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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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Here it is!

Chapter 7 part 2

“This. Sucks,” Martha mumbled grumpily. She crossed her arms across her chest, trying to keep warm, and also to try and hide her painfully and extremely obvious nipples from the eyes of the boys.

“We could…call Tony?” Matilda asked.

“All our mobiles were in the boat,” Aden said, shaking his head and making a face.

Martha laughed, and got shot a dirty look by the three boys.

“I’ve got mine,” Matilda said, and went and got it, mashing the on button with her thumb as she walked. “Come on…turn on…ON, YOU MOTHERF*CKER!”

“Jeeesus, Mattie,” Aden joked, “did you forget to take your medication today or what?”

“Shut up!” she snapped, tossing her phone on to the ground. She was cold, tired and stuck with three idiotic boys, one of whom was her ex and one of whom she had made out with and then ran out on. Geoff raised his eyebrows at the outburst.

“I left mine at home,” Martha said.

“Smart,” Jack quipped.

Martha rolled her eyes and purposefully looked away from him. She still was sore about the flowers thing.

“I’ll get mine, don’t anybody kill each other while I’m gone,” Belle said.

Half a minute she was back, looking dismayed.

“I’m out of battery too.”

“What!?” cried Aden, kicking the sand.

“What do we do now?” Geoff asked.

“I guess just wait until the storm’s over,” Martha said, trying to force out her voice between her chattering teeth.

- Two Hours Later –

Night had fallen and the storm was still going.

“This must be the longest storm ever,” Jack said, stretching out his legs.

They were sitting huddled in a small clearing in the bush. It was the dryest place, due to the trees interlacing over their head and forming a bit of a roof, but it was still dripping on them and they were still extremely cold and uncomfortable.

“I’m gonna head down to the beach,” said Belle. “Maybe if the waves have died down someone will come and rescue us.” She hopped up and ran to the beach, ducking her head under the pouring rain. No luck. The waves were still roiling and tossing, larger than ever. Not even a speedboat would try and come and get them now.

There was another flash of lightning, and Belle screamed.


Aden had come up behind her. Belle whipped around. “No…not really…” she lied.

“It’s OK, Belle, we’ll get off here.”

“Sure, sure,” she mumbled. “I’m freezing, Aden.” She held out a pale, skinny arm for him to look at. It was mottled blue-and-purple with goosebumps, and each individual hair was standing up.

“Want me to warm you up?” he asked. There was no hint of cheekiness in his voice now. It was soft and nice.

“As if you’d do any good, Aden,” she replied, trying to wring out her soaked hair.

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pressing his cheek to the top of her head. She shivered at the feeling of her skin touching his.

“Aden…” she whispered softly. “Don’t.”

“Belle,” he hushed into the top of her head, “I swear that I am not just trying to get into your pants. I really feel something for you, and I’m pretty sure you feel that way too.”

She didn’t say anything. The rain still beat down on them, sliding down her face. Another flash.

“I’m so attracted to you, Belle, I can hardly stand it…and I don’t want to beat around the bush any more. If you say that you don’t want me now, I’ll go away. I’ll leave you alone.”

Belle disentangled herself from his arms and stared up at him, his rain-streaked face, his green eyes, his spiky blonde hair. Her breath came in ragged gasps. It seemed like an eternity for both of them – though it was only a few seconds – that they looked at each other.

And she made her decision.

She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips, passion that she didn’t know existed inside her exploding. Her breasts crushed against his wet, muscled chest and she held him tight, never wanting to let him go.

The rain beat down at them, and a flash illuminated the entwined figures, standing at the water’s edge.

Far too soon, Aden broke away. “Wow,” he murmured, looking down at her.

“I know,” Belle whispered, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’ve thought of you that way for a long time,” she murmured.

“Me too,” he said, holding her tight. “Me too.”

Eventually Belle looked up and giggled. “We’d better be getting back. They’ll be wondering where we are.”

“OK,” Aden said. He grabbed her hand and started to walk with her back up to the bush, but she pulled away.

“Do you mind if we don’t tell everyone for a bit? I need to tell Matilda in my own time,” she asked.

“OK,” Aden grinned. “But not for too long. Sneaking around is fun at first, but it gets irritating after a while.”

