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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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Wow! Sooner than even I'd expected :lol: I sometimes get these random bursts of creativity and just sit and write. Anyhoo.

This is where all the pieces of the JnM puzzle start to fall into place. Kudos to anyone who can get it right away :)

Chapter 9

Aden banged through the door, sweaty from his run. Nicole came out of the kitchen, wearing a small yellow mini-dress.

“Hi,” she said, walking over to the mirror hanging on the wall and applying some lipgloss.

“Hi, princess,” Aden teased, plonking himself down on the sofa.

“Shut up. How was your run?”

“All right.”

He was trying to keep his voice level and controlled, but it obviously wasn’t working, because Nicole spun around and looked at him suspiciously.

“What?” he asked defensively.

“You’ve looked so happy the past couple of days – you’re constantly smiling…Aden, you had sex, didn’t you!”

“No!” he cried. “God, Nicole!”

“You met a girl, then.” She walked towards them, her hands on her hips, a cheeky smile on her full lips.

He threw a pillow at her. “Nicole, don’t you have a date with Ruby or something?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Soon.”

“It still spins me out, you know?”

“What, that I’m a lesbian?”

“Yeah. You just don’t really seem the type, that’s all.”

“What, coz I’m not a tomboy? Aden, I didn’t even know until a few months ago. And anyway, that is a gross sterotype.”

“All right.” He laughed inwardly. Nicole standing up for her own opinions about stuff that mattered, instead of whether or not candy pink lipgloss looked good on her. Ruby had done something to her.

Aden looked at her. She may be incredibly annoying, but Nic was his best friend, and he loved her. “Just so you know,” he said softly, “I’m right behind you guys. Even if Roman is still a bit weird about it.”

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “He’ll get over it. And you don’t need to be Mr. Softie just to distract me. I’m not gonna give up until I find out who it is.”

“GO!” he yelled.

“Roman’s having a day out with Leah, by the way,” as she headed out the door. “So, you’re all alone. Don’t trash the place.”

Aden flipped his mobile phone open. The screen glowed at him , and his little animation of a girl wiggling her butt as a wallpaper greeted him.

Hey Belle. Come over?

He pressed the Send button with his thumb and waited.

Pretty soon, the door opened, and Belle popped her head around.

“Hi,” he said, pulling her into a bone-breaking hug.

“I missed you,” he whispered into her hair.

“You’ve only been apart from me for a day,” she teased, looking up at him.

“Too long, babe.”

“Anyone at home?” she asked, looking around the room.

He shook his head, and a grin slid across her face. He could see what she was thinking.

“Are…are you sure you wanna…move that fast?” he asked.

She sighed, pulling away from him and running her hands through her hair. “I wouldn’t normally Aden, but, I don’t know. With you, I just want to do everything. Now.”

He raised her eyebrows, and she quickly said, “That’s not…I didn’t mean to come across as sounding sl*tty or easy…I…”

Aden grinned and slid his hands across her waist. “That’s OK. I’m just that hot, I guess.”

Belle rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

He pulled her across to the room and pulled her down on to the couch, kissing her deeply. She let out a little gasp of pleasure and pushed Aden down, straddling him and running her hands over his strong, muscular back and shoulders. It had never been this wonderful before. They’d only been together a few days. But they’d wanted each other for a lot longer.

Aden rolled her over, sliding his hands under her shirt and gently feeling the lacy edge of her bra. “So, Mattie’s cool with this, right?” he asked breathlessly.

She hesitated, then sighed, and Aden groaned. “You didn’t tell her,” he said.

“No,” Belle shook her head. “I will soon. Promise,” and she lifted off her black-and-white striped tank top, tossing it to the ground.

Aden bit his lip as he felt a sudden rush of desire, and he forced to keep it back. What was with him? Back when he was with Matilda he wouldn’t have given a sh!t about all this honourable crap. Belle had made him into a gentleman, and it really, really sucked.

“Come on,” she whispered, grazing his neck with her lips. “Does it matter so much?”

She kissed him passionately, almost desperately, and Aden’s words got lost in his head. Her hands were moving to her bra clasp when Aden pulled away again.

“No!” he said forcibly, chucking Belle her shirt.

He could see her lip wobble and the hurt waver in her eyes.

“I’m…I’m not going to be your dirty little secret!” The words were spilling out, and he knew he was gonna hurt her, but he couldn’t stop himself.

“Aden, I didn’t mean it like that,” she said quietly, pulling her shirt back over her head. Her cheeks were flushed with embarrassment.

