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Just In Time... But Was It Worth It?

Guest wrongturntaken

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  adelle said:
Loving the racy stuff!! Belle and Aden in her tiny little car...

LMAO at the airing!! I couldn't stop laughing, that was so funny!!

Great update, your writing is always so beautiful :)

The only issue I have with this chapter is at the start, you seem to be under the impression that Aden is yours...I'm really sorry, but he's already taken!! He loves me! :lol:

Update soon :D

Technically... in this thread he is mine, because i created him (well in this fic anyway) and therefore can decide to do whatever i wish with him and the only way i am able to do that is because he is mine! I suggest you return your copy as it is obviously a fake! :lol:

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Lovin the racy fluff and Aden airing his chest lmao thats was brilliant I could imagine Aden saying something like that lol

oooo who's back from Aden's past hope its nothing too serious so we can have some more racy fluff again!!!


Thank you so much for all your comments, i'm sure there will be more opportunity for some racy fluff in future chapters but i'm afraid this one is all angst!

So enjoy!

Chapter 18.

It was the next day after Aden and Belle's 'escapades' and both were working at the diner again but just with Irene and Colleen this time. The three women were in the kitchen having a joke about something which involved a lot of staring at Aden who was the only one on the other side of the counter at that moment as it wasn't very busy.

Aden had just picked up the plate of someone who had finished their meal when an attractive middle aged woman approached him. She was tall with long blonde hair which she had tied up loosely in a ponytail, she didn't seem like a particularly sophisticated woman but there was a beauty in her soft features. She was wearing a long T-shirt and jeans and had the air of an ex hippy. She looked vaguely familiar but Aden couldn't place her.

"Excuse me," she said to him and he immediately heard warmness in her voice. "I'm looking for Aden Jefferies. Do you know where I could find him?"

"Who's asking?" Aden asked intrigued at who this woman was and why she was looking for him.

"My name's Liz. Liz Jefferies."

Aden immediately dropped the plate he had been holding and it crashed into many pieces on the floor. He stared at her and found his chest had constricted and it was suddenly very hard to breathe.

At this moment, a look of realisation crossed the woman's face as she stared at her own eyes in this young man's.

Aden was unable to move until the woman spoke.

"Aden?" she asked unsurely as she looked at the upset expression her presence had put on her son's face. She knew it wouldn't be easy for him to have her just turn up like this but she didn't know what his reaction would be. She knew she had a lot of explaining to do.

He turned and walked into the kitchen, passing the three women who had heard the plate breaking and come to see what had happened.

"Go and see if he's alright," Irene said quietly to Belle, as she went to see to the other customers; even though none of them had heard the woman introduce herself.

Belle did as she was told and followed Aden into the kitchen.

"Aden?" she said tentatively.

"I have to get a dustpan and brush," Aden told her occupying himself with anything other than looking at her.

"Don't worry about that now," Belle told him, realising that something was seriously wrong. "What happened?"

Aden looked up from his crouching position where he had been searching a cupboard for cleaning items.

Belle saw the look in Aden's eye and crouched down to his level. She lifted him up by his arms and hugged him. He clung to her tightly; too tightly for something not to be wrong.

As they released each other, Aden felt Belle had given him the strength to speak, "She's my Mum," he whispered to her and swallowed.

Belle's mouth opened slightly in shock, "Are you going to talk to her?" she asked him tentatively after a short hesitation.

Aden looked at her; wearing a shocked expression, "No," he answered adamantly.

"Aden…" Belle put some slight pressure on him.

"No, Belle. I don't want to hear what she's got to say."

"Don't you want an explanation?" this time it wasn't Belle's voice who spoke, but the woman stood at the entrance to the kitchen.

Aden tried to say something but found he couldn't. He wanted the sight of this woman to make him feel sick, but it didn't. The way she was dressed, the way she stood, the way she had worn her hair and the look in her eyes all told Aden that she was a kind and loving person. …all the things that he had imagined his Mum to be. But that was a fantasy and if his Mum was alive then she couldn't be those things because she never would have left him to such a horrible fate. An explanation? Did he want one of those? Something to tell him why he was the one chosen to experience such a horrific past? Was there truly a reason that anything like that could ever happen? He couldn't answer any of these questions.

Belle saw the look in his eye, the one that told her that he was remembering memories too painful to be fully present in the present and she grabbed his hand for support.

"Come on, Aden," she told him soothingly and then spoke to the woman, "Let's go and get a table to talk."

The woman smiled appreciatively at Belle as she led Aden out of the kitchen and the young couple sat across from Liz.

Liz looked at the eyes of her son and could immediately sense there was something missing from them, it seemed as though a dark shadow had set in there, she couldn't see it at first, before he knew who she was, but at this moment in time it seemed to have affected his expression as he looked at her stonily. She wondered what he was like. She knew that he had a girlfriend, which she assumed must be the girl holding his hand as they rested them together on the table, she could immediately tell that her son and this girl had a kind of intense connection although she wasn't quite sure how, and she knew that he had a job working here but anything else... She didn't know if he still lived with his Dad or what he did now, she assumed he would have finished school as he was the right age but his personality was still the missing piece of the puzzle. What kind of person was he?

"Firstly, I want to say that I'm sorry," Liz said kindly, giving him a small smile which he didn't return. Liz had some small hope that her son finding out she was alive would have made him happy but she realised now that that was only a dream. "…and the only thing I can do is explain."

"Go on…" Aden told her without emotion. This was the first time she had heard his voice since he had asked her who she was. Then; he had sounded happy, confident, he had been smiling, he even looked slightly cocky but not in a bad way. Now; it was void of any of those emotions, it was as though he had put up a wall, a form of defense against her attack. He wasn't letting anything on until he knew what he was dealing with. The scary thing was; he had done it so expertly that Liz wondered if and why he had had to do it before.

