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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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So here is the next chapter, I'm not really sure about it, it's kinda taking a new direction, so let me know if its good or bad!

Chapter 53.

“I’m sorry?” Belle asked, completely bewildered.

“I’m your dad…I didn’t even know you were alive until a couple of days ago, I ran into Amanda in Sydney and she told me everything, My God I can’t believe you’re standing right here in front of me…I thought you were dead, you died, they told me you died” He explained.

“Uhh, excuse me” Belle said as she quickly walked out of the Diner, not looking back.

Aden stood there for a second, unsure about what just happened, “Dude, sorry about the coffee” Aden finally said, only lingering in the awkwardness for a moment as he went to follow Belle out the door.

Belle’s father just stood in the Diner covered in coffee, he didn’t know how Belle was going to react, but he wasn’t expecting her not to say anything at all. He would have understood if she was angry at him, or hurt, or even intrigued about him showing up out of the blue. From what Amanda had told him, she was a very upfront, forthright, no nonsense kind of girl, who always had an opinion about everything. Hoping to get a second chance to talk to her, he sat down on the table, and contemplated what he was going to do next.

“Belle!!” Aden called out to her as he approached her from behind. She was sitting on the beach, looking out at sea.

“Hey” she said quietly.

Aden knelt down in front of her, “Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine” she said as she smiled at him.

“Okay, if you’re fine, why did you do a runner?”

“I don’t know…I don’t know how I feel, I don’t know what to say to him, I don’t know Aden” Belle replied.

Aden sighed. This was a situation he had never had to deal with. He knew just as much about Belle’s father as she did, which was nothing.

Belle looked up at him, “You should get back to work, or Irene will freak” she pointed out calmly.

“Will you be okay?” he asked, not wanting to leave her alone if she was upset.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I don’t need a babysitter, you go. I think I might go for a walk” she decided as she stood up.

“Okay, call me if you need me” Aden said as he kissed her, “I’ll see you later okay”

“Yep, bye” she said as she turned and walked in the other direction.

Aden watched her walk away into the distance, sad that he had no idea what to do or say.

Aden walked back into the Diner only to be confronted by Belle’s father.

“Is she okay?” he asked timidly.

Aden watched him suspiciously, “Was there something you wanted from Belle?” he asked in a discerning tone.

“I just wanted to see my daughter… my baby girl” he replied.

Aden scoffed, “Belle is no baby”

“I know…she’s all grown up, I just, I’m still in shock, I thought she was dead all these years…” he explained.

“Well who gave you the right to come barging into her life now? What difference does it make? You were never a father to her, you weren’t there for her when she needed a dad, so why should you expect a damn thing now?” Aden yelled as he suddenly became angry.

“Alrlight, alright, settle down!! What’s gotten into you mister? You don’t talk to customers like that!! What the hell is going on?” Irene exclaimed, coming out of the kitchen to see what all the commotion was about.

“Ask this jerk!” Aden replied, “I’m going to find Belle” he finished as he stormed off.

Irene watched him go and turned to face Michael. “What was that about?” she asked.

“I think I upset him” Michael commented dismally.

“You don’t say, and who might you be?” Irene inquired.

“I’m Belle Taylor’s father” he replied.

“Good Lord!!” Irene exclaimed, shocked.

“Hey babe” Aden greeted Belle as he entered her room. She was sitting on her bed, fiddling with her ring.

She smiled when she saw him, patting the bed next to her, gesturing for him to sit.

He obliged, putting his arm around her and pulling her closer.

“Everything was so perfect this morning” she said, “So in control, and now…I feel so lost, like my whole life has been a lie all over again, its Amanda all over again”

“You don’t owe him anything Belle, he might be your biological father…but as far as I’m concerned biological fathers are overrated” he commented.

Belle giggled.

“Thank you” Belle whispered, “You always know how to make me laugh”

“Well if it’s any consolation, he can’t be worse than my father, I think he takes the cake for most screwed up father in the world” Aden added.

“You know when I found out I was adopted, I was so relieved, so happy. Because my adoptive parents were horrible, I guess I kinda knew all along, they never treated me like I was their child, I was just this sad little disappointment” Belle explained.

“Why would you say that?” Aden asked.

“I wasn’t the perfect little daughter they wanted to sit and look pretty for them, I was so different to them. Like I was my own person and I had my own opinions and they hated that. All they wanted was a normal little girl who played dress ups and had tea parties and hated boys”

Aden grinned, “I can’t even imagine that”

“Yeah, me either. When I found out I had a whole other family out there, all I wanted to do was find them. I had this fantasy of what they would be like, to be part of a family where I actually belonged.” She continued as Aden listened.

She then laughed sadly, “And when I met Amanda and found out she was my real mother, I was so disappointed, she was the last thing I expected and after that I lost interest. I found Irene and she’s amazing, I honestly don’t know what I would do without her”

Aden rubbed her shoulder affectionately, “Look, I might not be the best person to be giving out advice on family dramas, but Irene, Annie and Geoff, they are more your family than anyone else, and just because you’re not bound by blood doesn’t make them any less important…the guy from the Diner, he’s just Amanda’s sperm donor, if that’s all you want him to be. Bottom line is, if you really want to get to know him you can, but you don’t have to, you’ve got everything you need, right here” Aden finished.