He groaned, leaning his head back. “Belle, I understand it’s hard for you to tell her…but…we agreed, OK, and then you just come here and try to have sex with me…”

Words were failing him.

She swallowed and sighed. “I guess I’ll go then.” Her voice was hard and bitter now. Rejection had washed over her, like acid.

She got up and left, and Aden was alone now.


Martha and Roman walked out of the water, hand in hand. Her hair hung in wet, straggly strands and there was sand down her bikini top from being dumped countless times. But she didn’t care. It had been so much fun.

Maybe…she was starting to move on? She expelled that thought quickly from her head before it germinated. Best not to think about it.

“I’d better go,” Roman said, looking down at her and grinning. He looked hot just after coming out of the water.

“Bye,” Martha said.

He leant down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It surprised her. They hadn’t kissed yet – at least not like that. She tried to summon up some passion to make it look like she was into it, and it worked.

Roman pulled away and ran his large hand over her cheek, then turned away.

Martha sighed, and turned around to look at the ocean. The sand felt warm and comforting between her toes, and the roar of the waves crashing seemed to be saying something reassuring to her. If only she could find out what it was.

If only she was just a little bit attracted to Roman. She wanted it so badly to work.

Her thoughts swirled around in her head, and she didn’t pay particular attention to any one of them. She let them do their thing, and she stared at the ocean, watching the waves. This was her form of meditation.

And it annoyed her when someone broke her trance.

“Mac!” called a familiar voice.

She turned around, and lo and behold, there was Jack.

“Don’t call me that!” she whined.

“Come on, Martha,” he said, trying to hold her gaze. She dropped her eyes to the ground, and drew patterns in the sand with her big toe.

“I saw you and Roman,” he said. He seemed to spit Roman’s name out quickly, as if the taste of it on his tongue repelled him.


“Seems serious.”

Martha shrugged, and adjusted her bikini strap. She knew she was being mean. But what could she do? Pretend like it had never happened? Fall back into his arms? No way. She had too much pride for that.

“Or…maybe it’s not?” There was a hopeful note to his tone now.

She sighed and whipped around. “Honestly, Jack! Will you just…just give it up already?” Her voice cracked and she felt a lump form in her throat. Don’t cry, don’t cry, she willed herself.

He groaned. “Martha, I still love you.” His voice was earnest. “I am so sorry. I would do anything for you. Anything to make it up.”

The tears welled up despite her resistance. Trust Jack to undo her stitches one by one and rip them open. They’d just started to heal, goddammit.

“How about leaving me alone?” Her voice was a whisper.

“I can’t do that.”

She looked up at him and met his eyes. She felt a surge of emotion constrict her chest. She loved him. God yes she did! She had never stopped.

But that didn’t mean she’d stopped hating him, hating what he’d done.

She’d heard of girls who had been in the same situation, and they had figured it out, decided to stay with their fiancee, boyfriend, whatever, after it. We can trust each other now. I truly believe he’ll never do it again. She wondered how they found the courage to throw themselves back into it again, to risk getting their hearts crushed again.

“Jack…you’ve hurt me enough already.”

She saw something flicker in his eyes, and all of a sudden his voice was hard.

“You hurt me as well, Martha.”

“That was for the best!” she cried, tears streaming down her cheeks now.

He was angry now.


“Don’t talk to me like that,” she said loudly, “not after what you did.”

“Jeezuz, Martha!” he said, running his hands through his hair. “We’d been having a rough time, you wouldn’t talk to me, I took solace in something else, OK? That didn’t mean you had to take such drastic measures.”

She spun around and left him, shuddering from the sobs, tears flowing down her neck, down her chest.


She stood on the grassy dunes on top of the beach, in a blood-stained hospital gown. She felt alone. Worthless. And strangely empty.

Martha wandered along, not looking for anything in particular. There was no one around, but strange voices occasionally thudded inside her head.

“I’d like to make an appointment for two o’ clock, please…”

“It’s my life, Jack, my decision…”

“Martha…no…we can work through this, don’t leave me, I love you…”

And she came across a bassinet, with the cover pulled over. She felt a surge of happiness warm her chest, and she lifted the hood, looking for the small, warm bundle of life.

But there was nothing there. No blankets. No pillows. It was empty.

The cry of a small newborn thudded in her ears, overtaking the other voices.

“I’m sorry. I’m so, so, sorry,” she whispered, staring at the empty crib.

She sat up with a start, her hair flying around her face, her heart thudding.