“How would you know?” she teased, shoving him. They bantered playfully all the way back to the clearing.

An hour later and everyone was getting sleepy. The lightning and thunder were further apart and the rain was a little less heavy but the ocean was still wild.

“I think we’re gonna have to sleep here,” Martha sighed.

“We’ve got the two picnic blankets and six towels but that’s all,” Matilda said.

“Spread them out on the ground and we can huddle on them,” Jack said.

“Ew!” cried Mattie.

“Your choice,” Geoff replied.

The girls and boys each spread out their large picnic rugs, and lay down with the towels on top of them. It wasn’t comfortable. And it was cold.

As Belle fell to sleep, she was thinking of Aden, and as Aden fell to sleep, he was thinking of Belle.


Martha rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. She felt terrible – grungy, un-washed and like she had only slept for about fifteen minutes. Her hair was a matted birdsnest.

The sound of birds resonated through the bush, and between the gaps in the overhanging trees, she could see a clear blue sky. It was as if the storm had never been.

She stood up and stretched. It was warm now, and the sun felt good on her skin, though there were puddles EVERYWHERE. Matilda, Belle, Geoff, Jack & Aden were all still asleep. Belle had her thumb in her mouth, Geoff was snoring loudly and Aden was sprawled out, Geoff & Jack half on the rug and half on the ground.

Martha grinned.

She unfolded her sweaty limbs and decided to go for a walk to the small lake.

It looked great. The morning was warm, and she felt like she seriously needed a bath, so she quickly stripped off her sundress to her bikini. She was about to step in, but then looked around her. There was no one there. It was still early, and she thought she had a bit of time before the others awakened. An idea was germinating in her mind.

“Do I dare do it?” she whispered aloud to herself. “Damn it, I will.” A little thrill of adrenaline zinged through her veins. She stripped off her bikini, standing completely nude on the small shore. There was a little rock overhanging the water, and she climbed up on to it, naked and defenceless. She swung her arms a little, and dived in, screaming as the cold water hit her bare skin.

After the initial shock it was wonderful. The water flowed over every part of her, and she levitated, free as a goddess…

** ** **

Jack sat up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. His back hurt, and he realised that half of him was on the ground. “Eurweakljaewf,” he moaned.

He stretched and stood up. The sun felt warm on his arms. His shirt was sticking to his chest uncomfortably, so he pulled it off. A swim in the lake – that’s what he needed. He made his way through the bush, birds singing and cicadas drumming, prickly plants swiping across his face.

There was the lake. It looked nice. Jack stood just at the edge of the bush, wondering how cold it was. His eyes fell upon Martha, about 10 or so metres away around the corner, standing at the edge. She lifted off her dress, and Jack was about to run forward and join her. Of course, she’d probably say something catty. When was he gonna get through to her?

Then…he saw her hands go to to the knot at the back of her neck. She fiddled around for a bit, and it fell down to her waist. She wriggled out of it. Jack’s eyes bugged open and he gulped. Next, she removed her bottoms. There she was, as beautiful as she’d always been. He retreated a little back into the bush, watching her. She stretched her arms above her head and leant back a little, soaking in the sun.

She padded along the sandy beach to a small rock overhanging the water, and climbed up, quickly and nimbly, the sun shining off her black hair. Then she dived, her body in mid-air for a second, landing in the water with a splash and a scream. Jack let all thoughts slide out of his head as he watched her float and listened to the happy giggles that escaped her lips.

But then…his nose started to itch. With all his might he tried to resist it, but…


It was deafening. Martha broke out of her backfloat and looked around while treading water, her face confused. Then her eyes focused on Jack, and a look of fury mixed with embarrassment came over her face.

“Hi, Martha,” Jack said weakly, lifting one hand as a greeting.

“Jack…you…” she spluttered, sinking into the water just above her chin. “How…how long have you been watching?”


“Oh, forget it,” she snapped. “Just go will you, so I can get out and get dressed.”

“OK. Um, Martha?”


“I’m sorry. I honestly…”

She rolled her eyes, but Jack thought he saw a glimpse of a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “Well, it’s not the first time you’ve seen me naked,” she said quietly.

Jack grinned. “Nope. You’re still as hot as ever, you know.”

”I know,” she said. “Now bugger off.”

