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Neighbours for Nine Network?

Guest simmins

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Channel 10 might be good with Australia drama shows but it has no problem dumping Supernatural shows and putting them on HD or postphoning them long before it finished *coughSmallvilleandCharmedgonnahappentoSupernatural*. Channel 7 is actually the one I watch the most. (For now that is, unless they stop with the reality shows and start putting TV Shows back on), if Neighbours were to go to Channel 9 I will probably watch it provided itdoesn't go up against H&A.

Friends and Futurama went up against it and I watched H&A anyway, so doubt anything will stop me from watching H&A.

I don't watch anything on Channel 9, and if when I do mean to I never get to it, like Moonlight! I kept forgetting to watch that, same with others.

Btw, wasn't Smallville on Channel 9 once? Because SV was once on Channel 9 and Channel 10 got it and zoomed it right up to the US....THEN Channel 10 messed around with it in S6 And then moved it to 10 HD! I think all Supernatural shows should be on 7, I am sure Buffy/Angel did okat with no irruptions, same with other shows like it with the execption of Hereos (Oh, it's on next Wednesday, 9:30 7 so you know)


^ I'm not sure about Smallville, but 9 did air The OC, but didn't advertise it enough, and they axed it after a month or something, and then channel 10 picked it up and it became one of it's most popular shows.


If they do that, it will be the end of Neighbours for good. Channel Nine is where TV shows go to die. Often only a week or two after they've begun :rolleyes:

I hate Channel Nine. They may have money (and if they do, I can only imagine that they obtained it through some sort of deal with Satan, because I can't see how they'd be cashing in on advertisement when they have non-existent ratings and have axed nearly every program they've touched) but they don't have the spirit that Ten has got. Besides which, with Channel Ten losing Big Brother, I imagine that they'd be desperate to hold onto whatever Australian programming they've got in order to keep up their Australian content quota.

You just know that if Nine gets it, they'll run it against H&A and kill it instantaneously. They are that stupid.

I would be happy for any other Channel to get Neighbours over Channel Nine. If Seven were smart, they'd dump that Today/Tonight trash and do a Neighbours/H&A double. But since Today/Tonight rates inexplicably well, I don't see that happening any time soon :rolleyes:

As much as I would love to see that happen it won't happen. Neighbours started on Channel 7 and it bombed.


That was over twenty years ago. The show has a fan-base now.

H&A bombed when it first started; it takes awhile for soaps to get a loyal fan base.

However, if Nine buy it, I have a feeling they may keep it in the 6:30 timeslot, and move A Current Affair to 7pm... They'll be giving the show an early death if they put it up against H&A, and with Nine's reputation, it would most likely be axed after the first few weeks... Bad move if it goes to Nine.


Is there any news articles on this confirming or just a general rumour?

If they do that, it will be the end of Neighbours for good. Channel Nine is where TV shows go to die. Often only a week or two after they've begun :rolleyes:

So very true.

I'd say more but everyone has covered my arguments points so well I just have to agree with the majority of you.


Smallville season one and half of season two was on Channel 9 and channel ten picked it up like 2 years later. Channel 9 stopped the OC after two episodes. Channel 9 is for old people that's why these shows get axed because nobody under 40 turns to channel 9 to know its on. And for all your informations Channel tens contract with Neighbours expires at the end of 2010.


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