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Guest LuvAden

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yeah love this fic and how you have written Aden he is so funny in this

Larry and Christine wow didnt see that coming brilliant

cant wait for this dinner scene to play out


Chapter 3 - sooner than expected!

Aden drags Belle into the kitchen to help him serve up the food while Larry organises the others around the dinner table.

“So what is this all about?” Belle asks.

“My dad has lost his marbles?” Aden suggests, he shrugs. “I dunno.”

Belle looks towards the diningroom and watches Larry and Christine chatting. Melody is also watching them with a strange look on her face and Geoff is looking up at some rugby trophys on a nearby shelf.

“Are Larry and Mrs. Jones...” she can’t finish the sentence.

Aden doesn’t know.

“No offence to your dad but...I can’t imagine he’s Mrs. Jones type – actually thats probably a compliment to your dad. Anyway, she’s married and even if they are separated, they are Catholic so no divorce.” Says Belle.

“I did try to point that out to dad.” Aden tells her. “Maybe she really has bumped off Mr. Jones so she’s a widow and can get with whoever she wants!”

Belle laughs.

“Well even if she has, knowing her I think she would still have a problem with your father not being Catholic!”

“He says he is not NOT a Catholic.” Says Aden.

“What does that mean?”

Aden grins wickedly.

“I think it means if he gets a leg over Mrs. Jones he’ll thank every god there is!”

Belle curls her lip in distaste. Standing just outside the doorway, unnoticed by them is Geoff. He really can’t understand what Belle sees in Aden. He is coarse and rude. Geoff goes back to the dinner table and looks at Larry. Aden must get his complete disregard for other people from somewhere...Geoff wonders if he should tell Melody what he heard Aden say.

“Grubs up!” Aden says bringing in some plates.


Needless to say the dinner conversation doesn’t flow naturally. Belle, Geoff, Larry and Christine make up most of the conversation with Aden and Melody only piping up when addressed directly. During a particularly awakward lull in the conversation Belle makes eye contact with Aden to say something. She has already used up her stock of inane small talk. As soon as Aden opens his mouth however, she wishes he hadn’t.

“So which of you will convert?” Aden asks looking at Geoff and Melody.

Everyone stares at him for a moment.

“Pardon?” asks Geoff.

“Well one of you will have to. I suppose if you’re still hell bent – bad choice of words? – on becoming a minister then it will have to be Melody. Having a Catholic wife would probably lose you a few minister brownie points.”

“Aden, I really don’t think this is a suitable conversation to have.” Larry hisses at him.

Aden eyes them all lazily.

“I’m just saying its something they need to think about. There is no point in ignoring the obvious when a decision will have to be made sooner or later anyway.”

Belle covers her face with her hands. Geoff is biting his tongue.

“Aden has a point.” Christine says.

Melody looks at her worriedly.

“Decisions will have to be made eventually. Just perhaps...not right now!”

Aden enjoys the look on Melody and Geoff’s faces.

“Thank you Christine, that is all I was trying to say.” He smiles cheekily at her.

Christine smiles back coldly, resenting his use of her Christian name. He is so sure of himself and a prime example of what happens when family values aren’t observed. Geoff’s phone rings and everyone is glad of the interruption.

“Sorry.” He gets up from the table to answer it.

Larry starts to clear away dishes.

“Give me a hand will you Aden?” he says through gritted teeth.

Larry and Aden go to the kitchen. Belle can imagine Larry will have a few choice words for his son. She smiles awakwardly across the table at Christine and Melody.

“So Melody...how do you like being back at Summer Bay High?” she asks.

“It’s great. I really missed everyone.” Says Melody.

Belle smiles. Geoff returns looking panicked.

“The house is flooding!” he says.

“What?” asks Belle.


Aden is getting an earful from Larry in the kitchen as Belle comes rushing in.

“Thanks for dinner Mr. Jeffries, it was...really nice. Geoff and I have to go.”

“What?” Aden demands.

