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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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WARNING: this chapter contains language and naughty stuff :P OK, not too naughty, but a little bit.

Chapter 6

Geoff had only kissed one girl before. That had been Tam, a short-lived relationship. That had been a kiss in the Surf Club by the pool table. Her breath had tasted foully of cigarette smoke and it was rough and spine-tingling in the best of ways. He was scared of her after that kiss. That was effectively why he had ended the relationship. Plus, Tam was entirely wrong for him. Sure, she was sexy, brave and street-wise, but that wasn’t the kind of girl Geoff wanted to go out with.

Too dangerous.

The kiss with Mattie was different. It was curious and slow and gentle. Her breath was warm and smelt like honey, and her hair through his fingers felt like silk. He felt drugged, lost in the world of Mattie’s arms around him and her tongue in his mouth. She moved on top of Geoff, taking it further.

At this moment, he knew he truly loved her.

She snaked her arms tighter around his shoulders and they rolled sideways, and fell off the bed. It killed the atmosphere.

Untangling herself from Geoff, Mattie picked herself up and moved away with lightning quick speed. Geoff was still dazed, trying to get his head around what had just happened. He’d kissed Matilda, the girl he’d wanted for ages. If they hadn’t fallen off the bed they might have gone further. His poor, Christian brain was spinning.

“Geoff…I…” stuttered Mattie.

“Uhhhh?” he asked intelligently.

She put her hand to her head. “I…I don’t know what came over me!”

Geoff didn’t know what to say.

“You’re a good kisser,” she said solemnly. There was no cheeky spark in her eyes, he noted disappointedly. It wasn’t an invitation.

“Thanks,” he said quietly.

“I’m…I’m just not ready for this, you know?” she said quickly, in a high voice. “I’m still trying to get over Aden and…”

“It’s been two weeks,” Geoff said.

“That’s not very much!” she exploded. “Sure, Aden might not mind, but I do. I take longer than a second to get over a relationship.”

“Why are you so hung up on him, anyway,” he asked bitterly. He was annoyed. “He just dumped you like that, any girl would be glad to get rid of him.”

“Oh, and what do you know about girls, Geoff?” Matilda asked coldly. “The only girl you’ve ever gone out with is Tam, and that was only because you were too scared of her to say no…”

“That is not true!” he yelled. He flopped back on his bed, staring sullenly at her. Damn her for being so gorgeous, even when she was pissed off.

“Geoff, we can’t do this,” she said softly. “I can’t do this. I’m not ready for it, and you’re not ready for it.”

With that, she left.


“Finally,” Martha sighed, sitting down at the table with a plate of steaming hot spag bol in front of her.

Roman grinned. “One of the more exciting culinary experiences I’ve had.”

Martha raised an eyebrow. “Culinary experiences?” She imitated Roman in a posh voice, and they both burst into laughter. Roman dug into his food. Typical guy. Martha hopped up and went to the fridge to grab some champagne.

“Want some wine?” she called.

“Yeah, sounds great,” Roman called back. She poured some into both of their glasses.

Conversation flowed easily, and Martha found she was extremely enjoying herself. But in the same way that she would enjoy an evening hanging out with Belle, or Tony, or Mattie or someone. Someone she would never have romantic feelings for. There wasn’t any spark, at least on her side.

Roman seemed to feel differently though. His eyes lingered on Martha during pauses in the conversation, making her feel a little awkward. When she got up to get more wine she was certain she could feel him checking out the curves of her breasts and waist and hips. Maybe it would work. Maybe it would.

The spaghetti bolognaise was finished and they started on the apple scroll.

Suddenly the door bell rang. “I’ll get that,” Martha replied, smiling.

She opened the door and her heart did a triple somersault followed by a ¾ twist and a rather painful landing.

Jack was standing at the door, holding a bunch of flowers.

“Jack!” she gasped.

“Hi,” he said, giving her a cheeky smile. “You look good, are you dressed up for something…” Then he looked past her into the room and saw the dinner for two set up, with a half-empty wine bottle on the table and Roman sitting there in nice clothes looking confused. His flirty smile was quickly replaced by an open mouth of astonishment, then a mixture of hurt feelings and embarrassment.

