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Constant Teasing

Guest adelle

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LMAO! :lol: Low grade stripper... yeah real nice nickname! I would have so killed him! :P Love how he got himself out of it, mainly Belle's 'I'm still in love with Drew' hehe... so wrong yet funny!

Amanda's moving back to the Bay! Yay, I think. I can see it causing some problems, but it would probably be something funny! :D

Can't wait for more!


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Yay. Amanda is moving back to Summerbay. I hope nothing happens ,once shes back, to jeopardise all the progress Belle and Amanda has made recently in their relationship. Although I have a feeling something will.

Drew being his grumpy old self when thing aren't going his way is nothing unusual. He reminds me alot of how he was on the show towards the end(never liked him there).

Aww Aden. Worried about Drew reffering to Belle as Taylor.

Loved the Adelle fluff as well.

Please update soon.

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Thankies for all the comments :D

So this chapter is a little longer than I planned, I hope its not too boring...

Chapter 62.

Belle quickly finished sorting out the photographs on her work station and filed them away carefully. She checked her phone for the fifth time in the last hour, but still there was no messages or missed calls.

“I’m all done here, is there anything else you need done before I head off?” Belle asked her boss, her tone indicating that she was in a hurry.

Her boss Felicity smiled knowingly, “Nope, we are pretty much sorted for the McAllister’s wedding and the shots from the Beach Parade have already been forwarded to the paper, so we’re good.”

“Oh, one more thing before you shoot off to where ever you are in such a hurry to get to, there is a job opening that I think you might be interested in” she began.

Belle looked at her curiously, “I’m listening”

“Well, you’ve done some incredible work for us these last couple of months, and I find this job isn’t allowing you to meet your full potential.”

“But I though you wanted me to do that creative design course at uni, isn’t that-“

“Honey, you’re not just some photo techy we hired, normally yes, we would send you off to get some professional training, but what’s on offer here is something more than just a degree.”

Belle’s eyes widened, with everything that had been going on the last few months, her career was the last thing she was worried about, but now that things had settled down, this was the perfect opportunity to make something out of it.

“Okay, you’ve have got my attention” Belle insisted as she put her bag back down on her chair and leaned against her desk.

“Well, there is an opening with a certain magazine, on the job training with in-the field experience, a photographers dream, right?” Felicity emphasized.

“Which magazine?” Belle asked.

“Australian Geographic, I took it upon myself to send them a portfolio of your work and they loved it, they are looking to broaden their photography team and they are offering on the job training, it’s an internship so the pay is nothing spectacular, but the experience and the credentials you will earn will no doubt make up for it. If they are happy with your progress after a year they will offer you a spot on their team.”

“Oh my God!! I don’t know what to say, that’s amazing!!” Belle started excitedly.

“There is one thing…” her boss cut in, “It’s a travel job, meaning a lots of time away from home, from your boyfriend and family, weeks at a time. They need to know if you’re up for the challenge and they need an answer by the end of the week”

Belle’s expression faltered, she knew this was too good to be true, it honestly was her dream job and an opportunity of a lifetime, but the thought of leaving everyone behind, weeks at a time was hardly ideal especially given Amanda and Peter were moving back to the bay to be closer to her. And how could she expect Irene or Aden to support her financially?

Disgruntled by the choice she was faced to make, she thanked Felicity for the effort she had gone too and accepted the business card she offered, saving the number of the contact in her phone. One week, she had one week to make the call which could ultimately change her life forever.

Completely lost in thought Belle wandered into the beach house only to be greeted by Amanda and baby Jess, with Irene in the kitchen busily making coffee. At first Irene struggled to get her head around Amanda’s motivations to move back to the bay, but accepting that it was in Belle’s best interests to have her family nearby she silenced her doubts about this new arrangement working.

“So you made it, everybody in one piece?” Belle asked as she placed her bag on the counter gently, careful not to startle her sleepy sister.

“Yeah, Ryan and Peter have gone to look at the house again with the agent, hopefully we will get this one, its perfect” Amanda said as rocked Jess in her arms gently, lulling her back to sleep.

“Mmmmm yeah, that place was great, right by the beach but big enough to fit everyone in” Belle agreed, “Do you know how long it will take to get sorted?”

“If we get the house, then I think settlement is 30 days, so in about a month we should be ready to move” Amanda said happily.

“That’s awesome” Belle replied.

“You alright love, you see a bit off?” Irene asked as she place 3 cups of steaming coffee down on the dining table.

“Yeah I’m fine, just work stuff, nothing to worry about” Belle replied.

Irene and Amanda both exchanged doubtful glances but chose to let it go, knowing if Belle wanted to talk about something she would when she was ready.

Belle, decided to put her new dilemma of her career in the back seat and just enjoy the time she had with Amanda and her sister before they headed back to the city the next day.