Back at the small clearing, everyone was awake now. Geoff was leaning against a tree, drinking the last can of beer. Aden and Belle were throwing bits of dirt at each other. Matilda was sitting watching them. Was there a hint of jealousy in her eyes?

“Hi,” Jack and Martha said. “How you all doing?”

“Fine as can be expected, considering we just spent the night stranded and sleeping on the ground,” Matilda said grumpily.

“So what do we do now?” Geoff asked.

“Well, one of us can take the dinghy back,” Belle said, “and get someone else to come help us.”

“I can’t believe we lost Alf’s speedboat,” Jack muttered. “He is gonna be so mad.”

They heard a grinding noise from the beach, and a happy grin slid on to everyone’s faces.

“Come on!” Aden yelled, sprinting down to the beach.

There was Alf and Tony on Alf’s big yacht, looking anxious. When they saw the six tired-looking people standing on the beach they relaxed though, and Tony waved.

“HI!” screamed Martha. She ran to the boat. “Thank God,” she said fervently.

“We were worried sick about you lot,” Alf said.

“We’re OK, Grandpa,” Martha replied. “But we had to sleep here, and…”

“That was one storm,” Tony spoke up. “I hope you managed all right. I’m sorry we didn’t get here earlier, but the storm was so bad, we never would have made it.”

“It’s OK,” Belle said. “We’re fine now.”

“Now, where’s that speedboat of mine?” Alf asked, surveying the beach.

The three boys looked at the sand. “Ummm…”

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:lol: Aw! But yay that they made it!

Great chappie. Loved all the relationships and stuff ^_^ Esp Aden and Belle! :wub:

Martha going skinny dipping, and then Jack seeing her, was funny! :P Bless her!

Mattie's got it bad for Geoff, doesn't she? I wish she would tell him :(

Cannot wait for more!!

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Hi. What's up, y'all? Slightly quicker update this time...

Also, note, this chappy contains slightly dark themes - just talking about Belle's abusive past etc. The rest of the fic won't have much stuff like this, I promise. I'm trying to keep it light-hearted :P Hope you enjoy the fluff...

Chapter 8

Belle sat on the couch, twirling her phone around in her hands. The words were formulating perfectly in her head, sounding coherent and together. Her fingers were all ready to punch in Mattie’s number and call her.

Hey, Tilly! Listen, I had something to tell you. It’s about Aden and me. We’re together now. I know you’re still getting over him, but we really feel something for each other, and have done for a while. I just wanted to make sure it’s ok with you…

But she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t just call her friend and say that.

She groaned, leaning her head back, letting strands of dark brown hair fall in her eyes. Why? Why couldn’t she? Belle Taylor had never been known as a shy or submissive girl. She told it how it was. She prided herself on the fact that she didn’t beat around the bush – she told the truth.

Her mind flickered back to a scene, two years ago.

The overly skinny teenager sat on the bed, her body racked with sobs. All the months of pretending that she was just doing it to be cool, just swallowing the pills because everyone else was, all the months of pretending that the only reason she hardly ever ate was because she wanted to be skinny like the most popular girl at school (but of course she wasn’t obsessed with it – hell no!) had all led to this point. The point where she finally realised how stuffed up she was. Granted, they were valid reasons.

But they weren’t the reason that Belle Taylor had ruined her own life. She’d done it for an escape. An escape from the past, where she’d been beaten up by her own father, subjected to cruelty and humiliation, and where her mother had stood there, looking scared and concerned, but never doing anything. A way of trying to override the pain.

And then Mattie came in the room, her blue eyes filled with concern for her friend. She’d only known her for two months, but she felt a bond with Belle. She wanted to help her, because she could see that Belle seriously needed help.

And then it was Matilda that sat down and talked her through things, and passed her a million tissues. It was Matilda that had helped her get her life back together, not Irene, not some counsellor, not anyone else.

How could she do that to someone who had saved her from taking her own life?

She sighed and tossed her phone on to the cushion next to her. She’d save that hurdle for later.

Feeling angry and annoyed at herself, she wandered a little aimlessly in her mind. Everyone was out. She was alone. And bored.

The screen door banged open, and she jumped around, adrenaline pricking through her veins, then relaxed when she saw Aden.

“Hey,” he said, his face lighting up in a heart-warming grin.

