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Summer Bay's Romeo and Juliet

Guest Adelle2008

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Just read the last couple of chapters :)

Pleased Belle came back & they are ok about the baby now. Love the baby names.

Wonder what will happen at the camp?!

Looking forward to more.


Chapter 18

After Rachel finished singing Nicole ran outside in a cantankerous manner.

"Nicole, wait"

"What" she yelled.

"What's going on, why are you upset?" Geoff asked inquisitively.

"I'm upset because my boyfriend whose suppose to be totally into me is checking out Rachel, not only is he lying to me about his true feelings he is fooling me into thinking that he's into me, when he is not!"

"Nic, I seriously have no idea what you're talking about….Nicole I already told you Melody and I are just friends"

"I'm not talking about her; I'm talking about that Belle's sister Rachel"

"We're just- -"

"Friends! Yeah I know you keep saying that but we both know that's not true"

"Nicole, just let me talk"

"No just forget it….i love you Geoff but obviously that's not enough"


"I love you Geoff" Nicole said quickly.

"Yes I love you too Rac - -Nicole" Geoff had just realized what he'd said. Nicole was crying and couldn't believe that he was in love with someone else. Rachel was standing at the door hiding behind some plants, she heard Geoff's startling confession. Rachel had to do something, Geoff couldn't break Nicole's heart.

"Geoff and I are just friends Nicole I told you that!" Rachel shrieked.

"Oh come on how dumb do I really look to you?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Rachel thought to herself. "Listen Nicole, Geoff is just confused that's all, yes we are close but when he's with you….when you're together its just like…. magic, you're suppose to be together" Rachel said seriously.

"Look you two are fooling anyone, oh well maybe except yourselves"


"No, it's over Geoff; I can't be with you anymore" Nicole's makeup was running down her face, smudged from all the tears that had fallen.

"Lets just talk about this" But before Nicole could he what Geoff had yelled to her she was gone. Running as fast as she could Nicole ran into her cabin and called her dad.


"Dad" Nicole sniffed.

Roman picked on his mobile. It was a little past ten at night. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I need you to take me home" she said eagerly.


"Because the whole camp f$c%king is a joke! Why the hell did I bring myself here, here with a bunch of freaking christens"

"Okay, just calm down I'll be there soon" Roman said in a reassuring voice.

Three days later….


"So how was the camp, guys?" Belle touched her stomach, looking at Rachel across from her"

"Oh it was just fantastic, Geoff admitted to Nicole accidentally may I add that he's in love with me and now Nicole's broken up with him and it's my entire fault. Jai kept on snoring every night so I got no sleep at all,, I lost my favourite pair of earrings and now I cant stop thinking about Geoff because I'm in love with him, but I told Nicole and Geoff that we're just friends, but the truth is I still love him" Rachel said sarcastically.

"Wow, sounds like you had a blast" Belle mocked.

"Just shut up Belle!" Rachel had had enough of Summer Bay. All she wanted to do was leave. The only two things keeping her here was Geoff and Belle. Now she's lost Geoff and most likely Belle after the way treated her.


Rachel was at Romans bumming around the house watching shows like Oprah and Dr. Phil. Nicole walked through the front door, they hadn't spoken since the two came back from camp. As Rachel didn't want to engage in confrontation, she avoided being in the same room as her. But today however she had no escape Nicole was ready to bring out her dark side. Rachel had quiet a mouth on her and was as feisty as her sister. If there was ever a face off with who could be the meanest Rachel would take first prize, but since she was indeed Christian and a kind and caring most of the time Rachel didn't like to get involve in any altercations.

"So have you and Geoff locked lips yet?" Nicole asked upfront.

"What no, of course no, but we were planning on going to the movies later this afternoon would you like to come?" Rachel asked courteously.

"Ahhh no thanks, I'll leave you two to get nice and cozy" Nicole said in a bitchy voice.

"Look you're the one who broke up with him not the other way around and besides I didn't force myself on Geoff or make him love me" she was starting to get frustrated. Inside she felt like she was going to explode no more miss nice girl she thought to herself but restrained herself from getting involved in a conflict.