“Oh are you sure you have to rush off?” Larry asks disappointed.

Belle nods.

“Annie called, the kitchen sink is malfunctioning and there is water everywhere. Irene can’t leave the Diner and Annie is in a panic.” She explains.

“Oh dear.” Says Larry.

“Let Geoff go.” Says Aden.

“I can’t let him and Annie handle it alone. You know what they’re like...they’d probably start praying for an Ark and forget to call a plumber!” she jokes.

But Aden just looks at her sulkily.

“Sorry.” She whispers and kisses him on the cheek.


Geoff is getting equally sulky loks from Melody in the other room.

“You’ll be fine.” He whispers. “I’m sure you’ll be leaving soon anyway.”

“Ready to go?” Belle asks.

He nods and they bail. The others stand in silence.

“Melody and I will do the washing up.” Christine volunteers.

Aden hands her a dirty plate.

“No!” Larry snatches the plate back and gives Aden a dirty look. “There is no need. Aden can do it. He loves washing dishes.”

Aden resists the urge to tell his dad exactly what he can do with his dishes. At least if he’s washing up he won’t have to hang around them, he can be alone in the kitchen.

“Melody will give him a hand at least then.” Christine insists.

Melody looks even more horrified than Aden.


Belle and Geoff have walked to the end of the street, both contemplating the evenings events.

“That was horrible wasn’t it?” Geoff says eventually.

Belle bursts into laughter and nods.

“Dinner with the Addams Family would have been less tortuous!”


Aden and Melody silently clear up in the kitchen. Aden broodily avoiding eye contact and Melody hoping it stays that way. She is always afraid of what might come out of his mouth.

Things between Larry and Christine are equally as uncomfortable in the other room having a coffee. The evening has been a disaster, Larry thinks.

“I’m really sorry.” He says. “This...it was a bad idea. You and Melody shouldn’t have had to go through it. I don’t know what gets into Aden sometimes...we’re just not used to having guests.”

Larry looks really miserable and Christine feels sorry for him.

“It wasn’t all Aden’s fault. Melody barely spoke a word. She’s normally delightful dinner company. We’ve always taught her to...” she stops. She doesn’t want to boast and highlight the fact that Larry clearly never taught his son any kind etiquette.

Aden and Melody walk in.

“Dishes are done. I’m going out.” Aden informs them and heads for the door.

“Wait!” Larry shouts. “We’ve still got guests.”

Aden turns around irritably.

“I...” Melody speaks up. “I need to get home. I have so much study to do.”

“Oh! Right.” Christine makes a move.

“At least finish your coffee.” Says Larry.

Christine looks from the cup to Melody.

“I can make my own way.” Melody tells her. She doesn’t understand why her mother seems hesitant to leave. She would’ve thought she would be dying to get out of there.

“Oh no, you can’t go on your own.” Christine shakes her head.

“Aden will walk with her.” Larry suggests.

The last thing Aden wants to do is be in the company of Melody Jones for any longer than he needs to but...he sees the look on his father’s face and feels a strange urge to help him out. He obviously wants to spend more time with the shrew, god knows why!

“Yea, I’ll walk her.” He says. To himself he thinks, whatever this strange feeling is that keeps urging to help his dad out with ridiculous situations is going to have to stop!

“No no.” Christine shakes her head. “I’m sure Aden has better things to do.”

Larry looks at Aden again.

“No really, Mrs. Jones. I’ll be going in the same direction anyway. Plus...I have a couple of homework questions Melody might be able to help with.” Aden says knowing how lame that sounds.

“You’re not in the same class.” Christine points out.

“No but...Melody’s still way ahead of dumb old me!” he looks at Melody and forces a smile.

Melody forces a smile back. She doesn’t want to walk home with Aden but her mother obviously wants to stay because otherwise there would be no discussion.

“You finish your coffee mum. I’ll be fine.”

Christine agrees.


  LuvAden said:
“I can’t let him and Annie handle it alone. You know what they’re like...they’d probably start praying for an Ark and forget to call a plumber!” she jokes.

