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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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OKay so this is early than I promised :D I had written half this chapter days ago, but was stuck how to finish it, it was meant to be heaps longer but then that would take me ages to update, so here it is now :)

Let me know if its any good, sorry there isn't much Adelle here its pretty much Belle/Amanda, but there will be some Adelle in the next chapter :)

Chapter 59.

Belle entered the living room after everyone had left, to find Amanda sitting on the couch scanning through a magazine.

“Oh good you’re here, please sit down” she said placing the magazine aside and sitting up.

“So what have you got planned for our girl’s afternoon?” Belle asked Amanda curiously.

“Well I thought we could start with a manicure and maybe pedicure, and then get our hair done and maybe a facial…Oooooh a massage would be great too” Amanda started, looking at Belle expectedly.

Belle smiled, “Yeah okay” she replied, trying to hide her disappointment, surely by now Amanda would have realized that Belle wasn’t into the girly makeovers.

Amanda laughed, “No, it’s not okay, I’m joking, I think I know you a bit better than you think!” she replied grinning.

Belle laughed, “Oh thank God!” she replied, still laughing.

“So, what do you have planned then?” she asked curiously.

“Well I thought maybe it would be nice just to spend some time together, just you and me, talking…and maybe some ice cream! Do you feel like ice cream? I have this craving for chocolate chip ice cream!” Amanda exclaimed.

“You know what, that sounds great!” Belle replied happily.

“You sure?” Amanda asked as she attempted to get up off the couch.

“Yeah, you stay there I’ll get it” Belle replied as she got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Minutes later Belle emerged from the kitchen armed with a tub of chocolate chip ice cream and two large bowls and spoons.

“Mmmmmm” Amanda marveled as she gently rubbed her belly, “baby loves ice cream”

“Is it the baby, or just you?” Belle asked as she grinned.

“A bit of both, I think, but she definitely loves her ice cream, a bit like someone else I know” Amanda hinted.

Belle laughed, ”Yeah, I know” as she served the ice cream and sat down across from Amanda.

“Oh, we got some stuff for the baby, it’s upstairs, Aden helped me pick them out” Belle started as she dug into her ice cream.

“Aw, thanks sweetie, but you didn’t have too” Amanda replied modestly, but still happy that Belle was on board with the baby.

“No it’s fine, I wanted to…anyway we had fun picking out all the stuff” Belle replied.

“Oh that poor boy! He must really love you” Amanda replied as she grinned.

Belle laughed, “He better! Yeah, I know…he’s pretty amazing”

“I know, I can tell…I have to admit, I didn’t really like him when I first met him, but I can see how happy you two are, and how close you are, I’m happy for you, really” Amanda expressed genuinely.

“Thanks, listen about the other day that you came down, I’m really sorry, I had a lot going on at the time with Aden and everything, I overreacted, and Aden’s very protective of me, whether I want him to be or not”

“Hey don’t worry about it, I was being unreasonable to ask you to leave everything behind, I just wanted to be close to you, really, I wanted you to feel like you were a part of the family, like I wasn’t trying to replace you” Amanda continued.

“Yeah I know…” Belle replied, smiling sadly.

“So Aden has a pretty good hold on you then” Amanda started.

“What do you mean?” Belle asked, slightly amused.

“Well, if memory serves me correctly, you hate when people get protective off you, you never let Drew in that far…or me” Amanda replied as she finished off the rest of her ice cream, placing the bowl down.

“Well, I’ve learnt a lot since I’ve been with Aden, he’s gone through some pretty difficult things and after working through it with him, I guess I realize that you don’t have to do it alone, well as long as you’ve got someone there with you, someone you trust completely, you don’t have to be everything all the time. We balance each other out”

“And Aden’s your someone?” Amanda asked.

“Yeah, he’s my someone” Belle replied smiling as she gave a small nod.

“And you know, I’d really like it, if someday we could be as close, I haven’t really given you much of a chance in the past, but what I want more than anything right now is to have a proper relationship with you” Belle finished.

“You have no idea how happy I am to hear that!!” Amanda exclaimed, “Belle, I know I’ve hurt you in the past, but I promise you I’ll do my best”

“I know you will” Belle replied as she noticed her mother eying the tub of ice cream.