"Oh hi Geoff perfect timing we were just talking about you" Nicole said derisively.

"What's going on?" Geoff was bewildered.

"Oh nothing…."

"Hey Nic you wanna come to the movies with us were going to see the film "Australia", it looks really good!" Geoff said with enthusiasm.

"No, I don't want to go and see that stupid movie and especially not with your stupid girlfriend"

"Rachel is not stupid I love her"

"What?' Rachel was shocked.

"Yeah I do….I love you…..I think you're the most perfect girl in the world. When I'm with you nothing else matters, you taught me not to take things so seriously, you bring me lots of joy in life and I've missed you so much." Geoff turned to Nicole "And Nicole you are also important to me, your friendship means everything to me…..i hope we can go back to being friends again….hopefully soon…I understand if you don't want to...just think about it please, you also make life great" Geoff said forthrightly.

There was a silence for several minutes; Geoff non-verbally indicated to Rachel that they should get going. Nicole eyed Geoff and turned away and walked into the kitchen to grab a hot chocolate.


"Arrgh…" Belle raced around the house like a lunatic.

"Belle what are you doing, you should be resting"

"Aden what does it look like I'm doing housework, it needs to be done!" Belle said crossly.

Belle had washed the dishes; turned the washing machine on with one load of washing completed as well as the washing Belle vacuumed the lounge room.

"Oh sh$t" Belle slammed the door.

"What is it" Aden asked bamboozled.

"I put out the dry washing!"

"What? How does that even happen?"

"I don't know I was busy, not thinking…great now I've got to take the bloody washing off the line and put the wet washing on the line, I'm such an idiot"

Aden was busting to laugh but thought it would make the situation worse and said instead "Look Belle you're tired, pregnant and need to rest. Now march yourself into your room immediately!"

"I don't take orders I'm afraid" Belle retaliated.

"Belle…" Aden pushed gently.

"Alright…!" Belle finally gave in, after all she was exhausted.

"Oh my god!" Belle yelled in horror. Aden rushed into the bedroom.


"Look at my stomach, it looks like a balloon!"

"Yeah" Aden chuckled "That's perfectly normally, usually that's what happens when you have a baby growing inside of you"

"Go on and laugh, you're not the one who has to go through this pain and look totally disgusting"

"Why would you look disgusting?"

"Umm...maybe because I'm going to get really big, I mean really really big!"

"So, I'm still going to find you beautiful"

"You say that now…"

"Belle seriously, you're the most gorgeous girl I've laid eyes on, for the record I don't care how big you get your still beautiful in my eyes" Aden smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thanks Aden and you know you're not too bad yourself" Belle grinned.

{South bank Cinema}


By the time Rachel and Geoff arrived at South Bank it was packed with people, Geoff offered to get the popcorn and a smash to share. Rachel sat on the carpet and waited for him to return, every now and then a guy would walk pass her and check her out, Rachel would be laughing inside, the guys made it so obviously it was amusing but at the same time embarrassing.

"Okay we can go in now" Geoff's hands were full.

"Here let me hold something"

"Nah, its fine" Geoff smiled unconformable, it was easy to see he was having trouble carrying everything.

"Look don't be stubborn, give me something to hold now" Rachel demanded.

"Okay you can carry the drink" Geoff handed her the rainbow smash.

"Wow…this is so heavy, come on you idiot give me something else to hold, you have your bag, the tickets, plus the two popcorns" Rachel then snatched the tickets off him quickly as they were heading up the stairs. As they both entered the dark enclosed room Rachel could feel the cool air touch her skin. The seats were covered in purple velvet a odd looking pattern was sewed on to the fabric.

"Honestly who designs these seat covers?"

"Hmmm what...why are you looking at the seat covers for…were here to see a movie, you notice the strangest things Rach."

"Hey I'm a girl, that's my job"

"Noticing things?"

"No being strange, you dork" Rachel punched him playfully in the arm. They stared into each others eyes for a moment and smiled. Feeling slightly embarrassed Geoff focused his eyes on his popcorn.

