Anaya Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 ^^ I'm afraid they're starting to get ruined already. Aden the ultimate lone ranger, wonderfully complex and layered character, now lost in something known as 'Adelle'. Losing his identity. They are not one person IMO.
bailey4 Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 ok i gotta admit i was like everyone and this whole Adelle fiasco ...and i still am ...BUT this is really, really getting annoying now, just hurry up and get this storyline out of the way already !!
Pierced Musie Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 At least Aden started off as his own character, unlike other males in pairings... *leaves before she is hunted down*
Anaya Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Makes it all the more sad that he's being ruined. Hype kills everthing.
Cal Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 emmasi said: Pierced Musie said: I like Adelle... but I don't go round mentioning it all the time. Tis turning into J&M The New Generation ... Shhhhh! We're all thinking it, but maybe if we don't say it, it won't happen. I wish Adelle would stay broken up. Screw their "connection," they're both good characters and I don't want to see them go down like this >.< Here, here. Aden is a great character, and so is Belle. But the two of them together is kinda boring. I mean, they both have that edge. So when you put them together there is no edge left... just bluntness. It's like watching paint dry when they are all loved-up. Gah. Remain good friends, please. Both characters are being ruined by this 'Adelle' debacle.
Red Ranger 1 Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 They're ruining both characters by sticking them together.There was just no reason for it to happen. Belle had nothing but contempt for Aden until she saw him with his shirt off and suddenly started perving.And Aden had just tried it on with Nicole before he blundered into Belle's room and clambered into bed with her while she was asleep.Yeah, that's a relationship with strong foundations... The whole thing just makes him seem needy and her seem weak.
KaitieL Posted October 3, 2008 Report Posted October 3, 2008 Pierced Musie said: At least Aden started off as his own character, unlike other males in pairings... *leaves before she is hunted down* Lol, lucky for you most of 'those' fans have now been converted to Adelle and they don't come in here. They have no personality, no edge and no chemistry when they're together. It's just boring and ruining both characters.
Red Ranger 1 Posted October 9, 2008 Report Posted October 9, 2008 I really don't buy this whole "they're meant to be together" nonsense.If they do love each other, and I'm not even sure of that, then it's not a love that would last.Can anyone really see Aden and Belle with three kids and a mortgage?Really?!When they started out, Belle, in her own words, just wanted a fun, meaningless relationship and Aden was just latching on to one of the few girls who didn't tell him to drop dead when he started flirting.But then they kept getting thrown into crises, with Larry's drinking and the hit and run.As a result, Belle had to support Aden and that meant she ended up feeling more for him than she otherwise would have done, whilst he became dependent on her, fixating on her as this perfect girlfriend who was going to make him normal.I think that after the first time they tried to sleep together, Aden would have just given up like he did with Nicole if the circumstances had been different.In fact he did just that until he had more troubles with Larry and needed her again, after which he told her about his grandfather and started seeing a therapist so he could sleep with her(and even started being nice to Annie!)purely in order to hold on to her.If things were normal, I really don't think they'd be so attached to each other.I can't even remember seeing them relaxed in each other's company, they were always so intense.
January Posted October 10, 2008 Report Posted October 10, 2008 Red Ranger 1 said: Can anyone really see Aden and Belle with three kids and a mortgage?Really?! No! and I don't want to think about it. Actually, I agree with what you have said RR1. When I think back on the Aden and Belle relationship, I just remember the raised voices, the bickering, the disrespectful comments, the on again/off again interspersed with what I would call the smart arse variation of the game of “intellectual slap and tickle”. I tend to think that something that starts off bad, usually ends up worse and thats how I saw the relationship. A few days of happiness with seemingly weeks of tears. Hardly a relationship to wish for, seek or rave about. Feeling connected can occur with all sorts of people on all sorts of levels. Just because you feel connected to someone doesn’t mean you have to spend a lifetime with them. Aden and Belle appear to have had a deep connection and of course when you come out of a relationship like that you are going to feel ambivalent. But if Belle really wants to go back, then I wish she’d just do it and stop using and hurting others. Having said that, of course there are going to be characters I like/don’t like in any show/story. I'm happy for Aden and Belle to have their own corner of the show but at present they seem to be monopolising the storylines and the hype is just waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy over the top.
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