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Character/Actor Appreciation

Guest Eli

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I have to apologise about posting UK spoilers. I forgot that the Character Discussions are supposed to be at UK pace. I'd gotten used to all the "contains spoilers" notes on the old threads. I didn't even connect that we've been posting spoilers because I'm obviously at Aus pace. Sorry. I actually moved a thread discussing a couples' breakup out of Aus discussion the other day and put it in the Character Discussion thread. My apologies to the person who started that thread, it was in the right place to start with. My bad.

This is maybe a bit OT, but since we are talking about it.... As you are saying the previous threads have had spoiler warnings, so I've never thought about the UK/Aus issue. For me, and I guess for other non-UK/Aus residents this is actually a bit of a problem - I watch at Aus pace and Norwegian pace, but I have absolutely no idea what has happened in the UK, and would not know what to post in spoiler tags. Besides, it means we can only discuss character related stuff that happened a while ago. A bit disappointing, I like the new threads, and was looking forward to getting more involved in those discussions.

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There's no need to get carried away over the spoiler issue here, don't worry :)

The old threads had spoiler warnings. Some of them did anyway, but also in those without warnings spoilers happened, and in some of the threads with a warning there hadn't been a spoiler in months. Basically I think a good rule is that anything really big happening, or details about something that's happening should be put in tags, and generally if you're unsure make it tagged. I'll admit that this is something we need to look into in Staffghanistan, cause this is not an ideal system, and I can see many problems with it. But I'll post it in there and we'll have a look at it :)

In the meantime, please don't let this discourage you from posting in those threads, if you make a mistake there's always MP and a staff member ready to fix it for you until we have a more solid policy on this :wink:


Thank you, Eli, for a fast respons and for taking it seriously. I'll keep your words in mind and start posting :D. I think the new discussion threads are great, they make it possible to have more balanced character discussion than the old ones.


That didn't really need to be brought up okay. I really hate how fans of golden couples are so unfairly stereotyped. As a huge fan of Jack and martha before and now, Aden and Belle, I've seen this type of conflicts for as long as I've been on home and away forums and it is very annoying for us fans. We are constantly accused of things and people just judge you one way or another if you are a fan of the golden couple.

And, sorry but I have to say this, I feel like these character discussion threads are now corrupted with long draining essays that are just tiring to read all the time. It makes those who aren't as comfortable writing such in depth discussions reluctant to post in there. But I guess you can't win.

I think you have touched on the real issue here. You see I am one of the older ( perhaps elderly ) posters. Sometimes I like to post at length sometimes I like to post something shorter. Your reference to "long, draining essays" is in itself a stereotype. Can't both types of posts exist side by side without one group getting annoyed with the other?

Maybe. But the reason for this new system was to get rid of the old type of 'discussions' that ocurred, which were more favourable to me personally but apparently copped a lot of complaint for members who don't like 'chatty' type discussions, hence the revamp. I'm just saying now these posts are quite long and as complex as the characters. I don't think that is a stereotype, but when I talk about the super couples on the show, people often stereotype us as a group of certain fans.

And Slade, I wasn't referring to you when I said stereotyped. I've been on these forums for almost 3 years and have seen it in general.


No problem! :)

It wasn’t just the members that didn’t really like certain discussions or posts. If I recall even the moderators said they didn’t feel comfortable in certain threads. I do have to agree with you about stereotyping but this happens with most power couples as usually either you love them or you hate them. Now that have changed the nature of the threads and the posts have to physically be approved, this should prove detrimental to any stereotyping as such.


That's correct. It got to a point where many of us felt really uncomfortable, because not only was it impossible for us (or anyone else for that matter) to keep up with the discussions and actually contribute to it, because so many of the regulars were posting so fast our posts just got lost; but also because some people were directly rude. We did try to deal with the individual cases, but it really has gone too far when you can't even go into a thread and make a polite post asking someone to stop doing something, and basically be told to get lost. But like I said, things seem to be working better now, and hopefully it will stay that way, and people will feel like using that section again :)


Can some one add a Miles and Roman - mates forever - thread in there please? - I tried but it wouldn't let me add a new thread. Theirs is a unique friendship at present and worth some discussion and appreciation I think.


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