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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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I'm not really very happy with this chapter but it's up to you guys to decide...I get a bit awkward when it comes to lovey scenes...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Martha stared at herself in the mirror. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with her hair. Or her makeup. Or her clothes. Or her life.

Roman was gonna arrive in two hours, and she was panicking.

“Breathe,” she whispered. Oh my GOD, is that a pimple? Relax, relax, Martha, you’re not thirteen anymore…

The wind howled outside. It had been heavily cloudy all day. A storm was probably coming.

Eventually she thought, “Pride goeth before a fall,” and grabbed her mobile to ask for help.

She sent a text to Belle and Mattie. Hey girlies…you free now coz I gt dinner wiv R. an need help emergency xx Fifteen minutes later Belle & Matilda arrived at her door.

Martha went to greet them. They both just stared at her. Her hair was wild and unbrushed, she was wearing an ink-stained singlet and tracky pants, and her eyes were smudged from an unsuccessful attempt to put on mascara. “Help,” she said weakly.

First thing was deciding on an outfit. After much arguing and rifling through Martha’s collection of clothes they decided on a pink tank top, a soft black woolen off-one shoulder jumper (it was getting very cold) and long black skinny jeans.

“OK, to the bathroom, now,” Belle said.

The next hour and a half was chaos, as Belle, Matilda and Martha, who both had very different styles, tried to figure out a good look for her. Belle wanted to go for the smoky eye style, with her hair falling down over her shoulders. Martha wanted something simple with not too much smudgy stuff. Mattie wanted glossy lips and an elegant but messy bun.

Eventually they settled on a small amount of clear gloss on her lips, some mascara which blended well with Martha’s naturally dark eyelashes, and her long hair straightened and loose over her shoulders.

“Girl, you look great,” Belle proclaimed. “We are geniuses.”

Martha grinned. “Thank you so much, you guys, I couldn’t have done it without you. Now that we’ve spent ages fussing over me…how are you two?”

She eyed her friends critically. They didn’t look the best. Belle had a worried, preoccupied look in her brown eyes. Mattie looked tired, and her cheeks seemed hollower than normal.

“I’m fine,” they both said at the same time.

“You can’t fool me,” Martha said, patting the bed. “You start, Belle.”

A pink blush spread through Belle’s cheeks. “Well, I…I have this thing for…” and then she saw Mattie, and mentally kicked herself. How could she? How could she do that to her friend? She’d have to try and control herself. And tell NOBODY. “Oh, it doesn’t matter,” she continued. “I’ve just been tired. And stressed, I guess.”

“As for me,” Mattie said morosely, “I just keep brooding over Aden. He seems to have moved on so quickly, it really hurts me that the whole year we were together meant nothing to him.”

Martha rubbed her back.

Belle got a mischievous look in her eyes. “You know, Mattie, I think Geoff likes you. He might be ideal to help you move on…”

Matilda rolled her eyes. “Don’t be stupid, Belle. Me and Geoff have actually been hanging out a bit recently, just as friends. It’s been great, but there’s no way we’d ever get together.”

Belle inhaled sharply. “Oooh, I’d better not tell him that, don’t want the poor boy’s heart to break…”

Mattie threw a pillow at her. Martha giggled, and checked her watch. “Oh my…sh!t! You guys have gotta go, Roman will be here in like, three minutes!”

“What are you having for dinner?” Belle asked curiously. “He’s a chef, I don’t know how impressed he’ll be with grilled cheese sandwiches.”

Martha’s heart seemed to drop to her stomach. “I forgot to cook dinner…” she said faintly.

“Nice one,” Belle scoffed.

“Oh…f**k…listen, you guys, get out! I’ll deal with this!”

“Seeya!” Mattie and Belle yelled as they scooted out the door.

Martha raced to the door. Maybe she could grab something from the diner…

* ding dong*

She plastered on a smile and answered the door. Her heart was beating out a wild rhythm in her chest and the blood was rushing to her cheeks. She just hoped she was appearing outwardly calm.

Roman was there. He looked nice, wearing dark denim jeans and a white button-up shirt. He was holding something wrapped in alfoil which she assumed was the apple scroll.

“Hi,” he said. “W-wow, you look gorgeous…”

“Thanks, you don’t look too bad yourself.” She smiled and walked into the room, beckoning him. “There’s a slight problem though.


“Um…I had the girls over to help me do my hair and stuff and in the middle of it all I forgot to cook dinner…”

Roman laughed. He had a nice laugh. He also had awfully nice blue eyes. “What were we gonna have?”

“Spaghetti bolognaise…?” Martha phrased it as a question. “Sorry, I’m not much of a cook.”

“Well, if you’ve got all the stuff, we can make it now!” Roman said brightly.

“You sure?” Martha asked. “Disasters tend to happen when I cook.”

