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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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So this chapter is a bit different than any I've done before, italics are flashbacks, so tell me what you think :)

Chapter 55.

It had been two weeks, two weeks since Belle had returned home from the city and rescued from her disturbed father, he had been charged with kidnapping and the murders of her adoptive parents and was now residing in a metal facility awaiting assessment to see if he was mentally stable to stand trial.

She sat in the middle of her bed, knee pulled up to her chest, staring absent mindedly into space, fiddling with her ring. Aden was at work after she insisted he give her some space. He wanted to talk about what had happened that day, but Belle had refused, unable to make heads or tails of it herself, she didn’t want to complicate everything. She just wanted to forget.

“Belle, dinner’s ready” her father called from the kitchen.

Belle hesitantly entered the dining room and sat down across from her father. She realized he was not in his right state of mind, that he was suffering from post-traumatic stress, she didn’t want to hurt him, she just wanted to go home.

“So, this is our house?” she asked, trying to stir up a conversation that she could control.

“Yes, yes of course. After dinner I will give you a proper tour and give you time to settle into your new room. You’re going to love it here” he replied as he began to serve dinner.

Belle forced a smile.

Irene entered Belle’s room with a bowl of steaming chicken soup, “Here you go love” she said as she set it down on Belle’s beside table, “You might want to give it a minute to cool down, it’s hot off the stove”.

“Thanks Irene” she said softly.

“So how we doing today?” Irene asked as she sat down across from her.

“I’m okay Irene, I’m home and I’m safe, right?” Belle replied as she continued to twist her ring around her finger.

“Of course you are, and you know we are all here, so when you feel like talking…” Irene prompted.

“I wish I could talk about it, but I don’t to say, I wish I knew what to say, people keep asking me, was he crazy, was he sick, did he hurt me, I don’t know” Belle explained.

“Well that’s a start, you don’t have to have all the answers Belle, and I think you’re being a bit unfair on Aden, he’s going out of his mind trying to figure out how to help you” Irene explained.

“I know, I know, I just don’t want him to think I’m this little weak thing that needs constant supervision” Belle replied.

Irene laughed, “Well for starters no one thinks you’re weak, especially Aden, you’re the most head strong, bright and independent person I know, but love, you’ve got to stop caring what other people think” Irene told her.

“I don’t care what other people think, I just care what Aden thinks” Belle responded.

Irene smiled at this, “You know he was going crazy out of his mind when you were missing, he was a complete mess not knowing what had happened to you. I never thought I’d see the day were Aden Jefferies went weak at the knee’s for anyone, especially you”

Belle smiled, “So this means?”

“It means that you were right about him, even when no one else could see it, you saw through his flaws and found the real Aden, the Aden who respectful and caring, the Aden that I even like” Irene replied.

“Yeah, too bad I couldn’t see how much of a nutcase my dad was before I got into his car” Belle said smiling sadly.

“You can’t keep beating yourself up over that love, you’re home now and that’s all that matters” she replied, as she looked up and noticed someone standing in the doorway, “I think there’s someone here to see you, remember what we talked about” Irene finished as she winked and Belle and walked out the door, patting Aden on the back on her way out.

“Hey stranger” she said, as she patted the bed next to her, gesturing for him to sit down next to her.

“Hey gorgeous” he replied as he sat down next to her, putting his arm around her as she relaxed into him.

“So what do you want to know?” she asked.

“I just want to know how you’re feeling, how you are really feeling, no pretending” he whispered kissing the side of her face.

“Can we just sit here for a while?” she asked looking up at him.

“Of course we can” he replied, pulled her closer protectively, breathing her in.

Belle closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his torso.

“How is it?” Michael asked, gesturing to Belle’s plate, which she had hardly touched.

“It’s great, I’m just pacing myself…not that hungry anyway” she replied, as she moved the food around her plate with her fork.

“You don’t have to lie, I haven’t been cooking for that long so be honest with me” he replied as he poured himself some wine.

Belle suddenly noticed the flashes of red and blue light through the front window to the house, which her father’s back faced so he did not see. The police, she thought, Aden must have called them. Within a few moments she saw two shadows approach the door, and a loud knock followed.

Michael turned around and saw the flashing lights of the police cars across the street and turned back around to Belle.

“What did you do? Who did you call??” He asked dangerously.

“No one, nothing, they must have realized I was missing, I didn’t call anyone I swear!!” Belle pleaded as her father grabbed her by the arm and raced her upstairs, locking her in a small room. He grabbed a roll of duck tape and sealed her mouth and sat her down on a chair and taped her too it. Belle was unable to move and her screams went unheard.

“You should eat something” Aden suggested as he gestured towards the bowl of soup on her bedside table.

“MMmmmm” Belle groaned slightly as she awoke after drifting away, rubbing her face.

“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize you were asleep” said apologetically as he gently brushed her hair back.

“Hmmm, no it’s okay I shouldn’t be sleeping during the day anyway” she responded as she sat up slightly and eyed the soup.

“You know, I’m not that hungry” she said.

“Belle, you’ve hardly eaten all week” he pointed out.

“I’ll have half if you have half” she suggested.

Aden smiled giving in, “Okay deal, but you eat your half first” he said as he picked up the bowl and handed it to Belle.

“Thanks, yeah that’s probably a good idea, I don’t want to eat a bowl full of your slobber” Belle teased as she stirred the soup with her spoon.

