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The Boy With The Thorn In His Side (by monkeysmoke) - comments

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That was good. I loved Annie going off at Geoff, and his reaction to it. It was really belivable. But I still feel so sorry for her!

Btw, I would never have imagined Geoff being into Lost, but then again, it's such an awesome programe, who wouldn't be? :P

Update soon!



That was good. I loved Annie going off at Geoff, and his reaction to it. It was really belivable. But I still feel so sorry for her!

Btw, I would never have imagined Geoff being into Lost, but then again, it's such an awesome programe, who wouldn't be? :P

Update soon!


haha i know, it was the first thing that came to mind!

I know Annie has not had any really calm/funny scenes really at all! Or Aden! I seem to be drawn to writing drama! It is all for a purpose though I swear! Once I've go this bit out of my system I might be able to chill out and let them have some fun for a change!



Just caught up with all the chapters I've missed! It's still wonderful! :)

I agree with other people when they said the Kirsty thing might be about Aden's mother...but then again, it could be something completely different! :P


Just read the last 2 chapters, great as always

I wonder what will happen between Aden and kirsty, I am eager to find out what is going to happen between the two of them

And then Annie and Geoff, I feel sorry for both of them :(

Please update soon :)


Wow! That chapter made me feel everything! I loved it!

Can't wait for more! Love the flirting at the end too. Poor Belle though... that Gladys lol!

Update soon!


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