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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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loved the flashbacks :D

was a great idea instead of writing the police bit as one chapter.

as as to there being so many adelle fic, well once upon a time they were all J&M fics :P how times change...

great update, more soon? :P


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any chance of an update soon?

are you still going to finish this fic once Adelle get back together? cause that's next week? :(


Sorry, I've had a busy weekend so I havent had the time to write a chapter...

I was planning on wrapping it up when they got back together, but I'm all outta ideas at the moment and can't think of an interesting way to finish it, so it could be a while. :rolleyes: But I don't want to drag it out too long coz then it will get boring and no one will read it :lol:

I'll try and update either tonight or sometime tomorrow :)

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Here's the next chapter. Thanks for all the comments, its nice to hear that people are still reading this boring old thing!

Chapter 56.

It was a warm summer’s morning and as the cool breeze came in from the ocean Aden made his way back to Roman’s after a brief swim in the surf, only to be greeted by Nicole spread out on the lounge digging into a large tub of vanilla ice cream.

“You are a disgrace” Aden teased as he slumped down on the couch next to her, chuckling at the dribble of ice cream making its way down the side of Nicole’s mouth.

“You know what, I don’t care anymore! I’m sick of being the poor little pregnant girl, so you can say what you like and I’m not going to care! I am quite happy right now and nothing is going to change that” she said with a forced determination.

“You’re happy?” he asked, amused by Nicole’s newfound sense of self.

“I am happy, why is that so hard to believe that I can be a pleasant human being?” she asked as she shoveled another mouthful of ice cream into her mouth.

“Oh God, you’ve gone….soft” he said, waiting for a reaction, but to no avail.

Nicole simply smiled, “Nice try, but I’m serious, you are looking at the new and improved Nicole, who’s happy and cheerful and is going to be the most awesome, coolest mother in the world” she finished as she got up and walked into the kitchen, taking her tub of ice cream with her as she began rummaging in the fridge for something else to appease her growing appetite.

Aden wasn’t sure if this ‘new’ Nicole was better or worse than the old one, shrugging slightly he went to go shower, as he was hoping to spend some time with Belle this afternoon.

Belle sat in her room, intently focused on the folded pieces of paper she held in her hand, she hesitated slightly as she opened it, she felt her stomach turn as she read it. She turned the page, but quickly hid it under a book on her table as she heard a gently tap on the window and Aden climbing through.

“Hey, I wasn’t expecting to see you here, what happened to the Surf Club?” Belle asked, hoping Aden hadn’t seen the letter she was reading.

“Change of plans” he said.

“Okay, and what would they be?” she asked.

“Well I thought maybe we could go and see your mum today, you know before she pops and there’s like a screaming baby” he suggested but soon regretted it as a frown appeared on Belle’s face.

“Hmmmm, not today, let’s just have some us time” Belle offered as she gestured for him to sit next to her.

“I thought you wanted to make up with her?” Aden asked.

“Yeah, I do, and I talked to her yesterday, but I just don’t feel like doing the big family thing right now, you know” Belle replied as she took Aden’s hand and pulled it towards her, giving a small smile.

“Okay, then us time it is” Aden agreed as he pulled Belle closer, brushing the hair out of her face and kissing her softly.

“Speaking of babies popping up everywhere, how’s Nic?” Belle asked, as she rested her arms around his shoulders, supporting herself up.

“That’s a good question, she’s all giddy with joy, and cheerful about the prospects of motherhood… it’s actually quite disturbing” Aden said seriously.

“Well I suppose the mood swings might include happy ones too, give it time, I’m sure it’ll pass” Belle suggested, “anyway, aren’t you glad she’s not all preggzilla and demanding attention all the time?”

“Yeah I suppose, but I’m not expecting the princess act to disappear, it’s quite entertaining actually. At any rate, it’s nice to see a different side of Nic, it’s just sad it took a pregnancy to make it happen” Aden said thoughtfully.

Belle smiled, “Well Nicole’s lucky to have you looking out for her, she’ll be fine.”

“Can you imagine there will be a miniature Nicole running around Summer Bay this time next year?” Aden asked as he allowed Belle to lean against him as she hugged him.

