afternoon indoors with only his text books as company. He had hardly seen Belle this last week after he had told her to back off a bit so he could get through his exams. However this theory wasn’t going so well, no matter whether he saw he at the Diner helping Irene out or out and about taking photos, or didn’t see her at all he couldn’t stop thinking about her. He couldn’t figure her out, he didn’t know what she wanted anymore…was she getting bored with him, he thought.

Belle or no Belle, Aden knew that if he didn’t do well in his exams, he wouldn’t have much of a future. He still had quite a bit of cash left over even after he had bought Belle the block of land, but it wasn’t enough to live on forever. He picked up a math book, and began revising equations. The funny thing was he was actually pretty good at math, in fact he was really good in all his subjects, he just never had the motivation to do well before, no one really pushed him either, not even his teachers. But now with his father out of his life, and having sorted out a lot of his issues, Aden was determined to make something of it.

As much as Belle missed having Aden around, she wasn’t going to get in the way of his HSC, she wanted more than anything for him to do well, and if that meant taking a step back, she was willing to do so.

She also had began making Aden’s surprise. She knew that he had money, so buying him something big and expensive would be pretty meaningless. She wanted to make something special, something that he didn’t have, something that he could keep forever. She looked over at her bedside table admiring the framed photo of their trip to the Gold Coast, she couldn’t decide what she liked most, the frame he had gone to so much trouble to get or the photo of the two of them snuggled up on the beach.

Wanting to have her special gift ready by the time Aden had finished his exams, she flipped open the lid to her laptop and began sending away emails, hoping to get a response.

“Hey love, thank you so much for covering tonight, with Aden down its been chaos!” Irene admitted as she hurriedly carried two dishes out to the tables.

“It’s not a problem” Belle replied smiling as she carefully tucked a purple folder into her bag and zipped it shut. “I’m meeting someone here a bit later, you don’t mind, it shouldn’t take more than half an hour or so” Belle casually mentioned as Irene raced back into the kitchen.

“Yeah, as long as you tell me what you’re up to, you’ve been having secret phone calls and meeting the last few days, you wanna tell me exactly what’s going on?” Irene asked suspiciously.

Belle gave a knowing smile, “No, it’s okay, I’m just working on a project” she replied candidly.

Irene continued to study Belle face suspiciously, “Well if it’s anything to go by on your past little ‘plans’, whatever it is, you make sure you keep right outta trouble alright!”

“It’s nothing like that, just trust me on this one” Belle assured Irene.

“Alright” Irene replied wearily, knowing that even if she was warned off, Belle was too stubborn to listen anyway.

Belle began to make the coffee orders, but was quickly distracted by who just entered the Diner.

“I didn’t know you were working here tonight” Aden commented as he approached her, looking quite exhausted.

“Well, they’re one short with you gone, so…” Belle began as she fiddled with the coffee machine.

“You’re filling in” Aden finished her sentence.

“Yeah…” Belle replied, the awkwardness in the room, well established.

“Are you mad at me?” Aden asked, trying to read Belle’s expression, but found this difficult as she kept avoiding his eye-contact.

“No, of course not, I’m just…working” Belle replied, smiling at him casually watching the door.

“Okay” he replied, not so convinced, “so listen, I’ve got some free time, on your break do you wanna hang out” he asked.

“Ahh, actually I can’t I’ve got this thing in a bit, but we can catch up tomorrow” Belle replied, still keeping an eye on the door.

“I’ve got three exams tomorrow so I won’t be able to….what’s your thing?” Aden he asked, realizing they hadn’t spoken at all the last couple of days.

“Oh, just this thing I have to do…for work I mean, umm I guess I’ll see you later then” Belle said, as she took the coffees she just made to the customers, desperately trying to get Aden to leave before the person she was meeting arrived.

“Uhhh, okay then” Aden said.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to order something?” Belle asked, wondering why he was there when he didn’t know she would be there.

“Yeah, whenever you have time, a bowl of nachos would be great” Aden said as he took a seat, becoming curious why Belle kept looking at the door, as if she was expecting to meet someone. He hadn’t been planning on staying, but he wanted to know why Belle was acting weird as he watched her disappear into the kitchen.

