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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Thanks everyone :)

Just a little chapter, hope you like it, a bit of fluff

Chapter 51.

The sun was streaming into the upper floor of the beachside apartment, the window was slightly ajar to allow the cool breeze to enter. It was the day after Aden’s last exam, and he was enjoying the free time he had without having to feel guilty, relaxing in his room until Belle got off from work.

Aden sat on his bed, flicking through the photo album that Belle had made for him, studying each of the pictures carefully. She had gone to so much trouble to find these all, and restored the damaged photos, she had even captioned some of the photos with dates and names and left gaps for others that Aden might know. Words could not describe how grateful he was, it was truly the most amazing and thoughtful gift anyone had gotten him. He now knew even more about his mother than he had ever known, a thought that made him happy.

There was a slight knock and Nicole entered the room carrying a bowl of potato chips.

“What ya reading? I would have thought that you would have given up on the books since you have finished school and all…” Nicole observed as she parked herself on the end of Aden’s bed.

“It’s not a book” Aden replied, closing it and putting it aside, he wasn’t ready to share it with anyone else yet.

“Ummm okay” Nicole replied as she munched away on her chips.

Aden reached over and grabbed a handful.

“Ooooii, get your own! Eating for two here!!” Nicole pointed down at her slightly enlarged stomach, “you don’t want to let a pregnant girl starve!”

“So how’s that going for you?” Aden asked casually.

“Yeah, well as you’ve probably noticed I’m not up at six in the morning spewing my guts anymore, so I’d say for now, things are alright” Nicole replied.

Aden nodded. “And how is Daddy-to-be coping?”

Nicole laughed, “Geoff…well let’s say, he’s at odds with his faith…but he’s been really supportive, it’s actually really sweet”

“You really like him, don’t you” Aden asked attentively, as he leaned back against the bed head.

“Well yeah, I do, and we’re having a kid together so, you know…” she said as her voice trailed off.

Aden smiled, “Nicole, I know things kinda of suck for you at the moment, but it will get better, it always does”

“How do you know that?” Nicole inquired, with a mouth full of chips.

“Because you’ve got people to support you, I mean you’ve got Geoff, Roman, Irene, Belle and me of course”


“Yeah, I meant it” Aden assured her.

Nicole smiled back slightly, “You know, I never pegged you as the ‘sensitive’ type of guy”

Aden scoffed, “You can’t peg me, I’m un-peggable”

Nicole laughed, “Belle sure has done a number on you!”

Aden looked confused, “What do you mean?”

“She brings out the sweeter, more considerate side in you…it’s almost sickening” Nicole joked.

Aden laughed, “At least I’m not going to be the one with stretch marks and gain 60 pounds!” He quipped back.

“You take that back, you take that back right now!!!” Nicole exclaimed.

Aden simply laughed, shaking his head.

Later that night Aden tapped on Belle’s window, before climbing in only to find Belle half naked, getting dressed.

“What do you think you are doing?” she asked, but her facial expression indicated that she didn’t mind at all.

“Don’t mind me, carry on” he instructed as he sat down on Belle’s bed, stretching out his legs, grinning.

“You’re an idiot” Belle said as she pulled on a top, then began searching her draws for some pajama pants.

“Obviously, cause if I knew you were going to be putting on a strip show, I would have come sooner…” he said, waiting for a reaction.

“You would have to be the most, infuriating-“

“Charming” Aden interrupted.

“Annoying” Belle snapped back.

“Handsome guy on the planet” Aden added.

Belle rolled her eyes. “So uh, what did you get up to today?” she asked as she finished getting dressed and sat on the end of the bed opposite him.

“Hmmm, not much, hung out with Nicole for a little while” he said, grinning slightly.

“Have you been teasing her again?” Belle asked, half amused, half disapproving.

“Well it’s not every day you have a hormonal pregnant 17 year old living with you, have to make the most of it!” Aden replied.

“Yeah, well make sure you don’t push her too far, I know Nicole take ‘princess’ to a whole new level, but you shouldn’t be too hard on her” Belle said.

“Yeah I know, I did tell her that we were there for her, so she knows I’m just mucking around” Aden assured Belle.

Belle smiled, “You can be really sweet when you want to be you know” Belle pointed out.

“Hmmm, yeah, I’d rather save that for you though” he said as he reached across and grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him.


“Yeah” he said as he leant down towards her, pressing his lips against hers, Belle kissed him back.

“What exactly have you got saved?” she asked, pulling back slightly.

He brushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.

“For you, anything you want” he whispered.

Belle smiled as she kissed him again, leaning back and pulling him closer.

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Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! That so sweet and funny! Esp Aden teasing Nicole! I could totally see that!

Loved all the comments about Aden being a sensetive/sweet guy [cos he is] and lol at the 'stripshow'.

“You’re an idiot” Belle said as she pulled on a top, then began searching her draws for some pajama pants.

“Obviously, cause if I knew you were going to be putting on a strip show, I would have come sooner…” he said, waiting for a reaction.

“You would have to be the most, infuriating-“

“Charming” Aden interrupted.

“Annoying” Belle snapped back.

“Handsome guy on the planet” Aden added.

That has got to be the funniest thing I've read/heard all day!

Can't wait for more!

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