“So they know it’s a girl?”

“Oh right, no not yet, well I guess there could be a little Geoffy boy running around instead” Aden contemplated, laughing at the prospect, “or maybe even two…” horrified by the thought of twins.

Belle grinned, she was rather surprised that Aden hadn’t given Geoff a hard time about getting Nicole pregnant, but he had grown quite close to Nicole over the last few months, so it was only natural for him to hold back on Geoff for Nicole’s sake. They were now like siblings, and Belle was glad that he was able to experience real family life, separate for his own horror experiences.

“Can you imagine the little outfits Nicole will dress that poor kid up in” Belle said as she absentmindedly traced her hand across his chest. “I wonder if they make Gucci and Chanel get ups for babies…”

“Yeah, I’m surprised she hasn’t bought anything yet, Nicole never lets up on a chance to exercise her credit card” Aden replied.

“Hmmm, well maybe we could get her some baby stuff, I’ve been meaning to go down to Yabbie Creek and pick up some stuff for mum, how about it?” Belle asked, sitting up slightly.

“What, now?” Aden asked.

“No time like the present!” Belle said as she got up, pulling at his hand.

“But what happened to us time, me and you and a big comfy bed” he said, not wanting to get up.

Belle grinned, “I’m sure we can fit some ‘us time’ in tonight”

“I thought you hated shopping” Aden noted.

“Yeah I do, but I have to get mum some baby stuff when we do eventually go and visit, and it would be nice to do something for Nic too” Belle said, “Now come on, let go” she ordered as she quickly brush her hair up into a messy ponytail as Aden got up off the bed behind her.

He reached up and gently pulled her elastic band out of her hair, “Leave it out, you look way sexier with it out” he whispered in her ear.

She smiled as she turned around, resting her arms on his shoulders, staring into seductively into his eyes as she leant up and kissed him, tugging on his bottom lip.

“Mmmmm, let’s go, before we get too carried away…” she said as Aden kissed her again, grabbing her by the waist.

“So let’s get carried away” he whispered, now kissing her neck.

“Okay, come on lets go…we can…continue this later” she said as she pulled herself away, grabbing her bag.

“Fine, but I’m holding you to that”

“Course you can” she said smiling.

“What about this” Aden asked holding up a tiny race car jumpsuit.

Belle giggled, “You are enjoying this way more than you should be” she replied as she examined the baby clothes Aden had picked out.

“Awww, these are so adorable! We have to get these” Belle exclaimed, as she picked up an insanely pink and purple baby dress set.

“Well what do we get Nicole, we don’t know the sex or her baby, or even how many there are, the ultra sound isn’t till next week” Aden said as he followed Belle down the aisle of baby clothes, holding everything she had selected.

“Well yellow is supposed to be gender neutral” she suggested holding up a yellow outfit.

“Yellow? Are you kidding me? How many guys do you know who have yellow walls in their bedroom?” he asked.

“Okay, then what do you suggest?” Belle asked as she looked over the baby shoes.

Aden quickly picked up some little footy boots, “We so have to get these” he said, grinning at Belle.

“They are so cute” Belle agreed.

“Could you imagine if Nicole had a little girl and she was a tomboy, into the footy…I think she might have a brain hemorrhage!” Aden said laughing.

“This looks good” Belle said picking up a book full of baby names, flicking through it.

“Oooooooo wanna know what your name means?” she asked, looking up Aden.

“Here it is, Aden, It is of Gaelic origin, and its meaning is “fire” and “noble”…hmmm that suits you” she said mildly amused, as she flicked through the ‘B’ section.

“Mmmmm, look up Belle…wait let me guess, Belle means…passionate, smart, loud and yet incredibly beautiful” he mused thoughtfully.

Belle smiled, shaking her head at him, “Here it is, Belle, It is of French origin, and its meaning is… "beautiful" and ‘intelligent”” she read out, her eyebrows now raised.

Aden grinned, “Told you babe, I don’t need a stupid book to tell you that, I know you too well”

Belle laughed, “Of course you do”

“What so you agree, you think you’re intelligent and beautiful? I suppose I am the noble one, not you” Aden teased.

