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Summer Bay's Romeo and Juliet

Guest Adelle2008

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Chapter 19


Belle had been working all morning, she had no idea that her sister and Geoff had gotten back together. Rachel decided that to tell Belle as soon as possible. Geoff, Aden and Nicole were all at the diner that morning stuffing their faces with burgers and fries.

"So you're dating Belle's little sister?" Aden picked up a chip.

"Yeah…I guess its kind of weird were dating sisters"

"Ahhh not really…plus I'm not really dating Belle I'm going to marry her"

Rachel had arrived at the diner and saw her boyfriend, Aden and Nicole sitting at one of the tables. Their table was close to cash register. Before Rachel had the chance to take a seat Belle came out from the kitchen.

"Belle..!" Rachel said anxiously.

"Hi Rach, what's up?"

"I need to tell you something" she said rubbing her arm with her hand nervously.

"So tell" Belle continued working, cleaning the bench with handy Andy.

"Geoff and I are back together"

"What?" Belle's mouth dropped open.

"Yeah...isn't that great?" Rachel was thrilled, but Belle's reaction wasn't what Rachel was anticipating. Belle showed flickers of anger and disappointment.

"What's wrong?"

"Why did you guys break up?" Belle exchanged looks from Geoff and Nicole.

"It just wasn't working out" Nicole said showing no sign of weakness; Nicole was still in love with Geoff but knew it was time to let go.

"Rachel Nicole loves him and can't you see that, you have no right to interfere"

"What? No, Geoff didn't cheat on Nicole, if that's what you're thinking"

"I know you think you're in love with Geoff but Nicole loves Geoff they have been together for over 6 months and they're happy…"

"But I love him Taylor"

"You think you do, but you're just jealous that you're best friend has moved on and you're afraid that he's replacing you with someone else"

"No that's not true …I do love him"

"Yeah, only as a friend!" Belle yelled.

"No I love him more than a friend, just shut up you don't know what you're talking about"

"Geoff and Nicole are meant to be together, Geoff loves Nicole"

"What proof do you have?"

"Because when they were trapped on an island they slept together!"

Rachel gasped with shock. Geoff had never told her that he had slept with anyone besides her.

"What? Is this true Geoff?" Rachel looked at Geoff.

"Ye...Yeah" Geoff froze.

"Well guess what Belle Taylor I've slept with Geoff as well!"

"What?" Nicole was disgusted.

"When…I thought…" Belle could hardly speak.

"Well you thought wrong, that's right big sister I slept with Geoff and guess what we slept together when I was 17 and I love him"

"I don't believe you!" Belle screamed.

"So that means I was the first one to sleep with Geoff, that means that I lost my virginity before you, and that means that I don't need your approval to be with the man I love" .

"I hate you, how dare you lie to my face and hook up my best friend's boyfriend"

"Like you can talk, how many times have you cheated on guys and lied to my face, there were always secrets you kept from me"

"When have ever lied to you?" Belle thought back to her brother.

"You and Ty always kept secrets from me"

"What makes you think that?"

"Whenever I came in a room you guys would stop talking but have these serious faces on, or i would hear you two fighting then I would come in and the next thing I know you're jumping up and down hugging each other laughing and pretending like everything is alright"


"No, Belle and you know what how dare you give me any relationship advice because you're just a little slut whose father gave you up at the first possible chance he got"

"You're such a b%tch"

Belle was so upset with her sister that she ran out of the diner, Aden chased after her but couldn't catch up. Belle had been so stressed out with work and the baby, Aden decided to go to Belle's and do some cleaning to take the pressure off her.


Aden thought Belle's bedroom was the first place that really needed to be cleaned. First he made the bed, dusted her dresser, put away her clothes, and put her dirty clothes in the basket. Belle's floor was extremely dirty so Aden got out the vacuum and began sucking up all the bits and pieces of paper from magazines Belle had been reading from, she had been cutting out possible wedding dresses. Aden was definitely came close to what a perfect partner should be, at the back of his mind Aden was hoping he would get lucky in the bedroom later that night. Aden was vacuuming around her bed when he noticed a book that had been pushed under her bed by the vacuum. The book looked like any ordinary notebook; Aden however didn't realize it was Belle's diary. He causally opened the book, he was on page 15. He apprehend that it was indeed a diary but read it anyway.