"Aden," she started and Aden couldn't help but feel warmth as she said his name. The one thing he had always wanted back and thought he could never have… to hear his mother speak his name from her own lips. "When you were younger, your father and I weren't doing so well. We were having financial difficulties, fighting all the time an then he started drinking… really badly," Liz didn't miss the fact that Aden had just squeezed his girlfriends hand for support at the mention of his father's drinking… a clue to her that it had played a role in his life after she had left. That had been the one thing she had dreaded but she knew now there was no way of changing the past... as much as she wanted to. "I couldn't cope anymore and I had…" she looked at Aden nervously. "…met someone else… …they really helped me and I decided to leave… and take you boys with me," she added hurriedly so as to not give Aden the wrong impression. "…but first I had to get myself sorted, I moved in with my partner and I was going to come back for you once I had gotten a job lined up and had money."

Aden had lost the stony expression from his face but it was replaced by severe confusion and he felt tears starting to sting the back of his eyes. If what she was saying was true, she could have rescued him. "What happened?" he asked quietly and Belle squeezed his hand supportively to reassure him that it was good he was talking.

"It was about a month later and I went to speak to your father when you boys were at school. He was sober for once but he told me that he'd told you boys that I was dead," Liz said as she obviously started to become very upset herself. "He said that it wouldn't be fair on you all to just walk back into your life when you had only just started to come to terms with my… 'death.'" she added the word with disdain. "I had to agree with him and he assured me he was sobering up and that I could trust him to look after you boys."

"So you just left us?" Aden asked slight anger touching his voice, "Didn't you even want to see us?"

"Of course I did but by that time I had found out I was," she paused and then looked at him, hoping with this following knowledge it would give her a way in, "…pregnant." She took a break in the story to take in Aden's reaction.

Aden smiled slightly, Liz had been right, this was her way in, "So I have a brother or sister?" he asked her thinking about what the family he had grown up in was like and the thought that he could have a different one somewhere, a better one.

Liz smiled, "…a sister," she told him. "…two in fact, you can meet them if you like. I've told them all about you and your brothers."

Aden smile evaporated at the mention of his brothers, "I can't," he told her. "They'd be better off not knowing me."

"What?" Liz's eyes narrowed in confusion.

"Look, you don't know what it was like, okay," Aden told her getting clearly quite distressed as his girlfriend placed a hand on his shoulder.

Liz didn't know what to say but there were more questions Aden wanted answers to, he didn't feel like the story had finished.

"Why did you leave just because you were pregnant?" he asked her formally.

She shrugged her shoulders and sighed, "Money," she told him simply. "…to have a baby on the way and you three boys plus my partner's son as well. We just couldn't afford it and I thought you might be okay with your father, I believed he had stopped the drinking."

Aden scoffed and this time had a look of absolute anger on his face.

"I take it he didn't then?" Liz asked worriedly.

"Did Dad ever tell you what happened to him… when he was a kid?" Aden asked her eerily. He wanted her to understand what her leaving meant for him and the only way to do that was to tell her the truth. He usually wouldn't have even considered opening up to what was essentially a stranger. He couldn't deny it, even though he wanted to, but there was a connection between him and this woman, and though his explanation to her would appear to come out of anger and blame at her, it was more to do with wanting his mother to tell him that it was alright, and that what happened wasn't his fault. He just wanted to be comforted, Belle was wonderful at that but she wasn't his mother, he had seen other people talk to their mothers and had always wondered what it would be like but thought he would never get the chance. Now suddenly, a miracle had happened and he was left hoping and wanting for something he wasn't sure he could deal with.

Liz looked at him, a scared expression planted on her voice. She wondered why he would say something like that, how did he know and why would Larry ever tell him? "Yes," she breathed quietly.

"After you die… …I mean… left," Aden corrected him self. "…he didn't stop the drinking, it got worse. A lot worse," he could see the start of tears forming in his mother's eyes and he hadn't even got close to the worst bit yet. "He wanted to destroy everything that reminded him of you one night, he said it was too painful and it would be good to wipe you from our lives. I thought it was because he was upset but I guess it was because he was angry. Either way you were erased, there were no pictures, no sentimental objects… nothing… …I had nothing to remind me that I even had a mother… just a burnt down kitchen where Justin had had to put the fire out himself," Aden explained going into even more detail than he had ever even told Belle.

"I'm so sorry," Liz told him reaching out for the hand that wasn't holding onto Belle's. He moved it away as he continued with the story.

"Of course, after that, social services came knocking and found that we had had to look after ourselves because Dad was always too drunk. Sean and Justin kept getting into trouble for stealing food because we never had any. They managed to talk their way out of it most of the time but after the fire, it was too obvious that Dad wasn't fit to look after us. So they…" Aden took a breath finding it hard to continue on to this point of this story.

"It's okay Aden," Belle whispered to him with pride in her voice at what he was doing.

"…moved our Grandfather in with us," he finished and looked directly at his mother who looked horrified.

"Oh God…" she breathed. "…please don't tell me that he…." She couldn't even say it.

Aden had had enough now, "Fine, I won't," he said simply and stood up. He and Belle went into the kitchen leaving Aden's now crying mother at the table, as she passed the blame that Aden had thought he had wanted to put on her... ...on to herself.

Next chapter

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Aden's mother tries again



Poor Aden! You wrote that so beautifully, and I loved the way you got him to just naturally open up to her, and yet still be himself, if you get me?

Great chapter. Can't wait for more!



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