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Guest LuvAden

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Chapter 7

Christine feels a strange sense of relief having told Larry her story and having searched his expression for judgment or disbelief she was touched to find there was none. He believed her.

“How did Edward find out?” asks Larry.

Christine looks ashamed.

“I told him. The night he said he was leaving.”

Larry is surprised to hear that having done so much to keep her secret for so long that she just told him.

“The things he said…” she had been so angry at him. “he wanted to take Melody with him. He said I was ruining her life and that I didn’t deserve to be her mother.” Christine sobs a little again. “I couldn’t lose her…without Melody…I couldn’t go on. So…I told him he had no right to take her because…she wasn’t his.”

Christine remembers the look on Edwards face. She had expected shock or disbelief but instead he nodded.

“He said he had always suspected as much. Said he’d always thought it was a little strange how I’d suddenly become pregnant after years of us trying with no success. He even…asked if her father was David.”

“He knew what had happened?” Larry asks shocked.

Christine shakes her head.

“He said he remembered me flirting with David. I told him it wasn’t like that…” she had wanted to tell him the truth but he didn’t let her get a word in. “he wouldn’t listen. He walked out.”

“I’m sure if you explain to him now, like you have to me…” Larry says but Christine shakes her head.

“I did, he came back for some of his stuff the following day when Melody was out. I told him what had happened and he didn’t believe me. He said if that was the truth why hadn’t I told him at the time. He called me a hypocrite and a slut and said at the very least I probably did it deliberately to get pregnant because I always have to get what I want no matter who I hurt.”

Larry doesn’t know what to say, the poor woman.


Belle sits on her bed hugging a pillow. How dare he give her an ultimatum! She’d called his bluff and he had stormed off. Now she just really really hoped it was a bluff.


Melody has explained to Geoff how she heard her parents arguing the night her dad left and heard her mother say that he wasn’t her real father.

“And he had suspected this all along?” Geoff asks.

Melody nods. She can’t understand how or why he went along with it for all those years without saying anything. Her whole life has been a lie. Her relationship with her father wasn’t real, how could it have been if the whole time he suspected she was someone else’s daughter? Her mother…all that talk about morals and God…it meant nothing. She had committed adultery and still had the gall to act all superior and judge other people.

“Do they know that you know?” Geoff asks.

“No. What’s the point? Won’t change anything.”

“Yea but maybe…maybe you should talk to your mother about it.” Geoff is flabbergasted by the news. Mrs. Jones of all people, after all her preaching about morals, committing adultery?

“I don’t think I could.” Says Melody.

“It was a long time ago and maybe there…” he was going to say maybe there was a good reason, but can there be a good reason for breaking your marriage vows?

“Don’t try and defend her!” Melody snaps angrily.

“I’m not!” Geoff assures her hurriedly.

Melody looks furious.

“She has controlled my whole life with her rules and morality…mustn’t do that Melody…don’t argue Melody…she made me feel like a bad person just for wanting to spend time with you.” Melody’s voice rises. “And after Axel…she made me think it was my fault because I went to the party and I believed her. I believed that there must be something wrong with me for the way I was feeling…and all the time…she’s…she has cheated…and now…I mean, dad has only been gone five minutes and she’s all over Aden’s father!”

Who the hell is this woman, Melody thinks resentfully. She had tried to push aside the fact that the man she called dad wasn’t actually her father because she had heard how upset her mother was. Surely everyone was entitled to make one mistake in their life and she could forgive her mother that, or so she thought. But if her mother could move on so quickly…who knows how many times she had cheated. Melody felt a sense of disgust rise within her when she thought of her mother and Larry Jeffries. After all the horrible things her mother insinuated about Geoff, who was the kindest most decent person on the planet and then she chases after an alcoholic wastrel like Larry. Her mother was no better than all those other women she used to look down on, women like Martha MacKenzie/Holden or whatever her surname was this week, who jumped from one bed to another and claimed to know what love was! They didn’t know! Or maybe it was she, Melody, who didn’t know. Maybe that was another lie, the idea of true love. Maybe that was just something for fairytales and the truth was nowhere near as special or as beautiful.

“Mel?” Geoff interrupts her thoughts.


Christine’s tears have finally all dried and Larry has brought her another coffee. She smiles gratefully at him.

“I’m sorry for burdening you with all of this.”

“It’s not a burden. Anytime you want to talk, I’m here.” He tells her.

He thinks about his own story and resists the urge to spill his guts. He wants to tell her that he knows exactly how she feels but somehow it doesn’t seem right. It took a lot for her to speak about what happened to her and he doesn’t want to overshadow that by making his own revelation.

“Promise me though…” he looks at her, “that you know what happened wasn’t your fault.”

Christine turns away. That’s a promise she can’t make.


“I invited him in.” she says.

“That still didn’t give him the right to do what he did.” He tells her.

