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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next chapter, hope you like it :)

Chapter 52.

It was mid Sunday morning and Belle was furiously searching her room, uplifting everything on her floor and tossing around the pillows on her bed, desperately searching for her misplaced item.

“It has to be here somewhere…”she mumbled to herself as she striped the sheets off her bed.

Irene having heard the commotion stuck her head in the door way. “Lost something have we?” she asked earnestly.

Belle looked up, frustration etched her face. “No, I just thought it might be fun to upturn everything in my room”

Irene rolled her eyes as she cautiously entered Belle’s room taking a seat on her bed.

“You need some help?” She asked kindly.

Belle stopped what she was doing, “Oh, I’m sorry, that was rude” Belle commented.

Irene shrugged it off, “It’s not like I haven’t copped the fair share of attitude from you in the past, I’m sure I’ll survive, but not unless you tell me what’s got you tearing your room up from left to right?!?” Irene asked.

“It’s my ring, Aden’s ring, that he gave me, I was wearing it, and now I can’t find it!” Belle exclaimed.

“Well darl, can you remember where you last had it?”

“Here” Belle said, gesturing to her upturned room. “Aden gave me his ring, and now I’ve lost it…I have to find it!!!”

“I’ve never seen you so worked up over a piece of jewelry before, unless it’s not just a ring…” Irene said casually.

“What do you mean?” Belle asked.

“I mean, things are getting pretty serious between you and Aden…” Irene started.

“Yeah” Belle said slowly, unsure where Irene was going with this.

“So have you thought much about the future?” Irene inquired.

“Well, not really, we’ve both had so much going on lately… we’ve had our ups and downs, a lot of them, but…this feels different” Belle explained as she stopped and sat down opposite Irene.

“Different how?” Irene asked, genuinely interested.

“Well, I love him Irene…not just love him, I love him, so whatever happens, it doesn’t matter, because we’ll find each other, we always find each other”

Irene smiled, “Well as long as he makes you happy”

“I know this is going to sound really clichéd but, he doesn’t just make me happy, I mean Drew and Lucas, Ric they all made me happy at some point, but Aden, he makes me feel like me, I don’t have to think when I’m around him, you know, I don’t feel like I have to pretend, I can just be me, I feel so safe, I can let my guard down when I’m around him, and that’s something I’ve never done before”

Irene smiled again, “Well it’s about time girly, I know everyone says how far Aden has come since you’ve been together, but I think that it’s you who’s grown and matured into a respectable young lady, you should be proud”

Belle laughed, “I never thought I’d see the day where you said that!”

“Yep, well neither did I! You’re full of surprises, that’s all I can say” Irene finished as she affectionately patted Belle on the shoulder and exited the room, leaving Belle in deep thought.

However her momentary lapse in conciseness was interrupted by a gentle tap on the open window, as Aden climbed through, looking quite pleased with himself.

Belle laughed, “So you’ve gone back to using the window fulltime” she noted.

“Well, according to my calculations, it’s the quickest, most efficient route to enter your room, so I thought it would be the obvious choice” he explained as he sat himself down on her bed, “And plus I know it turns you on, you know, to have a incredibly hot guy climb through your window…”

Belle shook her head laughing, and this was her only response, which seemed to please Aden even more.

“You love it…anyway, what’s with the redecorating?” he asked, finally noticing how much of a mess Belle’s room was in, “I know you’re not the super neat, clean freak kinda girl, but this is borderline ridiculous, how do you expect to live in this mess?”

Belle stuttered, “I uhh, I was, I was reorganizing, and looking for something, but, yeah…” she said, not wanting to tell Aden she had lost the ring he had given her.

“What have you lost?” He asked, intrigued by her vagueness.

“Uhh, nothing, it’s not important…”

“Well it seems pretty important seeing as you’ve turned your room into a pigsty looking for it” he pointed out.

Belle brushed this off as she started to tidy her desk up.

“I’m not going to yell or get mad you know” Aden said leaning back against her bed head.

“What?” Belle asked confused.

“I’m not going to get mad at you” he repeated.

“Why would you be mad at me, it’s my room I can mess it up if I want…” Belle pointed out.

“I’m not going to get mad at you for losing the ring I gave you” he said.

“What? How did you-“ Belle started, but smiled when she saw him holding a small circular silver object in his hand.

“This what you’re looking for?” he asked.

“No…uhhh, maybe…yeah, it was” Belle replied giving in, unable to contain her relief as she smiled and sad down next to him.

“You completely flipped out over a ring?” he asked, amused.

“I didn’t flip out, I was just looking for it” she defended.

Aden laughed, “Yeah right” as he glanced around her room again.

“Where did you find it anyway?” she asked, trying to steer the conversation.

Aden grinned, “It seem to have been tangled up in my shirt, you obviously can’t keep your hands off me, seeing as you were wearing it at the time” he pointed out.

“If I remember correctly, it was you who couldn’t keep your hands off me” Belle retaliated.

Aden laughed at her stubbornness, “Okay, I think we’ve established that we both can’t keep our hands of each other…so why are we wasting time talking?” he asked, trying hard to keep a serious face.

