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Anti Adelle

Guest KaitieL

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they are my fav couple.. however

i agree its annoying when they break up every 10 seconds when it could of so easily been avoided - belle not telling aden about the drinking

dont agree about how she was only placed with aden because there was noone else

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  wooo_im_cool said:
they are my fav couple.. however

i agree its annoying when they break up every 10 seconds when it could of so easily been avoided - belle not telling aden about the drinking

dont agree about how she was only placed with aden because there was noone else

I agree, it wasn't because there was nobody else. There was a bit of chemistry with her and Roman when he arrived, and they could have easily started a romance after he dumped Martha, especially if they wanted to bring Belle into more adult territory in the show. Or she could have had a revenge-fling with Dom to get at Drew(in my dreams!). Plus now there's Angelo, so Belle does have other options. Thank goodness Lucas left when he did though, can you imagine what might have happened after Drelle ended if Lucas hadn't left? Shudder.


  KaitieL said:
  ~Dom~ said:
This thread is a sin! :o

Then don't come in here. :P

I did like the characters before but ever since they got together, Belle's turned Aden into this whining needy person and I don't like it.

Diner Landlord - I now understand your hatred for J&M.

Thank you, I've never really hated them as a couple, I just hate all the damage their relationship has caused to others. Anyway, I won't go on about it, I'm glad you understand me though.


*Cries for the inevitable J&Mness* :(

It was always going to happen... I didn't want it to... but now I find myself making my second post in the hate thread... :(

I don't hate them... but I fear if things go on like this, they will both be ruined.

I think... I *hope*... that Aden and Belle as characters will survive it better than Jack and Martha. Aden has a huge amount of really interesting, gritty storylines, and Belle's always been a capable character. She talks big, but she can also back it up, which Martha doesn't always do. Both of them - and don't kill me for saying this - can act circles around Jack and Martha, so that's a plus to begin with. I don't think that Aden's become whiny, but I can see how he might get annoying with his constant dramas, which Belle seems destined to add to whether she means it or not. Aden does not need a girlfriend who will dump him at the first sign of trouble. He needs stability. He needs, in my opinion, to focus on his relationship with Roman and Nicole to form a solid family environment to help him cope with the crap he came from... I'm hoping that the writers realise all this, as they have been consistently surprising me with the way things have been turning out over the past couple of months. I hope that if Belle and Aden break up again, Aden will realise that he doesn't need the extra drama and will just leave it for a while. Although he is so damaged at this point that I can't really see him making any decisions that will honestly benefit him...


I don't necessarily think this is Belle's fault - she didn't know what she was dealing with when she got involved with him. But now that she does know... I would hope that she'd be a bit more considerate of him... Somehow, I don't think that will happen, and she'll go on making sure that she's taken care of first. Again, not really a bad thing, but not really helpful to Aden, and he needs all the help he can get.

I worry for them :(

(PS, I wish that all anti-threads were like this... I feel like I can come in here and have a negative opinion on characters without having to forfeit my allegiance to them. It's nice :P)


I dislike them together a lot. Not really sure why and can't list a million and one reasons but there's just something about them that I dislike.

Loved the characters separately though.


^^ Haha. A few people have said that. It makes me wonder if I had been watching H&A when J&M first got together, whether I would hate them. Was the hype as bad as Adelle because if it was, I'm sure I would hate them.


  ~Dom~ said:
This thread is a sin! :o

i love adelle but if ur gonna come on here wen u love them u have to repect the fact that ths is a thrend for those that dnt lik them nd thats those ppl's chice


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