At that moment a middle aged woman entered the Diner, dressed up as if she was going to attend a very important business meeting, looking quite out of place. However intimidating her dress sense was, her face radiated a warmness that was inviting.

Aden took an interest in this woman, he swore he recognized her from somewhere, he then noticed that Belle was looking at her too, having reappear from the kitchen, apron missing.

“Belle Taylor?” The woman asked as Belle approached her.

“Yes, thank you so much for meeting me, umm shall we go somewhere more private?” Belle asked as she gestured around the relatively noisy room.

“Yes of course, after you” she replied. Belle gave a slight goodbye wave to Aden, when she realized he was watching her intently as she exited the door with the woman.

Aden raked his brains, why was Belle meeting with someone that he felt he knew, who was she?

Aden’s trail of thought was distracted by Irene who placed a big bowl of nachos in front of him.

“There ya go love! How’s the studying going?” Irene asked.

“Thanks. Yeah fine, hey do you know who that woman Belle just left with was?” He asked.

“Nope, can’t say I do. “ Irene said.

“Do you know what’s up with her, she’s been acting weird, and just before she practically was trying to get rid of me…” Aden noted.

“Honestly, I’m trying to figure that out myself” Irene replied with a smile as she hurried back to the kitchen, leaving Aden to contemplate what was going on with his girlfriend. This hot and cold thing with her was driving him insane.

“Thank you so much for meeting me Mrs Fisher, It really means a lot” Belle said as she and her guest took a table at the Surf Club.

“No, not at all, I’m glad to help, I haven’t seen Aden since he was a little boy, charming little fella he was.” Mrs Fisher replied.

“Well you saw him tonight, he was the one in the green shirt at the Diner, who I waved to on my way out” Belle said smiling.

“Ohh really, Oh my goodness, he’s…wow, I didn’t even recognize him!” She exclaimed.

“So you’re a friend of his?” she inquired.

“Actually I’m his girlfriend, I wanted to do something special for him” Belle replied sadly, “He’s been through a lot recently, well practically his whole life”

“I can imagine” she replied kindly as she pulled out a white folder from her bag, sliding it across the table, “I dug around a bit and this is everything that I had access to and could find, I hope it’s what you’re looking for”

Belle opened the folder, and flicked through its contents. “It’s perfect, thank you so much, you have no idea what this means, I owe you”

Mrs Fisher smiled kindly, “It’s my pleasure, let me know if there is anything thing else I can do to help” as she got up and gave Belle a slight hug. “Take care of him” she finished.

“I will, I promise” Belle replied.

The next couple of days passed quickly, Aden was surprisingly pleased with how his exams were going, and was glad he just had one to go this morning, and then he was a free man. He was also nervous about patching things up with Belle, it just seemed like they had drifted apart the last few weeks, and he wasn’t even sure if Belle was even upset about it, she seemed too pre-occupied with whatever it was she was doing to take notice of him anymore.

Belle on the other hand, was very excited about this afternoon, and had just completed the finishing touches on Aden’s gift, which now sat on her table. She carefully lifted it up and wrapped it in tissue paper before placing it in a large brown gift box, sealing it with a gold bow. Pleased with her efforts she tucked the box safely under her desk and went off to organize phase two of Aden surprise.

As Aden walked out of his last exam, he was mucking around with Axel and Mattie, when he realized there was someone waiting for him at the front gate of the school, holding what looked like a large picnic basket.

Grinning, he sped up to meet her. “This is a nice surprise” he said as he kissed her.

“What you think I would miss this. This is a historic event, Aden Jefferies finishes high school, we must celebrate” she said.

Aden smiled slightly, “So where are we going?” he asked.

“Oh, don’t sound so excited! I’m trying here… to be a supportive girlfriend” Belle pleaded.

Aden sighed, “I’m all yours, but first I have to go to the Surf Club, meeting the boys for a drink, It’ll only be for an hour” he added, noting the disappointment on her face.

