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Anti Adelle

Guest KaitieL

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Ooh, people have started posting in here again!That's good.Yeah, they still don't gel for me.The actors and the writers try to convince us they're this really sweet couple but I'm just sitting there going "That's Belle and Aden.Why are they together?"She literally went from hating him to looking at him gooey-eyed without any kind of transition.And the same with him:one minute he's doing scary flirting to wind her up, the next he suddenly means it.And I just don't buy the whole "He was abused by his grandfather so that means he's a nice guy" thing.All that means is that he's a nasty person who has a reason for being nasty.Why Belle thought that automatically made him boyfriend material is beyond me.Half the time she seems more like a social worker than a girlfriend.

Really, really hope they don't get back together and all the talk is just wishful thinking.I do wonder sometimes whether Adelle fans actually are the majority or whether they just talk loudest.

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We've just got up to him telling her about his grandfather in the UK and...I don't want to be insensitive but I just thought "So what?"The guy came on to her(yes, he did, despite some people implying she forced herself on him), then when she responded he called her every name under the sun and stormed out.Then, after not talking to her for a week, he turns up while she's on a date with another guy and insists she talk to him, because obviously the world revolves around Aden.(What exactly happened to Angelo anyway?Did Belle really just wander off with Aden while he was getting the drinks in?)Then he tells her about his grandfather...and suddenly they're an item again?Sympathise with him, yes.Support him, yes.Get back with him...why?(For that matter, get together with him in the first place, why?)Only a few seconds earlier, he was talking about how he wished his grandfather was alive so he could make him "pay"(I don't think we're talking law courts here, we're talking the same way he made Axel and Larry "pay"), which should have set alarm bells ringing.It's noticeable that she didn't actually say "No" when he asked if she thought he was messed up, she just said she'd probably be the same.Did he actually apologise for the way he treated her or was it all about him?

I thought Belle and Drew were bad enough but she's even worse with Aden.The girl just has no sense of self-respect.It doesn't matter what he does to her or anyone else, she always seems to run back to him.


  Red Ranger 1 said:
Did he actually apologise for the way he treated her or was it all about him?

Not meaning to cause any trouble but just wanted to briefly quote the scene before hand:

Aden: Belle I'm sorry... what I mean is that I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I am. That stuff I said.. it was awful and none of it was true. If you never wanted to speak to me again I'd understand.

Belle: Your a real idiot you know that

Aden: Yeah I do

Isn't that an appology?


  Red Ranger 1 said:
We've just got up to him telling her about his grandfather in the UK and...I don't want to be insensitive but I just thought "So what?"The guy came on to her(yes, he did, despite some people implying she forced herself on him), then when she responded he called her every name under the sun and stormed out.Then, after not talking to her for a week, he turns up while she's on a date with another guy and insists she talk to him, because obviously the world revolves around Aden.(What exactly happened to Angelo anyway?Did Belle really just wander off with Aden while he was getting the drinks in?)Then he tells her about his grandfather...and suddenly they're an item again?Sympathise with him, yes.Support him, yes.Get back with him...why?(For that matter, get together with him in the first place, why?)Only a few seconds earlier, he was talking about how he wished his grandfather was alive so he could make him "pay"(I don't think we're talking law courts here, we're talking the same way he made Axel and Larry "pay"), which should have set alarm bells ringing.It's noticeable that she didn't actually say "No" when he asked if she thought he was messed up, she just said she'd probably be the same.Did he actually apologise for the way he treated her or was it all about him?

I thought Belle and Drew were bad enough but she's even worse with Aden.The girl just has no sense of self-respect.It doesn't matter what he does to her or anyone else, she always seems to run back to him.

Belle does seems to be attracted to bad boys. I imagine because she feels comfortable in that type of relationship. Perhaps she likes the challenge of redeeming them. Perhaps she keeps running back as she was adopted out as a child and any relationship is better than none. Perhaps she finds them exciting and the nice guys of the world, dull.

Whatever the reason, I don't like the way she is using Angelo. I hope Belle and Aden get back together real soon....they deserve each other. :D

Aden seems to apologise on a regular basis only to say or do something similar or worse a short while later. Talk's cheap. I say show me you're sorry or at least don't do it again!


  Frogg said:
  Red Ranger 1 said:
Did he actually apologise for the way he treated her or was it all about him?

Not meaning to cause any trouble but just wanted to briefly quote the scene before hand:

Aden: Belle I'm sorry... what I mean is that I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I am. That stuff I said.. it was awful and none of it was true. If you never wanted to speak to me again I'd understand.

Belle: Your a real idiot you know that

Aden: Yeah I do

Isn't that an appology?

Okay.I missed that bit.

Still doesn't say a lot for her that she immediately backs down though.Especially given that an episode later he was having a go at her again.



Adelle, Adelle, Adelle... That's all you ever hear these days!

I am sick to death of it, especially with spoilers. Every time either Aden or Belle are mentioned it's 'ooo this might mean they get back together, they are meant to be!'. Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't they only together all of 2 minutes?!


^^I agree entirely.I was told they were going to be this really great couple but seriously...they went out for a fortnight, then broke up, then went out for another fortnight, then broke up again.What the hell is all the fuss about?!


  Pierced Musie said:
I like Adelle... but I don't go round mentioning it all the time. Tis turning into J&M The New Generation <_<...

Shhhhh! :( We're all thinking it, but maybe if we don't say it, it won't happen. I wish Adelle would stay broken up. Screw their "connection," they're both good characters and I don't want to see them go down like this >.<


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