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Tues, 7 Oct 08 – Episode # 4732

Guest JosieTash

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My UNOFFICIAL title for this ep, “ I Just Couldn’t Tell Him ….. “

[screened in Australia on Tues, 7 Oct 08 – Episode # 4732]


As Geoff sees melody’s mum’s car speeding away, he takes heart that the road she is on ids U shaped, so he runs across tat grassed etc areas twen the 2 sections of road, and stands in the middle if the road as melody’s mum’ car approaches. Naturally, she doesn’t stop – and Geoff gets hit.

Melody’s mum stops taht car – and looks to be in shock, whilst melody gets out of the car, and, along with the nearby Nic, rushes to Geoff’s side.


Aden approaches Bella dn tells her about the trouble that she caused him today – with the warning that he got form his boss.

Geoff, with Melody & Nic’s help enters, and they tell Milks, Belle etc that Geoff wash hit by Christine’s car. All the while, melody is insisting that this is her fault. Miles tries to assure Melody that it soooooooooo isn’t.


Kirsty & Alf are in the main room wane Kristy’s mobile rings. She goes and talks in the ohen at the bottom of the stairs - and it’s her lawyer asking for more money. Kirsty say that she will find a way to get more money to them.


Geoff tells miles, melody & Nic that that doctors have given him the all clear.

Christine approaches, and Miles “suggest:” that they should talk alone. Christine insists tat she was just doing what is best for her daughter, but miles well & truly tells Christine that she hasn’t dealt with any of melody’s problems [her post traumatic stress to do with axel’s death etc]. Miles suggests tat V needs to do that before anything else can happen.


Roman ask Aden bout his 1st day at new job. Aden tells him that it was mostly ok.

The phone rings, and roman tells Aden that its the prion – Larry wants to talk to Aden. Aden refuses, and roman passes on that info to the person [prison off icail?] who called.


Next day, Melody is over the moon with Miles, Kirsty & Alf tell her that they would like her to live here – even if the divorce doesn’t happen. Melody tells that that she thought she overheard that saying no to this idea, but mile & Kirsty insist tat they were just weighing up all the options. Miles then suggest that at home, melody should call him Miles, rather than Mr Copeland.


Aden and the others are on a break when he sees Belle in the other side of the fencing. He goes up to her and wonders what she is going here. Bell retells him that Larry phones her, hopping that she would convince Aden to see him. She tells Aden that Larry will ne in the local hospital for a check up today.


Aden tells belle [corridor] that he doesn’t think that this seeing his dad\ is such a good idea – as he isn't sure that he can face his dad.

Nurse Julie, who is pushing Larry who is in a wheelchair, tells Aden that he & his dad can talk when Larry is settled. Leary seem very pleased that Aden is there. Btw, there are two unknown unformed police officers nearby.


Several businessmen are having drinks outside the resort buildings when Kirsty & Trish [with towels etc in hand] approach. One for the businessman wonders if Kirsty is available tonight. She tells him that she has a b/f, and when the businessman has walked aswy, Trish tells Kirsty that she of the girls when work her do a little hostessing on the side.


Larry tells Aden that part of her rehabilyion is a 12 step process and one of those steps is asking for the forgiveness of pp that they’ve hurt etc. Larry hopes that Aden will forgive him – esp. Since it will also be bad for Aden if he keeps on carrying around all hatred.

Aden bails form the room. Belle forwes after him. Aden is in tears when he tells belle that he just couldn’t tell his dad that he loves him.


Melody & Geoff re on the back patio. Melody tells Geoff how great t it is that Miles has taken her in.

Christine approaches, and after Geoff bails, melody emotionally insists to her mum that she [Christine] really need help. Melody insist atayt the two of them just cant live together, and that melody wants no contact with her mum, as melody rally wants to sort her life out. Christine realise stat she has to accept what melody has said ,and bail [not standing further in melody’s way]


Trish & Kirsty are in a big linen closet and Trish brings out the subject of hostessisng. She insists tat evetyting is above board, and the some of the resort’s management are aware, but tryun a blind eye if things are kept discreet.

Kirsty tells Trish that she feels that it would be cheating on Miles, but Turkish tries to convince her otherwise. This is esp. the case as one of the other girls can’t do a hostessing gig tonight and Trish is well ware that Kirsty needs the money. It’s clear that Kirsty is ion a quandary bout doing this type of work [despite the obvious benefits of being able to help Kane with the money].


Aden enters and talks to belle. He thanks her for being there for him today.

Belle tells Aden that she is about to go to the development site, and although he initially suggest against it, Aden tells bell that because she supported him today [going to see his dad], he will go with her to the site.


Ehne Belle & Aden pull up in her car, Aden tells bell that the site office is where they keep all the important stuff. Be is hoping to go in there and find something about the toxic waste – emails and the like.

Aden tells her that a security guard in in the offie most of the night, but he does a perimeter check every so oft. Indeed the guard exits that office and heads for the fence where Aden & Belle are. Belle is horrified bout being recognised – and Aden KISSES [during which he also has his hand on bell’s check so she is further unrecognisable].

When the guard gets to the fence, he “suggests” that the duo can’t park here. Aden tells the huard that they will go. Belle [driverl;s seat] is still a tad stunned by what’s happened.



Aden tells Belle that it’s clear that they both have got under the other’s skin [so to speak]

Looks like Matthew Lyons gets his hands on Ruby’s dairy – after it falls out of her bag

Charlie waaaaaaaaaay has a go for leaving Ross in Leah’s house by himself – after Ruby is on the receiving end of an outburst from Ross.

It’s A Designer Label [iADL]


Melody: blue [white dots] thin strap top/silver long pants


Melody: mottled blue [with wide white straps] top


Nurse Julie: mauve [work] blouse


Aden: apple green v neck t

Aden: black singlet & denim jeans

Aden: red [white “Desala [something]”] t/denim jeans

Alf: blue & red check (very SBH uniform) button up shirt/bone long points

Alf: yellow [dark check] button up shirt/bone long pants

Belle: black [silver unknown motifs] top/apple green [dark green spots] scarf\dark blue jacket/dark long pants

Belle: white jacket/white (black sunglass wearing dude motif) t/grey mid thigh skirt/black leggings

Businessman at Resort: dark suit/white button up shirt/dark [white dots] tie

Christine Jones: black long sleeve top – with grey top beneath

Christine: dark blue elbow sleeve top – with grey long sleeve top beneath/dark blue long pants

Development Site Security Guard: dark jacket/white button up shirt

Geoff: dark blue tracksuit [incl zip up jacket\grey t

Geoff: red [yellow “California 82”] t

Kirsty: black & red [black on the front, red on the back – with multi colour floral each side] low cut singlet top

Kirsty: white long sleeve blouse

Larry: dark green prison t shirt

Miles: brown polo shirt

Miles: white button up shirt/grey [raised grey “urban [something]” logo] t//denim jeans

Nicole: gold & silver horizontal stripes [waaaaay metallic looking] halter bikini top/grey, off white & red knee length dress

Roman: brown [blue circular “rock the casbah” logo] t

Trish [sands Resort]: white long sleeve blouse


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