“What are you doing!” hissed Martha.

“I…sorry…” he said, blushing. “I…might…just…go…” his final words trailed down to nothing, and he backed out of the door. Martha shut it after him, feeling dazed.

Roman looked thoroughly bamboozled, and Martha didn’t blame him.

“Sorry about that,” she said quietly, sitting down again.

“Um…are you two back together now?” he enquired politely. Her heart went out to him for not losing his cool.

“No,” Martha said loudly, shaking her head. “I…I guess he wants to give it another shot.” Her voice died down, and she looked at her hands. “I really don’t want to, though. It was over a long time ago.” Her stomach hurt suddenly.

“Oh,” Roman replied. He smiled. “That’s good news for me, isn’t it?”


“Well, I’d better be going. I had a great time though, Martha. We should do this again.”

“Yeah,” Martha replied. She mustered up a smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Bye.”

He left and Martha was alone in the apartment with her aching stomach. “What’s up with you?” she asked her internal organs. “My period’s not due for ages.”

Then it hit her. Her stomach always hurt when she lied.

* * *


Belle wandered down to the beach. It was a beautiful hot day and after a gruelling morning shift in the Diner (egg really sticks to plates when it’s congealed) she couldn’t wait to hit the water.

She pulled her shirt off and slid down her denim shorts, revealing her red-and-white spotty bikini, and lathered on some nice smelling coconut sunscreen. But before she went in, she thought she’d just sunbathe for a bit.

Aaaah. This was nice. Just her, and the sun, and the sand warm against her back, and the sound of the waves crashing. And…

“Not bad, Taylor. D’ya work out?”

She opened her eyes, squinting them against the sun, and then realised…Aden was standing above her in a pair of boardies, his gorgeous torso wet and sparkling from the ocean, his hair a drenched mop, his face glowing from the exercise. How had she not noticed him in the waves?

“You perv, Aden,” she said, sitting up and drawing her knees up to her chin.

“Well, when there’s something as hot as you to perv at, occasionally, yes,” he said.

She rolled her eyes. “Ugh, go away, Aden.” Please don’t go away. Pleasepleaseplease.

“Seriously, Belle,” he said, sitting down next to her. “Why don’t you give it a go? I’ll stop all the hot chick talk if you don’t like it.”

“As if, Aden,” she said. “You’d just sleep with me then toss me aside like you did with Mattie.”

“Oh, god, not Mattie again! That’s all anyone brings up. It’s not like we were married or something.”

“You’d been going out for a year. Actually, I’m surprised you lasted that long. Why’d you stay with her for so long if you were just gonna kick her to the ground?”

He shrugged. “She was hot.”

“Oh. My. God. You are pathetic,” she groaned.

“No, I dumped her, coz…I found someone else who I liked far, far more than her. She’d always been around, I just hadn’t noticed her.”

Her ears pricked up and she looked at him intently. “Who?”

“You, ya retard.”

Belle furrowed her brow. “So you haven’t just been hitting on me coz you think I’m hot?”

“Well, that, and also the fact that you’re a funny, amazing girl, who sticks up for what she believes in. You don’t take any crap from people,and you’re not one of those sluts who sleep around with whoever she can find.”

Belle’s heart was singing. Practically screaming a German opera. But then she suddenly came back down to earth with a crashing realization. It was as if she’d been plunged into cold water. “Aden, all this “soft guy” talk is just to get me into bed, isn’t it? It’s just another one of your tricks to seduce anoter girl.”

“No!” he cried. He looked genuinely indignant, but Belle wasn’t falling for it. She got up and walked away from him, biting her lip and trying not to bawl.

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Oh that was really good. I feel sorry for Geoff. He must be so confused and frustrated. And poor Martha, and Roman. Silly Jack. And Aden goes and opens up and Belle doesn't believe him. She likes him, but when he says he likes her she doesn't buy it. Silly girl. He was being honest with her. I hope they work it out.

Awesome work!

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