After they had finished the coffee’s Amanda helped Irene clean up as Belle held her 3 week old sister carefully in her arms, careful not to make any sudden movements. She studied her tiny face, her nose was slightly scrunched up, a serious expression and her tiny fingers were grasped tightly around Belle’s little finger. Up until then, Belle never had a strong desire for motherhood, but every time she held her sister, a desire erupted inside her which she couldn’t quite explain. It was like she wanted to give her child all the things she craved for during her childhood, but the more she thought about it, the more she doubted herself to be up for the challenge. Despite how many times Aden told her she would make an amazing mother, she just didn’t see herself as mother material.

“Belle do you mind looking after Jess for a few hours, I told Leah I would pop around and help her get her place sorted for us to stay with her” Amanda asked, “and she seems to be quite happy with you”

“Yeah, that’s fine, I’d love to” Belle agreed as she carefully sat down on the couch.

“When she wakes up she might cry a little bit, just give her, her bottle and she should settle down” Amanda instructed, “And if you need anything you can always call me on my mobile, we should be back in a few hours. And don’t forget we are all having dinner together at Leah’s, make sure you bring Aden along too”

“Yeah okay mum, go on, we will be fine” Belle assured her.

As Amanda left, Irene hurried back to the Diner to cover Roman’s shift.

“You’ll be alright by yourself darl?” Irene asked.

“Yeah we’ll be fine, Aden should be here soon anyway” Belle assured her.

“Speak of the devil!” Irene exclaimed as Aden walked through the door as Irene hurried out to her car.

Aden grinned at Belle, “Look’s like you’ve got you’ve hands full!”

“Mmmmmm” she agreed, “How was work?”

“Yeah not too bad, Nicole is doing everyone’s heads in as usual, pregnant hormonal teenagers, you know what it’s like…Well, I hope your day was a little more exciting?” Aden asked.

“Uhhh yeah, work was great actually we got…we got a lot done.” She explained, not sure if now was the right time to talk about her job offer.

“Okay, so what aren’t you telling me?” He asked, catching on to Belle’s vagueness.

“Nothing, it’s nothing it’s just been a big day that’s all. Mum said they are hoping to get the house by the start of the month, so everything is falling into place.”

“Well, that’s great, isn’t it? You are still okay with this, aren’t you?” Aden asked, trying to figure out what was going on with Belle.

“Yeah of course I am, I just didn’t think it was going to happen so soon!” Belle explained, but after seeing the doubtful expression on Aden’s face she didn’t want to lie to him, “Look there is something that’s come up that has kinda thrown me, but I want to think about it on my own before I run it by you, is that okay?“ Belle asked as Jess began to gurgle and began to wake up.

“Yeah okay” Aden began slowly, “…you know I trust you, so whenever you’re ready, I’m here” Aden replied.

“Thank you” Belle replied, smiling happily at Aden.

“So I get my HSC results tomorrow” Aden reminded her, “you didn’t forget did you?” he asked with a mock offence.

“No, of course not!” Belle lied, “Well it may have slipped my mind… but you know that I’m super proud of you”

“Yeah” he grinned as he sat down on the arm of the couch.

“So have you decided what you are going to do? I mean you applied to do a whole bunch of courses, which one are you thinking of going with?” Belle asked casually.

Aden sighed, “Well depending on what I get into I guess, I know my midyear marks were kinda average, but it’s the final ones which are weighted more, so we’ll see”

“But you must have some idea of what you want to do, you shouldn’t just settle for whatever you get into” Belle pointed out as she reached for Jess’ bottle and placed it gently in her mouth.

“Yeah I know, I was thinking last night, maybe something in business management, commerce if I get into it” Aden said, “But whatever happens I’m okay with, I did my best, and that’s all we can do, right?”

“You did you best” Belle concluded as she nodded in agreement.

Before either of them could say anything, Jess began to cry as she finished her bottle, her cries which began softly erupted into high pitch screeched which made Aden flinch.

“Shhhhhhhhhh” Belle cooed as she tried to settle her, but nothing she did or said calmed her down. She rocked her back and forth as Amanda had done earlier but it didn’t seem to work.

“Aden could you have a look in the baby bag and see if there is another bottle?” Belle asked as she continued to calm Jessica down.

“Do you really think feeding her until she explodes is the solution?” Aden replied skeptically.

“I don’t know Aden, do you have any suggestions then?” She asked, beginning to get irritated.

Belle continued to rock Jess back and forth her soothing voice spoke softly in a sing song manner, but her cries continued.

Aden watched on in amusement as Belle struggled to calm her sister down. Belle looked over at him and shot him a deathly look.

“Oh you think this is funny don’t you” she grunted.

Aden sighed giving in, “Here, give her here” he instructed.

