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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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So here is the first chapter for tonight, the next one might be a bit late tonight. This is just a bit of fluff, and a bit of a filler...

Chapter 57.

It was early in the morning and Belle was half dressed and quickly packing some clothes into a bag, rummaging around her draws to find something suitable to wear for the day. Aden walked in with a bag slung over his shoulder and appeared to be quite amused as he watched Belle get dressed.

“You ready?” she asked him as she buttoned up her jeans.

“Yeah, but I can see you’re not, you made me wake up at the crack of dawn, for nothing…” Aden replied as he sat down on her bed, poking through Belle’s bag to see what she had packed.

Belle laughed, “Oh but I thought you might enjoy the show” she said as she pulled on her top and twirled around, doing her best ‘Nicole’ impersonation.

Aden grinned. “That was nothing compared to the show you put on yesterday afternoon! Now that was some-”

Belle laughed, “Would you keep it down, Annie is in the next room and I don’t think she needs to know what I do to keep you entertained!!”

“Okay okay, so are you ready for a weekend full of…your family” he asked seriously.

“Yeah” she replied, unconvincingly.

“You know you don’t have to go if you’re not feeling up to it, I’m sure Amanda will understand, we could just stay here…” he said gesturing around her room.

“Really subtle Aden, is this your way of trying to get out of going? Because then I want to go, just to spite you!” she quirked as she rummaged through her scarf draw and pulled out several ones, stuffing them in her bag.

“Do you really need all those scarves, we are only going for the weekend!” Aden commented as he looked through Belle’s bag.

“Well I need to have a choice of what one I’m going to wear, depends on my mood you see” She said briefly as she sat down next to Aden and rubbed some moisturizer on her hands.

“I know” he replied.

“What do you mean you know?” she asked as she playfully squirted some moisturizer on his face.

“Oooii! What was that for??!!” he exclaimed as he wiped it off and rubbed it back on her face.

She playfully nudged him, “You face looked a little dry, that’s all” she said, grinning mischievously.

“No seriously, what do you mean you know?” she asked again.

“I can always tell what you’re feeling, by what you wear, by your scarf” he replied.


“Yeah, when you’re sad or depressed it’s mainly blacks and grey’s and sometimes you wear that white scarf with the stripes. When you’re lonely or feeling lost, you wear the light blue or pale green one. When you’re happy you wear the bright ones, the pink, orange or light green ones, when you’re feeling flirty and confident you go for the yellow, red or bright purple ones, when your angry it’s the black, dark red or dark bluish ones and when you’re feeling hopeful and adventurous its peach or dark pink and when you’re feeling like you’re on top of the world and crazy in love it’s the rainbow one.”

Belle just stared at him, completely perplexed.

“What…you can tell all that by what colour scarf I wear” she finally said.

“Yeah” he whispered. The quietness of his response made her edge closer to him with curiosity.

Aden smiled at her, waiting for her to make the next move. Belle’s heart just melted, it was these tiny things that Aden said to her, noticed about her, how well he knew her, which makes her fall in love with him all over again. They had been seeing each other for about 10 months now, but it felt just as new and fresh and exciting than ever before.

She leant up and kissed him softly on the lips, letting them linger as she rubbed her nose affectionately against his. Aden smiled, “So what colour will it be today?” he asked softly has he held her face close to hers, breathing the smell of her in.

“Definitely the rainbow” she whispered back, kissing him again gently and then sitting up. “We should get going”

“Yeah, so you are sure about this? No, I’m not trying to get out of going” he began as she opened her mouth the protest, “I just want to make sure you’re comfortable with this, it wasn’t too long ago that you had all the drama with your dad, I just want to make sure you’re not going to stress yourself out”

Belle smiled, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine, you’ll be there and that’s all I need”

“I really appreciate you coming you know” she continued.

“I know, you’d do the same for me” he replied knowingly as he picked up her bag for her, “you ready to hit the road?”

“Absolutely, but this time, I’m driving!” she said as she grabbed the keys to the car.

Aden rolled his eye, but knew better not to make any snide remarks about her driving this early on in the trip.

“Belle!!!” Amanda exclaimed as the two of them walked up the driveway to Amanda and Peter’s house. It was exactly was Belle had pictured it and how Amanda has described it to her. It was a double story, bricked house painted white with a big veranda and well groomed garden, there was a bird bath fountain with water trickling down the sides and the fence was shielded by a tall hedge which outlined the entire property.

As Belle looked up, she notices a shady figure watching them from an upstairs window, who quickly disappeared when he noticed her looking up at the window. Knowing exactly who that was, she grinned. She was actually quite looking forwards to watching Aden and Drew interact with each other.

Amanda pulled Belle into a tight embrace. Belle placed her hand on Amanda’s protruding stomach and smiled. “Not too long away then” she commented.

“I know, it’s scary, but anyway forget me, come inside, tell me about you, how are you feeling” she gestured to Belle and Aden.

“I’ll just grab the bags from the car” Aden said as he left the two women to catch up as they went inside the house.

As Aden carried the bags from Belle’s car, he looked up at the house, oh boy he thought. This was going to be one interesting weekend. This was probably the last place he wanted to be, he felt incredibly uncomfortable around Amanda for some reason, and he knew Drew was going to be difficult, but for Belle’s sake he was going to go through with the entire weekend.

When Aden entered the house, he felt like he had stepped into a palace. The floors we tiled with expensive looking carpets, and obscure artwork gracing the walls, and large bunches of fresh flowers spread around. A smiled creped across his face when he notice some photographs of Belle ,Amanda and Ryan on the walls, Aden had a sneaking feeling that Amanda had gone all out to make Belle feel welcome and he was glad, it was about time.

Belle smiled at Aden, amused by the efforts her mother had gone too. But little did she know, that not even Aden or her rainbow coloured scarf could protect her from the drama that was to come.

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