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It All Began When Aden Was Really Mean To Mattie

Guest jack+martha=trooluvv

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I am so sorry for the delay, I'm just having real trouble writing this chapter, which sucks because it is a pretty damn important one *teases you further* Seriously. I promise, updations shall be soon. Calm yourself, you horde of people frantically demanding updates. /end sarcasm mode

:P Luv you all

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Hoi everybody :) This chapter is insanely long so I decided to write the first half to keep you guys happy, second half is coming soon :P

Chapter 7 part 1


**it’s cold outside, there’s no kind of atmosphere…**

Belle was crudely awakened from her mid-afternoon nap on the couch by the blaring of her phone. “Shut up,” she moaned at it. She looked at the caller panel and saw that it was Mattie.

“What?” she grumbled.

“Grumpy,” came Mattie’s voice flowing through the wires.

“You interrupted my beauty sleep, *****.”

“Really grumpy. Anyway, I had an idea.”

“Well done.”

“Ha ha. How about you, me and Mac head out for a picnic somewhere?”

“Wheee, sounds fabulous.”

“Seriously, Belle. You know Greensea Island, about a kilometre out?”


“Well, we could go there. Tony says he’ll lend us one of his dinghies, you can help row. It’s great, it’s got like a little forest thing and a small lake in the middle.”

“Sounds good, but what about the crap weather we’ve been having recently? Don’t want it to rain on us.”

“We’ll find a sunny day. Come on, Belle, we all need a bit of cheering up…”

“OK, OK,” Belle yielded. “As long as I don’t have to do any rowing…”

- - -

It was a beautiful day. The sky was deep sapphire blue with small white clouds skidding across it. The water was flat with small ripples appearing everywhere, glittering in the morning sun.

“This is GORGEOUS!” yelled Belle.

Mattie and Martha laughed, the wind whipping through their hair. Mattie and Martha were guiding the boat through the water (Belle had weasled her way out of it).

“I have a confession to make,” Mattie said. Now felt like the right time to talk about it with someone.

“Oooooooh!” chorused Martha & Belle. They were all in fairly good moods.

“I kissed Geoff.” Best to just come out with it.


Of course, it was Belle who broke it. “Ha!” she guffawed. “I knew it! He is so head-over-heels for you, Mattie, believe me, I know, I’ve been living with him. Are you guys going out?”

“Well, it was weird,” Mattie replied. Her voice was loud over the wind. “It was amazing. He’s an excellent kisser. But after it I ran out on him.”

“Why?” Martha asked curiously, at the same time that Belle yelled, “Mattie, you idiot!”

“Well, it’s Geoff,” Mattie said awkwardly. She was starting to regret telling her friends this. “It’s not as if I want to go out with him. It was just too weird. I couldn’t handle it.”

Belle flopped back, annoyed. If Mattie had found love again it would have meant that Aden was free for Belle…which he technically was now. But judging from Mattie’s behaviour, she still wasn’t over Aden and it would gut her if Belle went out with him. And Belle loved her two best friends. They had helped her through her drug/self-harm period a couple of years ago. They had been there for her even though her mother and father wanted nothing to do with her.

“What about you, Martha,” Mattie said to Martha, who had been fairly quiet on the trip. “You should be the happiest of all of us, you’ve got a gorgeous boyfriend.”

Martha grinned. “You know, Roman’s almost 30, it makes me slightly awkward that you guys are calling him hot.”

“If he was ten years younger…” Belle let her words trail off suggestively.

Martha gave her a sharp nudge. “Yeah, Roman’s great. We go jogging together in the mornings.”

“Great? You go jogging? Doesn’t sound like an exciting, passion-filled romance to me,” Mattie giggled. Getting caught up in her friend’s dramas and love-life was easier than having to deal with her own.

“We’ve only been on three dates,” Martha said.

“Wooo! We’re here!” Mattie yelled. The small but beautiful island was ahead of them. Soon they felt the boat ground into the sand. Stepping out barefoot into the water the three girls dragged the boat a little way up.

“Huh. Look.” Martha pointed at the sky. Some dark clouds had gathered in a corner while they were gabbing.

“I hope it doesn’t rain on us. That would suck,” Mattie commented, her loose braids swinging around her face.

Suddenly they heard two familiar voices sparring.

“…I can’t believe you forgot the thermos, Aden!”