Belle rolled her eyes, ignoring his last remark.

“We'll get this for Nicole, I think we’ve got enough stuff to share between the two mothers to be, you wanna get out of here?” Belle asked.

“Like you couldn’t believe” Aden replied, gesturing to the pile of baby clothes, bottles and stuffed animals which he held in his arms.

Belle smiled, “After you” she gestured as they made their way down to the check out in the department store.

At the check out stood a middle aged woman, who appeared mildly unimpressed, by the two teenagers splurging on various baby items.

She flashed a fake smile, “So, how are we today? Getting ready for the little one?” she asked as she gestured towards Belle stomach.

Belle didn’t need two seconds to get at what she was implying.

“Oh, we’re not having a baby. No, I mean Aden thought I was pregnant for a while, completely freak out, but it turns out that its Nicole, his de-facto sister who he shares a house with who’s having a kid. And the girly pick stuff is for my mother, who is having a baby with my ex-boyfriend’s and her ex-lover’s father, who she’s now married to. They live in the city now.” Belle finished, smiling sweetly at the judgmental checkout attendant.

Aden just watched Belle in amazement as she paid for their shopping and thanked the woman with a sickeningly sweet smile.

“Okay, that was classic, did you see the look on her face? I have a new found appreciating for you” Aden said as he helped Belle put the shopping bags in the boot.

“I give as good as I get” she replied as she unlocked the car and they both got it.

“As good? No one can deal it as good as you do” Aden said, highly amused, “Well maybe except for me”

“Oh really, so what happen to Mr. Noble?”

Aden scoffed, “I am noble, when the situation permits it” he told her.

Belle laughed, “Well come on O Noble one, let’s get out of here”

“Yep” Aden said as he pulled out of the parking lot, “I seem to remember a promise you made me”

“And what would that be?” Belle asked, knowing full well what Aden was talking about.

“Us time” Aden said, grinning.

“Us time” Belle repeated.

Belle and Aden dumped the bags of shopping down on the floor of Belle’s room. Sighing heavily, exhausted from their all afternoon long shopping trip, Belle slumped down on the bed, as she kicked of her shoes.

“You know, someday that might be us…” Belle murmured.

“What all judgmental and uptight like that stupid old cow at the store?” Aden asked, confused.

“No, us shopping…for baby stuff” she hinted, waiting for a reaction.

“Yeah, but not for a while, not for a long long while” Aden agreed.

Belle giggled, “Of course not” she agreed, as Aden lay on the end of the bed.

Aden reached over and pulled out the miniature footy boots and held them up. “Can we keep these?” he asked her.

“Yeah, why not” Belle said, noticing how much he liked them.

“But we won’t need to use them, not for a long long while” Belle reminded him.

“Baby steps” he replied.

Belle smiled. “You know, you’re gonna make a really amazing dad one day” she stated simply.

“You really think so?” he asked.

“Yeah” she replied.

“But not for a while, I want you all to myself, for now” she added.

Aden crawled over to Belle, reaching for her hand, pulling it up and kissing it gently.

“I am, exactly where I want to be right now” he whispered.

“Exactly?” she asked as she pulled him closer, “How about now?”

“Better” he whispered as he kissed her neck.

Belle rolled over until she was on her back, and pulled him over, until he was hovering over her, “And now?”

“Perfect” he said as he kissed her passionately.

Belle kissed him back, as she began to unbutton his shirt, brushing her hands up his chest…


Sorry that was so long and it took me so long to update! I hope it was worth the wait (but I doubt it :lol:)

Just for reference, I looked up the meanings of their names, I didn't make them up. :wink:

The next chapter will be the trip to the city, and you may or may not find out what the mysterious letter was about...

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Don"t apologise for it being long! ...and it was definitely worth the wait! It was so cute, i loved that they were shopping for baby stuff, i'm really glad you had them talking about it being them someday as well. The fluff was really sweet! I can't wait for the trip to the city and to find out what this letter is!!!

Please update soon!!! :D

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