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I don't really get any of the Geoff hating.Yes, he's judgemental and hypocritical but frankly it's hard to find a character who isn't.(Once you've been in the show a couple of years, you haven't really got the right to criticise anyone because you're bound to have done it yourself.)Maybe those traits are exaggerated in him but I think that's because he's been brought up in a sheltered environment with very definite ideas.It's been a slow learning curve for him and you can't expect him to forget everything he's ever believed overnight.

I think too much has been made of his reactions to Cassie and Belle.For a scene and a bit, he thought Cassie was beyond redemption because of what she'd done.It was a situation he'd never encountered before and he had an extreme reaction to it but once someone challenged his point of view he realised he was wrong.And even though he'd never said a bad word to Cassie herself, he went straight round and apologised to her for thinking what he did, which he didn't have to do.With Belle, again he was angry when he found out what she'd been up to but I think most people would be angry to find out they'd effectively been leaving their 15-year-old sister in the care of a drug addict.And again, even though it was played out over several episodes, from the characters' point of view he was against her for less than a day and as soon as he realised how serious her situation was, he was worried about her and apologised.

And I don't actually have a problem with him sleeping with Claudia.You could argue it was hypocritical but it was also very human.He tried a sex free relationship with Nicole and it didn't work.Then he met Claudia and he liked her.His previous approach hadn't worked so instead of making the same "mistake" he decided to try things her way this time.(Shame he got rid of Melody, she was probably the only one who liked him for who he was.)No-one wants to be lonely and ideals aren't enough sometimes.And just because you strongly believe something doesn't mean you're not going to change your mind.Don't forget Leah used to have strong views on sex before marriage but by the time she was with Dan and now Roman she'd got rid of them completely.

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  Red Ranger 1 said:
I don't really get any of the Geoff hating.Yes, he's judgemental and hypocritical but frankly it's hard to find a character who isn't.(Once you've been in the show a couple of years, you haven't really got the right to criticise anyone because you're bound to have done it yourself.)Maybe those traits are exaggerated in him but I think that's because he's been brought up in a sheltered environment with very definite ideas.It's been a slow learning curve for him and you can't expect him to forget everything he's ever believed overnight.

I think too much has been made of his reactions to Cassie and Belle.For a scene and a bit, he thought Cassie was beyond redemption because of what she'd done.It was a situation he'd never encountered before and he had an extreme reaction to it but once someone challenged his point of view he realised he was wrong.And even though he'd never said a bad word to Cassie herself, he went straight round and apologised to her for thinking what he did, which he didn't have to do.With Belle, again he was angry when he found out what she'd been up to but I think most people would be angry to find out they'd effectively been leaving their 15-year-old sister in the care of a drug addict.And again, even though it was played out over several episodes, from the characters' point of view he was against her for less than a day and as soon as he realised how serious her situation was, he was worried about her and apologised.

And I don't actually have a problem with him sleeping with Claudia.You could argue it was hypocritical but it was also very human.He tried a sex free relationship with Nicole and it didn't work.Then he met Claudia and he liked her.His previous approach hadn't worked so instead of making the same "mistake" he decided to try things her way this time.(Shame he got rid of Melody, she was probably the only one who liked him for who he was.)No-one wants to be lonely and ideals aren't enough sometimes.And just because you strongly believe something doesn't mean you're not going to change your mind.Don't forget Leah used to have strong views on sex before marriage but by the time she was with Dan and now Roman she'd got rid of them completely.

I totally agree with you. I like Geoff because he's one of the more real characters - with some of the others they always find a way of making them look like perfect characters who can do no wrong but with Geoff he's young and has had a sheltered background so it makes sense he would be so judgemental. He's trying to work out what's right or wrong based on his own beliefs rather than what he's been told by his Grandfather and of course sometimes he's going to get it wrong but don't we all? He always realises when he's done wrong and learns from it.

He's also really protective of Annie so what happened with Belle did worry him because of the influence on Annie. I'm not saying he was perfect in the way he reacted but I understand why he did.


I don't hate Geoff, I just don't agree with the decisions he's made. I can see where you are coming from Red Ranger 1 and charmed60 in saying that he's a teenage boy and bound to make mistakes. I don't have a problem with that. I guess my biggest gripe, is that every character (bar Annie and possibly Jai) seem to be okay with having a sexual relationship. I'm not judging which characters do or don't, we all know it goes on, I just think that it was a really unique position they had with Geoff and they've completely changed course. He was brought up to believe that sex should be left for marriage, but now he's completely fine with it. It's not about being "good" as Annie told him, but having had such a rigid upbringing I would have thought he would be a bit more resistant to change. I guess that would put a lot more of the fans who already think he's too narrow-minded off-side, but I think maybe that's a risk they should have been willing to take.

I understand that most teenagers rebel to an extent, so maybe that is what Geoff is doing now. His relationship with Nicole failed because he held out, so now he's trying somethinig different in order to hopefully find something better. So maybe this is his time where he is moving away from being told what to believe and is trying to figure out for himself, and I accept that. I hope the writers do give it enough time to explain that though. I would like to see a bit more of a heated discussion between Geoff and Annie about this. Annie has always looked up to Geoff, so you think it would be hard for her to accept how her brother has changed. A little talk at school I don't think really justifies the relationship between these characters.

Even though the episode wasn't about them tonight, I really liked the small interaction between Geoff and Annie at home and at the police station. The little hug and comforting words were great and very believeable.

  • 2 months later...

Why has this thread not been posted in for months? This is a crime! I mean what isn't there to love about Geoff or Lincoln :wub: Apart from him breaking up with Nicole. And the sex tape <_<

  • 3 weeks later...

Geoff really impressed me in the episode where Belle told them about her cancer. The scene when everyone had left and he sat down with Belle and they were holding each crying was really well done.

I've always been a bit the same with Linc as I am with Tessa - never quite sold but he did really well in that episode.

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm loving the new side of Geoff. I just can't get over how good that scene with Belle and Geoff when she first told him about the cancer. The two of them hugging and crying together - you can see how much Geoff loves Belle and now misses her :(

Geoff isn't so uptight anymore, but hopefully he won't ignore his regilious beliefs. I wonder when the opportunity arises whether Geoff will sleep with anymore else if he gets invovled with someone. I wanna see Geoff and Nicole communicating more, confiding in each other about their problems. The scenes at the movie night with Geoff and Nicole were sweet :)


A few posts back, Jen, Charmed and Red Ranger were talking about Geoff and his reactions and decisions. When he first joined the show, I thought he was quite an interesting character. It was intriguing seeing his points of view because he had such a different belief system. Some of his reactions were quiet extreme, like with Cassie and Belle, but I kind of understand where he was coming from. Home and Away makes out that teenagers, (Belle, Cassie and Nicole in particular) jump from bed to bed, and that would have been a sharp contrast to the way he was brought up. I have a group of friends and only one of them is actually thinking about sex right now, and my friends all agree that she is starting to become quite slutty. So, I kind of understand Geoff's reactions, even if they are extreme. His decisions, however, might come down to peer pressure, because if they are all doing it, Geoff probably felt stange and weird.

Sorry if I got a bit off topic. I tend to do that sometimes.

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