“Relax bible-boy, you get so damn uptight about everything. You’re never gonna get laid if you keep on like that.”

“Honestly, you guys, can’t you stop arguing for, like, two seconds. I invited GEOFF on this trip, you invited yourself along Aden, don’t spend the whole time arguing like a pair of two-year-olds…”

Martha felt a little thrill in her stomach.

Belle ran along the edge of the beach a little way, rounding the corner of the island.

Geoff, Jack and Aden, all wearing boardies and T-shirts, were all standing looking frustrated around a picnic rug with a couple of six-packs of beer and a pile of glad-wrapped sandwiches on it.

“Hi, Belle,” Geoff said, looking confused. “What are you doing here?”

“Coming for a picnic, remember?” Belle said. “I only talked about it all this morning.”

“Oh.” Geoff blinked, and Belle shook her head.

“So you guys are here too?” she inquired.

“Yep,” Jack said.

“Great,” she mumbled sarcastically.

“Oh, come on, we’re not that bad, are we?” Aden asked. He had a cheeky spark in his eyes. Belle just groaned and jogged back to the girls.

“Aden, Jack & Geoff have decided to spend the day here as well,” she said, confirming everyone’s suspicions.

“Oh,” said Martha and Mattie at the same time. Matilda put her hand to her head.

“I pity you, Tilly,” Belle said, smirking a little. She couldn’t help it.

“Let’s not worry about it,” Martha said in a resolved voice. “We’ll have our picnic over here, they’ll have it over there.”

“OK.” All three nodded.

It didn’t work out that way.

An hour later the girls were floating contentedly on their backs in the water, tummies pointing to the sun, hair spilling around their faces.

There was a “thunk” as a football bounced on the sand and into the shallows, and it alerted Belle. She got up and picked up the soaking wet ball and kicked it back, to where the boys were standing, just at the corner that divided their picnic from theirs. She’d never been athletic and had always been a total klutz in P.E, but since she had been caught unawares and wasn’t awkward or embarrassed about it it sailed cleanly through the air and Aden caught it neatly.

“Nice, Taylor,” he called. Belle turned around to head back to the water, but then heard him add snidely, “For a girl…”

Belle spun around and there was a splash as Martha stood up. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Belle cried.

“Well, you know,” Aden said, tucking the football under his arm and grinning. He was loving it. “Girls can’t play football.”

Martha, the tomboy, stepped forward, water running down her tanned body. “Oh yeah?”


“Well, I’ll challenge you to something.”

Jack stepped forward, a smile slowly spreading on his face. “What’s that, Mac?”

“Don’t call me that!” Martha snapped. “I challenge you three to a football match…against us three.”

“Ha,” scoffed Aden.

“We’ll take you down,” Geoff said.

“What?” cried Belle & Mattie at the same time, dismayed.

“Come on!” Martha said, smiling. Her muscles were longing for action, to show these stupid boys what she could do. Especially Jack, who she was muchly mad at. “What’s your problem?”

“What’s my problem?” Belle stuttered.

“The problem is, Martha,” Matilda said in a slow voice, as if she was explaining it to a three-year-old, “that you are the only one here who can play football. I always faked sick during P.E.”

“Same,” said Belle. She waved a hand at the three muscular boys standing in front of them, arms crossed across chests. “And they’re all…big…muscly…footy player thingies.”

“Thanks,” Aden said, winking at her.

“Oh, come ON!” Martha said. “You can do it. I’ll do all the kicking. You guys can catch a ball and handball it can’t you?”

“Sometimes,” Belle said at the same time that Matilda said, “Maybe.”

“Whatever. Come on.”

-thirty-five minutes later-

“WOOOOOOOOO! GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!” screamed Martha, as the ball sailed cleanly through the two cans of beer that had been set up as a goal. It was her fifth goal in a row.

“What?” yelled Aden, looking at the sky.

“First to five,” she reminded him, a grin on her face as wide as a cheshire cat. “We win. Sucks to be you.”

“Girls can’t play football, hey?” yelled Belle.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Aden sneered. “You two didn’t DO anything, you just screamed and ran away from the ball. Like Nicole would.”

Belle just rolled her eyes. Martha came over and gave her a high-five, then went on to Mattie.

“Well done, girls,” Geoff called. His and Matilda’s eyes met for a moment, then they both dropped their gaze, embarrassed. Aden didn’t seem perturbed at all by the fact that his ex who’d he dumped cruelly was there. He was more concerned with the fact that he had just lost a game of footy to a bunch of girls.