Martha leant over. She felt like someone had ripped her heart strings out. I haven’t had those dreams in a while, she thought. I thought it was all behind me.

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Ohh yeah! Something or someone else I wonder? :unsure:

Poor Martha, it would be hard to forget and move on from an abortion! Plus her and Jack aren't together :(

Nicole's a lesbian? That's a twist :)

Hope Aden and Belle work things out, she really need's to tell Mattie!

Loved it. Can't wait for more :D

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Wow... Great chapter!!!

Loved all the different relationships! Never would have expected Nicole and Ruby, but I can kinda see it :unsure: Dunno if that's good or not!

Adelle was sad. I like that Aden's trying to do the right thing, and even though it hurt Belle, I think he was in the right. I hope she tells Mattie soon.

Poor Martha! She had an abortion, right? I kinda wish that she felt something for Roman. They sound cute together, but I'm guessing her heart's with Jack :(

Can't wait for more!

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Hi, sorry this chapter is taking so long guys :)

To be honest I haven't even started it yet, too much else on my mind...finally asked out the boy of my dreams then discovered he wasn't the boy of my dreams so dumped him after a few days, and my best friend started going out with an *ss, and my family came down!

So, lots happening there.

Soonish. I hope.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! An update! Finally!

It's not as good as it could be coz I was kind of rushed, but oh well, at least it's something hey?

Chapter 10




Her bare feet pounded hard on the sand.

Wind whistled through her hair and her ears.

Her legs were straining and her muscles were burning and her breath was coming in ragged gasps.

For once, Martha was actually running. As fast as she could. Her breath was coming in hacks and coughs now and it felt as though her ribs were cracking, but she had to keep running. Running and running.

She was running away. What from? From the dreams, maybe. From Jack. From everything. And she’d been running for longer than she’d ever run before.

But then into her head floated the empty cradle again, and she screamed in frustration, coming to a halt, her chest rising and falling frantically. A dry sob worked its way out between the pants and she fell to her knees on the sand, grabbing handfuls of it and letting it spill between her fingers. No matter how hard she ran, it followed her.

It took a while before her breath returned, and then she flopped on her back, feeling strangely drained and numb. Her arms lay out to the side like a rag doll, and she closed her eyes and just let it all wash over her. Tears hovered in the corners, but they never spilled.


Someone was calling her name, and she opened her eyes groggily. How long had she been lying in the glaring sun?

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!” she screamed at the man standing right above her. She sproinged up to her feet instantly. The fear settled once she saw it was Roman, but adrenaline still pricked nastily in her veins.

“Martha? Are you OK?” His blue eyes were filled with concern. “Why were you just lying there?”

“It’s called sunbathing,” she said shakily. Her legs felt a little weak.

“Have you been crying?” He reached forward and collected one of her tears on his finger.

“Ohh…” She scrabbled frantically for an excuse. “Um…just a bit…moody. That time of the month.” She passed it off with an uneasy laugh.

“Ohright.” A small blush crept across his cheeks. It was ridiculously cute.

“You’ve been a bit…distracted the past few weeks,” Roman went on. “Are you sure everything’s OK? It’s not just…you know?”

“Yeah, I’m fine!” she said in a false bright voice. Her knees felt like they were about to give out, and so she grabbed Roman’s arm for support and swayed against his shoulder.

“Whoa, whoa!” he cried, putting an arm around her. “Are you sure you’re OK?”

“I…” Suddenly everything was swirling. The glare from the white sand was blinding her. She lurched against Roman again, and he slid an arm around her waist, supporting her more.

He touched her skin and his fingers felt cold. She shivered.

“Wow, you’re really badly sunburnt…I think you’ve got heatstroke.”

Heatstroke. Of course. Her skin felt uncomfortable and tight and…sore. Really, really sore. She was trembling now, and sudden chills were running up and down her body.

“I probably look like a lobster,” she grumbled, taking tentative steps along the beach with Roman’s arm tight around her waist.

“Well, you are a little pink,” Roman admitted. “I don’t think it’s really bad, but we should probably get you to the hospital.” She forced a laugh and…who was that up ahead?

Jack. Why did she always run into him on this beach? Maybe he was stalking her. He stared at her with her arms tightly wrapped around Roman for a couple of seconds, then turned away.

“Oh, ****!” Roman exclaimed. “Martha…I’ve got to go, I have to meet up with someone…”

“Awww,” she moaned.

“It’s OK, I can cancel, I guess,” but she heard the disappointment in his voice.


“JACK!” the yell blasted out her eardrums.

She saw the figure up ahead spin around. “WHAT?” came the faint cry.