“I know but…” she tries to think of a way of explaining it. “I wasn’t careful enough. I’m not saying I asked for him to do what he did but I gave him the opportunity. I allowed certain…thoughts, feelings…to…I was married, I shouldn’t have allowed myself to think like that.” She looks at Larry and can tell he doesn’t understand. “Evil things happen in this world, there is no changing that, but that’s why good people need to resist the temptations that allow for bad things to happen. I didn’t do that, I gave in to impure thoughts and…I was punished.”

Larry tries to interrupt, to tell her what happened wasn’t a punishment but she continues.

“That’s why I’ve always tried to keep Melody away from such influences and temptations.” She thinks about the incident with Axel. “But I failed and she got hurt.”

Larry takes a deep breath as he gathers his thoughts. She really needs to understand that couldn’t have controlled what happened either to her or to Melody. But before Larry can speak Aden comes storming through the door, slamming it behind him.

“I can’t stay out all night, if you haven’t done the deed yet it ain’t my fault.” Aden growls. He looks flushed and angry.

“Aden…” Larry stands up.

“I’m going to bed.” Aden goes to his room and slams the door.

Larry is gobsmacked. Christine stands up.

“I should go.” She says.

“I’m sorry about that.” Larry walks to the door with her. “I don’t know whats got into him now. We can talk more tomorrow.”


Geoff and Melody are walking back to her house past Aden’s and see that Christine’s car is still there. Melody stops.

“Maybe they are just talking.” Geoff suggests.

Melody is quiet and they see the door open and Larry walks Christine to her car. They watch as Christine opens her door and then says something to Larry. Much to Geoff’s surprise Christine and Larry then hug briefly and Christine gets into the car. Geoff checks for Melody’s reaction but in the dark can make her face out clearly.


Inside the house Larry knocks on Aden’s bedroom door.

“Go away.” Aden yells.

“Aden talk to me.” Says Larry through the door.

The door swings open suddenly and Aden storms back out.

“Your girlfriend gone home?” he asks looking around. “So did you score?” he asks sneeringly.

Larry just calmly looks at him and doesn’t respond. Aden makes a move towards his room again.

“What’s going on Aden?” Larry asks. “Have you and Belle had a row?”

“Mind your own damn business.” Aden snaps, but he doesn’t go back into his room.

“I’m sure whatever it is you’ll sort it out tomorrow.” Larry says gently.

Aden shakes his head.

“No, we’re done. I’m finished with her.” He tells his dad. He doesn’t need a girlfriend who thinks he is some kind of loser time bomb.

Larry looks skeptical and it makes Aden even angrier.

“Don’t look at me like that.” He snaps. “this isn’t some sort of silly little argument that we get to make up about tomorrow.”

“What is it then?” Larry asks. Whatever it was it had obviously really rattled Aden.

“I’m a jerk and she doesn’t want to be with such an inferior human being.” Aden replies.

“She said that?” Larry asks with surprise.

“More or less.”

Aden starts to pace around the room. Larry watches him.

“More or less?”

Aden nods sulkily.

“That doesn’t sound like Belle.” Says Larry.

“Well you don’t know her.”

Aden turns away from his father when he feels his eyes stinging, there is no way he is going to cry. Larry approaches him and rests a hand on his shoulder. Aden shrugs it away.

“She could do better.” Aden mumbles, still trying to hold back tears. The truth is, he really thinks she could. “I should have known it wouldn’t last. Should’ve seen it coming…I mean, what would she see in me?”

“Don’t put yourself down.” Larry tells him. “You’re a pain in the arse sometimes but you’re a good person. Belle knows that.”

Aden sits down.

“I’m not good enough for her.” He really wishes he could be but there is no point in pretending he can change. He will always be rotten on the inside.

“You are good enough for anyone.” Larry insists. “And once you and Belle sit down and discuss things properly, which I’m going to hazard a guess you haven’t done, you’ll work things out. You two are great together and I’ve seen the way she looks at you….the girl is smitten.”

Aden wonders if his father is right.

“Go to bed, get a good night’s sleep and then when you’ve both calmed down go and talk to her.” Larry ruffles Aden’s hair a little.

Aden looks at him almost suspiciously.

“When did this happen?” he asks.

“When did what happen?” Larry asks looking confused.

“When did you turn into my dad again?”

Aden gives his dad a slight smile, a couple of months ago there was no way they would have talked like this. Larry grins, for the first time in ages feeling like a real parent.


Oooh good update. I know it wasn't meant to be funny but this line

“I can’t stay out all night, if you haven’t done the deed yet it ain’t my fault.”

cracked me up. :lol: Soooooo Aden!!!


“When did this happen?” he asks.

“When did what happen?” Larry asks looking confused.

“When did you turn into my dad again?”

Naw, isn't that sweet :D

i missed three chapters, HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!! :o

i <3 Charry.

updates soon :)


This is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love Aden's character in this!The character interaction is amazing! The comedy is awesome! The general plot is fantastic! ...and the writing is incredible!!!!!!!!!! Please you have to update soon!!!!!! :D


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