“Hmmm, how about some more?” Belle offered, grinning.

“Oh, no no, I think I’ve had enough….well maybe just a little scoop” Amanda asked politely.

Belle laughed, “Yeah sure”

“So how are you doing, how are you really doing?” Amanda asked.

“Okay I guess…”Belle started as Amanda nodded, encouraging for her to continue.

“I just can’t believe that my foster parents are dead…I hated them, for so long but I never wanted them to die…I just, it just seems so surreal, my father is a murderer.”

“Well I am partly to blame for this, he must have tracked me down, but made it look like we just randomly bumped into each other, he brought up you and then I felt it was only right to tell him the truth, that you were alive and living in Summer Bay. But he told me he didn’t want to contact you, and for me not to say anything to you, he said he didn’t want to upset you. He just asked for some photo and that’s what I gave him, and then he just left.” Amanda explained.

“That explains all the photo’s on the walls of his house…” Belle added.

“Oh Belle I’m so sorry, I never imagined that Michael was capable of what he did!”

“It’s not your fault, I was stupid enough to get in the car with him…I’m okay really, I just…I got a letter, from my adoptive parents lawyer, outlining the will, and I don’t know what to do with it…I haven’t even shown Aden yet, I don’t know what to do”

“What was in the letter?” Amanda asked.

“They’ve left everything to me, the house, the cars, their money, everything, it’s all mine and I don’t want it, any of it” Belle said adamantly.

“But Belle, they wanted you to have it, I know they weren’t the best parents in the world, but maybe this is their way of making it up to you” Amanda suggested thoughtfully.

“I don’t want that stuff, the house…I haven’t got anything but bad memories there! For me to take all their stuff, and honour their memories, like I loved them would be insulting. I’m sorry they are dead, I truly am, but I’m not going to pretend like we were a happy little loving family, because we weren’t, they were horrible to me and just because they are dead, it doesn’t change that, it doesn’t change anything!” Belle exclaimed as a tear trickled down her face.

“Aww Belle come here” Amanda exclaimed as she pulled her into a hug.

As Belle clung on to Amanda the reality of everything that had happened hit her suddenly and she broken down, sobbing. Belle was not one to let her guard down like this, especially as her relationship with her mother was so volatile. But she just had this feeling, for the first time she felt like Amanda was her real mother, she felt as though she could trust her to keep her safe, in that moment, like when a new born clings onto their mother for safety and protection. Amanda just sat there, holding onto Belle, while balancing her around her protruding stomach.

They sat there together in a calm silence for a while, until Amanda winced in pain, which shot down through her back forcing her to jump up awkwardly.

“Woah, what’s wrong?!” Belle asked in a muffled voice as she stifled her tears.

Amanda breathed heavily. “I’m alright, I think it was just a cramp” she assured Belle as she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position.

“Are you sure? It’s didn’t seem like it. Are you sure it’s not something more serious, maybe we should call Peter or even the hospital” Belle suggested, regaining her composure.

“No no, I don’t want to ruin their day, I think I just need a glass of water” Amanda said as she got up.

Belle stood up at the same time, “Here, you sit down, let me get it for you”

“No, no it’s good to move around, it should help with the cramps” Amanda insisted as she shuffled across Belle, heading towards the kitchen.

Belle notice that the colour had drained from her face and was now a worrying pale shade.

Before she had time to mention it as she followed her mother into the kitchen she heard a loud crash as Amanda collapsed onto a heap on the ground, taking a glass with her, smashing it in the process.

“Mum!!!” Belle screamed as she raced to her side.

“Oh God!!” She exclaim as she assessed the situation.

There was a nasty gash on her forehead and blood dribbling down, which was now all over Belle’s hands. Shaking furiously, Belle grabbed her phone from her pocket and called the ambulance.

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:o I hope Amanda is ok!! :( Good job Belle was there.

I loved the conversation they had, Belle telling her how much Aden meant to her :) I can understand why Belle doesn't want all the stuff her adoptive parents gave her :(

Update soon

Thanks for the update!!


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