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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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lol sorry that was poor writing on my behalf, her adoptive parents who were killed in the car crash. Well technically, there was no proof that Belle was adopted as she was 'stolen' from Amanda and there was no legal documentations, so according to official records that would make her their daughter, so I guess that's why the police said parents instead of adoptive parents. I hope that made sense.

Sorry, I don't think I can update until Monday, its assignment season at uni

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA no, you have to update before Monday.

Seriously, just update when you can (but soon :lol:), I know what it can be like having assignments coming out your ears, thank God it's over for me now (sorry to rub it in :P).

Your writing is never poor btw. :)

I'll try and write a chapter by tonight, but I'm not promising anything! I'm still deciding what's going to happen to Belle... :ph34r::unsure:

Only good things, I would hope!

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Sorry its only short! I promise I'll write another chapter tomorrow :)

Chapter 53.

Belle sat in the car, trying hard to remain calm. She looked over at the man.

“Are you really my father?” she finally asked calmly.

“Yes, what I told you was all true” he replied, looking across at Belle.

“Okay, then, why are you doing thing?” she asked, trying not to let on how scared she really was.

“I’m not going to hurt you, I just want us to be a family. There has not been a day that has gone by that I haven’t thought about you since you were born. Your memory haunted me for all these years, only to find out that you are alive” He continued.

“You think kidnapping me is the right way to go about this?” she asked.

“You wouldn’t have come, you said you didn’t want to know me, I can’t take that, I hate it when people shut me out, I won’t let you reject me” he finished.

“This is about Amanda” Belle noted, “she rejected you after I was born, and now you think that you can make things right by taking me away from my family and friends!”

“There is something I have to show you, then you will understand” he said calmly, ignoring Belle’s last remark.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“To the city” he replied, not taking his eyes of the road.

Now more than scared, Belle was frustrated with herself. How could she be so stupid? Get into a car with a strange man, who she hardly knew. Had she not learnt anything from what happened with Dom? She was mentally kicking herself. At yet at the same time she was curious, what was so important that her father had to kidnap her to show her, what could he possibly say to make everything alright? For years Belle had this obsession with finding her family, finding out who she was, but every time she had found something, it made her feel even worse. After finding Amanda, she never gave finding her dad a second thought, and now here he was, taking her away from the life she had finally felt at home.

Michael noticed Belle was deep in thought as he looked over at her.

“Try not to think about it” he said.


“Try not to think about them, your family, your friends, they are all gone now and you won't see them again, ever, it’s just you and your dad from now on.” He replied.

“You’re insane” Belle replied.

“Belle where are you, pick up!!” Aden said as he repeatedly tried to call her. “She’s not answering, something’s wrong, if anything’s happened to her-“

“We don’t know that, let’s just stay calm until we know for sure” Irene said, trying to calm an increasingly distressed Aden.

Irene and Aden were at the police station, having spent the last couple of hours there waiting for Belle. She hadn’t turned up, and both the detectives had returned without Belle, the police had sent out a small search team to find her, even though she wasn’t a missing person. Whatever it was to do with her adoptive parent’s death, must have been pretty important or else they wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to find her, Irene thought, but didn’t want to relay these sentiments onto Aden.

“Well you know what Belle’s like, she could have easily gone off wondering off the path to get a good picture, it’s possible that the police officers drove straight past her.” Irene reasoned.

“Yeah maybe, but why won’t she answer her phone?” Aden responded aggressively.

“Love I know you’re worried, and so am I, but the best thing we can do is wait and see” Irene replied, “Belle’s a big girl and she can handle herself, she’s be fine, just you wait and see”

“Yeah, I know, but I can just sit here and do nothing, I’m going to look for her myself, I just have this feeling you know, something’s not right” Aden finished as he walked out the door. Irene knew better than to try and stop him.

It was at that moment that Irene finally realized how much Belle meant to Aden. She didn’t know about his past or how Belle had helped him through his issues step by step, but what she did know was that Belle meant the world to Aden, and if anything happened to her, he wouldn’t be able to cope. Belle had told her how much she loved him, and the deeper connection she felt with him and Irene could now see this. She was happy that Belle had finally found someone who not only loved her, but respected her.

They had been driving in the car for a couple of hours and eventually made the turn off into the city. Belle was slightly relieved that they were in a city rather than somewhere out the bush with no one around. This gave her plenty of opportunities to escape. For some reason all she wanted to do was to talk to Aden and hold him close to her. He didn’t even know she was missing, she thought. At least he wouldn’t be going out of his mind worrying about her.

“Okay, so where are we going now?” Belle asked, still trying not to let on that she was scared.

“We are almost there, don’t worry, you will understand when you see” he replied, eyes glued to the road.

They pulled off onto a side street, slowing down as they approached a clearing near the suburban housing district down the road. They pulled up next to a large power pole that had a little wooden sign sitting neatly on the ground, and a single pink rose taped to the side.

“Get out of the car” he instructed.

Belle unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door, taking in her surroundings, while still clutching onto her camera instinctively.

She looked down at the sign and read the inscription.

“Oh God” she whispered.

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Seriously, such a good chapter! I loved Irene's thoughts about Aden and Belle!

Please please update soon, i'm guessing that the inscription is of her adoptive parent's on their gravestone or something??


lol I wish I could, but I am in need of some serious sleep! But I promise to update tomorrow :)

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lol I wish I could, but I am in need of some serious sleep! But I promise to update tomorrow :)

You leave it there and you want to SLEEP. GET UP NOW AND UPDATE! :D

Ha ha, only kidding mate. :lol:

Will it be tomorrow, tomorrow you update or tonight in UK time, I know there is a nine-hour time difference or something?... :D

Belle had better get away from that loony, I'm guessing the inscription is something to do with her dead adoptive parents. Did that loony kill them? :blink:

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