Hehehehe that was my favourite part of the fic...I can just imagine it!!!

Great Update....I am really enjoying this fic......Can't wait for more!!!!


Just read the last two chapters. Wow they were funny! Lol I've gotta admit that that ^ was the funniest quote! Oh, and Belle's sarcasm!

Update soon!


just read it all, you have very long updates :D

“I can’t let him and Annie handle it alone. You know what they’re like...they’d probably start praying for an Ark and forget to call a plumber!” she jokes.

loved that!

update soon :)


I'm on a roll!! :D

Chapter 4

There is water all over the kitchen floor at Irene’s. Belle stands with the phone to her ear waiting for the stupid plumber who has gone to check when he’d be free to come. Annie is flapping about with a mop and Geoff is soaked to the skin while holding cloths over the pipe where the water is gushing out from. The whole scene is one of chaos.

“Tomorrow is no good!” Belle snaps at the plumber. “The whole house will be flooded by then!”

Geoff sighs, he doesn’t know how much longer he can stem the flow for.

“Well stuff you!” Belle angrily slams the phone.

“Is he coming?” Annie asks hopefully.

Belle looks at her.

“Yea thats the way I say goodbye to people who agree to help.” She says and then regrets her sarcasm when she sees the hurt look on Annie’s face.

“Don’t snap at Annie. It’s not her fault.” Geoff tells her off.

“I know, I’m sorry Annie.”

Belle puts her arm around Annie.

“You’re spending too much time around Aden. He’s starting to rub off.” Geoff mutters.

“At least he speaks as he finds instead of mumbling!” Belle retorts.

“Guys! Focus. We need a plumber.” Annie reminds them.

Geoff and Belle glare at each other a little and then Belle grabs the phonebook and dials the next plumber on the list.

“Try to be nicer to this one.” Annie suggests tentatively.


Melody and Aden are walking along in silence. Melody feels she should make some kind of effort at conversation, her parent’s drilling about politeness kicking in.

“It was very nice of you and your father to have us for dinner.” She says.

“His idea.” Aden replies looking straight ahead.

They both fall silent again. Melody is still confused by the situation. Leaving aside why they were even having dinner with the Jeffries’ in the first place, why would her mum want to spend more time with Aden’s father? They reach her house and stop at the driveway.

“You ok here or do I need to tuck you in too?” Aden drawls.

Melody looks at him and thinks how utterly distasteful he is. Like Geoff she can’t imagine what Belle sees in him.

“I’m fine. Thank you for walking me home.” Though it sticks in her throat to have to thank him.

Aden shrugs.

“Just doing my good deed for the day – giving the oldies a little...private time.” He smirks at the shocked look on Melody’s face.

“There is nothing like that...” Melody becomes flustered. “My mother is not interested in your father.”

“Right yea” Aden laughs, “that’s why she was practically clinging to the chair wanting to stay!”

He continues to laugh as he walks away. Melody is appalled. She can’t believe her mother would give a second thought to someone like Larry Jeffries. She remembers how her mother cried, how devastated she was after her father left. She wouldn’t move on so quickly.


Christine is admiring some family photos and the numerous rugby trophies in the Jeffries’ livingroom. They weren’t always dysfunctional then, she thinks, but how easily things can go wrong.

“Would you like another coffee?” Larry asks.

“No, thank you, I shouldn’t at this time.”

“I wish I could offer you something stronger but...” he apologises.

He had considered getting a bottle of wine for her to have with dinner but one of the conditions of Aden living with him again was that there was absolutely no alcohol in the house and he didn’t want to risk a row by suggesting it to Aden.

“I understand. Anyway, I think people in general consume far too much alcohol these days.”

She looks around the room again. What are you still doing here, she asks herself. Larry, not for the first time in his life, wishes he were more socially adept. It’s something he admires about Aden, his ability to hold his own in any kind of company. Ok he frequently caused chaos but there was always a charm to it. He didn’t melt into the background like Larry himself did.

