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Just In Time... But Was It Worth It?

Guest wrongturntaken

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Sorry for the wait, i actually wanted to put more on to this chapter but i think it might read a bit better like this. It's a bit filler but i hope you like it anway. (I'm going out now, so i don't have time to read it through again so sorry for any mistakes, i'll correct them later)

Thank you for all your comments!

Chapter 19

“Are you okay?” Belle asked Aden as she followed him in to the kitchen. The other two women were luckily on the outside now after Irene had cleaned up the broken plate.

Aden turned to face her and sighed, “I… I don’t know… what does she want?”

Belle looked at him sympathetically, took his hand and entwined her fingers with his, a gesture that showed she was with him all the way, “I think she wants to get to know you,” she told him carefully, thinking about the reactions she had seen from the woman still sat at the table in the diner.

“I don’t know if I can do that,” he told her honestly.

“How do you feel?”

“What am I supposed to feel?” Aden asked her rhetorically; running a hand through his hair. “You know my nightmares, it was always about her being the reason everything happened but seeing her… it’s like her face just erased that black shadow she was before and I can’t see how it disappearing could be bad.”

“Aden, she had no idea what was going to happen to you, I’m sure if she did she would have come back for you, but…” Belle looked at him; unsure whether to continue.

“Go on Belle,” Aden questioned her gently.

“Her reasons for leaving… they were…”

“Good?” Aden interrupted her; scoffing defensively.

“Aden I’m not saying that they were good enough reasons to leave a child but she honestly thought she was leaving you with a good life. A safe life”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t Belle. Why are you siding with her, anyway?” Aden asked her taking a step back and looking at her as though she’d deserted him.

Belle stepped forward and told him softly, “I would never do that, Aden. Whatever you think or decide or want, that is what I will think, decide or want too,” she told him forcefully. “…but this isn’t about sides, Aden,” she explained sternly, thinking about how it would make Aden feel to have a parental figure around. She didn’t see Amanda much but she still felt that they had a certain mother/daughter bond even if she’d only known her for a couple of years.

“It’s too late now, anyway,” Aden said determinedly.

Belle shook her head, “It’s never too late, Aden. Not if you don’t want it to be.”

Aden looked at her, he could see the support glowing through in her face and knew that she only wanted him to be happy. “I need to think about this for a bit, I can’t work today, Belle,” he sighed.

“Go, I’ll tell Irene you’re not feeling well,” Belle told him.

“Thanks… you can tell her the truth if you want, I’m sure it’ll all come out sooner or later anyway.”

Aden left the kitchen only to be greeted by Liz standing up, “Aden,” she tried reaching out for his hand which he immediately recoiled from, flinching at her touch. “I’m sorry,” she said realising she had been a bit full on.

He looked at her and all she could see was the little boy version of him, the same blonde hair and blue eyes, the same facial features, all that was missing was the cheeky grin. He didn’t look angry that she had reached out for him which she thanked God for.

“I’m sorry, Liz… I have to think for a bit,” he told her calmly before walking out of the diner.

Belle walked out of the kitchen to see Liz looking shell shocked and unable to sit down. It was as though she was frozen in time.

In a way she was, as the memories came flooding back to her…

“Aden, I said no,” Liz Jefferies told her son as he picked up a sweet from the lower shelves next to the counter at a paper shop. He was two years old and was making a rascal of himself.

“No,” Aden repeated the word to his mother. It had been his first word and Larry and Liz both agreed he was going to be the most rebellious teen as they were already constantly telling him not to do things and being disobeyed. That was perhaps why he had become so adept at saying ‘no’.

“Aden,” Liz said sternly. It was only her and her son in the shop as she had left the other two boys at home with Larry but Aden was the youngest and she always liked to spend as much time with them at this age as possible because she knew how quickly it would end.

“Mummy,” the little boy said as he dropped the sweet and reached his arms up in the air for her to pick him up.

A smile had graced Liz’s lips as it was only the second time he had called her that. She loved it with the other two of course but it was always a special moment when a child calls their mother ‘mum’ or ‘mummy’. Liz couldn’t resist and picked up her son, placing him on her hip as he clung tightly to her and she could tell he was tired as he rested his head on her shoulder.


“You ready?” Liz said walking into Aden’s room with his bag.

Aden looked at her, “I’m scared, Mum.”

“First days are always scary,” she said crouching down to his level and cupping his chin with one hand whilst running her other through his hair.

“What if people don’t like me?” Aden asked her worriedly.

“How could they not like you? Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” she continued to soothe her son. “I can’t believe you’re starting school already. It seems like only yesterday you couldn’t even go to the toilet by yourself.”

Aden giggled, too young to realise how embarrassing a thing, that might be for his Mother to say.

Liz ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head as she stood up. “Come on.”

“I love you, Mum,” Aden said as he was ushered out of the door by Liz.

Liz smiled, “I love you too, Aden.”


“Mrs. Jefferies?” Belle called out for the third time, this time getting a response as Liz’s head snapped to face her. “Are you okay?” she asked; seeing the look in her eyes and sitting down.

“He called me Liz,” She told Belle simply.

Belle didn’t quite get the meaning of what she was saying but Liz still refused to look at her. It was as though she was so deep in thought she didn’t even have the ability to acknowledge anyone else’s presence.

”For six years I cleaned him, fed him, clothed him, looked after him, did everything for him…” she looked at Belle now, needing someone to tell. “…and for four of those years he called me ‘Mum’… and now,” she let out a subtle laugh which quickly turned to tears although not sobbing. “He calls me Liz.”

Belle’s heart couldn’t help to go out to this woman as she continued to talk.

“Do you realise how long six years is; how much can happen in six years?”

Belle nodded, thinking of her own life, she had only been in Summer Bay for just over two years of it, yet it felt like she had spent a lifetime here.

“That’s how long I had with Aden before…” she trailed off and seemed to suddenly come back to her senses. “I’m sorry, you must think I’m a train wreck,” she apologised.

“Its fine,” Belle told her sincerely.

“So your Aden’s girlfriend? I don’t even know your name.”

“I’m Belle,” she held out her hand to shake which Liz did. “Just give him some time, he’s had to work through a lot lately and he just needs to think.”

“Do you think I did the right thing, coming back into his life?” Liz questioned her worriedly.

“I can’t answer that,” Belle told her. “It’s done now, and you’ll just have to wait to see what Aden says. Just give him time.”


Aw! A little Aden! He must've been SO cute!

Poor Liz, but my poor Aden more! I'm so glad that Belle got to reassure him that she wasn't taking Liz's side.

Belle stepped forward and told him softly, “I would never do that, Aden. Whatever you think or decide or want, that is what I will think, decide or want too,”

Loved that bit. So sweet!

More soon please?!



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