Belle smiled, “When did you get so smart?”

Aden laughed, “What can I say, it just comes naturally”

The next day, Roman had roped Aden into doing a full day of work after he had stormed out the day before in the middle of his shift. Belle had taken this opportunity to work on some of her own photography, since she had the whole day to herself she decided to walk up to Stuart’s Point.

“Belle!” Called out someone from behind her.

She turned around only to be greeted by her father who had just gotten out of his car, watching her nervously.

“Uhh, hi” she said as he approached her.

“Look, I’m sorry if I came on too strong the other day, I just wanted to meet you, …I, I was in a accident years back and now I can’t have kids, and when I found out that you were alive, I feel like I’ve been given a second chance. I, I uh, I just want you to know, that if I had known you were alive, I wouldn’t have abandoned you like Amanda did”

“Amanda didn’t abandon me, I was taken from her, it wasn’t her fault, and it’s not yours either.” Belle said.

“So does that mean you want to give me a chance, to get to know me, maybe even be a family someday?” he asked.

Belle frowned, “I’m sure you’re a really nice person, but I’m sorry, I can’t do what you’re asking of me. I have a family now, I have everything I need, and I know this is going to sound horrible, but you just not a person I ever want to know” she finished.

“I’m sorry I just can’t do it” she repeated as she turned around continuing to walk up the road to Stuarts Point.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you” he said as she raced up to catch up with her.

Belle looked at him, he seemed so desperate.

“Where are you going anyway?” he asked.

“Stuart’s Point, I’m a photographer, I just going to take a few shot, I’m sorry but I need to get these done” she replied.

“Well can I at least give you a lift, it’s the least I could do” he offered.

Belle hesitated.

“It’s just a lift, it just seems a fair way to walk, and it looks like it might rain soon” he pointed out.

Belle sighed, “You don’t give up do you?” she asked.

“Stubbornness runs in the family” he replied.

Belle laughed, “I guess it does” she said, smiling slightly.

“I just want you to know that I care about you, that’s all, we can take it slowly, baby steps. I’d just like the chance to get to know you.” he replied.

Belle nodded, “Okay, a lift to Stuart’s Point then?”

He smiled, “Right this way” he said as he led her to his car, “So you’re a photographer?” he asked.

The Diner was relatively quiet that morning, the afternoon rush for lunch was yet to come. Irene and Roman were both busy in the kitchen and Aden was clearing tables when two people a man and a woman entered the Diner wearing what looked like expensive business suits.

The woman approached Aden, “I’m looking for a Susan ‘Belle’ Taylor” she informed him in a matter-of-factly manner.

Aden smiled, “Let me guess, you must Belle’s long lost sister or her step mother?” he joked, but the smile quickly faded from his face when he noted her serious unfaltering expression.

“Actually, I’m a police officer, Detective Mary Swartz, and I need to speak to Belle Taylor, are you going to tell me where I can find her, or not?” she asked.

“Uhh, she not here at the moment, what is this about?” he asked concerned.

“Well do you know where she is currently?” the male officer asked, stepping in.

Irene came from the kitchen, “What going on Aden love?” she asked as she noticed the two officer questioning Aden.

“I don’t know, they are looking for Belle, but they won’t tell me why” Aden responded.

“Is Belle in some kind of trouble?” Irene asked.

“And who might you be?” the female officer asked.

“I’m Irene Roberts, Belle lives with me, under my care. Now tell me what’s going on!” she demanded.

The male officer glanced in a folder and gave a confirming nod to the woman.

“I’m afraid I have some terrible news, Ms Taylor’s parents we’re killed in a car crash two days ago. We need to speak to Susan immediately” she informed them both.

“Oh God!!” Irene exclaimed, clamping her hands on her mouth.

Aden chimed in this time, “Belle hasn’t had contact with her adoptive parents for years, what do you want her for?”

“She’s the next of kin and everything in the will was left to her. We need to talk to her immediately, we have some questions for her regarding her relationship with her parents” the male officer added.

“She’s down at Stuart’s Point” Aden informed them, “I’ll come with you” he added.

“No, we would rather talk to her alone, we will take her to the station to file an official statement, you can meet her there if you like” the officer replied as they exited the building.

Irene sat down in shock, and Aden joined her.

“That poor girl, as is she hasn’t got enough going on, now this!!” Irene exclaimed.

“Hey, Irene, you don’t think it’s weird, that Belle’s foster parents are killed, then two days later some guy claiming to be her father appears out of the blue, I mean, it’s a coincidence, it has to be, right?” Aden asked, deeply disturbed by the news he had just received.

“You can pull over here, the Point’s just up the road, I’ll start from over here” Belle instructed as she adjusted the lens on her camera looking up.

Michael kept driving, not showing any signs of slowing down.

“You can let me out here” Belle repeated, starting to get nervous.

Michael turned around, “I’m sorry I can’t do that” he replied as he tore off down the highway. A look of horror crosses Belle’s face.


Please dont hate me! :unsure:

Sorry if that was a bit long, not much fluff in it either... let me know what ya think! :)

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I knew there was something dodgy with him! Is it wrong that I kept screaming 'don't get into the car' at my laptop??!

God, I can't belive you just left it there though... poor Belle! I hope someone finds her soon, or least finds out she's been kidnapped!

Update soon!


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