15 September 2006.

My brother and I had another fight about our fathers. It's always the same fight. Ty always says how lucky I am to have a father that I never knew and who was known as a legend. So what if my father was a CIA agent? But still I can understand why Ty hates his father. I'm only trying to help my brother, since he was sexually abused by my step-father he cant take his shirt of in public, is afraid people will label him as gay, goes to the gym every chance he gets, he never had sex let alone a girlfriend and wont let anyone touch him, except me. I just cant take this anymore the pressure is building up, I have no one to talk to about this, Ty wont let me tell anyone. Not even Rachel. I hate keeping this a secret. Not only do I have to deal with Ty's problem, I have to sit back and watch him go through hell. Every now and then Ty will get sick, HIV is a really overwhelming illness and Ty often feels tired.

Aden was shocked. He flicked through a couple more pages, he knew reading Belle's diary wasn't the right thing to do but he couldn't control his curiosity.

21 December 2006.

God why did you take my brother away from me? How could you do this? Was it because I refused to pray every night? Was it because I couldn't bring myself to attend church or read the bible? This just gives me another reason to hate you god. My brother is dead, the reason he is dead is because god allowed a priest to molest my brother and as a result of that my brother contracted HIV. I just don't understand why you would let this happen!

Bindi Belle Taylor xx.

[bindi is Belle's first name its French, Belle is half French, and her father was born in French]

"Aden" Belle saw him reading her diary.


"What are you doing with my diary?"

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that your brother was abused by his father and that he died of HIV?" Aden threw the diary against the wall.

"Aden…I….cant explain" Belle started to cry.

"You know what just forget it"

"Aden wait"

"No Belle, you lied to me"

"Aden I'm sorry"

"No you're not!" Aden walked towards the front door, Belle stood in front of him blacking the entrance preventing him from leaving.

"I couldn't tell you"

"What because your brother didn't want people to know, well I'm your fiancée and I suffered abuse don't you think I have the right to know?"

"I was going to tell you"

"Ohh yeah like when? The day before our wedding"

"Aden, I love you, please don't go" Belle begged him, her tears made the mascara applied on her eyelashes run.

"Move Belle….Move" Aden shoved his way past her.

After Aden left Belle's stomach felt a sharp pain. Stressed and tired Belle entered her room and fell on her bed crying and crawled into a ball protecting her baby.

{Dream World} Goldcoast.

To take their mind off Belle and Rachel argument Geoff suggested that they should go to Dream World for the day. Rachel wasn't sure due to the number of teens that would be at the Gold Coast because of Schoolies but agreed to anyway. By the time Rachel and Geoff left the theme park it was 7pm. There were no trains because of maintenance; the buses were running every 30 minutes.

"So did you have fun?" Geoff cuddled Rachel.

"Yes, I did" Rachel smiled and kissed Geoff on the lips.

"What was your favourite part of the day?"

"Hmm…I know the part when I saw your sexy six-pack, very hot"

Geoff blushed. "I meant ride"

"Ohh I can't remember I was too distracted by your good looks"

"Rach be serious"

"I am"

Geoff laughed out loud.

"I did have a favourite ride, it was the flo rida, I love surfing"

"Yeah that was wicked"

"Oh and I loved the lolly shop"

"Me too"

"What was that for?" Rachel kissed him again on the lips.

"Do I need a reason to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Um no" Geoff returned the kiss.



"Jai, where are you going?" Jai had been drinking heavily when he decided to get behind the wheel.

"I'll be back soon dudes just going for a ride"

"Alright, cya dude!" Jai and his mates had been on the beach sculling down excessive amounts of alcohol. Jai vision began to burry and his ability to drive in a straight line worsen,

"Hey guys!" Jai parked in front of the bus stop.

"Hey Jai" Rachel was surprised to see Jai. By looking at him you couldn't tell he was drunk.

"We're just waiting for a bus"

"I can give you a ride" Jai offered, he was now feeling drowsy.

