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Geoff is a great example of what can happen if a person's up-bringing is too strict! He was/is totally unprepared for the realities of the modern world and this can come across as being judgmental and sanctimonious, when the reality is that there are many issues that are just way outside what he is equipped to understand. Watching him evolve as a person is interesting - his struggle with breaking his own code of ethics on the island and the decisions he made afterwards for example - has been written such that it parallels well with someone who has been brought up in a strict Christian environment. I hope he does maintain his no sex before marriage belief (even though he's broken it once) - it contrasts well with the way Belle's character has been written and this contrast, within the context of their near sibling relationship, allows for two different viewpoints to be explored. Who knows? Maybe HAA can send the message that whilst sex isn't something to be ashamed of, it isn't the most important factor in a relationship and having the strength to try and stick to your principles (even if you have messed up in the past) is something you can be proud of.

I like Geoff :D:D:D:D:D:D

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Geoff’s a prime example why despite coming from a very religious and Christian family I no longer go to church and defiantly do not consider myself to be a Christian as he reminds me of people I’ve met in the past – Hypocritical, judgmental, intolerant etc. He bangs on and preaches about all these religious values yet he is one of the biggest hypocrites around.

I remember his attitude towards Jai when he noticed Annie started taking an interest in him. He was acting like he was a total menace and wanted his sister to stay away from him like he was some kind of hardened criminal. He didn’t even consider that Jai had recently lost his entire family and his best friend died from a motorcycle accident where he walked away. It says in the bible not to judge yet he judged Jai.

When he spent the night with Nicole on the island he had no qualms about sleeping with someone he wasn’t married to even though there are so many references that specifically label fornication as a sin. It seems as though he only wants to abide by the rules when it suits him and break them when it doesn’t.

In his defence he has gone out of his to help and see the good in others such as Nicole, Tam, Melody and even Aden. When this stuff happened with Elliot, he got shot in the leg by a dart (I still can’t figure out how he managed to swim to shore and carry Nicole to safety). He helped Melody escape from Christine twice and got run over for his efforts (Again you start to wonder if he was invincible as Jai was at this point). However, nearly all of them have had one thing in common. He has taking a liking to them at some point (I’m still making my mind up about Aden). So maybe he only prefers to help people that he’s physically attracted to – Very selective.

If as he says he wants to become a minister then he needs to become a lot more opened minded and tolerant of people. Something he is lacking at this present time.

At the moment I don’t like him but looking at a trend of how the writers try and change characters I do get the feeling Geoff will eventually become more tolerant and less judgmental so I can see myself liking him in time.

On a final note in terms of entertainment for my own purely selfish reasons, I would LOVE to see him debauch to total sin, corruption and turn badboy.


Geoff is to judge mental for my liking. He is quick to criticize. I like the way he protects his sister. Not many older brothers would care what happens to there sisters.

Yeah exactly, I dont really like Geoff because of his holier than thou attitude !! he is so judgemental and hypocritical. before Cassie left the bay he was going on about how God was punishing her and she deserved to have HIV. Then when Annie and Jai started going out he was very hypocritical when all she wanted to do was have a boyfriend when Geoff was doing exactly the same thing with Melody!!

Him and Nicole deserve each other!!They are both selfish swines!! :P

  • 2 months later...

Geoff is to judge mental for my liking. He is quick to criticize. I like the way he protects his sister. Not many older brothers would care what happens to there sisters.

Yeah exactly, I dont really like Geoff because of his holier than thou attitude !! he is so judgemental and hypocritical. before Cassie left the bay he was going on about how God was punishing her and she deserved to have HIV. Then when Annie and Jai started going out he was very hypocritical when all she wanted to do was have a boyfriend when Geoff was doing exactly the same thing with Melody!!

Him and Nicole deserve each other!!They are both selfish swines!! :P

I heard that you used to date Eliza Taylor-Cotter, who plays Neighbours' Janae Timmins, is that true?

Yes - how did you find that out? A few years ago, Eliza did a TV show called The Sleepover Club, and i was an extra. The series was shot in Queensland, where i'm from. We dated for a while and have remained friends ever since. She's doing so well for herself.


Geoff the other night at the concert. He clearly did not want to be there. I feel that Geoff wants Nicole and every one to become good little Christians. Geoff needs to start relaxing more and excepting people for who they are.


I dont think that the writers have got much to play with this character.

He hasnt had a real major storyline of his own since he first started, apart form the melody and nicole relationship build up thing, but it seems he only works when with another character.

I dont think he can work on his own like Aden for example, Geoff really seems to be too different because of his goody image and that seems to limit what can be done with him. Unless they do a complete Melody like u-turn on him, which would be silly.


I like that Geoff has a strong moral compass. It is part of who he is and you can't just get rid of that to make him more "interesting" or "fun". I think there will just be an ongoing battle to balance his beliefs and values with the wider community. Especially with Nicole at the moment he is struggling with who he is and who she wants him to be. He shouldn't have to change himself, maybe just be a bit more lenient. They have an interesting dynamic as a couple, and I hope the writer's explore it a bit more. I think maybe if Geoff got the chance to explain to Nicole why he has attitudes the way he does, ie. due to his upbringing, it is not that he deliberately doing things to annoy her. it's just how he was raised, and you can't undo something like that. So yeah, if he explains then maybe their relationship will be stronger for it.

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