“I know this evening wasn’t perfect but I’ve really enjoyed your company.” He blurts out.

Christine looks a tad embarrassed and smiles almost shyly.

“I’ve enjoyed yours.” She continues quietly. “I feel comfortable with you.”

She did, she had no idea why but being around him relaxed her. She didn’t feel like he was judging her or trying to pick up bits of gossip. Larry looks pleased.

“That’s maybe the nicest thing anyone’s said to me in years.” He tells her. “Usually people avoid me.”

“We have that in common then.”

“Everyone else’s loss!” he jokes and she laughs. He realises its the first time he has heard her laugh.


“Flippin hell!”

Irene surveys the mess before her. Geoff, Annie and Belle are like three drowned rats. Everything is wet and there is half a man sticking out from under her kitchen sink.

“It’s alright, he’s fixed it.” Annie tells her.

“Alright?” Irene repeats in shock.

The manage emerges from beneath the sink and offers a dirty wet hand to Irene. She just looks at it and he takes it back.

“Pete. The plumber. You’re lucky I was able to come. Coulda been a lot worse.”

He begins to explain the problem to Irene. Annie goes to get dried up. Belle gets a message on her phone and Geoff can tell from the expression on her face that it’s from Aden. Belle senses the disapproving look from Geoff and turns to face him.


Geoff shrugs.

“No, come on Geoff, what is it?” she demands.

“None of my business.” He says and turns away from her.

“Look I get that you don’t approve of Aden but I like him ok.”

Geoff turns back to face her from the foot of the stairs.

“What exactly is there to like?” he asks. “Please tell me because I’m honestly stumped. He is rude, he is coarse, he is a bully. He lacks any empathy with other people. Which of those traits is it you like Belle?”

Belle is a little taken aback by the vehemence in Geoff’s voice.

“He...he is not always like that. He just acts like that to...”

“Cover up his soft sensitive side?” Geoff asks sarcastically. “Do you ever stop to think that maybe he just is all those things and you’re fooling yourself into thinking otherwise?”

Belle shakes her head, trying to get her thoughts together to defend him but Geoff doesn’t let up.

“You saw him tonight. He can’t help himself.” Geoff doesn’t want to upset her but he thinks she really needs to start seeing Aden for what he is. “I heard what he said about his father’s interest in Mrs. Jones. It further proves his attitude towards women. Don’t you think you deserve better?”

“You don’t understand...” Belle begins.

Geoff rolls his eyes.

“Yea yea, he’s just misunderstood.” Geoff shakes his head at her and goes to his room.

Belle can feel tears welling in her eyes.

“It cost HOW MUCH?” Irene yells at the plumber.


Larry and Christine are sitting chatting.

“You just never realise how good you’ve got things until its gone.” Says Larry sadly.

Christine nods.

“At least you’ve got a good relationship with Aden now.” She says.

“If by good you mean he totally disrespects me, then yea.”

“He doesn’t. He clearly didn’t want to be here tonight but he came because you asked. He could have said no.”

Larry considers this.

“I suppose. Same with you and Melody.”

Christine shakes her head.

“No. Melody was here because she didn’t see a choice. Aden chose to be here for you. It’s different.”

“But you and Melody have a great relationship. You know everything about her. You’re obviously close.” Says Larry, he wishes he and Aden were more like that.

Christine shakes her head again, considering her relationship with her daughter.

“We’re close because I keep a tight grip. But one day, I won’t be able to hold onto her anymore and I’ll lose her.” She says sadly. “I half expected her to want to go with her father. She still might.”

“Nah, her life is here. And don’t girls always want to be with their mums?” Larry tries to reassure her.

Christine smiles vacantly, it was obvious Larry had no experience of raising girls. Girls always want their daddy.

“I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t take her.” She says, half to herself. “He’s not her father.”

Larry is stunned at the statement. Christine herself is shocked that she said it out loud.


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