"This popcorn is so delicious" Rachel shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Yeah it's great...you know you eat like a man"

"What" Rachel said in a friendly way, she knew Geoff was just stirring her up.

"Just joking, you eat like a lady"

"Thank you" Rachel sat up straight fixing her posture.

The movie started it was forty minutes into the movie when Rachel decided to move her hand closer to Geoff's hand very slowly. Geoff could sense Rachel's hand moving closer to his hand, he didn't hold back and held her hand affectionately. Rachel decided to take a step further a rest her head onto his shoulder. Inside Geoff was smiling, an invisible and imaginary light beamed around his body. He felt on top of the world, he wished that the movie would last forever, so that that the moment they finally got to be together without any complications would be everlastingly.


It was around five thirty when Rachel and Geoff got back. Geoff wasn't sure if he should've gone inside with Rachel to avoid hurting Nicole even more. But Rachel was very convincing a Geoff agreed to go in. Just as they were about to enter Romans house, Rachel pulled Geoff closer and kissed him on the lips once, towards the end of the movie Rachel and Geoff started to make out, luckily they were at the back on the cinema. Rachel knew that Geoff felt uncomfortable kissing in public. After their lips had touched, Rachel said sweetly "Sorry I couldn't help myself"

"That's okay" Geoff whispered in her ear.

Nicole was in the kitchen listening to Aden's ipod, for some reason Nicole hadn't bought her own Ipod and was always stealing his, but she wasn't the only one Belle too loved "borrow" his ipod. Nicole saw the two come into the kitchen and took the earphones out hastily.


"Nicole, I'm sorry for coming in I didn't know if you would be at home or not and I don't want to hurt you feelings I- -"

"Geoff!" Nicole cut in.

"What..?" Geoff didn't expect to be cut off.

"It's alright….if you guys want to be together then…I have to deal with that and I'm sorry Rachel you're not stupid, you are actually one of the few people from this dump that actually has some in common with me, you're a really great friend and I've realized that friendship is more important than boyfriends and I can see how much you guys care about each other and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of that"

"Nicole….that's very understanding of you…are you sure you're alright with this?" Rachel could hardly speak.

"Yeah definitely….and besides I saw you two pashing each others faces off in the cinema this afternoon" Nicole flashed a big smile at them.

"What! Nicole …" Geoff was embarrassed.

"Yeah I had no idea you were into tongue kissing, can see that from a mile away"

Geoff's face went bright red. "I gotta - -gotta go"

Nicole and Rachel giggled. "I was only kidding…!" Nicole stretched her voice knowing that Geoff couldn't hear her.

"Muffin cakes! Come back!" Rachel teased.


Thanks for the comments guys. :lol:

I will try and update later this afternoon (Australian time). I have food posioning so I'm gonna have a rest then I'll start writing.


Chapter 19


Belle had been working all morning, she had no idea that her sister and Geoff had gotten back together. Rachel decided that to tell Belle as soon as possible. Geoff, Aden and Nicole were all at the diner that morning stuffing their faces with burgers and fries.

“So you’re dating Belle’s little sister?” Aden picked up a chip.

“Yeah…I guess its kind of weird were dating sisters”

“Ahhh not really…plus I’m not really dating Belle I’m going to marry her”

Rachel had arrived at the diner and saw her boyfriend, Aden and Nicole sitting at one of the tables. Their table was close to cash register. Before Rachel had the chance to take a seat Belle came out from the kitchen.

“Belle..!” Rachel said anxiously.

“Hi Rach, what’s up?”

“I need to tell you something” she said rubbing her arm with her hand nervously.

“So tell” Belle continued working, cleaning the bench with handy Andy.

“Geoff and I are back together”

“What?” Belle’s mouth dropped open.

“Yeah...isn’t that great?” Rachel was thrilled, but Belle’s reaction wasn’t what Rachel was anticipating. Belle showed flickers of anger and disappointment.

“What’s wrong?”

“Why did you guys break up?” Belle exchanged looks from Geoff and Nicole.