“Geoff, you pussy,” he muttered.

“A celebratory drink,” Belle said, walking over to the goals, and picking up one of the beer cans. She cracked it open. Aden followed her example and grabbed one as well. Belle walked up to him, smiling from under her eyelashes. “Cheers,” she said in a voice as sweet as honey, clinking her can with his.

Aden grinned at her. Maybe she was finally seeing sense. As soon as he dropped his can…Belle swung hers and all of the cold, frothy liquid splashed onto his face.

There was a couple of moments of complete silence, as Aden stood there with beer dripping down his face, spitting it out of the corner of his mouth and trying to work out what had just happened.

Belle just stood there, staring at him, the dripping can still in her hand. A small giggle escaped from Matilda’s lips behind her. Martha tried to suppress a laugh and ended up snorting instead. That was it. Everyone except Aden cracked up. Belle’s eyes were running with tears of laughter and her stomach hurt. She dropped her can on the ground, where it tipped over and beer frothed out on to the sand.

“You…*****!” cried Aden, half laughing, half furious.

“That…was…so…awesome…” squeezed out Jack between guffaws.

Belle walked over to Martha & Matilda and gave them both high-fives. The boys went back over to their side, Geoff & Jack shoving Aden around.

The girls went and collapsed on their rug, high from their victory.

They spent the rest of the day razzing the boys, swimming and exploring the small island, which had a small lake in the middle, surrounded by bush. It was a great day, until, about five in the afternoon, they headed out of the thick, jungly bush and saw that the thick black clouds clustering in the corner of the sky had spread to block out all sunlight.

The ocean had turned greyish-green and choppy, and the air felt extremely hot and humid. “Huh. Big storm coming,” Martha said, looking at the sky.

“We’d probably better head back,” Matilda muttered, her brow creased with worry.

Belle sighed. “All right. Let’s start packing up.”

Jack appeared around the corner. “We’re gonna head off soon.”

“Right,” Martha said shortly.

It took about ten minutes to pack up everything – they’d brought a whole heap of girly magazines to read as well of plenty of other things to make the day enjoyable.

“Right, ready to go,” Belle said.

It was as if the sky split open.

A jagged streak of lightning lit up the sky, illuminating the lead-grey clouds. It was followed by a deafening crash. Rain started to fall hard and fast. The three girls in their thin sundresses and bikinis shivered as a chill fell over the beach.

The ocean started to swell dramatically, churning and hurling itself onto the beach.

Martha bit her lip in worry.

“Look at those waves,” Belle whispered. They looked at their small dinghy.

“We’ll never make it.”

“The boy’s boat!” Mattie said, snapping her fingers. “They took a speedboat right? That could take some of us back to get help.”

“Do we have to ask them for help?” Belle & Martha said in synchronization.

“Do you want to be stuck here all night in the freezing cold?” Mattie said sarcastically, jogging on the firm wet sand to where the boys were.

“Hah. Suck,” Aden greeted her. “Come to beg for help?”

“Shut up,” she said curtly, whipping one of her wet braids over her shoulder. “We were thinking maybe me and one of you guys could go back in your boat to get some help.”

“OK,” Jack said, giving her a friendly smile. “We left it…over here…”

They walked a little way around the edge.

“At least, I think we did,” Jack said, frowning at the sand.

“Oh, f**k,” Aden whispered.

“The tide,” Geoff said quietly.

Another deafening crash of thunder.

Martha & Belle came running up to join them. “What’s going on?” they asked. They were extremely cold & chilly now in the rain.

“We’re stuck,” Mattie said, looking at the ground, then up at the three boys. Three boys that each girl had a reason not to be around. Three boys they were stranded on an island with.

“No!” Belle cried.

“Yep,” Aden said.

Stay tuned for part 2, with all that skinny dipping and forbidden kissing and stuff I mentioned...

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Ok, so I've caught up with this fic and just WOW! :o That goes for both the last chapter and all the one before it!!!

I'm loving Geoff and Mattie! I just hope they get their heads together soon and sort something out between them!!

Loving Adelle, as per! The banter is great, and so are their actions [the beer was hilarious!]

I'm even liking JnM, which hasn't happened for a good year or so! :lol:

So yeah... cannot wait for more! The footy match was just so clever, and now them being stuck there is just pure brilliance! :P

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