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Guest LuvAden

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So glad to see you updated.

I love all the Aden/Larry. It's so good to see Larry reassurring Aden about Belle and Aden teasing him about Christine.

Love that Belle isn't just being understanding and forgiving Geoff for what he said. All the glaring from her was great.

Hopefully things get better for Aden and Belle soon.

Wonder what's wrong with Melody.

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Chapter 9

Aden is walking along the beach holding is phone in his hand and trying to work up the courage to call Belle. He stares at her number. What would he say? Hey Belle, last night when I said I didn’t want to be with you I was lying so can we just forget about it and go on as normal? He wished it were as simple as that, but he knew the reasons for their row last night would have to be addressed eventually.

He was difficult, he knew that. He had heard it from enough teachers, coaches, doctors…pretty much anyone who had ever known him had said at some stage that he was difficult to deal with. Knowing it however didn’t mean he knew how to be otherwise. It had become a vicious circle, he knew what people expected of him and so he gave them that. Smart remarks, insults, innuendo. If people wanted a douche bag he’d give them one, all the while kidding himself that he only did what he wanted, when he wanted. That he wasn’t like all the other losers who did as they were told. If he was honest with himself he admit that more than anyone it he who was trapped into a dull stereotype. The bad boy, the boy parents didn’t want their daughters bringing home, the boy the other guys in the class used to get a rise out of the teachers.

How could he change?

Belle was the only person who had made him think that maybe he could change, that he didn’t have to be the old Aden forever. He was different when he was with her, he felt he could be honest about things, his hopes, his fears.

He looks at her number again and dials.


Irene has brought Belle and Geoff together and sat them both down at the table. Belle is sitting sulkily refusing to even look at Geoff. Geoff is sitting with his arms crossed over his chest wishing they could hurry this up so he could call Melody. Irene looks from one to the other in despair.

“Now, no one is budging from here until we get this sorted.” She tells them.

Belle’s phone starts to ring but before she can reach for it Irene snatches it up and turns it off.

“Irene!” Belle protests.

“No distractions or excuses!” Irene says firmly. “Now the sooner you two start talking the sooner we can all get on with doing whatever we’d rather be doing.”

Geoff and Belle stare into space in frosty silence.


Melody stares at her mother. She had practiced what she was going to say but now she couldn’t get the words out.

“Mel?” Christine looks at her expectantly. “Are you feeling ill?”

Melody is pale and looks like she hasn’t slept at all. Her hair is brushed neatly as always but she is wringing her hands together. Melody tries to get the words straight in her head but it’s no good, they are all muddled up. She takes another deep breath and moves her hands to her sides, standing straight and looking her mother in the eye.

“What’s going on with you and Mr. Jeffries?” that wasn’t what she had wanted to ask.

“Going on?” Christine asks. “Nothing.”

“Why did you stay there so late?”

Christine shrugs, shaking her head.

“We got talking…didn’t notice the time going by.” Christine wonders if Melody somehow knows. Could Aden have been listening somewhere and told her?

“I don’t want you to see him anymore.” Says Melody.

“Wh…” Christine looks surprised, what was this about? “Why?”

“I shouldn’t have to tell you.” Melody replies. “He’s an alcoholic, a wastrel…”

“That’s a little harsh, he is working very hard to get his life back on track.” Christine protests.

“You like him?”

“Well…” Christine doesn’t know how to answer. “What is this about Melody?”

“It’s about me not wanting you to see him again.”

Melody stares at her mother so intently that it makes Christine a little nervous.

“But why?”

“You say I’m the most important thing in the world to you so why are you hesitating when I ask you to do this one thing?”

“Because I don’t understand the reason. Mr. Jeffries has had his problems but he is trying to better himself…” Christine trails off as she sees Melody’s expression getting colder. She has never seen her daughter like this. “But really, it makes no difference whether I see him or not. He’s nothing to me, so if it makes you happy…then I won’t.”

Christine searches Melody’s face for a reaction but her expression remains the same.

Melody watches her mother and clenches her fists, that feeling that she had last night when she and Geoff saw her mum leaving the Jeffries’ house and hugging Larry comes back and she resists the urge to scream at her mother. She wants to hurt her. Hurt her mother the way she was hurt when her parent’s refused to let her see Geoff. Geoff, one of the purest souls in the world. The only person who has always been entirely honest with her and loved her.

“He is just using you.” Melody says. “Larry. Geoff heard Aden telling Belle what his father’s real interest in you was.”

“What are you talking about?” Christine asks carefully.

“Oh please! I shouldn’t have to spell it out. He just wants to get you into bed. That’s the kind of man he is. That’s what last night was about. Aden walked me home so his father could have some time to make a move on you.”

Christine shakes her head.

“He thinks you’re an easy touch.”

“It wasn’t like that…” Christine says.

“Or maybe that’s what you want too.” Melody says.

Christine looks horrified at the suggestion. She has no idea what has gotten into Melody.

“Mel, I don’t know who has been filling your head with all this silliness but…” Christine begins firmly, making a move towards Melody but she steps away and laughs harshly.

“Of course! I couldn’t have come up with this on my own could I? Because I don’t have a mind of my own.” She hisses.