"Are you sure?" Rachel called out.

"Yeah, not a prob…lem"

Rachel and Geoff didn't sense that there was anything wrong and jumped into the car. Jai managed to drive 25 metres until he swerved.

"Jai" Rachel screamed.

Jai struggled to keep his eyes opened. "Yeah, it's alright"

"Jai, stop the car right now!" Geoff yelled over the radio which was turned on full blast.

Rachel and Geoff were sitting in the back seat and couldn't see his body moving from side to side.

The car was heading for a tree.

"Jai" Rachel cried.

The cars front lights were no longer working, blood covered Jai's face; the front wind screen was smashed. The three teenagers were unconscious.

Ten minutes later an ambulance officer arrived at the scene.

"Sweetie can you hear me?" The paramedic shook Rachel there was no response.

Schoolies {Celebrates the end of year 12 usually last for a week}

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Hey guys it might be a while before I update again, so here are some questions for you...

What do you think will happen

Someone will die in the car crash who will it be?

Cassie is back, but why?

Should Aden forgive Belle after she lied to him about her brother's abuse?

Is there something wrong with Belle's baby?

Diamond_Ring.jpg << Here is what Belle's wedding ring looks like.


This is written from the perspective of one of the teens who survived the crash.

This was not meant to happen.

Why did they have to get in the car?

I stood up shaking my best friend was now gone, I knew I had to be strong. I slowly walked over to the front while occasionally scanning the audience only to witness sympathic eyes, they were red as beetroot. My heart was pounding; I could feel the pressure on my heart, causing my chest to feel tight. I swear it almost felt like another panic attack. I tried to speak, the words wouldn’t come out, how was I suppose to say goodbye. I stared into Aden’s blue eyes who somehow gave me strength, after several attempts of forcing vocal cords to work I began to read.

A young life is now gone

His spirit has been sent beyond

We will miss him dearly

May he rest in peace,

He is now deceased

While time may heal,

Loved ones will never forget the day

An innocent life was taken away.

I sat down still shaking. It was amazing that I was able to hold the paper I had written my poem on still. The adults were just as upset as the teenagers. Miles hadn’t spent that much time with him but felt torn up inside. Irene was shattered covering her mouth with her wrinkled hand. But the person most affected by this accident was Annie; she had lost her best friend. Even though she didn’t say very often how much the person meant to her, she wished that she could go back in time and just say how much she cared about him. Belle was feeling so overwhelmed Aden and her baby was the only thing keeping her sane at this point in time. Before the accident Belle and Rachel had an argument, Belle wished that she had never yelled at Rachel. After her brother died she always reminded herself to keep Rachel safe and shower her with love. Belle felt so guilty, how could she have let this happened to her sister. She was all the family she had left.

After everybody had spoken it was time to say goodbye. Saying goodbye is the hardest thing I have ever experienced in my life. I did get the chance to say goodbye to my mother but as I got older and was constantly being surrounded by friends who had mothers I began to miss her. I couldn’t let go of her, I felt her presence every day. Like I said before saying goodbye is the hardest thing I have ever experienced. My father was had also left this life. As the coffin was being carried out I quickly looked into the eyes of the priest asking with my eyes ‘why did god let this happened? Why did he take someone else away from me?” Looking at the coffin all I could think of is why they insisted in having such a large coffin for such a tiny special little person.

“Goodbye, I love you” Annie wiped away a tear, and then walked away slowly. She was like a zombie, walking to no particular place, her body floated in the distance. I could see all the joy and happiness had been striped from her.

“It’s going to be alright love, he is safe now” Irene comforted Belle, placing one arm around her.

“Goodbye mate, it was nice to know you” Aden whispered in the wind.

“I’ll never forget you, never” I spoke with tears in my eyes, to stop my make-up from being ruined I closed my eyes.

{ Hope you like it! So who do you you think died? }


I though that it was

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Jai too

, but I'm not so sure now considering that it says that Rachel and Belle were good mates with them. Maybe it was

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But then Miles... Hmmm... yup, I'm confuzzled!

More soon please!



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