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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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Sneeeeeeeek peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!

Chapter 4

Martha leaned against the wall, watching the blonde man chopping up vegetables through the open door. He looked strong, muscular, reliable. He turned his head to laugh at something that Irene had said, and his blue eyes flashed and sparkled with merriment. He looked nice.

I don’t know, Martha thought. I think I could easily, really, really like Roman.

:P:lol::D *evil grin*

:o HOW COULD YOU . . . . . .


Oh please don't :(

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Sneeeeeeeek peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeak!

Chapter 4

Martha leaned against the wall, watching the blonde man chopping up vegetables through the open door. He looked strong, muscular, reliable. He turned his head to laugh at something that Irene had said, and his blue eyes flashed and sparkled with merriment. He looked nice.

I don’t know, Martha thought. I think I could easily, really, really like Roman.

:P:lol::D *evil grin*

:o HOW COULD YOU . . . . . .


Oh please don't :(


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OK, sorry Adelle fans, just a really really short mostly dialogue chapter about JnM (and Roman!) hee heee...There will be more Aden, Belle, Geoff & Mattie soon...

Chapter 4

Martha leaned against the wall, watching the blonde man chopping up vegetables through the open door. He looked strong, muscular, reliable. He turned his head to laugh at something that Irene had said, and his blue eyes flashed and sparkled with merriment. He looked nice.

I don’t know, Martha thought. I think I could easily, really, really like Roman.

Belle came up behind her. “Boo!” she said, and Martha jumped quickly, laughing when she saw it was Belle. “You scared me,” she giggled. “I was off in a world of my own.”

“Um, yeah, that’s obvious,” Belle replied. She looked at the point where Martha had been staring half a minute ago. “Martha? Were you checking out Roman?”

“No!” Martha said quickly. Belle raised an eyebrow, and she sighed. “Well, yes.”

Belle smirked. “I don’t know, Mac, I see him staring at you a lot recently.”

“Really?” Martha smiled. She was getting that bubbly, giggly feeling that rises up inside you, that feeling that you get when you’re thirteen and the hottest guy in school picks up your dropped pen for you. It was fun to feel flirty again, after so many dead-end relationships.

“Yeah, you’d make a nice couple,” Belle said, hoiking up her jeans.

Martha grinned, but the smile didn’t last long as she saw Jack walk through the door. He smiled nervously and waved at her, then went up to the counter to order a milkshake. “Oh, God,” she groaned, leaning her head back against the wall. Jack. Somehow, he would stuff things up for a potential relationship. She knew he would.

“What?” Belle asked, then saw Jack. Her brain clicked and she realised the facts. She rounded on Martha.

“Mac, are you still hung up on Jack?”

“What? No!” Martha cried, taking her hand away from her eyes.

“It’s obvious!” Belle said loudly half laughing at her own stupidity. “I can’t believe I haven’t noticed…all that time, after your mysterious break-up, you’ve still loved him!

“Shut up!” Martha cried, clamping her hand over Belle’s mouth. She dragged her out of the Diner, but quickly released her hold when Belle bit her.

“Aaaah! Bitch!” she exclaimed, examining the red tooth-marks in her palm.

“Look who’s talking, everyone was staring at us!” Belle snapped grumpily, “and I can taste your moisturiser now, yuck.”

“You don’t think he heard, did you?” Martha said nervously, glancing inside.

“No, no one was paying any attention to us, until you ambushed me and shoved me outside!!!”

“Walk with me,” Martha said, moving quickly down towards the beach.

“So what are you going to do?” Belle asked, trotting to keep up with Martha’s long strides.

“I don’t know,” she cried, her long black hair blowing in the wind. “No matter what I do, Belle, he’s always going to be there, in the back of my mind…I love him,” she finished softly. They had now reached the beach, and she sat down with a bump on the sand. She stared at the blue-green ocean, watching the silvery spray fly and catch the light in the balmy afternoon sun. Taking a deep breath, she continued, “I guess…I would really love to go out with Roman, but I don’t get how I can have a fun relationship with someone without thinking of Jack. Basically, it would be using Roman, and I don’t want to do that to him.”

“Yeah,” Belle said softly, and put a supportive arm around her friend’s shoulder. “Well, Mac, you’re going to have to move on sometime – and you might as well try with Roman. If it isn’t working, then that’ll be it…but you can’t stick around wanting Jack forever.”

“I thought I’d gotten over him,” Martha said, her tears starting to form in the corners of her blue eyes. “But recently – all these feelings that I had squashed under all the anger and hurt and bitterness – they’ve all come back!”

“I don’t know,” Belle said quietly, leaning back on the sand. “You know Jack’s single, and you’re single, and you still love him – you could give it another go with him.”

“No!” Martha spat forcibly. “You don’t know what he did to me, Belle, it’s not something you can forgive easily, even after three years.”

“You were engaged,” Belle replied. “And we all wondered when it ended.”

“You know what?” Martha said suddenly. “I’ve decided. I’m going to go and ask Roman out, right now. I need to get over Jack. He’s history. We’re history. Done. GONE!”

Belle looked taken aback as Martha screamed the last word, and got up to go, her face as red as a tomato.


Martha was puffing and blowing by the time she reached the kitchen. Roman was there alone, chopping up strawberries. “Hey!” she said brightly, trying to sound flirty, while trying to get her breath back from sprinting up to the Diner.

“Hi, Martha,” Roman said, putting down his knife and turning aroudn to face her. “What’s up?”

“Um – ” puff “I was wondering if you wanted to come up to dinner tomorrow night, upstairs, in the flat? You know, upstairs?”

****! she said mentally. Her asking-out skills had obviously declined over their long hibernation.

“Ye-eah, sounds good,” Roman replied, with a big grin. He sounded a little amused at Martha’s wording though. “Want me to cook? I can make us an apple scroll for dessert.”

“Yum,” Martha said fervently. What’s an apple scroll? she thought.

“What brought this on?” Roman asked, going back to chopping up strawberries.

“I don’t know,” she replied. “I just figured…it’s about time I was more social.” There. Good. Jeesus. What happened to the smooth Martha of three years ago? Jack, that’s what.

“Yeah. Sounds good. I’ll come round at about seven, yeah?”

Martha smiled.


As she went out she passed Jack again. Her stomach lurched. “Help me,” she whispered silently.

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OK, sorry Adelle fans, just a really really short mostly dialogue chapter about JnM (and Roman!) hee heee...There will be more Aden, Belle, Geoff & Mattie soon...

“Really?” Martha smiled. She was getting that bubbly, giggly feeling that rises up inside you, that feeling that you get when you’re thirteen and the hottest guy in school picks up your dropped pen for you. It was fun to feel flirty again, after so many dead-end relationships.

Yeah, you’d make a nice couple,” Belle said, hoiking up her jeans.

Martha grinned, but the smile didn’t last long as she saw Jack walk through the door. He smiled nervously and waved at her, then went up to the counter to order a milkshake. “Oh, God,” she groaned, leaning her head back against the wall. Jack. Somehow, he would stuff things up for a potential relationship. She knew he would.

Loved it, Great Chapter :D

Okay. Number One - Roman, No way haha :lol:

Number Two - No Belle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't tell her that!

Lastly - Jack's just too cute :wink::wub:

Update soon please =D

EDIT: I really wanna know what happened between those two!

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