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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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Aw...! Poor Belle! Her past is so sad. But I'm so glad that someone helped her out of it all, and that it was Mattie. That's really friendship! ^_^ But I can see the hardship in telling her about Aden. I hope she does it soon, though. She deserves to know, and I can't see Mattie being that upset/angry about it. At least, I hope she won't be!

Great chapter once again. Loved the Adelle stuff ^_^ Hehe that she made him watch 'Twilight'. Although I'm on Team Edward, I'll let you go cos you write so fantastically :P

Cannot wait for more!!

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I would just like to say that you have me thoroughly hooked on the waiting for couples to get together!!! I read a couple of the firs few chapters a while ago but didnt get a chance to replyand i just caught up!!! I can't wait for more!!!

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