“Hi,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear. She felt like a puddle now. How was it possible that this boy, who’d she’d been so angry at, made her feel like a giggly thirteen-year-old?

“No one at home?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Nope,” she shook her head.

“Um…have you told Mattie yet?”

She opened her mouth, ready to lie, but exhaled, and said, “No.”

“Do you want me to?” he asked. His blue eyes were full of concern.

Belle shook her head and sighed. “It would be worse coming from you. I will, Aden, I really will…it…it’s just hard for me.”

“I understand. Totally. Just soon, OK?”

She nodded.

He crossed the distance between them in a couple of strides and then interlaced his fingers with hers. They hadn’t had any alone time since the island, and Belle had missed him. Granted, it had only been two days, but still.

She smiled up at him, enjoying the moment.

He leant down and captured her lips in a soft, but passionate kiss, and Belle wrapped her arms around his neck, inhaling his Aden smell, which reminded her of cinnamon and that plain men’s soap.

They were just starting to get into it and Aden’s hands had moved down to her hips when Belle detatched herself with a gasp.

“Irene might be home soon,” she said, “and I don’t know how she’d react if she walked in on us.”

“Aw, what?” Aden said, grinning.

“Let’s watch a movie,” Belle said with a sudden burst of inspiration.

“A movie?”

“Yeah. I’ll make some popcorn. We can watch…Twilight!”

Aden raised his eyebrows. “Twilight?”

“Aw, come on,” Belle said, smiling. “It’s good.”

“It’s stupid,” Aden replied.

“No…no…seriously, someone gets their head ripped off, it’s not all lovey-dovey stuff.”

“All right, if it makes you happy, babe,” he said.

“It does,” she replied, grinning her face off as she went to make the popcorn.


They sat on the couch, arms around each other, watching the movie.

“This is boring,” Aden complained.

Belle threw a popcorn kernel at him, and he put his hands up to shield his face.

“It gets better, I promise.”

“You know, I like Jacob better than Edward,” Belle said.

“Really? I thought all the chicks were crazy about Edward.”

“Well…it’s just that Jacob is so light-hearted and funny. He’s not so…tragic, and full-on as Edward is. He reminds me of you.”

“Oh. So you’re saying you like the funny guy, not the I-shall-eternally-love-you guy.”

“I don’t know. Maybe a combination.”

“Have you found him yet?”

Belle looked up at him. She wasn’t sure what to say, so instead she just smiled. Aden understood, and they went back to watching the movie.

“Besides, Jacob has more muscles,” she said, leaning back.

“I have muscles,” Aden said instantly.

She grinned. “Nah.”




“Prove it.”


“Well, go on then.”

“I will.”

Aden grabbed her and flipped her over on the couch.

“There. You were saying?”

Belle rolled her eyes. “Yes, you’re very strong and macho and sexy. Now can we watch the movie?”

“Fine, fine.”


Geoff leaned against the wall in the Surf Club, watching Jai and Annie play pool together. They were so happy, it was almost sickening. Why did his fifteen-year-old baby sister get to be so lucky, and not him?

“Hi, Geoff,” said a voice from behind him. He jumped, then realised it was Matilda.

“Hi,” he said uncomfortably, keeping his eyes on the pool table.

“Geoff…we need to…talk.”

“Go ahead.”

“In private?” Her voice sounded a little huffy, and Geoff realised he was being a bit rude.

“Fine, come on then.” He led her out of the Surf Club and on to the grassy dunes above the beach.

“Geoff…I wanted to talk about what happened. You know, when we kissed.”

Little prickles ran all up and down his spine, but he managed to keep his voice controlled. “Yeah?”

“I’m sorry that I was so rude to you and I just ran out on you. I want to apologise for that.”

“Apology accepted.” He looked her in the eyes, then quickly dropped his gaze.

“And I want us to be friends now, and just pretend it never happened.”

He nodded, too confused to say anything.

“I really enjoy your company Geoff, and I don’t want to lose you as a friend just because of a stupid mistake.”

Is that all it was for you? A stupid mistake?

He wanted to do so many things at that moment. He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to grab her and kiss her until eternity ended. He wanted to run away and never come back, and he wanted to stay by her side forever. Instead, once again, he nodded.

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