“Yeah.” Roman grinned cheekily. “I’ll save us if anything happens.” He winked, then walked into the kitchen and Martha grinned. He was flirting with her. Maybe it would really work with this guy. Maybe she could finally move on.

She followed him into the kitchen and buzzed around him nervously. “Um, the…the noodles are in there, and the vegies are in that bowl and…” she waved her arms around, pointing to everything in the room at the same time.

“Relax,” he grinned. “I can handle it. Why don’t you boil some water for the spaghetti, and I’ll get the sauce started…”

Rain started spattering hard at the window. The apartment was warm from the heater and it was a nice, cozy atmosphere. Martha exhaled, feeling safe and comfortable for the first time in a long while.

* * *

Geoff was sitting on the bed in his room. The rain was coming down hard now. Annie, Belle & Irene were all downstairs in the warm living room. Why was he sitting up here, freezing and alone?

He sighed and leant his head against the wall. He was depressed tonight for no good reason. Maybe it was the weather.

The phone in the hallway outside his room rang, rudely interrupting his bubble of mopeyness. Swinging his long, muscly legs off the bed he went to get it.

“Hello?” he said into the phone.

“Hello?” said Irene from the downstairs extension.

“Hello, Geoff?” said a familiar voice.

Geoff’s heart jumped into his throat and he almost gagged on it. “Mattie!”

“Oh,” Irene said knowingly. “I’ll just go then.”

“Um…” came Mattie’s voice through the wires, sounding confused. Geoff’s face turned bright red.

“Hi,” Geoff said in a strangled voice.

“Hi,” Mattie said. “Listen, Tony’s out to dinner with Rachel tonight and Lucas is off…somewhere…I think he might be out with Cass…and I’m really lonely, I was wondering if I could come over?”

“Well, sure,” Geoff said. “Hold on.” He put his hand over the mouthpiece and yelled down the stairs, “Is it OK if Mattie comes over for a bit?”

Irene yelled back, “Sure love.”

“OK, I’ll be right over then,” Mattie said and hung up.

Geoff was instantly “zingy” from his head to his toes. He’d hung out with Mattie a bit recently but everytime he knew he was going to see her he was still nervous. He looked down at his clothes…a ratty jumper and slacks. Was that OK? It was too cold to wear any of his good T-shirts..

The doorbell rang and he thundered down the stairs to get it. There stood Mattie, illuminated in the doorway.

She was wearing a raincoat which she was in the process of taking off. Her blonde hair shimmered with raindrops, and her skin was shiny and wet. She looked gorgeous, despite the fact that her hair was frizzing.

She looked up at him. “Hi,” she smiled.

“Hi,” he said. It felt like that was the only thing he’d been saying recently.

“Um, would you…like some tea?” he asked.

“Tea would be good,” she said. “I’m frozen, I had to walk here, Tony & Luc took both cars.”

“Oh, you’re kidding, love!” Irene appeared in the hall. “We would’ve driven you if you’d asked.”

“Oh, it’s really nothing, Irene…”

She followed Geoff into the kitchen. Geoff was making some instant chai tea. “If you want we can go up to my bedroom and drink this,” he said, stirring his cup, “I think Annie and Irene are watching some hideous chick flick.”

Mattie raised her eyebrows and Geoff blushed to his roots, realising how hideously forward that sounded. “I don’t – I didn’t mean it like that – ” he stammered.

She giggled. “Don’t worry about it Geoff. I know you didn’t.”

“Oooo-kay then.” Geoff started up the stairs, and Mattie followed him.

“Behave sensibly!” Irene bellowed.

“IRENE!” Geoff shrieked.

Once up in Geoff’s room they sat down on the bed next to each other, sipping their tea. “So how you doing?” Geoff asked.

“Yeah, OK,” Mattie said. “Just a bit sad, I guess.”

“Aden again?” Geoff guessed.

“Yeah,” Mattie said sadly. She smiled and said, “You must think I’m so pathetic, thinking about my ex all the time like this.”

“No, no, it’s OK.” Geoff put his cup on the floor and so did Matilda. He exhaled. “You know, Aden was an asshole for what he did to you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way by anybody.”

“Thanks, Geoff,” Matilda said softly. Their eyes met for a second. Geoff’s breathing, heart rate and everything else quickened. “I really appreciate you being here for me.”

“That’s OK,” he said quietly.

Mattie put both hands on his shoulders, and leaned in, gently pressing her lips against hers. Geoff did the first thing that came to mind, which was to pull her closer to him and kiss her harder…

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Well, I'm back, and I can tell you really missed me from the flood of comments pleading with me to come back soon and update this awesome fic :P

I'll get started on the next chappy soon, I promise. Holidays are almost over, ugh.

welcome back Meggie :D

Cant wait to read your new chapter, I have update mine, update soon :P

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