Jack trotted up to Martha and Roman.

“Wow, Martha, you look sunburnt.”

“Shut up.” She unwrapped herself from Roman and tried to stand but it all whirled again. It felt as if her brain had been deep fried.

“Martha’s got mild heatsroke,” Roman went on, “and she needs someone to drive her to the hospital, but I’ve got to go visit someone. Could you…”

She suddenly caught on. “What? No!”

“Yeah, sure,” Jack nodded.

“Thanks, mate.” At least Roman was courteous to Jack.

“I’m fine, I can walk, I can drive, look…” She took a few steps and stumbled. God, her skin hurt.

“No, Mac,” Jack said.

“Don’t CALL ME THAT!” she shrieked. Everything wavered.

“Fine. Martha, you can’t take yourself. Heatstroke is serious. You could die. I’m calling an ambulance”

She had to admit. His concern was rather sexy.

Jack flipped open his phone and called 000. “Hi, we’ve got a girl on the beach, she’s got mild heatstroke…”

“They’re coming,” he said, shutting his phone.

“All right, I gotta go. Seeya, Martha.” His lips brushed her forehead, and he was gone, running back to the carpark.

“Come on, let’s get you up to the carpark,” Jack said, wrapping an arm around her waist. Martha tried to beat him away, but she felt too ill.

Eventually she just submitted to it, and gritted her teeth against the stinging of her skin. Jack’s arm around her waist felt…good. She sneakily smelt his T-shirt, and it was as if all the hormones in her body bounced at once. She let out a quiet little gasp of pleasure at his familiar scent. It had been too long.

It was so hard, all this physical contact. If her head would just stop spinning she could move around in front of him and kiss him like nothing had ever happened, like they were still Jack and Martha, the engaged couple that everyone thought would last forever. So tempting. The arm that was around his back started to slowly move down, and she relished the feel of the curves in his lower back.

“Brings back old times, doesn’t it?”

His voice jolted her back to reality. Snarky Martha reappeared.

“What, me getting heatstroke from falling asleep on the beach and you dragging me up to the ambulance? Not really.”

“Nah. You know, walking along the beach, arms around waists…”

“Please, Jack, can’t you just get the…the message already?”

“Trust me, honey, I got it a long time ago. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna listen to it.”

“Can’t you…can’t you just let me be happy?” Her voice cracked and tears wavered in her eyes.

“Martha, you and I both know that we will only be properly happy when we’re with each other.”

“That is…bull, Jack.”

“Hey, look, there’s the ambulance.”


Martha was back home and she felt exhausted. Her skin was bright red. Like lobster red.

“Jack, you can go now. Seriously.”

“I want to stay for a bit.” His lips were pursed and his brow was furrowed in concern. It made her chest ache, how much he cared about her. If he hated her, it would be easier. Or would it?

She sat down on the couch, and squeaked in pain as her sensitive skin touched the fabric.

“I think you’re blistering,” Jack said, peering into her face.

“Oh, that’s just f**king great,” she muttered, pushing hair out of her eyes.

“You look uncomfortable.”

“No sh*t, Sherlock!”

“Have you got any aloe vera?”

“In the bathroom cupboard.”

He disappeared and came back with a pot of cream and knelt down in front of her. She opened her mouth to protest but he placed a finger to her lips.

“Shut up.”

He dipped his fingers into the aloe vera gel and started gently spreading it on her sore, blistered face. It hurt a little and she took a quick inbreath. “Sorry,” he murmured.

“No. That’s OK.”

His soft fingers traced across her cheek, and she could tell that this was an excuse to feel her skin again. The aloe vera felt great, cool and welcoming, and Jack’s touch felt even better.

His hands moved down to her neck, and she shuddered a little, bending her head sideways to allow him more access. It was almost like she was in a trance now. Even if she’d wanted to, she couldn’t have pushed him away. Nothing else existed right now.

Not Roman.

Not Belle, or Mattie.

Not even the heatstroke and the excruciating sunburn.

Not the feeling of uncomfortable heat coming back as the gel quickly wore off.

Not the lost little baby crying its heart out.

It was just her and Jack.

Past her throat now, down to her collarbone. Her breath was significantly heavier now and she didn’t say a word as Jack’s hands moved down to the neckline of her singlet.

He wiped the aloe vera that was on his fingers off on the edge of the pot, and ran his finger along the side seam of her shirt, feeling the curve of her waist. His other thumb grazed her breast and she shivered. She was paralyzed now. She didn’t want this to stop.


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