“It just wasn’t working out” Nicole said showing no sign of weakness; Nicole was still in love with Geoff but knew it was time to let go.

“Rachel Nicole loves him and can’t you see that, you have no right to interfere”

“What? No, Geoff didn’t cheat on Nicole, if that’s what you’re thinking”

“I know you think you’re in love with Geoff but Nicole loves Geoff they have been together for over 6 months and they’re happy…”

“But I love him Taylor”

“You think you do, but you’re just jealous that you’re best friend has moved on and you’re afraid that he’s replacing you with someone else”

“No that’s not true …I do love him”

“Yeah, only as a friend!” Belle yelled.

“No I love him more than a friend, just shut up you don’t know what you’re talking about”

“Geoff and Nicole are meant to be together, Geoff loves Nicole”

“What proof do you have?”

“Because when they were trapped on an island they slept together!”

Rachel gasped with shock. Geoff had never told her that he had slept with anyone besides her.

“What? Is this true Geoff?” Rachel looked at Geoff.

“Ye...Yeah” Geoff froze.

“Well guess what Belle Taylor I’ve slept with Geoff as well!”

“What?” Nicole was disgusted.

“When…I thought…” Belle could hardly speak.

“Well you thought wrong, that’s right big sister I slept with Geoff and guess what we slept together when I was 17 and I love him”

“I don’t believe you!” Belle screamed.

“So that means I was the first one to sleep with Geoff, that means that I lost my virginity before you, and that means that I don’t need your approval to be with the man I love” .

“I hate you, how dare you lie to my face and hook up my best friend’s boyfriend”

“Like you can talk, how many times have you cheated on guys and lied to my face, there were always secrets you kept from me”

“When have ever lied to you?” Belle thought back to her brother.

“You and Ty always kept secrets from me”

“What makes you think that?”

“Whenever I came in a room you guys would stop talking but have these serious faces on, or i would hear you two fighting then I would come in and the next thing I know you’re jumping up and down hugging each other laughing and pretending like everything is alright”


“No, Belle and you know what how dare you give me any relationship advice because you’re just a little slut whose father gave you up at the first possible chance he got”

“You’re such a b%tch”

Belle was so upset with her sister that she ran out of the diner, Aden chased after her but couldn’t catch up. Belle had been so stressed out with work and the baby, Aden decided to go to Belle’s and do some cleaning to take the pressure off her.


Aden thought Belle’s bedroom was the first place that really needed to be cleaned. First he made the bed, dusted her dresser, put away her clothes, and put her dirty clothes in the basket. Belle’s floor was extremely dirty so Aden got out the vacuum and began sucking up all the bits and pieces of paper from magazines Belle had been reading from, she had been cutting out possible wedding dresses. Aden was definitely came close to what a perfect partner should be, at the back of his mind Aden was hoping he would get lucky in the bedroom later that night. Aden was vacuuming around her bed when he noticed a book that had been pushed under her bed by the vacuum. The book looked like any ordinary notebook; Aden however didn’t realize it was Belle’s diary. He causally opened the book, he was on page 15. He apprehend that it was indeed a diary but read it anyway.

15 September 2006.

My brother and I had another fight about our fathers. It’s always the same fight. Ty always says how lucky I am to have a father that I never knew and who was known as a legend. So what if my father was a CIA agent? But still I can understand why Ty hates his father. I’m only trying to help my brother, since he was sexually abused by my step-father he cant take his shirt of in public, is afraid people will label him as gay, goes to the gym every chance he gets, he never had sex let alone a girlfriend and wont let anyone touch him, except me. I just cant take this anymore the pressure is building up, I have no one to talk to about this, Ty wont let me tell anyone. Not even Rachel. I hate keeping this a secret. Not only do I have to deal with Ty’s problem, I have to sit back and watch him go through hell. Every now and then Ty will get sick, HIV is a really overwhelming illness and Ty often feels tired.

Aden was shocked. He flicked through a couple more pages, he knew reading Belle’s diary wasn’t the right thing to do but he couldn’t control his curiosity.