“Unless you have something better to do?” he added when he failed to get an audible response from her.

“Well actually I do, seeing as my room is an apparent pigsty, the polite thing to do would be for you to help” she pointed out as she got up and started to pick up a pile of folders from the floor.

Aden groaned as she reluctantly got up and started to help her, “Well it’s lucky you have such an amazing boyfriend, who is willing to help clean your room”

With the two of them working together, it didn’t take long until Belle’s room looked reasonably clean, as Aden hung the last of her clothes in the wardrobe, Belle entered carrying drinks for the both of them.

“Ahhh, thanks” he said as he accepted the glass from her, grinning.

“Okay, are you going to tell me why you have been grinning like an idiot all morning?” Belle asked suspiciously as she slumped down on her bed, sipping her drink.

Aden smiled, “What can I say, I don’t have to pretend, you just make me so happy,” he emphasised.

Belle glared at him, “You overhead what I was saying to Irene?” she asked.

Aden smiled.

“You know eavesdropping is rude Aden!” she exclaimed, you better hope that I don’t nail that window shut!”

“I wasn’t eavesdropping, I was coming round to see you and you and Irene were having a moment, I didn’t want to interrupt, so I waited, shoot me”

“Oh you better hope I don’t!” she fired back.

“I don’t know why you’re getting all upset, if anything you should be happy” he affirmed.

“Happy?” Belle asked, eyebrows raised.

“Yeah Belle, happy, I feel the same way, but I think you know that already”

Belle demeanor softened a little.

“Go on” she prompted.

“Do you remember that night, when I got drunk on the pier and you took me home, and you weren’t really sure of me at the time, but you stayed anyway, and you talked to me until I fell asleep. That night, was the first night that I actually slept, like felt safe in my skin, you know, I felt safe knowing you were there. You were just a girl, and I was just this guy. And yet there was something else there, and I think you felt that too”

Belle smiled.

“I still don’t know how you do it” Belle said finally.

“Do what?”

“Infuriate me one second, then take my breath away the next” she replied.

“That’s because I know you, the real you, the sensitive, sweet side you try so hard to hide from everyone else” Aden replied as he shuffled over till he was next to her, reaching out for her hand.

She accepted his hand, entwining her fingers with his as she leant against his shoulder just enjoying the moment quietly. That’s one of the things she loved about Aden, they could just sit there for hours and just be completely comfortable without having to say a word. Aden kissed the side of her face, which made Belle smile, relaxing into him further.

“You’re not serious about nailing the window shut though, because I don’t think I could cope” Aden said finally.

Belle laughed, “As long as you promise no more sneaking around, then the window is all yours” she replied.

“Told you, you loved it” Aden he whispered in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her, enjoying just lying there with Belle in his arms.

Later that afternoon Aden was working in the Diner, and Belle tagged along for a lack of a better idea.

“Hmmmmmm, I think I’ll have a chocolate milkshake” she announced as she leant against a table as Aden was making coffees in front of her.

“Ahem, I’m a little busy here, can it wait?” Aden asked in an exasperated voice.

“I am a paying customer” Belle reminded him.

“Ahh, since when have you ever paid for anything here?” Aden asked, now amused.

“I’ve worked here a lot longer than you have, I have loyalty points!!” she defended, “and plus, I live with the owner” she added.

“Yeah, and so do I” Aden pointed out.

“Yeah, well Irene won’t accept my money, she appreciates that a girl need a chocolate milkshake everyone once in a while…” Belle said thoughtfully.

Aden rolled his eyes as he hurried past to serve the coffees to the customers, unaware that a mid-30ish looking young man had entered the Diner, bumping into him, spilling the coffee down his front.

“Ohh Crap!” Aden yelped as he apologized profusely to the man, who was now wiping away coffee off his briefcase. Belle watched on in amusement. Aden has always taunted her about her clumsiness, and she wasn’t about to forget this little event in a hurry, she had never unintentionally spilt anything on a customer.

“Don’t worry about it” the man muttered, as he handed back the sopping wet cloth that Aden had given him to dry himself.

“Uhhh, actually, you could help me with something” the man said, looking up at Aden.

“Yeah sure, what can I get you?” Aden asked, looking up at the man, realizing that there was something vaguely familiar about him, he reminded him of someone he knew, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it. Before he could rake his brains any further, the man answered his question.

“Umm, actually I’m looking for Belle Taylor, do you know her, I was told she works here?” he asked.

“Yeah, I know her” Aden answered as he turned around to Belle, who was still trying to stifle her laughter. “Uhh, Belle, someone’s here to see you” he told her, gesturing towards the man.

Belle slightly confused walked over, shooting a questioning look at Aden.

“Hi, I’m Belle” Belle greeted him.

The man stood there for a couple of seconds, completely in awe of her presence.

“Hi” he replied nervously, “I’m Michael, Michael Stacey”

“I’m sorry, but do I know you?” Belle asked, now very confused.

“I’m…I’m your father” he replied, looking at her expectantly.

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