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Ah, Geoff, Geoff, Geoff... I know a lot of people don't like him, but to me he was one of the best new breaths of fresh air last year. He wasn't all that good in early 2008, but they've really made him interesting again now, and who would have guessed Nicole would have been the one to make him interesting?


So, what does everyone else think of Geoff?

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Geoff absolutely cracks me up! he is one of the best newcomers in my eyes, it's just so refreshing to have a character on the show who you cant compare to anyone else. I know alot of people dont like his judgemental side, but i really do, it would be wrong if suddenly all of his beliefs went out the window and he didnt have an opinion on certain issues. I'm really looking forward to seeing where they take his character next, especially with Nicole


For most of Geoff's time on the show I've really really disliked him. I found him to be sanctimonious, pushy and just hypocritical I suppose. The moment that really stands out is his immediate judgement of Cassie after finding out about her HIV, even though he apologised afterwards it just really didn't sit right with me.

But lately he's really grown on me. And my love of Nicole is reflecting on him. I love that he's not with Melody, the obvious choice, and Nicole's great for him. I really want to see how he develops now as a character and now as one half of a couple.


I love Geoff; his innocence, his naivity, his faith, his passion for justice of right and wrong is just amazing. A lot of shows and actors can't pull it off, but Lincoln Lewis and home and away have really pulled it all off really well. Although I feel that his whole posioning the sheep to get back at his grandfather was slightly out of character, we all have bad days. I love his guiltiness of what happened on the island. I loved the fact that he got on that boat because he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to Nicole... he does everything out of love and kindness and usually thinks about it afterwards, and that I love about him.

His smile is illuminating and it makes me want to smile as well, because it just radiates naiveness. I love him and Nicole together, and I loved when he first came to live with Irene and his reactions to Belle walking around in a bikini, because it really emphaised his and Annie's sheltered upbringing.

My faouirte all time scene of Geoff was his drunk scenes and his protecting of Annie scenes and of coures hitting Aden, that was just classic, he was clearly asking for it.


Where can I start with Geoff?

He is a brillant character who still has his sense of humour.

I love how he is a respective christian and how everyone accepts it.

His smile is gorgeous I notice he grins the same to.

I am loving the fact that he is with Nicole now. They look like they enjoy each others company.

I cant wait for more scenes for Geoff.


I really like Goeff now. I couldn't stand him when he was first on, the character and his storylines just didn't interest me at all. Now however I think he's great and I do think that it's because of Nicole that I now like him :P She brings something fun and somewhat carefree out in him making him much more enjoyable to watch.

I like the fact that, although he had sex, he has kept his faith and decided not to do it again. Had the writers decided that, having done it once he might aswel keep doing it, that would have ruined the character for me. He still has some innocence but isn't as frigid as I used to think he was. I really enjoy watching him and Nicole together :)


I loved Geoff from the start, he is just a great character! He is incredibly hot, but there is so much more to him than just his appeal...

And how WELL does he go with Nicole!? Their relationship is deep and fun at the same time, there's Nicole's knowledge and experience in life and there is Geoff's naivety, and there's just this undeniable attraction between them. With Melody & Geoff it was all "ooh, cute, sweet, they're having their first kiss" but there is just so much more with Nicoff!

Maybe I should just start up a Nic/Geoff thread and get my ass out of here :D


I agree with you guys: at first I thought that Geoff was way too strict but I knew that it all came from the way he'd been raised. I found him rather annoying sometimes, specially when dealing with his sister and when he criticised other people (Cassie, for instance) without pausing to think things through.

Now, whereas I really didn't like him with Melody for, in my opinion, she didn't really bring anything to the relationship and even made him become nearly as obessive as she is, I love him with Nicole for, like I said in her own thread, she complements him almost perfectly and makes him laugh and smile a lot more often than anyone else. I think he's lucky that he's not only found someone he loves, but also she loves him back and is also prepared to live according to the standards set by his faith. I only hope he realises that! ^_^


I personally didn't mind Geoff and was so delighted when he won the Logie for Best Male Talent, but from the Olympic Finale, he started to grate on me. I found the whole stranded on a deserted island saga fanciful at best. He got speared in the leg, yet could bolt across the beach with just a whince of pain on his face. Terrible acting in my opinion from both Lincoln and Tessa. After what they went through, they still had energy to playfully chase each other around the island.

Geoff has strong Christian values, yet he succumbed to Nicole on the island. Here I was thinking he was a frigid who didn't know how to kiss poor Melody, yet he had no qualms of having unprotected sex.

  • 5 weeks later...

  Hodgo4 said:
I personally didn't mind Geoff and was so delighted when he won the Logie for Best Male Talent, but from the Olympic Finale, he started to grate on me. I found the whole stranded on a deserted island saga fanciful at best. He got speared in the leg, yet could bolt across the beach with just a whince of pain on his face. Terrible acting in my opinion from both Lincoln and Tessa. After what they went through, they still had energy to playfully chase each other around the island.

Geoff has strong Christian values, yet he succumbed to Nicole on the island. Here I was thinking he was a frigid who didn't know how to kiss poor Melody, yet he had no qualms of having unprotected sex.

Thats exactly how I felt about the whole island thing as well. I know lots of people were impressed by it but I had way too hard a time trying to take any of it seriously. I know it's a soap and I usually never care when storylines are to unrealistic because it's too be expected from a soap but that island thing was just too terrible to sit through. Those scenes actually made me feel embrassed about watching the show and the fact that unlike most soaps I don't see HAA as just another soap but a proper programme.

Geoff is becoming like another Jack in certain ways. Hes completely useless in every situation. He always stands there looking completely oblivious to whats going on around him. He is so easily controlled by the woman/girl in his life.

I am one of those people who actually liked the fact that he had such strong beliefs(never agreed with anything he ever said though) but it was that, that made him different. While alot of people have commented on how being with Nicole has made him more interesting I feel like everytime hes with her hes becoming more and more like any of the regular teen boys we have seen in the past. He doesn't seem unique anymore. I'll bet anything thing that Geoff isn't going to keep to that no sex for before marriage thing for long.

I have a feeling hes going to end just like Jack where the only reason he'll be important is because hes apart of a relationship with whoever he is at the time(I holding on to some hope that this cliched romance he has with Nicole isn't going to last). Some have been saying hes more interesting now. Honestly I don't see it. Just because he has a bunch of funny lines and acts cute when hes with Nicole doesn't make him interesting it's just that, cute. In order to be interesting he would actually have to do something. And he doesn't do much of anything lately. He was interesting during that stuff with his grandad. And when he used to take off at people because of his beliefs. It wasn't right in any way but seeing the way he used to react to things because of how sheltered he was, that was interesting.

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