“Ahhh, okay then, actually that will give me some time to set up, meet me on our land when you’re done okay?” She replied.

“Our land?” He asked.

“The block of land you bought for us….” Belle replied.

“Ohhh, right your land, yeah…I’ll see you there” he replied as he kissed her again, and jogged to catch up with Axel and the other boys.

Belle was slightly disappointed that Aden didn’t want to spend the whole afternoon with her, but she didn’t expect him to ditch his friends for her. Hoping that they were okay, she got in her car and drove towards their block of land so she could set up the picnic.

Belle sat on her picnic blanket, arms crossed and not impressed, where the hell was he? Belle called him again, but there was no reception up on the hill. Perfect, she though as she noticed it was becoming to get dark.

She heard the distant roar of a car, and composing herself she took a deep breath.

Aden approached her, nervously awaiting her reaction.

“What took you so long, I’ve been waiting here hours…” She pointed out calmly, yet her voice was borderline dangerous.

“I’m so sorry Belle, I tried calling you but I couldn’t get through, Axel got pretty drunk so I had to take him home” Aden explained.

“Brilliant, well we might as well go home, it’s getting dark, we can do this another time” she said as she began to pack up.

“No, no, you’ve gone to all this trouble, seriously let’s stay out here, you bring any candles?” he asked.

She hesitated for a second ,“Yeah, they’re in the basket. “ She instructed.

“Thank you, this is really nice” Aden said as he pulled her into a hug, after he had lit several candles.

Belle smiled weakly, “I made you something” she announced as she reached over and uncovered the brown package, passing it to Aden for him to open it.

“What is it?” he asked as he began to unwrap it.

“You’ll see”

Once Aden had finally removed all the tissue paper, he was looking at what looked like an old leather bound book.

“You got me a really old book?” he asked, slightly confused.

Belle rolled her eyes, “Open it” she directed.

Aden carefully pealed the cover open and realized it wasn’t a book, but a photo album.

“Oh my God” he whispered as he traced the pictured displayed on the front page with his finger.

“Is this”

“Your mum” she replied. “I remember you saying that you only have that one photo of her, that’s in your room. Well I did some digging, and met with some of your mum’s old school friends, and I found all these photo’s of when your mum was a kid and growing up. And there is some with you and your brothers when you were small, it’s your family photo album.”

“Belle, I don’t know what to say…” he whispered.

“Look in the back” she instructed.

He smiled, the last several pages were pictures of Belle and him, a couple of him with Roman, Nicole and Morag, and Irene, Annie and Geoff.

“And there are a several blank pages for you to fill, you know for the future, our future…” Belle trailed off.

“Thank you” he whispered as he kissed her.



“Are we okay?” he asked.

Belle sat up slightly, “Of course we are, why would you think that we weren’t?”

Aden looked slightly uneasy.


“It’s just that, sometimes it’s like, you don’t really need me, that you’re just fine without me…”

“What? That’s not true” Belle exclaimed.

“Well when you were sick you didn’t even want my help, and you kept pushing me away, and it just seems like sometimes you don’t need me at all…which I hate because I need you, I honestly would be so lost right now if it wasn’t for you.”

“Aden, I never meant to push you away, I’m sorry…but you’re wrong, I, uh, I do need you and want you in my life. I’m stubborn and forthright, I can’t help it, I’m an imperfect person. But you balance me out and make me incredibly happy. I might not have been through as much intense stuff as you have, but that doesn’t make you any less important to me!”

Aden smiled, “You’re an imperfect person”

“I’m an imperfect person” she repeated then laughed, ‘out of all the things I just said, that’s the part you choose to address!”

Aden laughed, “We can be perfectly imperfect together”

Belle smiled, “I love you Aden Jefferies”


Ahh, that was long, I hope it wasn't too boring! Let me know what you think :)

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That was just so... wow! Gosh, it was so emotional too [i dunno why but I have tears in my eyes....]

Brilliant! It was never boring and it didn't seem long enough! I'm glad you told us what the suprise was. I'm glad that Aden didn't flip out either!

Update soon once again please!


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