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Anti Adelle

Guest KaitieL

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This thread needs a serious bump. I can't believe that it's not higher up :o I mean, seriously, you can't all love Adelle now, can you? :blink: And way to go Kaitie for starting this thread! *thumbs up*

Well, why do I don't like Adelle? Well, let me think. I don't like all the hype (seriously, we've had enough Adelle fics now!) and I don't really like Aden and I definitely don't like how it's been written! Aden used to be a bully, but suddenly, he was a kid with a history of abuse and then we should all feel sorry for him and suddenly Belle loves him too :o Wait, didn't she not like him just a minute ago? Eh... Not saying that anyone deserves to be abused, or that it's not terrible, but I don't like how he seems to forget that he's been abused sometimes. He goes to what, two-three sessions and then he's fine? :blink: And then they're just like a normal couple? What the...?! Aden seemed very traumatized by his grandfather's actions, but he recovered very fast, I must say. I mean, some never recover, while all Aden needed, was Belle. Yeah right...

So I have never liked them, don't like them now, and will never like them as a couple. As individuals, Belle is a cool character, but I don't like Aden -_-

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Amen to that! :D

Seriously. He goes to one therapy session and then he's all like "I don't care if I'm traumatized, or only went to one session, I WANT YOU NOW!" to Belle? Seriously. It just doesn't make sense. And they don't even have chemistry. It's like robots.

"You. Are. The. Best Thing. That. Ever. Happened. To Me... System Overload. Exploading. In. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

uhm, yeah. Sorry. Got carried away. Even robots are more charismatic. And the sweet talk makes me sick.

And you don't get over rape so fast, Aden. Did nobody tell you that? Did something go wrong with your programming? poooor moronic robot...


  h&a-girl said:
  emmasi said:
Not really an Anti comment, but I'm too scared to say it in the Appreciation thread :P

Same here with what i'm about to write :)

I'm not anti-Adelle but I don't want them back together at least not for a very long time. Their relationship before this week was one that I enjoyed (though i'm the same emmasi with the backwards brain and the not liking them as much as soon as they became mainstream and popular) but for Aden to be magically cured and the pair to get back together within a couple of weeks would be completely unrealistic and insulting to the characters, particularly Belle.

Both characters are amazing, and I think Belle really does love Aden (which is why I don't want her to rebound with Angelo) but for now at least i'm going to say I think they should be apart.

I have to agree with you. I'm not anti-Adelle, but I'm actually enjoying those two having time apart- we get to see them as indivduals, rather as lumped into one character. I remember when Belle used to have so much personality to her, she's kind of lost that of late, and that's what I miss about her. The Adelle appreciation thread can get very overwhelming at times.


Thanks HM. Nice to know I've done my part by starting this thread. :P

Totally get what you mean by no chemistry. I just can't see it, no matter how hard I try. It's forced, fake and they were just thrown together for the sake of them being in a relationship. Heaven forbid people should be single. :rolleyes:

Sooo glad they're over now but sick of all the Adelle fans whinging over it and starting a petition. Do they really think that a piece of paper with some signatures on it will make a difference? I don't think so. If anything it will make the writers drag it out even longer to keep them watching.

And I'm sick of all the hating towards Angelo. Just because Belle's moving on with him, that's no reason to hate him.

This is no way in dissing people's fics, but yes so over the Adelle fics. The section is overrun with them.


I don't think it's fair to have a go at the fans just because they want them back together... Of course it's tiresome when you don't ship the couple the majority do but you have to remember that fans can't help who they like or the number of people that like them. I feel no pull towards Adelle either way anymore. I think they had amazing chemistry but I'm not prepared to get sucked in the drama of waiting for a couple to get back together. I just think it's unfair to take it out on the fans, just like I thought it was unfair when people were doing it to J&M fans. Take it out on the 'masterminds' behind it all- the writers! :P


^^ What meant is I'm tired of going into the spoiler section and seeing about a million different threads for Adelle. And all the hating on Angelo just because he's with Belle when clearly there's no reason to dislike him at this stage.

I just don't understand the hype.

Oh and don't get me started on the writers. :rolleyes::P


  defying_gravity said:
i reckon aden can do so much better than belle! belle is so manipulative! and aden is so much better looking than belle!

You shouldnt bring looks into it. I know you are didnt dissing the actor but it still is rude. You can hate Adelle it is like with me and Ritilda. Couldnt stand them but you accept them.`


Lately there has been quite a lot of discussion related to whether certain topics, mainly related to the Aden/Belle relationship, are being used for what they are intended for. After numerous unofficial warnings about spamming, SPAG and personal attacks, we have now given several members a final warning before we take further action against them (if they cross the line again). These members have been notified, and they have been made aware of why this has been done; on what grounds we've decided to step in; and what will happen if they still fail to follow our rules.

There have been made allegations that people are being punished or favoured because of their personal opinions, and although we feel no need to justify our decisions, as they are made by a whole team consisting of different people with different opinions; we do feel that there's no need to keep quiet to you about the facts.

- There have been many reports about members breaking our rules related to these discussions, and it is based on our perception of each individual case that we have decided to take action and issue warnings.

- The allegations have been made by both fans and those who don't like the Aden/Belle pairing, just like the decisions have been made by a team consisting of staff of equally different opinions.

- The main problem related to these discussions, although we have also noted other offences; is spamming.

- No allegations or complaints have formally been made to us about the number of Aden/Belle fan fics; this is purely a rumour. People are welcome to post as many Aden/Belle fics as they like.

- All members still have a right to express their opinion about Aden/Belle, and all other storylines for that matter. Nobody in the staff thinks any different, and allegations made by members about others' opinions, have like everything else been dealt with individually, and in the cases of the staff finding the allegations unfair, no action has been taken against the reported members. This has gone both ways, as we have had reports we have ruled erroneous from both fans and non-fans.

Like stated earlier, the main problem has been spamming, and in case there is still confusion about this, here's another explanation:

Spamming is when a member repeatedly posts short, useless posts either unrelated to the discussion, or that simply can't be seen as any contribution to an ongoing discussion. This being said, we're not saying that it's not okay to write "I love Aden and Belle!" etc., because that's not spamming. However, if your posts mainly just consists of that same sentence, or just various versions with the same bottom line, it is considered spamming. A short, not very in-depth post every now and then is okay, but many of you have been taking that way too far.

There have also been made allegations that staff are keeping an extra eye on the Aden/Belle fans. This is somewhat correct, but not really the full story. After numerous reports, complaints and disagreements, we have found it necessary to keep an extra eye on certain discussions, which again has lead to us finding it necessary to keep an extra eye on certain members. However, this has nothing to do with the fact that we allegedly somehow decided to "get" the people discussing Aden/Belle. When the problems seem to be in these threads, we keep an eye on them, regardless of what our personal opinions might be.

Lastly, as much as we hope that this can be over with this, and that we can go back to having good discussions about Aden/Belle, and Home&Away in general, we would like to make it clear that more warnings will be issued unless the situation in these threads improve significantly very soon. We recommend that everyone take a look at our rules. Some of you are still tiptoeing very close to the line, and we will keep monitoring the situation.

If you have any questions or anything else you would like to discuss regarding the situation, please contact a member of staff by PM, rather than carry out this discussion in this thread; and remember that the board rules also applies to PMs, and not just posts.

Thank you.

On behalf of the BttB staff,

Cal (Moderator)


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