21 December 2006.

God why did you take my brother away from me? How could you do this? Was it because I refused to pray every night? Was it because I couldn’t bring myself to attend church or read the bible? This just gives me another reason to hate you god. My brother is dead, the reason he is dead is because god allowed a priest to molest my brother and as a result of that my brother contracted HIV. I just don’t understand why you would let this happen!

Bindi Belle Taylor xx.

[bindi is Belle’s first name in French, Belle is half French, and her father was born in French]

“Aden” Belle saw him reading her diary.


“What are you doing with my diary?”

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me that your brother was abused by his father and that he died of HIV?” Aden threw the diary against the wall.

“Aden…I….cant explain” Belle started to cry.

“You know what just forget it”

“Aden wait”

“No Belle, you lied to me”

“Aden I’m sorry”

“No you’re not!” Aden walked towards the front door, Belle stood in front of him blacking the entrance preventing him from leaving.

“I couldn’t tell you”

“What because your brother didn’t want people to know, well I’m your fiancée and I suffered abuse don’t you think I have the right to know?”

“I was going to tell you”

“Ohh yeah like when? The day before our wedding”

“Aden, I love you, please don’t go” Belle begged him, her tears made the mascara applied on her eyelashes run.

“Move Belle….Move” Aden shoved his way past her.

After Aden left Belle’s stomach felt a sharp pain. Stressed and tired Belle entered her room and fell on her bed crying and crawled into a ball protecting her baby.

{Dream World} Goldcoast.

To take their mind off Belle and Rachel argument Geoff suggested that they should go to Dream World for the day. Rachel wasn’t sure due to the number of teens that would be at the Gold Coast because of Schoolies but agreed to anyway. By the time Rachel and Geoff left the theme park it was 7pm. There were no trains because of maintenance; the buses were running every 30 minutes.

“So did you have fun?” Geoff cuddled Rachel.

“Yes, I did” Rachel smiled and kissed Geoff on the lips.

“What was your favourite part of the day?”

“Hmm…I know the part when I saw your sexy six-pack, very hot”

Geoff blushed. “I meant ride”

“Ohh I can’t remember I was too distracted by your good looks”

“Rach be serious”

“I am”

Geoff laughed out loud.

“I did have a favourite ride, it was the flo rida, I love surfing”

“Yeah that was wicked”

“Oh and I loved the lolly shop”

“Me too”

“What was that for?” Rachel kissed him again on the lips.

“Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?”

“Um no” Geoff returned the kiss.


“Jai, where are you going?” Jai had been drinking heavily when he decided to get behind the wheel.

“I’ll be back soon dudes just going for a ride”

“Alright, cya dude!” Jai and his mates had been on the beach sculling down excessive amounts of alcohol. Jai vision began to burry and his ability to drive in a straight line worsen,

“Hey guys!” Jai parked in front of the bus stop.

“Hey Jai” Rachel was surprised to see Jai. By looking at him you couldn’t tell he was drunk.

“We’re just waiting for a bus”

“I can give you a ride” Jai offered, he was now feeling drowsy.

“Are you sure?” Rachel called out.

“Yeah, not a prob…lem”

Rachel and Geoff didn’t sense that there was anything wrong and jumped into the car. Jai managed to drive 25 metres until he swerved.

“Jai” Rachel screamed.

Jai struggled to keep his eyes opened. “Yeah, it’s alright”

“Jai, stop the car right now!” Geoff yelled over the radio which was turned on full blast.

Rachel and Geoff were sitting in the back seat and couldn’t see his body moving from side to side.

The car was heading for a tree.

“Jai” Rachel cried.

The cars front lights were no longer working, blood covered Jai’s face; the front wind screen was smashed. The three teenagers were unconscious.

Ten minutes later an ambulance officer arrived at the scene.

“Sweetie can you hear me?” The paramedic shook Rachel there was no response.

Schoolies {Celebrates the end of year 12 usually last for a week}


  Adelle2008 said:
Thanks for the comments guys. :lol:

I will try and update later this afternoon (Australian time). I have food posioning so I'm gonna have a rest then I'll start writing.


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