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I am wondering about the current lack of understanding of the role of Annie among a lot of viewers.

As I see it she has been far more realistically and consistently written than Geoff over the last few months. Both were introduced to the show from a very sheltered, strict religious background. Annie has maintained that belief structure while developing a real "christian" caring side as displayed in her interractions with both Belle and Irene. Annie is young, she is not being malicious or nasty when she makes comments which appear judgemental. She is simply re-stating what she has been taught in the belief that it reflects what is right in the world. Do we really want her just to mindlessly abandon those beliefs and simply become a clone of the other teens on the show.

For mine that is what Geoff has done. In his quest to be accepted he has simply become a pale imitation of the other teens in the show.

Each character in the show should have a unique place. I wonder whether we are uncomfortable with Annie because she doesn't "just fit in" and is not politically correct. Would we be more comfortable if she was more like the other teens?

If she was more like the other teens would she then become more likeable but add nothing extra to the range of characters we have. It's a sad reflection on society that we sometime react intolerantly to people who are a bit different.

On another note, has anyone noticed that Charlotte herself has been changing quickly like any 15-16 old girl. I suspect she has grown quite a bit and is now quite tall when seen with the other cast. Did anyone see the photos of the very grown up and sophisticated Charlotte at the logies? It must be a bit difficult for the writers to "keep up" with a cast member who is rapidly maturing even with regard to wardrobe.

I like Annie and believe that she adds something different to the cast of other teen characters who are very alike.


john003au, I couldn't have put it better myself.I am astonished about some people's attitude towards Annie.She makes one disapproving comment about Charlie's relationship, which wasn't really remotely insulting, and suddenly she's being crucified and everyone's saying Ruby should get rid of her and not be friends with her anymore.Trey said a lot worse and the same people seem to like Ruby and Nicole hanging around with him.It's almost as though they think Annie isn't entitled on an opinion, even though Ruby obviously broke it up and has never been backward about commenting on Geoff's relationships.

As with Geoff, I think Annie's learned a lot since her time in the Bay.She's obviously not as naive or ignorant as some people claim.When she first came in, she had no problem getting her head around Belle sleeping with Lucas or Michael sleeping with Martha.In both cases, although she initially disapproved, she came round eventually;after a few words from Lucas she accepted Belle as she was and befriended her and she let Michael and Martha attend Bruce's funeral over objections from others. Seriously, Belle's had three different guys stay over while Annie's been living there and she's just accepted it as part of who Belle is:Does anyone seriously believe she thinks they're just playing chess? Just as once she got over the initial shock, she supported Belle through her drug addiction because she didn't want to be a judgemental person.She reacted strongly with Geoff because they'd been brought up with a certain set of beliefs and him going against them wasn't so much "wrong" as completely against her view of who Geoff was.Annie has, on occasions, seemed aware of how off-putting her behaviour can be, chiding Geoff after one of his blow-ups with Belle.I had to laugh when someone made a comment about Annie living with Irene, "the least judgemental person in the Bay"...Are we talking about the same Irene?!Has anyone forgotten how last year Annie was the only person to stand by Jai when the rest of the town had decided he was a bad person?

I still really think Annie adds something to the show, as does Jai, who's developing into quite a quirky character and a great complement to her in the face of some rather dull and uninteresting pairings.I really wish they'd do more with her, I was annoyed to read in the deleted scenes for one recent episode that her part was cut out almost completely.

And yes, I've noticed that Charlotte's...developed and grown a bit recently.She was always taller than Ruby, a fact that amused me when I first saw them together, but I've seen her in scenes with Nicole and Belle recently and she towers over them.


Couldn't agree more with John and RR1 -

as they've said, Annie has been a background character, yes, but, obviously she's settling in and making her mark on the Bay. The recent 'sisterly' like scenes with Belle only go to prove this; visiting her in the clinic most likely took a big chunk of bravery [and possibly questioning of herself], and they seem to be very close - which is lovely to see!

Also then, as for Geoff, again, I think it was John that phrased it perfectly. In his attempt to become 'normal' in the bay, Geoff has just succeeded in becoming like every other teenager there - sleeping with who he pleases, to 'show' something to others. Even though, this was to get back at Nicole, he still did it - which the old Geoff would never have done ;

and yet Annie still hasn't progressed past kissing Jai, and holding hands, which is adorably sweet - and their relationship is so strong. I'd be interested to see what would happen if an 'older' or more confident guy started showing interest in Annie; like the way she's so in awe of Liam Murphy, although we know the storyline doesn't progress that way.

