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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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Here's the next chapter, sorry there is no fluff, maybe later on... :wink:

Chapter 54.

Belle looked up at Michael who was also staring at the sign.

“My wife, my two daughters and my baby boy…” he explained sadly, “all gone, right here” he finished as he knelt down next to the sign, brushing his hand against their names. “Four weeks ago…four weeks”

“I’m so sorry for your loss, it must be terrible” Belle said nervously.

“Now do you understand?” he asked, “My family was taken away from me, just like you were taken away from me and I won’t let that happen again, I won’t abandon you, the people who took you away, the people who took my family away, they have been punished.”

“What do you mean, punished?” Belle asked, starting to get scared.

“The drunk driver who drove my wife and kids of the road was killed in the crash too” he explained, “and you don’t have to worry about the family who took you away from me, I took care of them” he said, with a sad smile.

“What do you mean, what did you do?” Belle asked, horrified by what she thought had happened.

“I told you I took care of them!” he replied, becoming frustrated with all Belle’s questions.

“Oh my God” Belle whispered, realizing that her father really was insane, he has lost his family and now was trying to rebuild his delusional fantasy of having a family again and replacing his loss.

“You can’t do this, you can’t-“ Belle began.

“Get it the car, we’re going home” he said, grabbing her arm tightly and pushing her towards the car.

Realizing he was too strong to fight off, Belle reluctantly got into the car, praying someone would see her and try to help. It was only now that Belle realized just how much danger she was really in, starting to get desperate she weighed up her options.

About half an hour later, they pulled up the driveway to a modest looking double story house, in the outer suburbs of Sydney. The garden was neat and tidy and the lawns looked freshly mowed.

“We are home” he told Belle, smiling, signaling for her to get out of the car.

Belle got out and he led her into the house, locking the door behind them.

She gasped when she saw the inside of the house.

There was pictures of Belle hanging all around the house, when she was a baby, and growing up as a young child and a couple of more recent ones of her and Drew.

She also noticed that all the doors had large locks on them and the windows were padlocked shut.

Belle took a deep breath as she followed her dad into the living room, now incredibly freaked out. This was the stuff on nightmares.

It was now getting late and Belle was nowhere to be found and Aden was becoming increasing concerned for her wellbeing. He had spent all afternoon searching for Belle but to no avail, he eventually retreated into her bedroom so see if there was anything there to indicate where she could have gone. The police has now stepped up the search for her, and her father, Michael Stacey was listed as a person of interest.

He sat down on her bed and reached over, picking up her photo frame he had given her, tracing he finger around her face. He smiled sadly, all he wanted to do was to see her and know that she was safe. He would give anything to just see her again.

Irene walked in with a plate of sandwiches and a glass of orange juice. “Here love, you need to eat something” she gestured.

“I’m not hungry Irene” he replied moodily.

“We will find her, the police are looking for her father too, they can’t have gotten too far, that’s even is she is with him, we don’t know that” Irene suggested.

“Then where the hell is she then?!? She wouldn’t just disappear like this, not without tell me where she was going, something’s happened to her Irene, I just have this bad feeling…I want her back”

“I know, we all want her back, but if I’ve learnt anything about Belle, it’s that she’s one tough cookie, and it takes a lot to rattle her up, wherever she has gotten to, I’m sure she will find her way home, she always does” Irene assured Aden as she sat down next to him.

Aden looked up at Irene. “Yeah” he agreed, “She is pretty amazing…I honestly don’t know what I would do without her, she’s helped me through so much…” he said softly as his voice trailed off.

Irene nodded understandingly, not pushing Aden to reveal his troubled past, she knew when the time was right, he would open up. She simply patted his on the shoulder affectionately.

“You know, I thought I’d never see the day where I said this, but I’m glad Belle’s got you for a boyfriend, I know I haven’t exactly been your biggest fan in the past, but you’ve proven to me that there is a decent young man behind all the bravado you put on, I’ve never seen her look at anyone the way she looks at you, you’ve got a hold on her just as much as she’s got on you” Irene explained, as she got up and left Aden deep in thought.

However he trail of thoughts was interrupted by his phone ringing, it was Belle.

“Belle!! Where are you?!!”

“I can’t talk for long, it’s dad, he’s got me and he won’t let me go, I’m at his house in the city, I think it 47 Bushland Road or something, I have to go, please hurry, he’s talking like he’s going to keep me here forever, he killed my adoptive parents Aden!!” she exclaimed in a hushed voice.

“Okay, We’re on our way, just sit tight and I’ll be there okay” he assured her.



“I love you” she said softly, as a single tear trailed down her face.

“Belle you’re going to be okay, I’m coming, I…I love you too.” he said as she quickly hung up.

“Belle?? Belle are you still there?” he asked.

He looked at his phone, she had cut the line.

“Irene!!! I just talked to Belle I know where she is!!” He called out as he rushed into the living room.

Belle was sitting in against the far wall in the bathroom as she quickly hid her phone in her back pocket, after having made sure it was set on silent. There was a knock on the door.

“Belle are you okay?” her father asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine” she replied as she got up and turned on the tap at the sink, pretending to wash her hands, wiping the tears that stain her face.

“Good, dinner will be ready in 10 minutes, see you at the dining table” he finished.

Sighing relief as she heard his footsteps taking him in another direction, Belle pulled out her phone. He battery was dying, there was only one bar of battery left. Perfect, she thought, why didn’t I charge my phone last night. Deciding to turn it off to conserve the remaining battery, she pressed the off button, so that when Aden turned up, she could contact him then.

She looked in the mirror and splashed water on her face, patting it dry with a face cloth, sighing as she mentally prepared herself to go and play happy families with her father over dinner.

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damn, i almost wished you hadn't posted that chapter, because i thought there would have been a plaque of some description, but i hadn't decided who died. :P

There was pictures of Belle hanging all around the house, when she was a baby, and growing up as a young child and a couple of more recent ones of her and Drew.

obsessed much!?


i hope Aden doesn't get kidnapped by hin teo :unsure:

update asap :D

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damn, i almost wished you hadn't posted that chapter, because i thought there would have been a plaque of some description, but i hadn't decided who died. :P

There was pictures of Belle hanging all around the house, when she was a baby, and growing up as a young child and a couple of more recent ones of her and Drew.

obsessed much!?


i hope Aden doesn't get kidnapped by hin teo :unsure:

update asap :D

Now there's an idea! lol I actually hadn't thought about it that way...hmmmm

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Whoa! All of a sudden I sympathise with Michael... not that I like what he's done! But the poor guy, losing his family and all.

Hope Aden gets there in time. And I hope you don't go using Lily's idea and kidnap him too! That would be just mean... but then again, he would be with Belle so it would be ok right?

Can't wait for more.


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