Belle looked confused, “What do you know about babies?” she asked as she watched him doubtfully.

“Here” he said as he gently took Jess from Belle’s arms and held her against his chest, rubbing her back gently. Within moments Jess’ cries had softened and she let out a soft burp.

Belle watched Aden in amazement.

“How did you do that?” she asked in awe.

“Hmmmmm” he said as he gently cradled Jess in his arms, “I guess it’s one of the benefits of having a pregnant de-facto sister, Nic made me go to one of her parenting classes with her”

Belle let out a soft laugh, “I thought Geoff was going with her” she said slightly confused.

“Yeah, apparently he went for the first few ones on birthing and Nicole kicked him out, apparently he fainted when they were describing what would happen during the birth”

Belle laughed, “Oh I bet Nicole would have been thrilled”

“Geoffrey is going to need all the help he can get, that poor boy has no idea what he has got himself into. Parenting isn’t for the fainthearted” Aden remarked, still gently holding Jess against his chest.

“I’m sure they will both get there, one way or another” Belle commented as she walked over to Aden and Jess and watched Jess and she buried her face into Aden’s chest, a wide smile crossed her face as she looked up at Aden.

“My heart beat” Aden said finally.

“It’s the sound of my heart beating which calms her down, see you hold the baby right against your chest, and the sound of the beat heart comforts them, reminds them what it was like in their mother’s womb”

“Wow, that’s amazing” Belle replied.

“Mmmmmm” Aden agreed as he placed a now fast asleep Jess into her pram and sat down beside Belle taking her hand.

“Look , I know you said you wanted time to think about whatever it is that is upsetting you, but you know that whatever it is, I’ll support you” Aden assured her as he brushed her hair out of her face.

As Belle looked over at her sister fast asleep suddenly a lot of things made sense to her.

“Okay, here’s the deal, I’ll tell you my news tomorrow, at the same time when you tell me your HSC results, and whatever happens, we’ll go from there…let’s just have one more day of no life altering decisions and responsibility. You in or what?” Belle asked holding out her hand.

Aden looked down at her hand and took it, as he held it tightly he kissed her gently.

“Does that answer your question?” he whispered softly.

“Hmmm no, I didn’t quite get that” Belle said as she smiled mischievously.

Aden kissed her again, this time a little more intensely, cupping her face with his hands.

“Oh for the love of God! Would you two cut it out, I hardly think that poor child wants to see the two of you going at it!” came a shrill voice from the back door, which broke the two of the apart, Belle smiling sheepishly.

“Ahhh, Nicole, it’s nice to see you too” Aden remarked as he leaned back against the couch.

“Hey Nicole, can I get you anything?” Belle asked politely as Nicole slouched down next to Aden.

“Ahh no thanks Belle, I’m good, I’m just waiting for Geoff, as usual” Nicole replied sadly.

“Is everything alright?” Belle asked sympathetically.

“I think he’s angry at me because I took Aden to the parenting classes instead of him” Nicole explained.

“Well I think he has a point, he should be there it is his child too” Belle replied.

“He fainted Belle!!” Nicole replied defensively.

“I think you need to be a little more patient with Geoff, he’s not the type of guy who would walk away from his responsibilities, I think you should talk to him, that’s all” Belle said knowingly.

“Hmm, yeah maybe, I’m just going to go lie down on his bed, my back is killing me” Nicole said as she got up and hobbled up the stairs.

Aden watched Nicole walk up the stairs, and as soon as he saw that she had safely arrived at the top, he turned his attention back to Belle.

“Now that was amazing” Aden remarked.

“What?” Belle asked.

“There are only a few people who can get through to Nicole and make her see reason, and I think you might just be one of them” Aden said.

Belle shrugged this off.

“No, I’m serious! I think having you around is good for her, although she would never admit it, she’s got a lot of respect for you” Aden explained.

“How’d you figure that?”

“The two of you have a lot more in common than you think.” Aden pointed out.

“And let me guess, you want me to try a bit harder to be her friend?” Belle asked.

“I just think it would be good for her and you, she needs to have some friends other than me and Geoff.”

Belle leaned closer to him, “Well seeing as you’ve been so great with my family, I guess it would only be fair if I made the effort with yours” she responded as she kissed him gently.

“Hmmm I agree” he replied as he kissed her back, pulling her closer.

Belle pulled away, “Not in front on the baby though” she said smiling.

“How long are we stuck with the little miss?” Aden asked.

“Just until mum comes back, then we are all having dinner at Leah’s and you attendance is required” Belle said before Aden could weasel his way out of it.

“Fine, but then you own me” Aden said.

“Okay fine, I’m all yours after this family dinner thing” Belle agreed.

“Good, I’m holding you to that” Aden replied.

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