But yes, I saw a poll up on the Poll Board recently, asking if Jai was a 'pointless' character, and what I said there reflects what I think of Annie too; perhaps neither have huge big WHOA storylines like some other characters, but that doesn't make them any less the importance that they are.

Posted (edited)

  john003au said:
I am wondering about the current lack of understanding of the role of Annie among a lot of viewers.

As I see it she has been far more realistically and consistently written than Geoff over the last few months. Both were introduced to the show from a very sheltered, strict religious background. Annie has maintained that belief structure while developing a real "christian" caring side as displayed in her interractions with both Belle and Irene. Annie is young, she is not being malicious or nasty when she makes comments which appear judgemental. She is simply re-stating what she has been taught in the belief that it reflects what is right in the world. Do we really want her just to mindlessly abandon those beliefs and simply become a clone of the other teens on the show.

For mine that is what Geoff has done. In his quest to be accepted he has simply become a pale imitation of the other teens in the show.

Each character in the show should have a unique place. I wonder whether we are uncomfortable with Annie because she doesn't "just fit in" and is not politically correct. Would we be more comfortable if she was more like the other teens?

If she was more like the other teens would she then become more likeable but add nothing extra to the range of characters we have. It's a sad reflection on society that we sometime react intolerantly to people who are a bit different.

On another note, has anyone noticed that Charlotte herself has been changing quickly like any 15-16 old girl. I suspect she has grown quite a bit and is now quite tall when seen with the other cast. Did anyone see the photos of the very grown up and sophisticated Charlotte at the logies? It must be a bit difficult for the writers to "keep up" with a cast member who is rapidly maturing even with regard to wardrobe.

I like Annie and believe that she adds something different to the cast of other teen characters who are very alike.

Very interesting point however I still believe Annie is a nuisance and boring. I'm glad she isn't friends with Ruby and Nicole because she focuses on the bad points of someone personality or the event.

Not meaning to offend you Annie fans but I just don't like her character.

Edited by john003au

I don't see how you can say Annie only sees the bad in people.This is the girl who risked her life to help Jai when Irene and Geoff had dismissed him as a troublemaker, did the same for Reverend Hall when he ran away from hospital, stuck up for Michael when the rest of the town was organising a witch hunt, spent her school holidays nursing Belle through withdrawal and seemingly visited her in rehab more than anyone, offered Irene a shoulder to cry on when she broke up with Lou even after she'd snapped at her and befriended Lucas when he was at a low point despite his feud with Geoff.And I really hope they're not going to rob her of a friend purely for plot convenience, in the same way Ric suddenly started hanging out with Drew instead of Lucas because he needed someone to talk to.


Regardless of Annie's particular merits I think that Ruby being friends with Nicole makes for more interesting viewing and has more plot possibilities. Annie just drags the mood down when she is around.


I really like Ruby and Nicole's friendship. They do have more in common than Annie/Ruby, Annie/Nicole but I don't see why it wouldn't work with all three of them hanging out.

Anyway, back to Annie. I like her. When she first arrived I thought she could be a bit annoying but I still liked her. I love how shes matured since arriving but hasn't changed too much. Annie can be judgemental at times, but thats part of who she is and how she was brought up and she isn't doing to to be nasty or anything like someone said. When she found out about Belle and her drug addiction, she did get angry and everything but the next day she went and apologised and was sorry for how she reacted but I'm sure a lot of people would react the same.

I also really like Belle and Annie's sisterly relationship what has been developed over the last couple of months. They didn't have that before but I'm glad they have started to show that.

And the poll Symphony mentioned, the one asking if Jai is a pointless character, I started that cause I was talking about it with someone about whether Jai is pointless and I agree with everything Symphony said about it. I love Jai and hes just terribly underused like Annie.


  Red Ranger 1 said:
It's interesting because I actually think Annie lifts the mood when she's around.I always smile when she's on screen.I guess it's just a matter of personal taste.

She's constantly frowning and making judgemental comments about people. Charlie should have left her down the storm drain. As I said in another thread I'd like her to go and become a nun.

I don't understand why Annie religion allows her to get away with making mean and judgemental comments when if another character said equally nasty things they would totally get called out on it. She's almost 16 now and has time to learn and make up her own mind. But no she's still the same narrow minded little shrew.

As for her being friend with Ruby and Nicole, what could her and Nicole have in common?

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