Aden grinned, “My slobber? You backwash in everything those lips touch!” he retorted back, happy that Belle was smiling again.

“Everything my lips touch?”Belle asked, eye brows raised, trying to maintain a serious expression.

“Well…” Aden began.

“What are you saying Aden, that I spit on your mouth when I kiss you?” she asked.

“Hey, it’s not my fault if you insist on sticking your tongue down my throat every opportunity you get!” He retorted.

“Oh, well that can be easily fixed” she said as she took a sip of her soup, glaring at Aden.

Aden knew better than to take her seriously, it was just playful banter that the two of them were accustomed to, they were constantly teasing each other, which was one of the best things about being with Belle, they could always laugh together, at themselves and at each other.

“What can I help you with officer?” Michael asked as he answered the door, standing in the doorway and blocking the entrance to the house.

“Michael Stacey is it?” the officer asked.

“Yeah, that’s me” Michael replied bluntly.

“We are looking for a missing person, Belle Taylor, she was abducted from Summer Bay earlier this morning, you wouldn’t know where she could be?” the officer asked as he held up a picture of her.

“No, no I don’t, never seen her before” he replied, “Is that it? I’m just in the middle of dinner…” he said lazily.

“I’m afraid not, we’ve got a warrant to search the premises” he began, “so if you could please stand aside and let us get on with it, it would be appreciated.”

Realizing defeat, he stepped aside.

“What the hell is all this?” asked one of the officers pointing to all the pictures of Belle on the wall.

“Where is she?” He demanded as they pinned him to the wall.

“You’ll never find her” he replied as he grinned insanely as they handcuffed him.

The officer found Belle in the room upstairs and quickly untied her, gently ripping the duck tape of her mouth as she gasped for air.

“It’s okay, it’s okay you’re safe now” the officer comforted her as he helped her stand up.

“So do you want to talk about what happened with your father?” Aden asked after a while when Belle had fallen quiet.

“He lost his family, he was just trying to rebuild what he had left, as delusional as that may seem, I understand why he did it” Belle began.

“So you’re not angry at him, because it’s okay if you are, you have every right to be angry at him” Aden said.

“I was, but then I realize, I spent so much energy and time hating Amanda when I found out she was my mother, and it’s so tiring, it’s draining, I just can’t do it anymore. He not my father, and I don’t need one, but I’m glad he’s getting the help he needs, he wasn’t in his right frame of mind.” She continued, “I think I understand Amanda a whole lot better now though. I might not be a little kid, but she’s still getting used to knowing how to be a mother to a grown up daughter…most parents they watch their child grown up and they know them pretty well, so when they are teenagers they have some idea of what to do, but I never really gave Amanda much chance to know me, you know, what happen to me as a kid wasn’t her fault, I guess I’ve kinda blamed her for that even though she had no control over it”

Aden smiled, “Well when you’re game, we can make a trip up to the city to go see her, her baby will be due soon” he noted.

“Really, you’d do that for me, you know Drew will be there” Belle pointed out.

“Yeah, but she’s your mum and I’m your guy, and if you want me there, I’m there” he replied.

“You’re my guy” she repeated.

“I’m your guy”

“Where is she?? Is she okay??” Aden demanded as they entered the police station in the city.

“She’s fine, a little shaken up, but she’s okay, come through and you can see her” the officer said to Aden and Irene, Roman was there too and had driven them both up, not wanting to let them drive in the worked up states they were in.

“Belle!!” Aden exclaimed as he raced up to her and hugged her tightly, “My God, I thought I’d lost you!!”

“Aden, you came” she said softly, clinging onto him, “I wasn’t sure I’d see you again” she continued.

“It’s okay, it’s over now” he comforted her as she buried her face in Aden’s chest, emotion overwhelming her.

Later that night Belle and Aden were lying together in her bed, arms intertwined.

“Hmmm, you’re so warm, like a hot water bottle” Belle said as she snuggled up into him.

“You just use me for my body heat” Aden replied grinning.

Belle smiled, “Amongst other things…”she replied grinning.

“It’s good to see you smiling again, I was worried I wasn’t going to see that again” he said.

“Hmmm, I’m just glad that part of my life is over with, I just want to get on with things and leave all that messy family stuff behind” she said softly.

“Yeah, I’ll take that, here’s to leaving messy family crap behind” Aden said as he kissed the side of her face.

“I’ve forgotten to thank you for how amazing you’ve been lately… thank you”Belle said “And even Irene’s being saying nothing but nice things about you…”

“I know, anyone would think she’s got a bit of a crush on me” he joked.

Belle rolled her eyes “You are-“

“So full of myself, yeah I know” Aden interrupted grinning.

Belle laughed shaking her head. “Well even if she did, that’s too bad cause you’re taken, and she’d have to fight me first…you’re my guy” she finished.

“I’m your guy…and anyway even though Irene is pretty hot, for an older lady, I’ve only got eyes for you”

Belle laughed, “I would definitely hope so” Belle said as she leant across and kissed him, pressing her lips firmly against his.

He pulled her over, holding her by her waist as her face hovering inches from his.

“I love you Belle” he whispered.

“Love you too, always” she whispered back as she pressed her body against his, kissing him passionately as his hand wondered up her back, pulling her closer.

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