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The Boy With The Thorn In His Side (by monkeysmoke) - comments

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Lol Geoff in his dressing gown XD

I hope they do get Aden to talk to her, or maybe Annie went to find him. But then I wanna see Aden take Nicole to Roman, but then maybe Annie will see them on thier way, and then there's the whole "Aden and Kirsty" thing.....

Arrgggg.....there's so many thing I wanna see happen XD

(Odd mood - Don't ask(Sugar)) - Ooohhh Double brackets *shifty eyes*

Update soon ???????????

Edited by MissOlivia22
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Firstly, yay to Annie for escaping - I was hoping she would for some reason. Secondly - LMAO at Geoff in his dressing gown! Thirdly - yay that Irene belives that Aden's innocent and Fourthly - aw to Belle for still being a bit jealous about Kirsty! But I liked her idea about getting Aden over.

Cannot wait for more. I wonder where Annie went...


haha at Geoff still in his dressing gown :lol:

maybe Belle should go and speak to Aden about what happened?

I love Irene's lawds lol

I wonder what Irene was being so secretive over?

Update soon.



Love the thought of Geoff in his dressing gown :lol: He seems like a slipper guy aswell lol

Awww i hope Annie goes to speak to Aden ( then belle can see how wonderful he is and fall madly in love with him!!! :D )

Great update once again :D


Thanks for updating! i didn't go out in the end, but thanks for thinking of me! lol

that was another amazing update! Where's Annie gone? I'd really like to see another scene wtih Annie and Aden and i like that Belle thought Annie might open up to Aden too. Loved the dressing gown joke, it was just enough hint at humour for the reality of the situation!

Any chance of another update tonight?? :D (I am seriously addicted to this fic, I actually prefer it to what happened in the show! ...and since there was no Aden in today's ep of real haa then maybe you could take pity on me??)


Oh yes please say there is a chance of an update. Gives me an excuse to take my DS to bed....

Although really I don't need an excuse cos I do it on the sly

So theres no point of this point, but who cares... XD

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haha missolivia22 I do the same only with my laptop hehe.

luckily my parents bedroom is at the other end of the house so they will never know :P

Thank God for wireless interent.

It would be lovely if there was another update :)


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