“Melody, I’ve had enough of this, sit down and eat your breakfast.” Christine says authoritatively.

Melody hesitates but slowly goes to the table and takes a seat. Christine realizes she had been holding her breath, almost afraid. Why was she being like this? Melody starts to eat some toast and Christine relaxes a little, whatever it was maybe she had got it out of her system. She takes a seat across from her daughter.

“How do I contact my father?” Melody asks quietly.

Christine looks at her puzzled.

“You know how, you have his number.”

“No, I mean my biological father. David something, isn’t it?”

Melody glances poisonously at her mother who sits speechlessly staring at her.

“What?” Christine asks in a barely audible whisper.

“Have you kept in touch with him?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking.” Christine turns away. How can she know?

“Don’t lie mum!” Melody snaps. “I know, I heard you tell Da..Edward.”

Christine doesn’t know what to say, she feels as though she has been hit with a sledgehammer. She gets up from the table, she feels like she is going to be sick and staggers to the sink. Melody follows her calmly.

“It’s only fair don’t you think? That I get to know my dad.” Says Melody.

“Edward is your dad!” Christine snaps.

“Was this David just a once off or were there others?” Melody asks as if making general chit chat.

“Stop it. That is enough. We are not discussing this.” Christine straightens herself up and tries to gain control of the situation.

Melody enjoys seeing her mother so rattled, it served her right. She always acted like she knew best, she had all the answers.

“But I have a lot of questions.” Melody says innocently. “I mean, it’s not every day you find out your mother is an adulterous tart.”

Christine slaps her across the face without thinking.

“How dare you speak to me like that, I am your mother.”

“And I wish you weren’t!” Melody screams, holding her hand to her cheek. “I hate you!”


  LuvAden said:
He wished it were as simple as that, but he knew the reasons for their row last night would have to be addressed eventually.



Good to know that Aden understands that sorry is not going be enough and that they are going to have to deal with their issues.

Love Belle still being mad at Geoff but who would have thought that Geoff would be brave enough to glare right back at her.

Melody was harsh and I loved it. That reminded me of Aden right there. I can totally see her wanting to punish her mother for the way she treated Geoff. Was not expecting that slap.


Sorry if this is a bit rubbish, I can't get it the way I want it to be.

Chapter 10

Aden wanders along the beach and finds a secluded spot under some trees. There are tears streaming down his face and he doesn’t want anyone to see him in this state. He feels like and idiot for being so upset. Belle didn’t answer his call and now she had turned her phone off completely. If that didn’t say ‘get stuffed’ he didn’t know what did. Well fine, who needs her anyway, he thinks angrily, he was sick of feeling like this. Feeling vulnerable, if this is what love did to you then he was well rid. The branches from the trees droop over like a canopy, he bends his head as he walks under them and is startled to find Melody sitting on the ground hugging her knees.

“Hey.” He looks around for Geoff or someone else but she is alone.

Melody looks at him but seems so caught up in her thoughts that his presence barely registers. She has obviously been crying he notices. He sighs and is tempted to walk away, he has enough of his own crap to deal with without adding in Melody’s melodramas as well. But…she looks so sad.

“Are you ok?” he asks gently.

Melody stares at him for a moment.

“I’m fine. My whole life is a lie, but I’m fine.” She says full of bitterness, her eyes glistening with tears.

Oh boy, thinks Aden. He sits down next to her. “Want to talk about it?”

“No.” she shakes her head. “There has been enough talking. I’m sick of people talking. It’s all my mother ever does and every single word has been a lie.” She turns and stares intensely at Aden. “Does anyone ever tell the truth?”

Aden shrugs, “I suppose.” Wow the girl is a freak!

“Do you believe in love?” Melody asks.

Aden doesn’t know what to say.


“Can you send someone tomorrow?” Christine is on the phone, wrapping the cord around her fingers agitatedly as she speaks. “Yes, I need this taken care of as soon as possible. The sooner the house sells the better.”

The estate agent on the other end gives her all the details and she hangs up. She feels a small sense of relief, this is exactly what they need, a new start. Ever since they moved here everything had been going wrong. Now she just needs to find Melody, who had run off earlier in tears after screaming that she hated her. Christine was terrified that Melody might have meant it. She feels terrible about slapping her, the last thing she has ever wanted to do is hurt Melody. She wonders where she would have gone and thinks of Geoff. She dials the number and Irene answers.

“Ms. Roberts, it’s Christine Jones. I was just wondering if Melody was there?”

Irene tells her she isn’t.

“Oh ok…..No, no nothing, that’s ok. Goodbye.” She hangs up.

She has to find her, she feels a panicky sensation as she grabs her car keys and rushes out the door.


Aden stares incredulously at Melody.

“You want…” he can’t even say it. “Have you been drinking?” he asks suspiciously.

Melody shakes her head and moves closer to him.

“I’m sick of always being the good girl, of always doing whats expected of me.” She says.

“Yea but…” he is still speechless. “What about Geoff?”

“Geoff…” she loves Geoff but she knows he wouldn’t understand. He still believes in stories of true love, marriage and happy ever after. “He doesn’t understand. I’m sick of trying to do the right thing and still getting kicked in the teeth while everyone else just does what they feel like and get to be happy.”

Aden is still hesitant.


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