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Undecided (by Zetti) - comments


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Thanks all of you

O.M.G I just read the whole fan fic it's good but sad their little girl died :(

Update again soon!

Yeey a new reader :D

Woah! I seriously was not expecting that!!! I'm a little confused though, both babies are Aden's; yes? So why did Belle still give one away or did she not find out who the father's were until she'd already done it?

It was fantastic anyway! Very interesting idea for a fic, please update soon! :D

Belle reasoning will be revealed in upcoming chapter :)

Oh wow! That was different!

Cant wait to see what happens now!


Thanks :)

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Wow!!! I was not expecting that!!

I wonder how Aden is going to react?!?

Can't wait for more :D

Thanks adelle

Just caught up on the last 2 chapters, sad that Chole died :( . But great twist in the last chapter. Update soon. :)

Updating may take a while sorry, my home internet connection died on me yesterday

WOW! That was a bit of surprise. I hope Aden goes after her and tells her that it's not her fault.

Can't wait to read more.


Zetti . . .. you are beautiful . . . you write so beautifully . . .

but your evil at the same time <_<

sometimes a good evil, that chapter was mind blowing, seriously

update soon, i wanna know what happens

Thanks. The next chapter should be happier if I can get a chance to write it! :P

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