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What are they doing to Ruby? Is ruining Roman by writing him completely out of character lately not enough for them? After what little we saw of Ruby and Xavier last year I already didn't like her around him but I hoped that they'd somehow try and change the way she behaved around him this year. But I guess they aren't going to. And the comments on today's episode leaves me thinking that she's going to be even worse here. I think Xavier was the worse thing that has happened to her character. A fiesty girl who's willing to go after what she wants is one thing, but around Xavier, Ruby just comes of as clingy and desperate. Which doesn't feel like the girl we got to know before he arrived. I'm not sure what the writers are going for with their scenes. Are we supposd to like the way she acts around him?

Edited by Jody

She is SO painful and cringeworthy to watch at the moment. It's like she has absolutely no self respect. I have absolutely no issues with a girl being forward but her continuous throwing herself at him when he makes it clear he's not interested, only for her to turn around and basically try and hand herself to him on a platter when he's told her that he's still into his ex. URGH- it's cheap and it's embarassing to watch. I loved her when she was introduced, she was so carefree and easy going, I guess they've sort of kept that element of her personality but this is taking it another unpleasant direction. It really, really is. Mix their irritating relationship with the fact alone that I hate when they introduce characters just to throw them into relationships straight away (I want to get get to know the character first) and it makes for an awful looking storyline on the horizon.


I just watched the last two episodes of this week, and time after time it strikes me what a good actress Bec is! I know she's a little bit older than many of the other teen characters' actors, and she might have had more experience, but still, she's WAY above average! She did some really good acting in the scenes with Xavier and them coming to terms with their feelings for each other. Scenes like that usually don't impress me, but they both (well, especially Bec) did such a great job it really seemed like a really realistic moment and conversation between two teenagers in that situation.


You know, for a while there Ruby was what Leah is most of the time, a piece of furniture. I can only remember her having a few moments last year. When her boyfriend broke up with her, when she found out about Ross's condition and her friendship with Annie. Apart from that... nothing.

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I'm pleased she's been mentioned in the spoilers, even if it's with Xavier.

I think I like their relationship/friendship.

I also think Rebecca is a really good actress so I hope they give her some really good material to work with this year!

  • 2 weeks later...

When she first came into the show as someone said I thought she was a breath of fresh air - interesting nice, lively and feisty. I liked the chats with Charlie she had in the Den re relationship advice. I always thought it was a bit odd a 15 year old girl giving her older sister dating tips but it worked well. The problem why I felt she hadn’t improved sufficiently (compared to her sister at the time) was because (as several others) she didn’t have a major storyline and hadn’t been sufficiently integrated with some of the other characters.

Her father was then diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and she started to act out of character and go off the rails slightly. She had also isolated herself from her two best friends (Annie and Jai) and it looked as though the writers had opened things up for possible storylines. Her one location of solace appeared to be an Internet based chatroom where it looked as though she’d met someone who could understand where she was coming from and empathise with her regarding her father’s condition. Although it turned out to be Lyons posing as a girl and she then went on the exact revenge by humiliating him over the Internet by making him run nude on the beach, I still thought they should have continued with that storyline. But they had to go and ruin it by making him get her back and destroy any chance of a possible romance.

After she read his note and discovered that his Nan had the same condition I would rather the writers have made Lyons go back into his shell and then see he and Ruby sort things out, bond and eventually start dating but they destroyed that by making him humiliate her yet again and they ending up hating each other. To make matters worse they had to bring Xavier into the equation and make Ruby pin after him and pursue him out of sheer desperation. I’m not sure how in character that is but Ruby is reaching the point where she’s almost besotted. And I myself am now finding it increasingly harder to see her as anything other that slightly annoying although I still quite like her.


I love the way Ruby is acting around Xavier at the moment, because I think it's a storyline that many fans can identify with - thinking back of times that we ourselves had fallen for people, and acted unlike ourselves in order to get their attention / strive to keep their attractions / whatever.

My heart really goes out to her; it seems that she's honestly fallen for him here, really hard - and can

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see how bad Freya is for him, which, I think, is why she stupidly sticks her neck out for him.

That said, I'm [really] annoyed that nothing else came of the Ruby / Matthew storyline. Judging by how attached Ruby seems to get to people, I find it odd that all of a sudden, (a) she's not spending any time on the internet at all, and, (b) it seems to have been entirely forgotten about the episode with Matthew posting up her most personal, PRIVATE thoughts all around the school. I felt they really skipped over this too much.

But, looking forward to seeing what's coming up for Ruby and Xaiver :D

Rock on Ruby! :)

  • 2 months later...

Ruby hasn't been as bad too watch recently. But I think that it might be because shes the only part of this Joey/Charlie storyline that I'm finding believable. It's good to see her playing the sister role and giving Charlie advice on handling her relationships again. It's one of the things I used to like about her, not sure I always agreed with her advice but it was still nice to watch.

Since Ruby's been with Xavier, she just seems to have lost all her spark.

I have to agree with this though. While she isn't as bad as she got during the Xavier and Freya stuff and I do still like the character she really has lost her spark. And she's nowhere close to being as good of a character as she was.

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